
The Best Items to Score at Shopbop’s Huge Spring Sale

It’s a new month! Thankfully we’ve made it through the seemingly year-long month of January and the five seconds that was February, and warmer weather is within reach at last. Which means, of course, it’s finally time to do some spring shopping and add some fun new pieces to our wardrobes. We’re loving the spring trends this year, and can’t wait to throw in some bright colors and espadrilles to spice up our classic jeans and tees. 

The universe must be looking out for us, because Shopbop’s Spring Event is happening now, and providing us with up to 25% off full-price styles—AKA it’s time to finally move those items I’ve been eyeing from my wish list to my cart.

Now through March 9, get 15% off orders over $200, 20% off orders over $500 , and 25% off orders over $800 with code SPRING!

use code SPRING



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