
Alexa Chung reveals she suffers from endometriosis in new Instagram post

Endometriosis affects an estimated 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years

Fashion designer, writer and model, Alexa Chung revealed that she suffers from endometriosis in an Instagram post. For those who don’t know, endometriosis is the growth of endometrial-like tissue (the lining of the womb/uterus) outside of the uterus, within the pelvic cavity, on the ovaries, bowel, bladder and, in rare cases, on the liver and lungs. This then tends to causes irritation, inflammation and often excruciating pain.

Alexa is one of the many celebrities who have recently opened up about their struggles with the condition. On Instagram, she posted a picture of herself in the hospital, which she captioned: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member, but here I am.  #endometriosisclub  #partytime #woohoo  #lifelongmembership #sorryifyouhaveittooitsucks #endometriosisawareness.”

Other stars who opened up about the condition includes  actress Daisy Ridley. In an Instagram post, she revealed that she has been suffering from endometriosis for eight years, undergoing various treatments, although “progress is being made”.

“At 15 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. One laparoscopy, many consultations and 8 years down the line, pain was back (more mild this time!) and my skin was THE WORST. I’ve tried everything: products, antibiotics, more products, more antibiotics) and all that did was left my body in a bit of a mess. Finally found out I have polycycstic ovaries and that’s why it’s bad. I can safely say feeling so self conscious has left my confidence in tatters. I hate wearing make up but I currently don’t want to leave the house without it on. HOWEVER PROGRESS IS BEING MADE!”

“To any of you who are suffering with anything, go to a doctor; pay for a specialist; get your hormones tested, get allergy testing; keep on top of how your body is feeling and don’t worry about sounding like a hypochondriac. From your head to the tips of your toes we only have one body, let us all make sure ours our working in tip top condition, and take help if it’s needed,” she concluded the candid post.



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