
6 homemade natural skincare and hair remedies

DIY goodness

While we wait for spas to open, why not give your skin and hair some TLC with some easy homemade remedies?

Spa Manager at One&Only The Palm, Maria D. Marques, has put together six curated remedies that you can make with what you already have in your kitchen. Intrigued? Read on.

If you want to eliminate impurities and clean your skin in a natural way, the onion, being rich in antiseptic and antibacterial properties, contributes to reducing blemishes and acne marks. Honey takes care of removing dirt from the skin and exerts an exfoliating agent that drags away dead cells, providing softness and promoting cell regeneration.

  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons of flower honey
  • 1/2 glass of water


  • Peel the onion and clean it well to remove germs and bacteria from its surface.
  • Cut into several pieces and put it in the blender with water to turn it into a puree.
  • Once the onion is converted into paste, add the honey and stir the two ingredients to mix them well.
  • Proceed to apply the compound onto your clean face. Spread it over all spots and blemishes.
  • Let the product work for about 15 minutes and, after that time, remove it by rinsing with plenty of warm water.
  • Do this in the evenings and you will see how blemishes will gradually start to clear.

Aloe vera and rosehip hand hydration

In addition to naturally moisturising the skin in depth, both ingredients are capable of minimising wrinkles and promoting regeneration of the dermis. The mixture between aloe vera and rosehip is ideal to combat dryness and cracks in the hands.

  • 1 Aloe Vera leaf
  • 4 or 5 drops of rosehip oil


  • Extract the gel from inside the aloe vera leaf, after cleaning it.
  • Once extracted, place it inside a container and pour 4 or 5 drops of rosehip oil inside it.
  • Mix both products very well.
  • Use the resulting compound to massage your hands for several minutes.
  • The effects will be greater if you do this before going to sleep. It is also recommended to cover your hands with wool gloves for an even better result following the massage.

Rosemary and parsley neck tonic

Give firmness and elasticity to the skin of your neck with this effective rosemary and parsley tonic; two ingredients rich in antioxidants that fight the action of free radicals and keep the skin younger for longer. Likewise, they eliminate impurities, accelerate wound healing, provide luminosity and stimulate cell regeneration.

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary
  • half a liter of milk
  • 1 cotton pad


  • Add the parsley and rosemary into a glass.
  • Heat the milk. Choose whole milk for dry skin and skimmed milk for oily skin.
  • When it starts to boil, remove it from the heat and place it inside the container where you put the rosemary and parsley.
  • Let this homemade tonic cool down before proceeding to use.
  • Once the heat has reduced, you will have to filter it with a strainer and apply it to the clean skin with light touches using a cotton pad.
  • Store the product in a bottle and place it in the refrigerator so that it keeps several days in good condition.
  • Apply this toner every day, morning and night, for best results.

Ginger and olive oil feet balm

The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of ginger, combined with olive oil, are perfect for reversing the effects of swollen feet.

  • 100g of fresh ginger root
  • 1 glass of olive oil


  • Remove the skin from the ginger and divide into several pieces. Pour the olive oil (or sunflower) into a saucepan, add the ginger, and heat both ingredients.
  • When the mixture is warm, allow it to continue to heat over low heat for 30 minutes. Remember, that the oil should never boil, but only warm.
  • After half an hour, remove the ginger oil infusion from the heat and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning, filter it with a strainer and use the resulting liquid to massage the feet in circular movements until the product has been absorbed through the skin.

If you have irritated skin and want to remove impurities in record time, rice water will become your greatest ally. Thanks to its richness in starch, an active ingredient that fights dryness, this treatment will allow you to eliminate redness, as well as fill the complexion with luminosity and freshness.

  • 1 glass of rice
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 1 cotton disc


  • Cook the rice until the water becomes thick.
  • Remove from the heat and let it sit until it becomes warm.
  • Filter the rice and keep only the water. Spread the resulting liquid over the entire clean face with a cotton pad and let it act for 20 minutes.
  • Clean your face with plenty of warm water, dry with a soft towel and apply your daily moisturiser.
  • Use this homemade remedy whenever you want to eliminate redness quickly and naturally.

Yogurt conditioner for hair

A good alternative is to use a yogurt conditioner once or twice a week, which will leave your hair silky, strong, shiny and with volume. Yogurt contains vitamins B6 and B12, zinc, lactic acid, calcium and magnesium; all of which are vital compounds to nourish the hair follicles and thoroughly cleanse the scalp.

  • Plain yogurt without sugar


  • Wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  • After rinsing, spread the unsweetened plain yogurt over the middle and ends of the hair as if it were your conventional conditioner.
  • It is important that you carry out this action with a gentle massage to ensure that the yogurt penetrates the hair as well as possible.
  • Let the yogurt take effect for about five minutes and, after that time, remove it with lukewarm water.

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