
Congratulations Abu Dhabi residents, you live in the safest city in the world 

Dubai also made the top 10.

Abu Dhabi retains the title of the safest city in the world for the third year running, according to global research website Numbeo.

The global database analyzed its crime index for mid-2019 based on the levels of safety and crime across 328 cities.

Dubai residents can also feel confident when being out and about as the city made it onto the 6th position.

The top five consisted of Doha, Canada’s Quebec, Taipei in Taiwan and Munich in Germany. Dubai is considered safer than Swiss city of Zurich and Bern. Hong Kong ranked 9th and Eskisehir in Turkey rounded off the top 10.

Looking to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh was ranked 64th and Jeddah 103rd.



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