
Kayla Itsines Swears By The Mediterranean Diet To Fuel Her Hardcore Workouts

Kayla Itsines might be the most influential fitness trainer on the planet. The personal trainer, Sweat App cofounder, and new mom has helped transform countless bods with her Bikini Body Guide (BBG) workouts and inspired millions of followers with her own washboard abs.

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Amidst all the transformation is one constant: Kayla’s eating style. “My diet hasn’t really changed much over the course of my career,” she told . She eats a balanced Mediterranean-style diet that “includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, pasta and lots of olive oil, lemon juice and origanum.”

Rather than follow any kind of restrictive eating plan or pattern, Kayla prioritises inclusion over elimination. “I grew up in a Greek family where food is the most important thing in the whole world,” Kayla says. “As a rule, I don’t think about what I need to eliminate from my diet.” Instead, she focuses on filling her plate with fresh vegetables and healthy protein.

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Kayla is also all about including snacks. “My go-to snack, no matter if it’s pre- or post-workout, is veggie sticks with dip,” Kayla told . “I also love watermelon! I always recommend to try to choose snacks that help to fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied.” For her, that means snacks with carbs, protein and good fats. And her dip of choice is tzatziki (a Greek yoghurt dip).

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To complete her regular workouts, like the new Sweat Challenge on the Sweat App, Kayla knows she needs food. “I feel sick if I do a high intensity workout on an empty stomach,” she told . “Also, in the morning I usually wake up hungry, so the first thing I want to do is eat, not train. I want to make sure that I have enough fuel (food) in my body to be able to work out.⁣⁣” (Aka, she’s not really into fasted cardio.)

“The main thing to consider is what feels right for you and your body,” Kayla told . “There’s nothing worse than finishing a workout and feeling unwell, so do what makes you feel happy, confident and strong!”



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