Here’s how you can make friends as a grown up.
With increasing demands from our job and family life, finding time for some of the most important women in our lives can be a challenge.
As we get older ‘girls before boys’ starts to lose it’s meaning, especially in a culture where there’s simply not enough hours in the day to get a manicure, never mind to nurture a friendship.
However these friendships need the same TLC as all your other relationships, especially if you are an expat and looking to make new connections.
According to a global study of 10,000 people by Snapchat, participants in Saudi Arabia reported that they have 6.6 best friends on average. Now that sounds like an impressive number considering that the British people have fewer close mates than other nationalities – just 2.6 on average.
Clearly Saudi’s can teach us a thing or two about friendships, however you shouldn’t feel disheartened if you only have a handful of close friends. New research by MIT shows that humans can only cope with a maximum of five BFFs.
Feel like you haven’t seen your buddies in while? Maybe it’s time for one of you to take charge of the social calendar as according to The University of Oxford, we should be seeing friends twice a week.
Looking to expand your social circle? Here is our guide to making best friends as an adult.
Hit the gym
Why not give “those who train together, stay together” concept a go and sign up to a few classes or a running group? Mixing with people who have similar interests can be a great way to bond.
Be social on social media
There’s no harm in DM’ing someone you’ve been following for a while. Who knows, maybe they were too shy to make the first move?
Explore your partners social circle
Many adult relationships are formed from already established friendships. Time to book in those double dates!
Don’t leave your work friends at the office
Some of us may think that there’s an invisible line between work and personal life. This imaginary barrier might be standing in the way of a great friendship. We dare you to schedule a breakfast at the weekend, or post-work drinks and see if there’s anything more to your office neighbour.
Get out more
Dubai is one of the most sociable cities in the world with countless activities, events, volunteering groups, workshops and gatherings tailored to every possible taste. The best part? Everyone is in the same boat as you, out looking for new friendships.