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    Our Favorite Bags of Summer 2020

    In summer, there’s nothing your bag can’t do. It can serve as a beach bag when you head to the pool; it can stash a change of clothes (and underwear) to put on after said pool trip; it can hold backup SPF so you don’t get fried in the sun. It stores everything your days […] More

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    The Best Summer Tops Under $60

    I’m going to be honest: prior to this weekend, my version of “dressed up” was a graphic tee and some jean shorts (jorts, if you will). Given everything that’s going on, the motivation to dress in real clothes simply wasn’t there. But then a miracle happened—the weather broke 80 in Chicago, and we finally got […] More

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    My Journey with Perioral Dermatitis

    My skin and I have always had a pretty solid relationship. As with any long-term coexistence, there have been some ups and downs, but overall, I’ve never felt I had the right to complain. My mom was proactive with taking me to the dermatologist when I started being a hormonal pre-teen, and some low-grade benzoyl […] More

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    9 Fashion Lessons I Learned on TikTok

    Hi, my name is Jess, and I have a problem: I can’t stop watching TikToks. I know that the app began as a bunch of high school-aged kids lip syncing and that at 24, I might already be considered “too old” for it—but you know what?! It brings me joy in these dark times, so […] More

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    What to Expect with Salons Re-Opening

    It’s been a few months since most of us have been to a salon in person. Ever since cities and states began to shut down to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, salons haven’t been an option. But now, states are starting to reopen, which means salons are too. That doesn’t […] More

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    The Best Shorts to Wear This Summer

    I’ve always had a theory that dressing for summer is easier than any other season because of one, simple factor: shorts are more comfortable than jeans. As far as I’m concerned, wearing jeans from your home all day long is nothing more than a form of self-inflicted torture. But wearing jean shorts? That’s something I […] More