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    Did Your Skin Just Become So Dry, or Are You Normal?

    After a summer of fun in the sun, I suddenly awoke a few weeks ago to the biggest surprise of my life: every ounce of moisture had been plucked from my face, and I was, once again, a dry-skin sufferer. It seemed like out of nowhere, my skincare routine was entirely wrong for my skin type, as my once oily face needed as much hyaluronic acid, thick creams, and moisturizing ingredients as it could get. And I refuse to believe I’m the only one. We all know by now that the seasons changing can affect our skin big time, but until 2020, I never quite experienced it doing so practically overnight. Are you suddenly dealing with drier-than-normal skin this fall and looking for a quick fix (and maybe an explanation)?! We tapped the experts.

    Why is my skin changing already? It was like 80 degrees last week!
    Ashley Powers, Education Director and Medical Aesthetician at SpaDerma in Chicago, IL, explained that your skin can change as soon as the weather starts changing. For summer, that usually comes with the first days of high humidity. But for fall and winter, “that first crisp in the air when we start to see ~50° temperatures” might do the trick.

    Source: Danielle Moss

    I normally have oily skin, but now I feel dry. Why?
    I couldn’t get enough powder this summer, so I didn’t expect my skin to really change with the weather this year. However, Dr. Purvisha Patel, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Visha Skincare, said that while the change in the weather makes a difference, so do our habits. “Skin in summer is “oily” not just due to sebum, but also stays moist from sweat and humidity,” Dr. Patel said. “When the weather gets cooler, we tend to take longer and hotter showers. The hot water evaporates easier from the skin, and there is no sweat or humidity in the air to help trap the moisture in. When the water evaporates faster, then the skin appears dry and tight.” 
    We start changing up our habits and daily routines for the fall and winter, and those add up to affecting our skin as well. Dr. Patel suggested using a moisturizer like Visha Skincare RejuVenating Moisturizer or Face 2 Feet Body Balm after taking a shower or bath when the skin is still damp because it’ll help prevent all of that water loss and keep the skin supple and moist. She also recommended upping your water intake, especially to make up for all those pumpkin spice lattes we’ve been drinking.

    How does the skin usually change? 
    Dryness might be about more than patches of dry skin or itchiness; there’s a lot that can happen when your skin lacks moisture. “With any change in [the] weather, you may notice more dryness or tightness, a bit of redness or flaking, or an increase in oil production,” Powers said. So if you’re noticing your skin feels dry after you get out of the shower, or you’re randomly feeling a little more oily than normal, you might be dealing with a bout of dry skin after all.

    Source: @laurajadestone

    If I have dry skin, how am I supposed to deal with EXTRA dryness?
    Going from dry to extra or even ultra-dry is no fun. When you already feel like you can’t get enough moisture in your skin and it somehow comes back at you with flakes, redness, and irritation, throwing in the towel and saying “peace” to your skincare routine and slathering your face with straight Vaseline is tempting. 
    Those with dry skin might have actually experienced a little relief this summer with the humidity levels, but their skin is lacking that now and responding accordingly. Dr. Patel recommended increasing the thickness of your moisturizer—such as opting for a cream instead of a lotion—and reducing how often and how much you’re using exfoliating and dry ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinol. You can also add in an oil cleanser which will moisturize your skin while it cleanses and removes makeup as well as an extra moisturizing step, like a facial oil or hydrating toner or essence. 

    Should I change my skincare routine?
    “With the change in season, it’s important to change your products to what is best suited for your skin type at the moment,” Powers said. “A common phrase I say in the treatment room is to listen to your skin. If it is breaking out, then you may need to spot treat those breakouts; if it’s dry, add more moisture, etc.” If you’re noticing that your skin is changing, then the routine you were previously using might need some tweaks. You don’t need to overhaul every step, but it might be a good idea to change up the ingredients you’re doing. 
    Powers is a dry-skin sufferer as well, and she explained that she changes up her routine quite a bit when the seasons change. She switches from a gentle cleanser to something more hydrating, like PCA Skin Creamy Cleanser, and adds a hyaluronic acid serum both morning and night. She also swears by PCA Skin’s Hydrate Mask; she said when applied 2-3 times a week, it’s a “lifesaver” during the harsh Chicago winters. 
    If you love exfoliating acids like glycolic, lactic, and even retinol, don’t worry—you don’t have to forgo those ingredients entirely just because your skin is dry. In fact, Powers even recommends it. “When you have dry skin, you have dead skin cells building on top of one another (sorry for that visual) which causes dullness, flaking, and potentially congestion,” Powers said. “By gently exfoliating that dead, dry skin off, your skin will now be able to fully accept all the serums and moisturizers you are about to put on.” She suggested exfoliating with an acid like glycolic acid 2-3 times a week, depending on how sensitive your skin is. Dr. Patel loves ascorbic acid (AKA vitamin C), azelaic acid, and lactic acid for those with dry, sensitive skin looking to get a little bit of exfoliation. 
    Powers also recommended adding hyaluronic acid to your routine, saying that everyone can benefit from a little bit of it in their routine. “Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in our body, so once you apply,  your skin knows exactly what to do with it,” Powers said. However, our body stops naturally producing it once we turn 25, and half of what we already have breaks down in our body by 50. “This is why as we age, we get a little drier and we lose that plump and smoothness to our skin,” Powers said. 
    If you love your retinoid, the key to making it work with your dry skin is taking it slow, not applying it every day, and always finishing it with a really occlusive, hydrating moisturizer that will lock in the moisture. Peeling and dryness are often synonymous with retinol, but taking a few extra steps to hydrate (like using hyaluronic acid) can make all the difference. You can even apply moisturizer before and after retinol to dilute the product and keep your skin as moisturized as possible.

    Source: @origins

    Is there anything else I can do? I’m dyin’ here.
    You probably know by now that the health of your skin is largely based on the health of your body. Both Dr. Patel and Powers recommended keeping hydrated from the inside out by drinking enough water every day (start with at least six glasses a day and go from there) and not skimping on your sunscreen (imagine sun damage on top of all that dryness… yikes). Dr. Patel also recommended getting enough sleep and taking a multivitamin and probiotic daily. 
    If you’re able to get skin treatments, Powers said starting a chemical peel regimen is a good idea regardless of skin type. “I love peels so much because they are one of the only things we do that can correct multiple concerns in one treatment,” Powers said. “Whether you’re dry, acne-prone, or concerned with premature aging, there is a peel out there for you. Personally, I feel everyone should be on a chemical peel regimen as they are the best way to keep your skin healthy and strong.” If your skin is too sensitive or you’re not ready for the downtime, she recommended opting for a hydrafacial. On the flipside, if you want something a little more intense, microneedling can rehydrate, smooth, and brighten skin.
    Powers highlighted the power of talking to a professional too. “There is so much misinformation out there about what people should use on their skin and what they shouldn’t, and there is no way to know what your skin needs until it has been properly assessed by a licensed aesthetician,” Powers said. “When someone comes in to see me for the first time, I always say, ‘Talk to me. What brings you in today?’… I find the best results happen when the client and I work together towards their goal.” Skincare isn’t about what you see influencers and celebrities using most of the time; it’s really about figuring out what is right for your specific skin, and that can often take time. If you’re struggling with dryness or any change in skin type this year, seeking the advice of an aesthetician or dermatologist is a good way to get your concerns voiced and tailor a routine for you.


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    How to Take Care of Your Sweaters

    When the weather is cold, you know exactly what you want to reach for when getting dressed in the morning — not your silky camisole, not your trendy blazer, and not your fancy work top. No, when the weather is freezing, you want to reach for a trusted, comfy, so-cozy-you-never-want-to-take-it-off sweater. From early fall to the end of winter, a sweater is undoubtedly your best friend. And like any other best friend, sweaters require love and care. While they’re extremely delicate, they can last through many wears and many seasons if you treat them the right way. Here’s how to properly take care of your sweaters so they can last as long as you want them to:
    Remove pills the right way.
    Is there anything as annoying as pilling on a favorite sweater!? A perfectly fine and pretty wool cardigan can start to look like an ungroomed dog after a while. Unfortunately, all sweaters pill — it’s caused by rubbing during wear and is more apparent around the elbows, under armpits, and on sleeves, but can occur anywhere on the sweater.
    To remove pills easily, hold the sweater flat with one hand and slice the the pills off (one at a time) with a razor. You can also buy a pill remover. Do not pull at them, or else the pilling will become worse.

    Turn any noticeable snags inside out.
    Snags (aka when the stitch comes out of the sweater) are the worst because they seem unfixable, and you risk the sweater unraveling with any little possibility that the snag gets caught on something. Snags are not completely fixable, but luckily, they can be placed on the inside, so they’re no longer an issue on the outside. Simply turn the sweater inside out, insert a crochet hook into the same stitch as the snag, and carefully pull the snag through.

    Source: Kiki & Bow

    Remove dandruff, hair, and lint, regularly.
    A child’s soft hairbrush or a soft toothbrush will help you quickly brush off anything on the sweater (looking at you, dog hair!). Just make sure not to brush too harshly on the sweater or it will loosen the fabric and create pills.

    Know how to wash, and when.
    Washing a sweater is never easy or fun (though is any laundry “fun?”). Most of the time, you should always hand wash your sweaters to make them last longer and keep the fabric in tact.
    To hand wash, fill a bucket or sink with cool water, add a few squirts of gentle laundry detergent, submerge the sweater, and let it soak for about 30 minutes. Then rinse it under cool water. To dry, gently squeeze water out of the sweater (never wring it out) and roll it up in a towel (like a sleeping bag or sushi roll) to suck up all the excess water. Finally, lay it flat on a drying rack or clean towel to dry.
    Cotton, silk, or cashmere typically needs to be washed after two to three wears, while wool or polyester can withstand more like five wears. But make sure to follow the directions on the label, and don’t wash any more often unless the sweater has a stain (like sweat or a spill).
    And if it says dry clean only (as it does with most wool), then you know the drill: dry clean only.

    Source: @daniellemoss_

    To extend washes, wear a t-shirt underneath.
    Since washing is not ideal for sweaters, there are ways to extend the amount of time you need to wash them. Wearing a t-shirt acts as a barrier between the sweater and skin, limiting the amount of outside forces and smells the fabric interacts with. Since things like sweat, body odor, oils on the skin, and deodorant can cause the sweater to lose its shape, the sweater stays in tact longer when you wear a t-shirt that acts as a barrier.

    You can save an itchy sweater.
    Is there anything worse than a sweater so itchy, it loses all its coziness!? In order to bring itchy back to soft and cozy, add liquid fabric softener to the cold water when you’re washing your sweater. Allow the sweater to thoroughly swirl around the water and let it sit. You can also try adding half a cup of hair conditioner instead of fabric softener, for extra softness. Just make sure you avoid 2-in-1 conditioner/shampoo combinations and heavy hair masks. Also stick to hydrating or standard conditioner, rather than other formulas meant for volumizing or thickening.

    Always store sweaters properly in your closet.
    Repeat after me: Never. Hang. Sweaters. Hanging will cause sweaters to stretch out and cause peaks in the shoulders. Keep sweaters folded or rolled in drawers or on shelves. Properly fold them by laying them front-down on a flat surface and fold each arm (from the sleeve seam diagonally across the sweater’s back). Then, either fold it horizontally in half, or roll from the bottom hem up to the collar. If you must hang them, fold the sweater over the hanger, on top of a piece of tissue paper to prevent crease.

    Take the time to correctly pack up your sweaters after winter.
    Yes, all good things must come to an end, so it’s important to know how to properly pack up your sweaters when you’re storing them for spring and summer. Properly clean them, fold them, and put them in clothing storage bags (that are breathable) or boxes (as long as they’re made out of cotton or canvas). Add in a small satchel filled with lavender to prevent bugs (and keep them smelling fresh!). Do not put sweaters in vacuum-sealed storage bags — it might seem like it’s saving space, but locking in moisture can cause yellowing or mildew. More

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    The Fall Trends to Invest in—and the Ones to Buy on a Budget

    When new trends start becoming popular, it can be hard to gauge whether or not it’s worth hopping on the bandwagon. Will it be something that sticks around, or will it be old news by the time our online order arrives on our doorstep? Give us a crystal ball and call us your wardrobe fortune tellers because after lots of research and with a little bit of gut instinct, we’ve mapped out exactly that: which trendy pieces you should invest in this year versus which ones you can save a little bit of your hard-earned cash on. Not every trendy piece requires making an investment-level purchase on, but when it’s something that’s going to be around for years to come, it’s a different story. 
    These are the trends worth adding to your closet this season, and which are going to be around a lot longer than just that:

    Invest: Chelsea Boots

    Last year, chunky combat boots were all the rage, and this year we’re seeing a slight variation on the trend with chunkier chelsea boots being the shoe of the year. If you play your cards right, the version of these could be an edgy staple in your wardrobe for years to come.


    Save: A Sweater Vest

    Of all the surprises 2020 has brought, one of the top is that we’re actually excited to wear sweater vests. This is a trend that’s probably going to come and go with the year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it while it’s here; get yourself an affordable one and layer it over a white button-up for a preppy twist on your classic cardigan look.


    Invest: A Shearling Coat

    Shearling is the fall piece that’s almost more of a closet staple than a temporary trend, and as the years come and go, we see them come back again and again. If you’re buying yourself one piece of outerwear, it should be a cozy, shearling coat that’s going to last you for years to come.


    Save: Something Collared

    Big, bold collars are the twist on tops that are conquering this fall, and whether you want yours to be ruffled or adorned with pearls, this is one that you can save on this year with a more affordable option.


    Invest: Knee-High Boots

    While knee-high boots are trendy this year, there really isn’t a year that you can’t wear them; they’re a closet staple in and of themselves. You’ll never regret having an amazing pair in your wardrobe, and this is something you should be getting wear out of far beyond 2020.


    Save: A Shoulder Bag

    Tiny shoulder bags have completely stolen this year’s bag spotlight, and while you probably will be wearing yours for months to come, you just don’t need to spend a ton of cash on one for it to be well-made and versatile. These affordable options will give you everything you need from them and more.


    Invest: A Plaid Blazer

    In the same vein as shearling coats, plaid blazers are the trend we just can’t get rid of. This should be a piece you reach for year after year, and having one that you love is key to wanting to do that.


    Save: A Shacket

    The shirt-jacket hybrid that we’ve been living in this year is a fun, more masculine piece to add to your wardrobe, but the majority of them don’t cost an arm and a leg. With just about every color, texture, and pattern under the sun, you’re sure to find one that you’ll get a ton of use out of that doesn’t break the bank.


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    6 Beauty Gadgets We Love At Every Price Point

    While I believe the basics are what really give you good skin, hair, and makeup, I can’t pretend that I don’t love a little something extra every now and then. For sure, I love a good mask here and there, and I often buy into the latest craze or trend (in the name of science and my career, duh). But I can’t pretend that I don’t indulge in the power of a beauty tool to do some of the heavy lifting. Sure, it’s an investment, but we parade our faces around every single day, whether it’s a trip to the grocery store where you’ll inevitably see that person you were in love with a few years ago but never made a move, your once-a-week video call for work, or just stepping by your mirror a few times a day to catch a glimpse at the one and only face you’ll see IRL for a while (too harsh?). If you thought the newest iOS update and virtual-everything were the biggest innovations of 2020, think again. We don’t have to put on a few lotions and potions and just “hope” it does the job anymore; there are effective, researched, and FDA-approved gadgets that do the job without all the guesswork. They’re the smartphones of the beauty world. When I’m looking for a new gadget, I check Nordstrom first. They have everything from $20-30 tools to splurge-worthy devices you’d find at a tech convention. Because they can be a little confusing (you put what where?!), we’re breaking down six different gadgets for every type of person and budget.

    1. Wants a pick-me-up that doesn’t break the bank: Ice Roller

    An ice roller has become an essential in our editor’s post-hangover, sick-day, need-a-pick-me-up-ASAP kits. This one is made with stainless steel, meaning it’ll stay cold even once you take it out of the fridge. Plus, it’s easy to clean and sanitize and will hold up—especially if you plan to use it basically every Monday-Thursday morning (we can relate!). Pop this in the fridge or freezer, and after cleansing and moisturizing (but before sunscreen), use this to massage in any of those creams or oils. It’ll tackle the puffiness, help your skincare products absorb better, and help you start your day with a little relaxation. Over time, you’ll notice your skin even gets less puffy because you’re used to moving all of that lymphatic fluid around. Don’t sleep on this if you love a good self-care moment.

    2. Wants a quick self-care addition to their routine: Nurse Jamie Roller

    You’ve likely seen this all over the place, especially if you’re a fan of celebrity beauty videos. But if you’re like us, you probably have little idea of what it actually does. There’s a reason celebs and beauty influencers alike swear by this facial roller: it feels like a red carpet-worthy lymphatic drainage massage right at home. This tool houses 24 massaging stones that when rolled across the face lift, tighten, revive, and enhance your natural features. Nurse Jamie created this product to replicate the experience of one of her in-spa facial massages from the comfort of your beauty vanity. This tops the list as the most routine-friendly option, as it only takes a few minutes to massage all over your entire face and can be done as-needed or over time for the best results.
    Not ready to splurge on a Nuface? This is a great less-expensive alternative that tackles many of the same issues, just without the microcurrent.

    3. Takes facial massage very seriously: Vibrating T-Bar

    My at-home facial massage is great and all, but I’m craving the hands of an esthetician who treats my face like a bowl of kale more than anything in the world. Sound like you? I found the at-home product to save you while you’re staying home (and cost about half as much). This T-bar massager uses vibrations to mimic the feeling of a real massage, so it’s a great addition to your facial massage routine. Grab your favorite facial oil, cream, or serum, and use this in upward strokes across the whole face. Focus between the eyebrows for an extra-relaxing massage, on the neck and chest to de-stress after a long day, and on the jawline to release tension. If you’re craving a little “ooh” and “ahh,” this is the one for you.

    4. Wants a salon-quality treatment at home: PMD Microdermabrasion

    As we enter the winter months, I’m putting off facials and treatments that I can’t do at home for as long as possible. Why leave my house when I don’t have to? The first treatment I turned to was the PMD Pro for at-home microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion has been a popular skincare treatment for about a decade, as it helps improve skin tone and texture without all the down time of peels and lasers. It’s good for practically every skin concern—aging, acne, scarring, texture, sun damage, melasma, and more—and is suitable for dry skin types too. PMD created the first at-home microdermabrasion device, offering the same results as an in-office procedure right at home. 
    The PMD uses an exfoliating disc with vacuum suction to remove the top layer of dead skin and triggers the immune response in the skin to create new layers and cells. It’s a really easy treatment to incorporate into your usual routine, as it only takes a few minutes once per week. This kit comes with multiple exfoliating discs ranging from ultra-sensitive to intense which allows you to customize the treatment for your skin type and grow with the product as you use it more. Not sure where to start? This tutorial has everything you need to know.

    5. Looking for a long-term change without invasive treatments: NuFACE

    Trinity Facial Toning Device

    This has a rechargeable base that can sit on your vanity and has the option to remove the head and use other attachments, like their Eye and Lip Enhancer that targets smile lines, crows feet, and eyebrow furrows; and their Wrinkle Reducer, which uses red LED light therapy to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. If anti-aging is your NuFACE goal, get this one.

    Mini Facial Toning Device

    If toning and contouring is your #1 concern, I recommend this one—it’s a little less expensive but still has all the microcurrent you need.

    When I first heard of this product, I was pretty skeptical. Electricity? In my face? But once I watched a few videos, this one in particular, I wanted one immediately. NuFACE is described as a non-invasive approach to anti-aging that is both instant and achieved over time. Our face naturally loses current as we age, and this results in sagging skin, loss of firmness, and as we all know it, wrinkles. The NuFACE uses microcurrent that is similar to the current our body naturally produces to help rebuild it, resulting in a natural, easy way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve the contours of your skin (more on that in a minute!), and improve skin’s tone and texture. 
    I’ll be the first to admit that if there’s one gene my parents have graciously given me, it’s tight skin that looks much younger than it is. What can I say, my mom is 50 and looks 35. But I came to NuFACE to help with lifting and toning my face, and it did the job flawlessly. After using Nuface for five days a week for a few months, the shape of my face basically changed. I have very little definition between my neck and jawline, and it’s been a source of self-esteem issues for as long as I can remember. NuFACE works to lift and tone the bottom half of my face, giving my jawline and cheekbones more definition than I’ve ever had. It’s basically a workout for your face, but the microcurrent goes deeper into the skin’s layers to actually work those muscles underneath. If you deal with puffiness (especially on the lower portions of your face) or trouble with your facial definition, this ends up being a pretty inexpensive alternative to other, much more invasive procedures. And if it helps me push off wrinkles and fine lines a little bit longer, I’ll take it!

    6. Wants to turn good-hair-day into every day—and willing to splurge for it: Dyson Airwrap

    If you thought Dyson had already outdone themselves with their original Internet-breaking blow dryer, think again, because this baby is one of the finest pieces of equipment I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Dyson created this product with all hair types in mind, so whether you’re looking to go from straight-to-curly, curly-to-straight, frizzy-mess to bombshell-waves, flat-and-lackluster to volumized-goddess, or just bad hair day to good one, this product does it all. The Airwrap uses air styling without extreme heat to transform the hair, so you get your preferred style with less damage. It’s also basically effortless to use because the air styler attracts the hair and wraps it up for you—say goodbye to burns and gloves whenever you want waves and curls!
    We are very aware that a hair product shouldn’t cost this much, but you can take a few things into account when thinking about this purchase. I love this product because it cuts down on your hair tools, meaning you can ditch the five curling irons, three straighteners, and two half-working blow-dryers in your bathroom cabinet once and for all. It includes six attachments: two for creating waves and curls, a brush to smooth and control frizz, a brush to create volume, a brush specifically designed to smooth fine hair, and a dryer. So if we do some quick math, you’ll see that between purchasing multiple hair tools (anywhere from $100 to $250 a pop), blow-dry appointments ($50, plus tip), and always having a good hair day (priceless), it stacks up to be a pretty solid investment. And even that aside, if it’s in your budget and makes you happy, we’re all for it. 

    This post is sponsored by Nordstrom, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    6 Ways to Wear Your Plaid Blazer

    While we’re suckers for new, shiny trends, there’s really nothing like those pieces in your closet that are familiar and dependable; the ones that you reach for year after year and that never do you wrong.One of the pieces at the top of that list? Our plaid blazers. There’s really nothing they can’t do, and when the six cooler months of the year are in town, you can bet that we’re wearing ours multiple times a week, everywhere from the office to drinks with friends to date night. It makes up the bones of our fall capsule wardrobes—and we’ve never, ever regretted having one in our closet.
    Since we’re leaning into our capsule wardrobes a little heavier this year, we’re finding new and improved ways to style our plaid blazers this year, and while we aren’t ones to toot our own horns, we think they’re better than any year past.

    1. With a sweater, jeans, and boots

    blazer / jeans / sweater / boots / bag

    2. With a sweater dress and knee-high boots

    blazer / dress / bag / boots

    3. With a graphic tee and leather leggings

    graphic tee / leather leggings / blazer / white sneakers / bag

    4. With all white

    jeans / sweater / necklace / boots / blazer

    5. With a graphic sweatshirt and chelsea boots

    sweatshirt / beret / jeans / chelsea boots / blazer

    6. With a sleeveless sweater and corduroy pants

    sweater (perfect for under jackets!) / corduroy pants / loafers / bag

    Our favorite plaid blazers


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    10 Holiday Gifts You Can Buy Now and Save a Ton of $$

    The holidays are right around the corner, having us scrambling to find the best gifts at affordable prices that won’t break our budget. Prepare in advance for a successful holiday season with some inexpensive gifts you can buy now that will save you a few extra dollars and time shopping. Offering amazing discounts on top designers and brands, Gilt City, an online shopping and lifestyle site, has you covered this upcoming holiday season, with the best in throw blankets, menswear, and more that keeps your budget in mind. They offer a variety of gift ideas that will sure to make your loved ones grateful this holiday season! 

    Buy a gift that your favorite homebody can wear and cozy up in this winter. Affordable gift options like sweatshirts and hoodies are always a staple in any wardrobe for the winter. Add to your loved one’s wardrobe this holiday for less with some warm tops to lounge around in. With Gilt City, you can find loungewear gifts at an affordable price from brands Eberjey and more at $50 off your $150 purchase. For that price, every family member can have a matching pair! 

    Give the gift of affordable beauty this holiday with skin creams, oils, and moisturizers that won’t make a dent in your gift-giving budget. Gilt City has tons of brands that offer budget-friendly (and skin-type friendly) beauty products, like moisturizers, repair masks, and even products to de-stress the skin like the instant refreshing oil from Elemis, at up to 50% off merchandise credits when you shop. It’s the perfect gift for your loved one’s next in-home spa day. 

    Take that outdated tie box set or cologne out of your shopping cart and give the man in your life something he can wear with no fuss. Gift him some wardrobe staples he can mix and match to wear to work, in the home, or on date night this winter. Menswear that’s easy to wear and maintain shouldn’t be costly; Mizzen + Main has a collection of machine-washable and dress and casual shirts, pants, pullovers and more, at up to 60% off merchandise credits through Gilt City, which makes shopping for the man in your life this holiday season stress-free. 

    Subscription boxes can sometimes feel like re-gifted boxes of hand-me-downs after being picked through and taking out all of the good stuff, but with boxes like Rachel Zoe’s CURATEUR, gifting one of these boxes will be the premier, affordable gift for your loved one. Gilt City makes it easy to purchase one of these subscription boxes, filled with products from top beauty and fashion brands at only $69.99 (normally $99.99) with a free gift with purchase (a little holiday gift for yourself too!). 

    As soon as we hear the word “organic” with many skin care products, usually, a hefty price tag comes along with it. This holiday, you can gift mindful, sustainable beauty products that won’t come with the price. Organic beauty brands on Gilt City like French Girl Organics are up to 50% off merchandising credits that comes along with a free gift when you spend an extra $30 on your gifts. Organic doesn’t have to mean pricey; give the gift of beautiful sustainability this holiday for less. 

    We have all been relegated to our homes for the past few months, having to cancel travel plans throughout the year. Give the gift of travel this holiday season to get your loved ones out of the house and into a secluded retreat in nature. With up to 34% off credits to plenty of popular U.S. destinations through Gilt City, modern cabin rentals with travel rentals from Getaway and others could be the perfect gift for your loved ones to getaway safely within your gift-giving budget.

    It’s never a bad idea to give the gift of libations, especially during the holidays. Pair that bottle of wine with a few must-haves for your wine lover with a gift like a wine purifier or sulfite filters that will compliment their next wine-down. On Gilt City, Üllo has an amazing wine purifier and filters at up to 36% off that will save you a few extra dollars for a bottle of wine for yourself! 

    Cozy throw blankets can be affordable and made with quality material too. Give comfy throw blankets this holiday as a great gift for your loved ones to bundle up in, like these throw blankets from State Cashmere, made with 100% pure cashmere. Gilt City now has these blankets for up to 50% off, topping off your gift list with quality-made and affordable throws that will last through each season. 

    Every woman could use another bag. This holiday, get even more creative and thoughtful with these chic lunch bags for the working woman in your life from Modern Picnic. Now at 50% off on Gilt City, you can buy this functional bag ahead of the holiday season at an affordable price to you. Now, your loved one can eat lunch in style!

    Gifts for the home are always a great idea for the holidays. Beautiful handcrafted rugs, pillows, and bathroom essentials like towels are always much-needed items you can give as gifts for the holidays. Gilt City now has up to 40% off these textiles from Folks & Tales, which feature a variety of cozy home essentials to spruce up any loved one’s space.

    This post is sponsored by Gilt City, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More