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    How to Look Your Best This Holiday Season

    Of all the seasons of the year, the holidays tend to come with a certain pressure to be our best selves. It’s borderline impossible to get into hair stylists after October because so many people want fresh holiday hair, everyone is doing their most effective face masks, and events and parties are filled with our best makeup and outfits. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, and looking and feeling our very best doesn’t necessarily happen overnight (unless you’ve found some miracle face mask you want to share with the group). With a little premeditated preparation, you can stroll into your Thanksgiving (which this year, might be you alone in your apartment—don’t let that stop you!) feeling your absolute best. Here’s how:

    1. Remember to drink a lot of water
    I’m usually really good about drinking a lot of water, but when I’m busy with holiday craziness, that all can go out the door without me even realizing it. The season is about enjoying yourself and celebrating, and you should never feel guilty about, that, but making sure you’re staying hydrated can help you recover from some of the not-so-healthy things you’re bound to be enjoying.


    Source: @sara.azani

    2. Get your skin looking its best
    Skincare takes a while to make a difference, so giving yourself a few weeks to up your game is vital if you want to show up to the holidays glowing to the gods. Making sure your skin is hydrated and exfoliated (but not too exfoliated) can make all the difference. If you’re dealing with any acne or congestion, prepping in advance is key. Use your clay masks a few days ahead of any big events (never the night before, as they tend to bring any gunk to the surface), and keep up with your pore strips for clearer, brighter skin.

    3. Treat yourself to a statement-making lipstick
    Nothing screams the holidays like a bold lip, and if you don’t have one that you grab every time the holidays roll around, now’s the time. Pick a deep nude, berry, or red that compliments your skintone and rock it all season long. You’ll be surprised at how special it can make you feel, and how much the right shade can brighten up your complexion.

    Source: @livvyland

    4. Try loungewear in festive colors
    We’re all probably rolling up to the holidays in clothes that are more comfortable than usual, but there’s no reason they can’t be festive too. Let your grey sweats take up space on your back shelf for the season and indulge in some festive loungewear in colors that will make you feel like they’re made for the holidays (bonus points if it’s a matching set).

    5. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
    The holidays come with a lot of commotion, which usually includes a lot less sleep. It isn’t always easy, but making sleep a priority can change how you feel for the entirety of the season. Whether that means sleeping in a little later or trying to get to bed a bit earlier, try to add five minutes of sleep to your night every night for a couple of weeks, and before you know it, you’ll be getting an hour more than you’re used to. It’s impossible to feel your best when you’re super sleepy, so if you prioritize anything, this should be it.

    6. Find a seasonal perfume that you love
    There’s nothing like finding a perfume that you absolutely love, and switching it up and finding one that’s winter-appropriate can boost your confidence every single day. Look for warm scents like vanilla, clove, and cedar for a sexy scent perfect for chilly nights spent by the fire.

    Source: @crystalinmarie

    7. Try festive hair accessories
    While the easiest way to look festive is definitely a red sweater, #2 is probably a festive hair accessory, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a pearl headband, a velvet scrunchie, a hair bow, gold hair clips, or sparkly bobby pins, it’s a chic, Zoom-approved way to feel put-together when all you’re really wearing is a pair of leggings for the sixth day in a row. 

    8. Go for metallics
    One of the most complimented eye looks our editors wear is a swipe of a shimmery, metallic gold or silver across the lid. It’s beyond easy—truly, it’s one swipe of eyeshadow with a flat brush, but you can even use your finger—but looks glimmery and festive without the effort of a smokey eye. Swipe the shade all over the upper lid and the inner corner of the eyes, leaving the lower lash line blank for a striking look. Don’t forget to go in with lots of mascara! 

    9. Try a new manicure
    I know what you’re thinking. How could you ever dare to give up your beloved holiday red? Trust us: OPI’s “Big Apple Red” will be there when you need it, but for now, try something with a little more spunk. Because you’re likely doing your nails at home, it’s a good time to try another festive shade, like emerald green, chocolate brown (think: hot cocoa!), shimmery neutrals, and more. You could also try nail stickers to make your at-home manicure look extra cool.  More

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    6 Ways to Style Your Leather Jacket This Fall

    This year more than most, you probably haven’t bought many new things for the season (besides more pairs of sweats, that is). New clothes feel like an old concept from a past life, and making do with what you already have is the new norm—which means that styling your go-to pieces in new-and-improved ways is essential.If there’s one thing almost everyone has in their closet, it’s a leather jacket. You can wear them with, quite literally, anything, and it’s impossible to make them look anything but chic. But it’s easy to get stuck in a rut; especially since we aren’t leaving the house much, it’s easy to wear them the same way every time you leave the house. But fear not: we’re giving you six fresh, new ideas of how to wear yours from now until spring. Your leather jacket is about to feel brand new.


    pants / leather jacket / sweatshirt / sneakers / round sunglasses


    turtleneck / jeans / sneakers / leather jacket


    midi dress / leather jacket / booties / suede bag


    sweatshirt / jeans / sneakers / leather jacket / beanie


    sweater / leggings / leather jacket / combat boots


    sweater dress / boots / leather jacket / sunglasses More

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    We Tried It: This Company Makes a Completely Personalized Skincare Routine for You

    If there’s one beauty rule that’s easy to forget, it’s that skincare isn’t one-size-fits-all. That serum your coworker was raving about that makes you two-day ship it to yourself might not do anything for you, and the mask that turned your sister’s skin baby-soft might make you break out—it’s all subjective, and the only way to get good skin is to find what works for you.But how do you find what works for you, really, besides a ton of trial-and-error and wasting your money on products that you’ll never buy again? It feels overwhelming, and in a world where thousands and thousands of products are available to us, almost impossible to really nail a personalized routine. Enter: PROVEN Skincare.
    Formulated by Stanford dermatologists, PROVEN is different than other skincare on the market in that it’s made for you—literally. Through a 47-question skin genome quiz, they’re able to create a custom product that’s specifically formulated for your lifestyle, environment and skincare concerns—from where you live to your stress levels to what products you’re already using. From there, it streamlines your skincare routine by giving you a completely customized cleanser, night cream, and daily moisturizer and SPF. 

    To see what the hype is about, three of our editors—all with different skin types, skin concerns, and locations—gave it a try for a full month. Here are our unfiltered thoughts, complete with pictures to prove it.

    offer expires 12/11/20

    My biggest skin concerns upon starting PROVEN were overall puffiness, nose blackheads, and random breakouts. Every now and then, I’ll randomly get a ginormous breakout on my chin or the biggest pimple the world has ever seen on my forehead. I have no clue what inspires my skin to turn on me so quickly (after all I’ve done for you!!), but I was hopeful to find something that would keep breakouts at bay, and not only treat acne but would work preventatively to avoid those random breakouts at the start.

    Don’t be alarmed if you think I had an allergic reaction. I get severe puffiness in my face, especially when I’m tired. Conveniently enough, during the last three of the four weeks I was testing PROVEN, I had a new puppy so sleep kind of went out the window (the only thing cute enough to make these eye bags worth it). This was at 6am when I just woke up for work after a few hours of sleep, so yikes on the puffiness, but my skin looks clearer, right? My chin acne had dwindled, and the pimple on my forehead dried up quicker than they normally do. The best part? No new pimples in sight! 

    I’m learning through viewing these selfies again that my #1 biggest concern should definitely be dark circles under the eyes, but anyways, by week three, I was amazed at how clear my skin was. For the first time in like, ever, I didn’t have a random breakout or pimple anywhere, and besides those pesky blackheads and some acne scars here and there, I am fairly impressed at my own complexion! Plus, my skin was never dry like it usually gets when using acne-fighting treatments. 

    Maybe it’s because I just finished my period when I took this pic, but do I not have a serious glow here? I’ve been trying to faux a glow for years to no avail, so I feel like I can celebrate for a sec. After four weeks, I am so impressed with my results from PROVEN. My skin has truly never been clearer, while still feeling incredibly soft and moisturized. I don’t know how to explain it other than my skin just feels balanced. 

    Full disclosure: I loved PROVEN before even trying it. Pre-PROVEN, my medicine cabinet and beauty drawer were overflowing because I’ve always enjoyed trying the latest buzz-worthy skincare ingredients, which also means dozens of products and complicated skincare routines in order to fit in every ingredient I wanted to use. PROVEN uses a comprehensive quiz to look at your skin and lifestyle to customize formulas for you (and I love taking quizzes!). The quiz asked about my skin concerns, but it also asked about how much water I drank, where I live, how much sleep I get, and how stressed I am (very, thank you so much for asking), just to name a few.
    I love this approach because skincare should be holistic, just like every other part of our health and wellness. Your best skin is not achieved just from stocking up on brands with pretty labels (though that is part of it!); it’s also about taking into account your lifestyle to find out what your skin (and body!) really needs. Thanks to the skincare quiz, I could finally Marie-Kondo my skincare cabinet, knowing that the one face wash, day moisturizer, and night cream from PROVEN contained every ingredient I needed to put on my skin. With multiple super-ingredients like sulfur and granactive retinol to fight acne or milk thistle extract and witch hazel extract to fight my city’s hard water and moderate air quality, I knew my skin was protected and treated better than from the drawers full of products.
    I really believe that that’s also what helped clear up my pesky pimples: my routine was simplified, without foregoing a lot of the powerful ingredients that make skin glow. After four weeks, I was thrilled at how acne-free, clear, and glowy my skin was, and it makes sense to me why: skin, just like our diets and pant sizes, should not be one-size-fits-all. What my skin needs is going to be different than what anyone else’s skin needs, so of course, customized skincare based on lifestyle, diet, and skin-type will be more effective than buying the latest product that shows up on my Instagram feed.

    As is painfully clear here, my skin’s biggest problem is that it is as dry as the Sahara. Around the time I turned 21, my skin decided to do a 180 and go from combination/oily to literally producing not one single droplet of oil in the past three years. I can’t emphasize this enough: my skin is very dry.
    In addition to that, my skin is also deeply, deeply sensitive. If I simply look at the wrong skincare product in a store’s aisle, my skin will turn red and blotchy and inflamed for days. When it goes from summer to fall in Chicago? My skin abandons ship, tells me I’m on my own, and behaves as poorly as possible for the next six months (the first week of cold weather was pictured above, and I was as dry as I could possibly be).
    All in all, I have become a bit self-conscious about my skin over the past couple of years. I don’t really struggle with acne (save for the occasional hormonal friend popping up here and there), but my skin has gotten so ungodly dry that I often feel like it looks older than it is—something I hadn’t felt until the past couple of years.
    After filling out PROVEN’s skin quiz, I felt seen. It asked me all kinds of questions about everything from the climate I’m living in to stress levels to my diet. Since I knew I’d be testing it out through the thick of the weather changing in Chicago, my fingers were crossed that it would ward off any insane dryness that was to come.

    After a week or so of using PROVEN, I had absolutely no irritation, which is half the battle for me. I also had no new breakouts popping up, and overall, I felt like my skin did look healthier when I compared it to the picture from the week before. What’s that on my forehead? A subtle hint of shine? A dream come true!

    This picture was taken about 30 minutes after I applied my morning skincare, and besides the little friend that popped up on my forehead, I truly think that my skin looks healthier than it has in ages. It actually looks slightly dewy, which is a never-event in my world as my skin usually drinks up anything I put on it within a few minutes. I feel super optimistic at this point.

    My dewiness from last week has decided to stick around, and I cannot explain how much this means to me since the temperatures are also down to the 50s here in Chicago. Usually, this time of year means that I’m tackling peak dryness (especially right now as it’s gradually getting cooler), but I realized that I actually haven’t been worrying about dryness as much. Yes, I’ve done an extra hydrating mask here and there, but I haven’t been panicking and slathering 100 things on my face every day like I have in years past, and it turns out, my skin looks better for it.

    Like I explained, over the past couple of years, my skin has become a pain point for me for the first time since my acne-ridden middle school days. I often feel like no matter what I do, my skin doesn’t change whatsoever; I’d say I find about one product a year that I see a noticeable change with, and the rest either irritates me or doesn’t change a thing—but I’m happy to say that with PROVEN, I’ve already seen a difference.
    As someone who has always been into skincare, it was so interesting to me to see what different ingredients were prescribed to me based on my skin’s needs. I was given a sensitivity level 8, which is, as we could have guessed, very sensitive. To combat it, my products contained Tasmanian pepper, a natural antioxidant that has wound and sensitivity calming properties, along with antioxidants to strengthen the skin’s barrier. It also had marigold extract, which reduces redness, soothes irritation, and protects against hard water deposits (a double-whammy treating both my skin and my environmental factors based on my location). Because I answered that my lifestyle is high-stress (aren’t all of ours right now?), my formula had allantoin, an emollient that softens the skin and soothes itching, redness, and flaking. My products were working to combat the things that were concerning me personally, and after a month, my skin is better off for it.
    To PROVEN, I’m not just a faceless consumer, I’m Maddie who’s 24 and lives in Chicago and suffers from dryness and irritation. While I was worried the products would irritate me, it caused no blemishes or redness whatsoever, and over the past few weeks, I’ve watched my skin gradually look healthier and healthier. I haven’t had any semblance of dewiness on my skin since I was in early college, and right now I can look in the mirror and appreciate how my skin looks, rather than obsess over dry patches that I see. It’s changed my mindset on my overall skincare routine: rather than having a more-is-more mentality, I now want to use as few products as possible and make sure those are ones that are really meant for me.

    I’ve never had a custom skincare regimen before (or any kind of a set skincare routine), so I was excited to try PROVEN. Once I went through the quiz, it showed me the results based on my main skin goal: to achieve brighter, more radiant skin. The quiz was a game-changer, as I’ve never had a more detailed look at my skin, even down to how the environment and my current climate impacts my skin.
    The quiz recommended an all-in-one cleanser, toner, and exfoliator with salicylic acid, green tea extract, and pre and probiotics for more refreshed skin; an SPF 30 daily moisturizer with glycerin for hydration; and a night cream and serum with vitamin D and tea tree oil to promote well-rested skin.
    The first day before using PROVEN Skincare, I was suffering a minor breakout, which usually happens once a month due to hormonal changes. My skin is pretty acne-prone, so I started this regimen knowing that a breakout or two may happen. I noticed the recommended cleanser didn’t lather as much as I’m used to from other cleansers, and the smell was also very different, but it did a good job giving my face a full cleanse, especially the oily parts. 

    Here’s the thing about tea tree oil: it has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes it perfect for fighting acne and bacteria. Unfortunately for people with sensitive skin, it can cause a reaction and requires an adjustment period. I received an email on how to use each product as soon as it was delivered to my door, which was helpful, especially with the overnight night cream, which was labeled as very strong—and it was. I quickly realized that for my sensitive skin to tolerate the new routine, I would need to build up to using it every night. 
    After my first week with the products, I did notice my slight breakout went from a few spots along my jawline to all over my face. The breakout didn’t seem like irritation and was more than likely from stress, my acne-prone skin, or a combination of the two, so I continued the regimen. Blemishes take weeks (and sometimes even months) to form, so you can’t expect a skincare product to solve problems overnight. I did start to see some brightening effects, and I was excited to see how using the products consistently would affect my skin.
    As things got more stressful at work, I really enjoyed the simplicity of only having three products. Normally a breakout would have me trying tons of different creams to get it to calm down, so having my options narrowed down was incredibly helpful. Anyone who finds multiple steps and products overwhelming would really enjoy the simplicity of PROVEN’s products.

    After continuing to use the three products sparingly but consistently, my skin started clearing up. My breakouts seemed less pronounced and that improvement in texture felt like a real win. My skin still felt a little irritated from the new products, so I started supplementing with my own moisturizer. I’m not sure if the PROVEN moisturizer wasn’t as hydrating as I was used to or if this was a reaction from introducing the salicylic acid and tea tree oil. The night cream continued to be very strong, and my skin could tell, but I was able to work up to using a small amount every other night. 

    A month into using the PROVEN Skincare system, and my acne-prone skin still suffers from a minor breakout here and there, but there was a notable improvement in the brightness of my skin. Despite a few bumps, my complexion appeared undeniably more radiant.

    As anyone with acne knows, there isn’t a skincare routine that can fix it overnight. Most treatments take 6-12 weeks to start seeing benefits. It’s all about consistency and factors outside your routine like stress, hormones, and diet. PROVEN makes consistency easy because you don’t have to commit to a multitude of steps and treatments. Because the products are fairly new to my skincare arsenal, I can’t attest to how it will affect my breakouts longterm, but I’m optimistic.
    I can say, however, that at the end of my four weeks, I’m not getting off the PROVEN bandwagon. I’ve already seen improvements in the brightness of my complexion, but even that feels like only the beginning. I spent so much time getting my skin used to the ingredients, I’m excited to see how it will really transform in the weeks to come. 

    offer expires 12/11/20

    This post is sponsored by PROVEN, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    15 Waterproof Boots That Will Save You This Season

    If there’s one thing I’m allowed to claim I’m an expert on, on account of being a life-long resident of Chicago, it’s knowing how to weather unexpected terrain. Yes, referring to the streets of the third-largest city in the country as “terrain” sounds dramatic, but it couldn’t be further from it. On any given day, we could have sun and blue skies turn into a downpour and then sleet and freezing rain and then a full-blown snowstorm within a matter of hours (and it isn’t even that uncommon!).The worst accounts of this are always the days I didn’t dress for it; when I got dressed for a 50-and-sunny day in my favorite outfit and then had to walk 1.5 miles to the train station after work slipping in fresh-fallen snow. And a lot of my shoes have suffered a quick, unexpected death because of it.
    But you don’t need to sacrifice style for shoes that can survive the elements anymore; there are a ton of boots on the market that look just like your favorite, stylish ones, but are also waterproof—and therefore leave you prepared for any weather surprise that might arise. These 15 boots will save you from style emergencies this winter: More

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    7 Outfits to Copy for Thanksgiving—No Matter What You’re Doing

    Of all of the holidays of the entire year, the one that gets treated the most like a fashion show is, without a shadow of a doubt, Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s all the rich, warm colors that come with autumn or maybe it’s just the chance to show your cousin who the top dog of the family is, but a Thanksgiving outfit comes with a lot of pressure to perform.Yes, we know Thanksgiving looks a little bit different this year than others. You might be seeing less people than usual, or you might be choosing to stay home altogether—but dare I say, the show must go on. I know that for myself, my immediate family consisting of a total of four of us will be seeing me dress to the nines while they make fun of me from the comfort of their pajamas—to each their own.

    To help alleviate the decision making you have to do (stick to choosing which pie you want to eat instead!), we’ve styled seven outfits perfect for your Thanksgiving dinner. Bonus: most of them don’t require real pants!


    pants / button-up / necklace / sneakers


    dress / tights / boots / hoops


    knit dress / shacket / booties / sunglasses


    sweater / pants / boots / coat


    skirt / sweater / boots / necklace


    joggers / sweater / slippers / mug


    sweater vest / blouse/ jeans / booties More

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    Jeans Are Canceled: Wear These Instead

    Jeans—when’s the last time you put a pair on? March? February? At this point, we don’t know, but in 2020, they have become all but obsolete.As we’re experiencing life almost completely from home, our idea of clothes has changed drastically, and pants are no exception. Gone are the days that we hunt for the perfect pair of jeans; this year, we’re searching for pants that are comfortable and cool, and the work-from-home gods have delivered.
    Give your ratty old joggers you’ve been living in for months a break (mine are from high school track—what does that say about the state of the world?) and see how good you feel in one of these uber-cool options: More

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    25 Pick-Me-Ups You Can Order Now and Use Next Week

    I rarely look to retail therapy, but when it works, it works. You don’t have to buy a Chanel bag every time you get stressed at work, but a mere $10 new candle can have quite the impact on your mood (if even for a short period of time). I’m all for free acts of self-care, but if you want to upgrade your life just a little bit, these small gifts to yourself fit the bill. They’re the kind of purchase future you will thank you for. Get a head start on a better next week by adding a few of these to your cart.

    The Sex Gel

    A fancy lube is the exact life upgrade I need. It’s so cute, I might even leave it out. *gasp!*

    PLANT Apothecary
    Start Happy Organic Body Wash

    This editor-favorite body wash is everything you want: it smells good, it doesn’t dry out your skin, and it’s not a million dollars. Plus, this Black-owned brand is also clean, so you can feel good about the products you’re putting on your skin.

    Essie Expressie
    Quick-Dry Nail Polish

    Give yourself an at-home manicure in a seasonal shade or your classic neutral. The Expressie line is one of my favorites because the polishes look high-quality and dry exponentially fast—a plus for impatient polishers everywhere.

    Balance Bath Bombs

    A cozy bath is a dream at the end of a long day, and these luxe CBD bath bombs make it feel like a spa night without leaving your home. Our editors swear by these for the best sleep ever!
    Use code EVERYGIRL for 20 percent off your first order!

    Olive & June
    Shooting Stars Nail Art Stickers

    Ready to up your manicure game? These nail stickers are so easy to use and under $10. No one will know you didn’t magically become a nail pro during quarantine.

    Rattan Sandalwood Vegan Candle

    This is my current favorite candle. The scent is lightly fall because of the cozy woodsy/sexy scent, but you could easily burn it all year round. The throw is great (I burn it and smell it throughout my whole apartment AKA a mere 300 square feet LOL), and it never tunnels for me, burning evenly and cleanly.

    Out of Trouble 10 Minute Mask

    A 10-minute mask that targets breakouts, irritation, dryness, oil, AND dullness? Perhaps I’ll stock up on no less than eight tubes.

    Pore Treatment Strips

    These are my new obsession, and I am lusting after them like crazy. Ever since I watched this video, I think about them every single time I look at my pores and blackheads in the mirror. They’re a bit of a splurge for pore strips, but this comes with eight different strips to use on the days your skin is the most congested.

    American Eagle
    Strappy Back Sports Bra

    Two of our editors (including me, the person writing this; she goes by Beth) tried this sports brarecently, and both called it an absolute winner. It’s comfortable and somewhat modest without pushing your boobs down and hiding them from the world. We love it for working out and for lounging!

    Rare Beauty
    Soft Pinch Liquid Blush

    Since I started working from home, blush has become my favorite beauty product ever. It’s surprising how much better I look on a Zoom call when I pop a little bit of blush on my cheeks. You can wear no other makeup, and blush just makes you look alive and well. This is a new favorite in my arsenal for its high-pigment and blendable formula.

    Safe and Fair
    Snack Bundle

    What’s a better pick-me-up than some really awesome snacks? This is a mix of my favorites from Safe + Fair, a company that makes snacks without the top 16 food allergens. The Pea Protein Chips are my favorite chips of all time—seriously, I would give up Doritos if I had a constant supply of this in my home, but their Drizzled Popcorn is another staple in my cabinet for movie nights and for a fun snack while working from home.

    Real Men Kit Hardcover Book

    What better way to cozy up than with a new book? Thrillers are good and all, but sometimes I just want something with a little love. This book follows Jesse after his foster-turned-adoptive mother dies, leaving him and his brothers her knitting shop in Harlem. Jesse wants to keep it open while his brothers want to close the doors, so he enlists the help of part-time shop employee Kerry to learn the ins and outs of the business… and of course, she has a secret crush on him. It’s the cozy romcom you’ve been dreaming of.

    Pottery Barn
    Velvet Pom Pom Slippers

    The criss-cross fuzzy slipper was a major player in 2019, but I’m calling these 2020’s answer. I’m an Instagram girl, what can I say? And these are close-toe, meaning I’ll never have to stress that anyone can see my disgusting unpainted toenails when I snap an inevitable pic with my hot cocoa or while I’m watching holiday movies on end this year.

    Range Beauty
    True Intentions Hydrating Foundation

    Glowy, flawless skin just feels good. When you catch those little glimpses in the mirror throughout the day and your skin just looks *heart eyes*?! It’s life’s little pleasures. This Black-owned brand has been on my radar for a while now, and their hit foundation just launched at Target!

    BYBI Beauty
    Blueberry Oil Booster

    After staring at a computer screen on end for the better part of the last eight months, we can’t help but wonder what all of this extra screen time could be doing to our skin. This affordable facial oil is made of 100 percent cold-pressed blueberry seed oil, which is said to reduce the negative effects of blue light on the skin by blocking the light before it penetrates the skin. Our editor uses this in her skincare routine every morning!

    Jordan’s Skinny Syrups
    Happy Holidays Gourmet Coffee Syrup Trio

    Once I found these coffee syrups, I broke whatever was left of a Starbucks habit for good. I make amazing coffee every single morning with these, and I love that they’re not filled with sugar because they don’t taste like my teeth will fall out at any moment. Trust me: “Christmas Cookie” is going to be a staple in my kitchen until approximately June 2021. Don’t love holiday scents? Might I introduce you to this staple set instead.

    Satin Face Mask

    A gorgeous face mask that makes you feel like a million bucks when you step out of your apartment for the first time in 10 days? Sign me the heck up.

    Vicks VapoShower
    Shower Bomb Tablets

    Did your grandma tout the miracles of Vicks VapoRub like mine? I was convinced it would cure my acne, period cramps, mosquito bites, broken hearts, headaches, and everything in-between. This is a new find that I think will save my sinuses come December when my allergies are out of whack. Don’t have time for a luxe bath with your CBD bath bombs? No worries, pop one of these in the shower for a steamy, sinus-clearing experience.

    Stella & Haas
    The Simone Huggie

    A fun, new spin on your classic gold hoops will live in your wardrobe for years—and always bring you a little extra joy. I mean, look—they’re so cute!

    Dream Coat Supernatural Spray

    If sleek, shiny hair is your goal, add Dream Coat to cart ASAP. Hairstylists swear by this product for that glass hair look. Use it all over your hair before heat-styling (it has to be activated by heat!), and see your strands glisten and glow!

    Glass Water Bottle with Protective Silicone Sleeve

    Our editor got this water bottle recently, and I haven’t seen her drink out of a single other vessel since. Not only is this water bottle chic and sophisticated, but it keeps water and other beverages cold. Plus, the silicone makes it easy to carry without worrying you’ll drop it—my absolute biggest fear as a reformed klutz.

    McBride Sisters
    Black Girl Magic 2018 California Red Blend

    What’s a night in without some adult libations?! We love red in the fall and winter, and this bold, sexy red blend (with notes of tobacco, vanilla, raspberry, plum, and blackberry) has our names written all over it.

    Golden Pulse Facial Massager

    Don’t leave all your facial massaging to your hands. This vibrating T-bar facial massager is a luxurious addition to your skincare collection, but it’s actually so affordable. Facial massage is great for your skin, but for me, it’s a practice that saves my mental health and helps me fall asleep more easily at night (and that’s on anxiety!).
