During these unprecedented times we’ll all be cleaning more than ever, but continually using products that contain strong chemicals isn’t always the best solution. While they can kill germs like it’s nobody’s business, such strong chemicals can have severe repercussions on our health in other ways.
So, why not trying going au naturale with your cleaning products? There’s plenty of concoctions you can rustle up from ingredients you have in your cupboards to create your very own effective cleaning products, right at home.
To help you get started on your natural household cleaning journey, one of the region’s favourite getaways, Six Senses Zighy Bay, has shared four ways on how you can create your very own home remedies.
Top tip: these recipes are designed to be used up quickly, so it’s best to keep them as fresh as possible.
Window/glass cleaner
- Mix ¼ of a cup of white vinegar, half a lemon & one tablespoon of corn starch together nicely, for a window/mirror cleaner.
- Use a microfibre cloth when cleaning to reduce smears.
Natural disinfectant for all materials
- Mix water and white vinegar (50/50), with 10 drops of tea tree oil.
- The same can be used for toilets, without the need to dilute with water.
Natural cleaning products (easy preparation, but a one month rest is needed)
- This natural cleaning solution is made out of lemons and date sugar or date syrup (alternatively, molasses can be used).
- Used lemons are to be collected and placed in a bucket (or plastic box with a lid), before adding the date sugar in a ratio of 3:1 (3 portions lemon, 1 portion sugar) followed by 10 portions of water, followed by a good stir.
- Once stirred well, the bucket or box to be closed completely.
- To be stirred on a daily basis and left in a semi-cool place for approximately one month.
- The microorganisms from the lemon will eat the sugar and produce a type of vinegar from the lemons which can be used for cleaning.
- After one month, strain and dilute the liquid with water (50/50) and use as a cleaning solution.
Insect repellents
- Burning coffee grounds is quite effective against insects (even wasps).
- Catnip and bay leaves close to the door repel cockroaches.
- Basil and mint plants repel flies.
- Lemongrass is the most effective against mosquitoes.