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    Are “Sugar-Free” Treats Really Sugar-Free?

    Everyone loves a treat, especially the ones that are guilt-free. If you’re trying to limit your sugar intake, then you’ve probably reached for the sugar-free sweets or chocolate. But how “sugar-free” are these “sugar-free” treats really? Sugar-free doesn’t mean carb-free Some sugar substitutes contain carbohydrates, and while there might not be any sugar, a portion […] More

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    Does A Plant-Based Diet Actually Increase Metabolism, Or Not?

    Health and wellness expert Vanessa Ascencao – a nutritional consultant – answers your critical questions about whether a plant-based diet really does increase your metabolism and help you lose weight… So, let’s be honest: does a plant-based diet actually increase metabolism? Plant-based diets are loaded with phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and other phytochemicals that provide the body […] More

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    Lose The Winter Weight With This 6-Move Total-Body Workout

    Lose the winter weight with 2019 Next Fitness Star Nomawothi Bafana’s next-level moves. Her boot camp-style total-body workout will give you full-body definition, just in time for summer. Best part? All these workouts can be done outdoors. Do the moves in order, completing all reps and sets of each exercise before moving to the next. […] More

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    Do You Really Need To Give Up Carbs To Lose Weight?

    If you’ve been in the diet circle for a while, you know that the number one weight loss rule has always been this: Cut carbs. In the Nineties, the Atkins diet was all the rage – now we’ve got Keto. Both of these popular diets preach low-carb, the apparent weight-loss key. But are there harmful […] More