
Khalid Al Ameri shares heartfelt public message to his wife Salama

For the last four years, Khalid Al Ameri and his wife Salama Mohamed have cultivated an incredible online community for themselves through genuine storytelling and connection with their audience.

For Khalid, he credits all of his success to Salama, who is the person who believed in him when he didn’t.

Sharing a heartfelt public message on Instagram to his wife, the Emirati influencer reflected on how far he has come in the last four years.

Back in 2016, Khalid didn’t have a job but was desperate to work in the media. Writing an array of scripts and pitching ideas to anyone he could, nothing appeared to be happening.

“I was scared and worried about the future but never shared it with Salama as I didn’t want her, or the kids, to get worried or carry that burden,” he admitted.

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Ok story time, in 2016 I had no job and and as a family we had about a year of savings to pay for all the necessities(kids school, rent, food and cars). I wanted to be in media so I wrote script after script, show after show, and pitched the ideas anywhere I could get a meeting but nothing worked out. I was scared and worried about the future but never shared it with Salama as I didn’t want her, or the kids, to get worried or carry that burden. One day as were were driving I finally gave in and told Salama how I was feeling, we talked about my worries, my fears and how things weren’t working out, and that I was starting to lose hope. As we were in the mall picking up some things we passed by an electronic store, then we walked in and Salama bought me my first camera. She said that she knew that all I wanted in this world was to be a creator and tell stories, so she gave me the camera and told me to get to work and do it on my own, but more importantly she said that she would support me no matter what and always believed in me. Four years later I am creating videos as a career, working on projects I never dreamed of, all because this incredible woman believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, so here she is buying me a new camera to improve our work, it’s kind of like our thing, where she is the only one who buys me cameras and invests in our future. Moral of the story you don’t have to fight your battles alone, you don’t have to struggle alone, the people who love you are your greatest source of strength, always keep them close and anything is possible inshAllah. I love you Salama, you are the reason for everything good in my life الحمدلله

A post shared by Khalid Al Ameri (@khalidalameri) on Oct 2, 2020 at 1:26am PDT

Slowly starting to lose hope, he shared his concerns with his wife. The couple happened to be going to the mall at the time, which is where Salama surprised her husband with a camera, encouraging him to share his stories himself.

“Four years later I am creating videos as a career, working on projects I never dreamed of, all because this incredible woman believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, so here she is buying me a new camera to improve our work, it’s kind of like our thing, where she is the only one who buys me cameras and invests in our future,” he said.

“Moral of the story you don’t have to fight your battles alone, you don’t have to struggle alone, the people who love you are your greatest source of strength, always keep them close and anything is possible inshAllah.

“I love you Salama, you are the reason for everything good in my life.”

Khalid’s personal and empowering videos have captured an audience not only here in the UAE, but beyond.

From telling stories about his family, to the coronavirus pandemic, to his wife’s skin condition vitiligo, it’s Khalid’s personal touch which has really engaged his audience.

Earlier this year, Salama told her husband’s video about her vitiligo – which was made two years ago – still brings tears to her eyes.

However, the video is a reminder for Salama on how far she has come on her journey to self-love. Today, Salama embraces her condition with “every inch” of her being, and she’s actually more than happy to answer people’s questions if they ask about it.

“[It means] I can explain and educate, so I can support other women and men going through what I went through, to let them know they are not alone, and that we are beautiful in our own unique way,” she told .

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