
How I got my job as…Founder of KAGE, Basma Abu Ghazaleh

Key to longevity

As Dubai-based fashion brand KAGE turns 10, we speak to it’s founder and designer Basma Abu Ghazaleh on what it took to grow it in the region, and beyond.

kage dubai fashion brand 2019

I attended North Eastern University in Boston and majored in Communications with a minor in Sociology.

I was working in public relations in a company called Asdaa.

My partner at the time and I were both at a point in our lives where we wanted to leave our jobs and embark on a new journey. We used this opportunity to travel to London and explore, and got inspired by the style, design, fabrics and culture there. With inspiration, motivation and determination we shipped back fabric rolls and accessories, which we collected from our trip, and the KAGE brand was born in 2009.

kage dubai fashion brand 2019

I take a hands on approach to running my business and oversee all areas of the company, however, design and overseeing production are my main areas of focus.

First stop, coffee! Once I’ve had my caffeine hit I make my way to the office and depending on the day, I work on either designing or other business development for KAGE. After work, I like to workout and clear my mind and then possibly meet up with some friends for a light bite to eat.

Firstly, be passionate and dedicated to your work. Find your niche or your point of difference in the market, one that makes your brand unique. Secondly, a point that I feel a lot of young designers may overlook, is when you start your own label, you’re essentially creating a business. Having some business knowledge to back your design work is crucial. My advice would be to create a well thought out business plan to guide you.

kage dubai fashion brand 2019

Our Resort 2019 collection marks our 10-year anniversary and is a celebration of the brands most iconic designs. The 25-piece line up adopts some familiar styles, however, are reimagined to give a contemporary update.

I have always been very passionate about my work, however, over the years you’re given many obstacles to overcome and my dedication to my work is something that has surprised even me. It’s taught me to be patient, something that I attribute to the longevity and success of the KAGE brand.

It’s something that many different people have told me which is to be patient and never give up. It’s a simple message but something that has always stuck with me.

kage dubai fashion brand 2019

One of the main challenges I have face through establishing KAGE is staying true to the brands DNA. We are continually adding to our distributor portfolio and at times we’ve had to decide whether to alter the aesthetic of the brand to appeal to a wider range of stockists. While sales are important to us, we are very passionate about preserving our brand identity, as it’s how we have managed to grow our business and gain brand loyalty through our customers.



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