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    What Exactly Is The Low-FODMAP Diet And How Do You Do It?

    Struggling with symptoms like diarrhoea, bloating, and gas isn’t exactly a recipe for a good time. And, if it goes on long enough, you’ll probably do a little online detective work to try to figure out what’s causing your issues and how you can clear them up ASAP. You may stumble across mentions of a low-FODMAP diet.
    FODMAP is an acronym that stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. It’s a fancy medical way of saying that foods that fall into this category can mess with your stomach and GI tract, explains Dr. Lea Ann Chen, an assistant professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. A low-FODMAP diet encourages you to weed out certain foods that tend to produce gas – and then slowly reintroduce them to see what’s the most problematic.
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    A low-FODMAP diet usually isn’t a long-term thing. But, Dr. Chen says, “it really depends on why you’re on it. It’s driven by symptoms. If you’re on a low-FODMAP diet and it doesn’t help you, there’s no reason to be on it indefinitely.” Other people may find that the diet helps with symptoms as they’re working through an illness or trying to identify food sensitivities, she says. And some people, like those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), find that a low-FODMAP diet combined with medication is the most effective treatment over the long run. “The trade-off is how much it helps you and if you think it’s worth it,” Dr. Chen says.
    If you’re interested in trying a low-FODMAP diet, Dr. Richa Shukla, an assistant professor of medicine and gastroenterology at Baylor College of Medicine, offers this advice: “Don’t be overly restrictive.” She recommends doing a trial run for a few weeks and seeing how you feel. “If it’s not making a difference, it’s time to reevaluate things,” she says. Because it can be tricky to navigate on your own, your best and safest bet is to work with a registered dietitian or gastroenterologist to do a low-FODMAP diet.
    Want to see if a low-FODMAP diet will help with your gut issues? Here’s what you need to know about the ins and outs of this eating plan.
    How does the low-FODMAP diet work?
    The low-FODMAP diet is an elimination diet, and there are three phases to it. You start by cutting out high-FODMAP foods for several weeks to allow your gut time to neutralize, Dr. Shukla says. During this phase, you should start to notice some improvement in your symptoms.
    After that, you’ll start to slowly re-introduce those foods back into your diet. You may discover that certain high-FODMAP foods give you issues, while others don’t—or you may learn that all of them are a problem for you, Dr. Chen says.
    Finally, you’ll work on maintaining the right diet. This means steering clear of your triggers and focusing on the foods that don’t aggravate your issues.
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    What are the best low-FODMAP foods?
    There’s a whole range of foods that are considered low FODMAP, and it’s hard to know for sure what is best for each person, says Kathy LeBarre, a dietitian at Spectrum Health. “During the restrictive phase, we may find that some foods are better than others,” she adds. Here are a few examples of foods that fall into the low-FODMAP category:

    Brown sugar
    Maple syrup
    Almond milk
    Bell peppers
    Brown rice

    READ MORE: How To Go Vegan: 15 Easy Nutritionist-Backed Tips
    Eating a low-FODMAP diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be all low FODMAP, all the time, but it can help. “For the most part, it would be ideal to stick to a low-FODMAP diet, but there is some wiggle room to incorporate a serving of a moderate FODMAP at a meal,” says Laura Manning, a clinical nutrition coordinator at the Susan and Leonard Feinstein IBD Clinical Centre at Mount Sinai.
    What are high-FODMAP foods?
    What may be a bad high-FODMAP food for you could cause zero issues in the next person. In general, though, “high-FODMAP foods contain short-chain carbohydrates that are rapidly fermented in the digestive process and poorly absorbed,” Manning explains. “They can cause digestive upset such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea when consumed.” A few examples of high-FODMAP foods to avoid include the following:

    Ice cream
    Soft cheeses yogurt
    Soy milk
    Lima beans
    Brussels sprouts

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    What does a low-FODMAP diet plan look like?
    It depends on what phase of the diet you’re in, according to Keri Gans, the author of The Small Change Diet. This means you’re going to be a little more restrictive in the elimination portion of the diet vs. when you’re reintroducing some foods.
    Below are some sample meal plans you can follow when you’re on a low-FODMAP diet:
    Day One

    Breakfast: Cooked oatmeal with peanut butter, a drizzle of maple syrup, and one cup of strawberries
    Lunch: Grilled chicken with herbs over arugula salad with cucumbers, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes with lemon Dijon dressing and a gluten-free roll
    Snack: Lactose-free yogurt and raspberries
    Dinner: Baked salmon with dill, brown rice, and sautéed spinach with olive oil

    Day Two

    Breakfast: Avocado toast on sourdough bread topped with two poached eggs
    Lunch: Quinoa bowl filled with chicken, pumpkin, carrots, and kale
    Snack: A handful of olives
    Dinner: Pasta tossed with shrimp, sautéed spinach, olive oil, salt, and ground pepper

    Day Three

    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with a side of berries
    Lunch: Chicken sandwich with lettuce on sourdough bread and a side of baby carrots
    Snack: A handful of almonds
    Dinner: Steak with a side of sautéed carrots and green beans

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    Overall, a low-FODMAP diet is “considered to be safe and healthy” when you do it right, Manning says. But, she adds that “it is important to ensure that the diet is adequate in fibre, protein, calcium, and certain B vitamins” because deficiencies can happen if the food variety is limited or the diet is followed for a longer period of time than suggested.
    If you’re planning to do a low-FODMAP diet beyond what was prescribed, it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor or a registered dietitian, just to make sure you’re covering all your bases.
    The bottom line: The low-FODMAP diet is meant to be used as a short-term eating plan to identify food triggers that worsen your GI symptoms or condition. If you plan on following it for a longer period of time, be sure to talk to a doctor or nutritionist.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

    READ MORE ON: Diet Advice FODMAP Diet Nutrition Nutrition Advice More

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    10 Insanely Challenging Yoga Poses That Build Serious Strength

    There’s no shortage of hard yoga pose #inspo on the net these days. But what if you’re actually inspired to try one yourself? Where would you even start? Megan Hochheimer, founder of US-based Karma Yoga Fitness , USA who frequently posts her own impressive “physics experiments” (her words), shares the benefits of pushing the boundaries of your practice, the requirements for nailing next-level poses, and of course, 10 hard yoga poses to set your sights on along with some pro tips. (Note that many of these tricky poses have a variety of names; the ones included here are what Hochheimer calls them.)
    First and foremost, have fun with it: “Where else can you be a grown-up and get to be barefoot and roll around on the floor and breathe as loud as you want? In your yoga practice, all those things are welcomed, so there’s no reason why some of these tricky poses can’t be a fun adventure.”

    The Benefits of Hard Yoga Poses
    You’ll learn more about your practice.
    “Sometimes I’ll see something in a picture and I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, definitely I could do that.’ But then I end up laughing at myself because there’s no way,” says Hochheimer. On the flip side, with good prep work and practice, she’s nailed poses she never thought she’d be capable of. “It’s cool to find where those nuances are in your own body. That self-study is something that is so encouraged in yoga.”
    You’ll hone functional strength.
    “When you build that strength to get up and down off the ground, balance on one foot or balance on your hands, you’re honing those parts of your physicality that are going to help make all the rest of your activities of daily living so much more enjoyable,” says Hochheimer.
    You’ll finesse your proprioception.
    Other perks include working on your proprioception which, when dull, can lead to balance issues. “In most of these tricky poses there is this element of balance, whether one knee is on the ground, one foot is on the ground, you’re arm balancing, or you’re in an inversion,” explains Hochheimer. “When you start to build that, you’re building concentration and proprioception.”

    The Hard Yoga Pose Prerequisites
    Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously.
    Some poses could take years to master while you may be able to do others right away. “What’s really important is that we don’t take ourselves too seriously about any of it,” says Hochheimer. “If you’re going to approach this in a really competitive way, sometimes that invites injury. Whereas if you approach it in a playful way, and just stay with yourself through the process, I think that it’s a very healthy exploration.”
    Bail Like A Kid.
    Know this: You’re going to fall out of arm balances and inversions. “All of us who have learned how to do them fall in one way or another, so the more you can understand your body mechanics and how you do that, the safer you can be when you do have to bail.” When you’re a little kid, you’re riding your bike, you fall off, you roll into the grass and you’re not hurt that badly. So, before attempting any of these poses, just do some cartwheels and rolls on the ground to get back in touch with that part of yourself and practice safely falling.
    Really, Really Warm Up.
    The better you warm up, the better you’ll be able to get into these poses. And not for nothing, Hochheimer notes that they’ll look more aesthetically pleasing to boot. A 10-minute vigorous flow should get your heart rate up and muscles warm, but be sure to specifically target the areas you’ll use in each pose as well.
    Take Videos or Photos.
    “Sometimes in my head I thought things were going to look one way, but then they look a different way in a picture or video,” Hochheimer says. “Viewing them afterwards helps me to make tiny adjustments or understand that I need to do my homework and develop more triceps strength with decline push-ups, or foam roll, or whatever it is. That helps you learn because you’re not just then repetitively going back into these patterns of failure.”
    Practice—And Consider Pro Help.
    Remember: These are hard yoga poses! “With all yoga, a lot of it is practice so just keep coming back to it,” advises Hochheimer. Working with an experienced teacher can help you to more safely and quickly nail them.

    1. Camel Variation

    Expert Tip: Camel Pose is such a great opening of the front of our body that sometimes gets tight with a lot of our more strenuous Vinyasa. The arm variation here is a big shoulder stretch. Be sure to warm up your shoulders extra well before trying it.

    2. Peacock Pose

    Expert Tip: Remember that your legs are just as strong when you get upside down as they were when you were standing on them—keep them super active in this pose.

    3. Tripod Headstand Variation

    Expert Tip: Work on you scapular mobility before you try this one. To do so, hold a yoga block overhead between the hands on its widest angle. With straight arms, try to “push” the block towards the ceiling without shrugging your shoulders up around your ears. As you “pull” the block back down, don’t bend the elbows but do use the back muscles to create the sensation of the pull. Keeping squeezing the block between the hands through both phases of the movement. Repeat several times for scapular mobilisation.

    4. Eight Angle Pose

    Expert Tip: This one grows out of that Baby Grasshopper. Work on your Chaturanga or tricep push-ups as prep work and focus on squeezing your inner thighs in the pose.

    5. Baby Grasshopper

    Expert Tip: Sit on the floor with the right leg extending out in front. Step the left foot over the right leg and twist the torso to the right so that both hands come to the floor in line with the left foot. Press into the hands and bend elbows into chaturanga (upper arm parallel to the floor). Practise engaging the inner thigh to lift the right leg up (or use a block under the right hip to get lift off). Lean towards the right inner arm and use core muscles to hold the body still as the left hand grabs right big toe.

    6. Baby Crow Pose

    Expert Tip: If there’s a pose here to try first, it’s this one. It’s deceptively tricky-looking, but not as hard for most people to accomplish. It’s almost like a flying Child’s Pose. Start in a forearm plank, then walk your feet a little wider and start to tippy toe in until you feel your knees touch the backs of your arms. Then, come into a Cat spine, look forward, and shift your weight forward.

    7. Split Pose Variation

    Expert Tip: Work on hamstring, quad, and hip flexor mobility before attempting this pose. You could try Pigeon Pose and half splits with blocks.

    8. Side Plank With Big Toe Grab

    Expert Tip: Here, you’re working internal rotation of one leg, external rotation of the other, core strength, and balance. The prep for balancing in this pose can be found in the Pose of Infinity: Lay on your right side with a yoga strap in your left hand. Rest your head on your right hand or arm. Extend both legs and try to keep the body in a straight line. Reach down and pull the left foot into the strap. Slowly extend the left leg up towards the ceiling. Use the strap in your left hand to control the stretch and hold the left foot up and focus on keeping the torso and right leg stable (try to limit the wobble forward and back). Repeat on the other side.

    9. Bound Forward Fold

    Expert Tip: This one goes in the family of the Kneeling Compass (and it’s a prep for Bird of Paradise). The difference is that this one requires a bind, which means you’re taking double internal rotation of your shoulders. Use a strap in your hands as they come across your back to make it more accessible.

    10. Fallen Compass

    Expert Tip: This tricky “fallen” variation marries Compass and Bridge poses. Warm up the hamstrings and lateral bending as much as possible before attempting.

    The article 20 Hard Yoga Poses That Build Serious Strength And Confidence was first published on Women’s Health.

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    15 Best Running Shoes for Women + How to Pick The Right Trainers for You

    Finding the right running trainers for you is just as important as correct form and technique. (And, yes. That includes getting your running warm-up and cool-down done, too. No skipping!). Plus, with it being a new year, it’s a pretty good time to treat yourself and get all kitted out.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    Why are good running shoes so important?
    Making sure you have the right running shoes is a point certified strength coach and footwear expert Emma Kirk-Odunubi stresses, especially because different runs demand different footwear:
    ‘As your distance increases many people generally want to increase the cushioning level of their shoe. For (postponed) half marathon or marathon runners, having greater cushioning over longer distances can have its benefits.’
    But we get it: good running shoes are an investment and the price tag can often exceed what you’d budgeted to spend on new takkies. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up a mix of the best women’s running trainers so you can shop to your feet and budget’s content.
    What to look for in running shoes for women

    Cushioning: This helps the ground feel softer underfoot and encourages ground-contact stability.

    Weight: Lighter shoes typically have less cushioning, giving an increased rebound off the ground. They’re designed for speedy splits and powerful runs. For longer distances choose heavier shoes with more cushioning.

    Drop: This is the difference in the cushioning level from the rear foot to the forefoot. The lower the drop, the more conducive the shoe is for a speedy running style. Speed shoes will tend to have around a 4mm drop.

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    Best Cushioned Running Shoes
    1. HOKA Clifton 8

    Best for: Long distance training
    Weight: 215g
    Drop: 5mm
    How much? R2 599.95

    The Clifton 8 from Hoka are a dreamy neutral, cushioned shoe that gives you consistent support without weighing you down. Perfect for taking on longer distances, they offer a stable ride as you pound out the kilometres.
    ‘They’re a shoe I don’t think about being on my feet and I mean that in the best possible way. I can run for [kilometres] and [kilometres] of marathon training without feeling the time in my feet,’ says runner Francesca Menato. ‘There’s enough bounce that you don’t feel like you’re missing out on something super responsive, but mostly they’re an incredibly comfortable shoe.’
    You can wear them for any distance but they’re not designed to give you as much bang for your buck if you’re trying to knock out a 5km PB. That said, they’re a great all-rounder.

    2. Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38

    Best for: All-round training
    Weight: lightweight
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R2 399.95

    Runners LOVE ‘workhorse with wings’ Nike Pegasus trainers. A bounce around in these will have even the most tentative of joggers drawing up their marathon training plans. Signature responsive foam, a breathable upper and a wider fit at the toes mean you can clock up distances comfortably and recover swiftly, ready to take flight again.
    Having tried every type of Nike ‘Pegs’ since the 32s, Francesca Menato, took these for a spin.
    ‘I was in a committed relationship with the Pegs for years but we had to part ways a few iterations ago as they made the sole firmer and the shoe base narrower. So, sceptical but always hopeful, I tried the Pegasus 38. They may just be the middle ground between the old and new. A wider shoe with an update to the lacing, these feel secure and comfortable.’
    ‘For me, they take the term “neutral shoe” to the next level. They feel like the running trainers you could truck along in for [kilometres] and [kilometres].’
    Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38R 2 399.95BUY NOW
    3. Adidas Ultraboost 21s

    Best for: Road running
    Weight: 340g
    Drop: 10mm
    How much? R3 599

    Here are the specs you need to know before adding to basket – a sock-like fit with 6% more cushioning than previous Boost iterations; Primeblue material made with Parley Ocean Plastic (Adidas’ recycled high-performance fabric) and no virgin polyester; supportive heel counter and 115% increase in forefoot bending stiffness to make them your most responsive trainers yet.
    Be aware, they are heavier than the UB20s and as such definitely lend themselves to easy, longer mileage over a speedy 5k.
    Adidas Ultraboost 21sR 3 599BUY NOW
    READ MORE: 10 Steps To Becoming A Runner, According To Running Coaches
    4. Saucony Ride 14

    Best for: All-round training
    Weight: 238g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R2 649

    Lighter (and faster) than previous models these stealth-cool women’s trainers signal you know your sport. Designed with a durable outsole and PWRRUN cushioning, you’ll be springy, supported and stable as you get going. A firm run-favourite of Fitness Writer Morgan Fargo, these shoes are basically everything we love in a running shoe and more. Cheers, Sauc’.

    5. Asics Novablast 2

    Best for: Neutral runners who want extra propulsion
    Weight: Lightweight
    How much? R2 499

    If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re running on a mini-trampoline – in a brilliant way – these Asics Novablast will do that and then some. The propulsive nature of the foam midsole means every step you put in will be energised, cushioned and keep you trucking on when the kilometres rack up.
    Shave seconds off your 5k, stay cool with a breathable upper or just enjoy the feeling of running on more cushion than you thought possible – Novablast are the running shoe for you.

    6. HOKA Carbon X 2

    Best for: Distance racing (and other bouncy long runs)
    Weight: 198g
    How much? R3 499.90

    You say cushioned, HOKA says cushioned. Another trainer that utilises the carbon plate, these shoes feel less aggressive in their propulsion than some of their counterparts. So, if you like the idea of super light, bouncy running shoes that secretly give you a helping hand in turning over your feet, we’ve found them. Ideal for springing your way through longer kilometres.

    7. On Running Cloudflow

    Best for: 10km race training
    Weight: 235g
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R2 899

    A newer ON Running shoe, the Cloudflow, combines their Helion™ super foam along with a curved heel for ‘better hold, durability and comfort.’
    Basically, they’re going to feel light on the top of your foot, super cushioned underneath and cool thanks to the ventilated mesh. The new rubber traction base will also keep you more stable on slippery wet roads.

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    8. Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next %

    Best for: Speed training
    How much? R3 899

    Designed to go the distance, this Nike iteration of the cult-followed Next % trainers are the everyday companion for comfort and durability. The visible Zoom Air unit (the round disc) gives springy cushioning while the Nike React technology in the heel is lightweight to help keep your stride as efficient as poss.
    Be aware these are designed specifically for shorter ‘tempo’ runs. Hence the name. If you’re looking for an all-rounder, check out the Nike ZoomX Invincibles below.
    Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next %R 3 899BUY NOW
    9. New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11

    Best for: Beginner distance running
    Drop: 8mm
    Weight: 230g
    How much? R2 599.90

    Cushioned, stable, lightweight – three words we love to hear when it comes to trainers that’ll more than do the job. A running staple, New Balance Fresh Foam is a style that’s been around for aeons – fortunately for us, they just keep making it better. This latest style has enough support for long-distance runs whilst the foam and cushioning helps you pick up speed too.
    New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11R 2 599.90BUY NOW
    10. Skechers Max Cushioning Premier

    Best for: Runners on a budget
    Weight: 213g
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R1 499

    Skechers Max Cushioning Premier shoe adds extra comfort to your run (without weighing you down in the process) while letting tired feet breathe as they work. Cushioned, lightweight and breathable, these gems come in at under R1 500.
    Skechers Max Cushioning PremierR 1 499BUY NOW
    11. Nike ZoomX Invincible Run

    Best for: Injury-prone runners
    Weight: 253g
    Drop: 8.4 mm
    How much? R3 499

    One of Nike’s most popular running shoes for women (The React Infinity Run Flyknit 2) has had a revamp: enter the Nike ZoomX Invincible Run women’s trainers.
    ‘Injury plagues runners of all levels and it can be something that stops people from joining the sport or rejoining post-injury,’ says Brett Holts, VP of Nike Running.
    So what makes these so special? According to the brand, it’s ‘The Nike ZoomX foam, [it’s] our most responsive and soft foam—and we used a lot more of it than you’d find in most everyday Nike running shoes.’ They counteract the instability that comes with extra foam with the ‘rocker’ shape.
    After 12 weeks of testing, Nike found that these trainers had similar results to their predecessors. A study conducted by the BCSMRF showed that runners wearing those shoes had a 52% lower injury rate than those wearing the control shoe. So, if you’re constantly bemoaning a sore-this or a pulled-that, it might be time to invest in some kit that quite literally was made for the job.
    Francesca Menato was a bona fide Infinity React super fan and can attest that this latest iteration is just as bouncy and that the increase of a few grams can’t be felt. Nike wants to ‘make running feel easy’. In these, it’s certainly easier.
    Nike ZoomX Invincible RunR 3 499BUY NOW
    READ MORE: 10 Steps To Becoming A Runner, According To Running Coaches
    Best ‘Smart’ Running Shoe For Women
    12. Women’s UA Flow Velociti Wind Running Shoes

    Best for: Neutral runners who like to track their stats
    Weight: 227g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R3 499

    Under Armour’s speed-friendly running shoe comes with a personal running coach that when connected to MapMyRun™ tracks your stride length, cadence and pace and coaches you in real-time. As for the shoes, these kicks are designed for shorter, sharper sessions but unlike some running trainers designed for speed work, they still come with decent cushioning. The sole is shaped with a slight rock to propel you with every stride. Why thank you.
    Women’s UA Flow Velociti Wind Running ShoesR 3 499BUY NOW
    Best Road Running Shoes For Women
    13. Saucony Endorphin Shift

    Best for: Runners looking to up the distance
    Weight: 269g
    Drop: 4mm
    How much? R2 799.90

    So. You’ve completed the Couch to 5k app, you’ve been running on the reg and you’re looking to take it to the next level. These are the shoes for you. The Saucony Endorphin Shift promises to make every run feel easier – and it really delivers. How, you ask? The PWRRUN cushioning feels super plush, and the SPEEDROLL technology enhances each and every stride to keep you moving forward.
    Saucony Endorphin ShiftR 2 799.90BUY NOW
    14. Brooks Running Ghost 14

    Best for: everyday road runners
    Weight: 255.1g
    How much? R2 599.90

    Designed for a soft and smooth ride these Ghost 14’s are perfect for road running, with the midsole offering you that easy, comfortable glide from landing to toe-off. The cushioning isn’t too squishy either so you still feel supported and, importantly, won’t even notice the transitions as you run.
    Brooks Running Ghost 14R 2 599.90BUY NOW
    Best supportive running shoes for women
    15. Saucony Guide 14

    Best for: Cushioned support
    Weight: 244g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R2 799.90

    Looking for extra comfort when you run? The Saucony Guide 14’s are the kicks for you. Reliable, cushioned, with a fluid feel from heel to toe, you’ll be supported your whole run long. Plus, with reduced bulk, you’ll feel light and free as you stride. Love that.

    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

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    A Lunchtime Workout Session Could Cure Burnout

    Whether you’re still working from home or have returned to the office by now, the 3pm slump is inevitable. In the morning, we’re efficient, making calls and organising team catch-ups and meetings, sending emails with speed and the kind of sign-off that demands a thoughtful and considered response.
    But slowly, as the day progresses, our energy wanes. And regardless of what we eat for lunch or the number of caffeinated beverages we choose to consume, 3pm comes around it suddenly feels like we’ve aged a decade. Unable to focus, time moves at a glacial pace for those remaining hours of the day and it’s all we can do to drag ourselves home and into bed.
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    This mental exhaustion is a common feeling for many but in some good news, it appears exercise might be the cure. As anyone who has been in the slump can attest, getting into some activewear and breaking a sweat is often the last thing on your mind. However, it might just be the thing you need. As a newly-published study by German researchers suggests, exercise can reverse this mental fatigue in just 30 minutes.
    For the study, subjects with cognitive fatigue were grouped into three interventions: 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, 30 minutes of easy stretching and 30 minutes of watching the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The group that cycled for 30 minutes on an exercise bike reported feeling less mentally tired, had improved mood and better perception of their mental capability, and also showed improved ability to take on new tasks. Ultimately, the 30 minutes was seen to restore higher-order executive functions, helping workers to get back online and ready for action.
    As the researchers found, exercise during lunchtime does wonders – not just in the short-term, but for the long-term too. Aside from feeling refreshed post-exercise, you can also combat long-term negative alterations in the brain structure and function that can come with chronic, persistent mental fatigue. The study found that the more fatigued someone felt, the more the 30-minute exercise cycle made them feel refreshed.
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    It’s worthing noting, though, that the study only looked at 30 minutes of easy aerobic exercise so it’s not exactly clear what the impact of doing, say, an hour’s run might be on mental stress, or a higher intensity exercise. As Women’s Running suggests, “Since we know that mental stress and physical stress build off each other, it’s likely that if a too long or too intense exercise session puts additional strain on the body, it could contribute to fatigue and not help you recover from it.”
    But despite exercise being an effective mood-boosting tool to overcome mental fatigue and the dreaded feeling of an afternoon slump, studies also show that people often blow off a workout when feeling overwhelmed because they feel the long-term benefits aren’t as important as their immediate need to chill. If this is something you’re guilty of, we’d suggest scheduling in 30-minutes of exercise just as you would a meeting or Zoom call, to hold yourself accountable and ensure you take that time. Because while your mind might be telling you to lounge and chill, exercise is exactly what your body needs to come back feeling energised and invigorated.
    And as the recent study suggests, you don’t need to push yourself. This isn’t a time for analysing metrics on your smartwatch or looking at data, it’s simply about connecting to your body through movement and allowing the tension you’ve built up in the day to release.
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    Cape Town-based Jessica Naylor, a seasoned fitness trainer (group exercise) best known for her optimistic, high impact energy workouts has compiled a few fun, effective, equipment-free and lunch break friendly exercises. “All these workouts can be done anywhere, provided there is a bit of space. Prepare to tone and burn all in one,” she says.
    Move: Soccer Drill ​Nail it: Tap your foot, then the other foot, knee and then the other knee. Pick up the pace and double the time!
    Move: High KneesNail it: Keep your knees high and the power going, on the spot, in a sprinting motion.​
    Move: Arms For DaysNail it: Stand tall, keep your shoulders behind and tummy tight. Place your arms out horizontally. Palm open and thumb facing the roof. Pulse your arms back and forth. Make small movements and feel the burn!
    Move: Explosive Star ​Nail it: Slightly bend your knees. In one movement make your self into a star shape. Shoot arms and legs out and quickly bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat this movement 20 times. Hello cardio!
    Move: Jump For Joy ​Nail it: Point on your toes. Arms stretched up above your head and bounce away!​
     Move: Quick FeetNail it: Make sure your feet are directly under your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and run on the spot!
    The article Why A Lunchtime Sweat Session Could Be The Cure For Burnout was originally published on the Women’s Health Australia website. 

    READ MORE ON: burnout Cognitive Fatigue Fatigue Fitness Advice Health wellness More

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    Is Eating A Vegan Keto Diet Even Possible? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

    The keto diet has built up a reputation for being able to help with losing weight and keeping it off. But it is also known for how much meat people eat to try to achieve their high-fat, low-carb goal. So is there a vegan keto diet that allows plant-based folks to also follow this way of eating? Surprisingly, yes.
    Just as you can still go out to eat on keto by making a few tweaks, you can adapt the diet to fit whatever eating restrictions you have – you just need to get creative about it. So, it is possible to be vegan and keto at the same time. But even dietitians acknowledge that it may not be the easiest to do.
    READ MORE: How To Go Vegan: 15 Easy Nutritionist-Backed Tips
    Eating a vegan keto diet is “difficult, since you’re not eating any animal protein,” says registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto, a co-founder of Culina Health. Jessica Cording, a registered dietitian and the author of The Little Book of Game-Changers, agrees. “Technically, this is possible, but it takes a lot more planning and careful consideration than if someone was incorporating animal proteins,” Cording says.
    Still, there are a lot of potential hurdles to overcome and it all revolves around how to find the right foods to eat. Rissetto points out that most foods that could help you stay vegan and go on keto would be overly processed, which would work against you if your goal is to be healthier as a whole.
    So, what’s the best way to go about the vegan keto diet and what kind of foods can (and can’t) you eat on it? Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know, plus how to pull it off.
    What are the perks of being vegan and keto?
    A big one is that you don’t need to think about cholesterol as much as you would if you were on regular keto. “One of the downsides of traditional keto is that if someone is eating too much red meat, it can reflect poorly in their cholesterol,” Cording says. “With a plant-based approach, there is less risk of that.”
    Another benefit is weight loss. If you can follow a vegan keto diet appropriately, Cording says you should be able to lose weight.
    What’s on a vegan keto diet food list?
    A vegan diet focuses on plant-based foods. And, in order to hit ketosis, where your body starts to burn fat instead of carbs, you need to hit all the right macros: 60 to 70 percent of your calories from fats, 15 to 30 percent from protein, and five to 10 percent from carbs.
    You need to have a good sense of what provides enough calories, fat, protein, and fibre without contributing more carbohydrates, Cording says. “A lot of mainstays of plant-based proteins like beans are much trickier to incorporate if someone is doing a vegan keto diet because beans do have carbs,” she explains.
    READ MORE: 9 Cauliflower Benefits That Make It A Superfood, According To A Dietitian
    It can be pretty easy to cover your bases with fat and still get adequate fibre – protein is the bigger struggle. Cording recommends leaning heavily into nuts and seeds, which are great sources of healthy fats and have some fibre and protein. You should also scale back a little on traditional vegan protein sources like tempeh, which is higher in carbs.
    To do the vegan keto diet, Cording says you’ll want to go big on these foods:

    Nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds)
    Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter)
    Coconut milk
    Olive oil
    Non-starchy veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, peppers)
    Vegan “dairy” products (coconut yogurt, cashew cheese)

    You can have the following in moderation:

    Grains (rice, pasta)
    Starchy veggies (potatoes, peas)
    Beans (chickpeas, blank beans, pinto beans)
    Fruits (although berries are your best bet)

    You’ll also want to avoid these foods:

    Animal products (meat, honey, whey protein)
    Dairy (milk, eggs)

    READ MORE: 4 Ways to Support Healthy Ageing
    What does eating a vegan keto diet look like?
    A lot depends on your personal preferences and tastes, but Cording suggests trying these meal plans out, complete with dishes and snacks.
    Day 1

    Breakfast: A smoothie with coconut milk, greens, a handful of berries, nut butter, and hemp
    Lunch: Vegan soup with MCT oil and hemp hearts
    Dinner: A salad with avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, olive oil dressing, and sunflower seeds
    Snack: A handful of almonds

    Day 2

    Breakfast: Sautéed greens and tofu scramble with vegan cheese
    Lunch: Coconut cream of broccoli soup with a side of nuts
    Dinner: A seitan burger with a side of greens
    Snack: Celery sticks with peanut butter

    Day 3

    Breakfast: Coconut yogurt with nut and seed topping
    Lunch: A green salad with avocado, peppers, and broccoli, with a side of nuts
    Dinner: A cauliflower pizza with vegan cheese and greens on top
    Snack: Coconut fat bombs

    Who should *not* follow a vegan keto diet?
    Dietitians are hesitant to actually recommend this diet, given how restrictive it is. If you have a history of an eating disorder, Cording says it’s definitely best to take a pass.
    But, if you feel confident in your ability to pull off the vegan keto diet and know you will be okay with the parameters, nutritionists still recommend bringing in a professional to help figure out how to make this work in the healthiest way possible. “Definitely consult an RD,” Rissetto says.
    Just know this, per Cording: You’re probably going to need to add a supplement to the mix. “Even when you’re covering all your bases, you likely will need some kind of supplementation because this diet is so restrictive,” she says.
    The bottom line: You can go keto if you’re vegan, but you should definitely work with a nutritionist to make sure you’re doing it right and getting all your essential nutrients.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

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    9 Cauliflower Benefits That Make It A Superfood, According To A Dietitian

    For the last few years, one vegetable has been the star of the produce aisle, outshining all the rest. And while images of kale or even sweet potatoes may come to mind, the owner of this impressive title is actually cauliflower. C’mon you know your famous cauliflower tacos and those yummy cauliflower buffalo wings are a staple in your house, so this can’t be a total surprise.
    And now that you’re thinking about it. If you’re realizing you eat way too much of it, that’s not a bad thing. The cruciferous vegetable, long used interchangeably with broccoli, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts, is one of the more popular veggies thanks to its low-carb and low-calorie values as well as its immense versatility. It’s hard to name a dish you can’t throw cauliflower into.
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    Whether you prefer white, green, purple, or any other of the vegetal varieties you can find out there, cauliflower has proven itself as a compelling alternative to traditional ingredients and is now regularly used to make everything from rice and pizza crust to mac and cheese and Christmas stuffing.
    But the vegetable is not only an extremely healthy option for those looking to cut back on carbs and calories. It’s also a great source of plant compounds that are known to reduce the risk of certain diseases, including cancer. Ready to dive into all of cauliflower’s amazing bennies? Below, we break down everything you need to know about cauliflower benefits and nutrition, according to a registered dietitian.
    What does cauliflower’s nutrition look like?
    “Cauliflower is rich in nutrients, including dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and folate,” explains Gena Hamshaw, a registered dietician and the author of The Full Helping blog. “Plus, cauliflower is relatively low in calories and has a high water content.”
    According to the USDA, a medium-sized head of cauliflower contains an estimated 146 calories, 29 grams of carbs, 1.6 grams of fat, 12 grams of fibre, 11 grams of sugar, 11 grams of protein, and 176 mg of sodium. Obviously, these values will differ depending on preparation and any ingredients used alongside it, but the vegetable’s nutrition makes it an appealing addition to almost any diet.
    What are the benefits of eating cauliflower?
    There are many advantages to eating cauliflower, from satiating your body’s need for certain nutrients to the range of ways it can be prepared. Here, we look at nine of the vegetable’s foremost benefits.
    1. It’s high in fibre
    It’s no secret that fibre is a necessary part of any diet or that it can be a huge help to overall health—and lucky for us, cauliflower is rich with it. With 10 percent of your daily fibre needs fulfilled with just a single cup of cauliflower, the vegetable can lower the risk of various illnesses, including heart disease and diabetes. Eating it regularly is also a great way to promote digestive and cardiac health more generally, which is something everyone wants, Hamshaw says.
    READ MORE: 24 High-Fibre Foods That Should Be On Your Plate Every Day, According To Nutritionists
    2. It’s a good source of choline
    “Choline is a nutrient that plays a role in nervous system function and metabolism, and adequate choline intake may aid with memory function as well,” notes Hamshaw. Many people are deficient in the nutrient since relatively few foods contain it, but one cup of cauliflower contains about 11 percent of your daily need.
    3. It aids immune health
    There’s a reason vitamin C has become such a hot topic in recent years, as the world has prioritised immunity in the face of widespread illness. The antioxidant is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects and its ability to boost immune function, Hamshaw says, and cauliflower is famously high in it.
    4. It’s high in vitamin K
    You’re likely less familiar with vitamin K than many of its counterparts, but believe us when we say it’s just as important. The fat-soluble vitamin plays an essential role in bone metabolism, regulating blood calcium levels, and blood clotting, which means that it helps your body heal from any kind of injury. And cauliflower offers roughly 20 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin K, so your body will thank you for eating it.
    5. It can aid weight loss
    With only 25 calories in every cup of cauliflower, the vegetable is an obvious choice for anyone looking to lose some weight. In addition to being rich in fibre, which can work to slow your digestion and make you feel fuller longer, it has a very high water content. With 92 percent of its weight made up of water, eating cauliflower can assist with keeping your body hydrated, and when added to a proper diet, weight loss.
    6. It can help reduce the risk of cancer
    “Cauliflower contains phytonutrients – chemical compounds found in plants – that are associated with protection against chronic diseases, including cancer,” Hamshaw says. The vegetable boasts high contents of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, two groups of antioxidants that have been shown to reduce cancer and especially protect against breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.
    READ MORE: 15 Crazy-Delicious Cauliflower Recipes To Help You Lose Weight
    7. It contains some of almost every nutrient you need
    It’s rare that a single food can cover nearly every one of your body’s nutritional needs, but cauliflower does just that. Putting aside the more obvious vitamins B, C, and K, the cruciferous vegetable is an excellent source of folate, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, and more, all minerals you need to maintain overall health.
    8. It’s a good alternative to grains
    Whether you follow a low-carb diet and are looking to eliminate more grains or you’re simply hoping to increase your veggie intake, cauliflower can be a big help. With about nine times fewer carbs than rice and a myriad more of vitamins and nutrients, it’s a great alternative to traditional grains. You can find cauliflower-based rice and pasta at many grocery stores these days, or you can try your hand at recipes like cauliflower pizza, cauliflower mash, and cauliflower tortillas.
    9. It’s incredibly versatile
    “In addition to all of this, cauliflower is versatile, satisfying, and useful in a huge range of recipes, and it’s especially useful in plant-based cooking,” Hamshaw explains. “You can transform cauliflower into steak, dip, or mash. It can be baked, roasted whole, or pureed into pasta sauce. The possibilities are endless!” You can also eat the vegetable raw or simply roasted, steamed, or sautéed, so preparation can be as minimal or as maximal as you’d like.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

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    The Wellness Gift Guide: WH Editors’ Wish List Picks

    A wellness gift guide? That’s right. Okay, it’s been one long year and you deserve everything. You and yours have earned the right to some great wellness gifts this holiday season, just for making it through the year. And since wellness can take many forms, there’s gifts for everyone; adventurers and beauty junkies, athletes and techies. We’ve curated some of our favourite things. In this lil’ gift guide we’ve picked items that pamper and look out for your well-being. From our WH family to yours.
    Running shoe
    Adidas Ultraboost 22. Fact: more than 50 percent of runners are women, and yet most running shoes are created with the male form in mind.  Tapping into an online database of 1.2-million female foot scans, the Ultraboost has been refined and re-engineered to create a 360-degree female fit. “The UltraBoost 21 was one of the most comfortable running shoes I’ve worn. The UltraBoost 22 tops that. This is such a cool motivation to lace up and go for a run. I’d recommend these to any female runner looking for a comfortable way to get in or get back to running. Plus, the sustainable aspect of this shoe really makes me feel good. Designed with our oceans in mind, it includes a natural rubber outsole and an upper made with yarn containing 50% Parley Ocean Plastic.” – Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini

    READ MORE: 16 Super-Stylish Stocking Fillers & Gifts Under R150 – That Aren’t Socks
    Garmin Lily Smartwatch. It wouldn’t be the perfect WH list without a smart watch, and this one takes the cake. “I’ve spent a few weeks reading and getting to know the Garmin Lily and found out it’s got major features in such svelte form.” It tracks your heart rate, stress, hydration and your menstruation cycle. When you want to relax or focus, you can start a breath work activity, and this watch will track your stress and respiration to help you get a better understanding of how you’re breathing.- Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini

    Garmin Lily SmartwatchR 5049BUY NOW

    A good book
    Vibrate Higher Daily Live Your Power by Lalah Delia. “I’m learning to sift through what should and shouldn’t bother me, while keeping my energy consistent at all times. I have been eyeing this book for a while, and think it will be such a great addition to this new journey.” – Kemong Mopedi

    A Raleigh 26″ Comfort Cruiser Bicycle. Like the name says, this is an easy-cruising laid-back comfort bike. You get a truly comfortable bicycle thanks to the thick padded saddle with memory foam. You’ll hardly feel any bumps. “I’m finally ready to get over my fear of riding — don’t ask! [chuckles]” – Kemong Mopedi

    Raleigh Comfort Cruiser R 2499BUY NOW

    Pocket knife
    Victorinox Classic Swiss Army Pocket Knife. The Swiss Army Knife is still an icon of sleek functionality. It has 7 functions — including scissors, a nail file and a screwdriver. Victorinox is famous for their high-carbon stainless steel blades, which hold exceptionally good edges and can easily be resharpened. “Great for cutting bagels on the beach or zip ties when travelling. Essential and multifunctional.” – Pia Hammond

    Victorinox Classic Swiss Army Pocket KnifeR 349BUY NOW
    Comfortable sneaker
    Nike Air VaporMax 360. Looking to add a fashion-forward bit of style to your look? This retro-inspired sneaker (yes, 2000s is retro now) gives remarkable and unquestionable underfoot comfort. It features a full-length foam midsole and VaporMax Air unit giving you remarkable underfoot comfort. “I’ve always loved VaporMax, they look like a soccer shoe hybrid, strong and good grip. And they just look badass.” – Pia Hammond

    NIKE women’s Air VaporMax R 3999BUY NOW
    Dyson Airwrap styler. The price tag might make you hesitate but believe us, this is as good a hair tool as you can get. Dyson’s Airwrap was the most awarded hair tool in 2019. It comes with 6 attachments; a pre-styling dryer (goodbye hairdryer), a firm smoothing brush (goodbye straightener), a soft smoothing brush, a round volumising brush (goodbye 80’s curlers), 30mm barrels for voluminous curls or waves and 40mm barrels for loose curls or waves (goodbye curling iron). You’ll get hairdresser quality hair in no time and at home. Need to see it in action? Check out the blowout tutorial below. “Hello new BFF” – Kelleigh Korevaar

    Dyson Airwray styler R 11499BUY NOW

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    RVLRI Trust Gift Box. After being a “silver jewellery girl” for as long as I’ve adorned myself in metals, I’ve recently matured into a “gold jewellery girl”. Yes, very scandalous. That means I’m trying to find everyday gold staples that don’t break the bank. Enter RVLRI. Their Trust gift set contains a watch, circle of life pendant necklace and intricate circle earrings. That’s half your jewellery sorted in one beautiful box! And at a really great price, too! Who wouldn’t be stoked to receive this? – Kelleigh Korevaar

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    Yoga Moves That Bonnie Mbuli Swears By

    “The quickest way to bring my mind and my soul into alignment is to discipline my body. If I discipline my body, I’m more likely to choose the right meal after I’ve worked out. I’m more likely to go and pray because I feel good. I’m more likely to make a better decision about something I need to do concerning work. I’m highly likely to have more energy to do the things I’m supposed to do. I’m more likely to look at the world in a positive way. So I use exercise as a tool for mastering myself,” enthuses the 42-year-old actress and author. The mom of two boys, who covers our Jan/Feb 2022 issue shares that she’s learnt that mind, body, soul and spirit are all aligned. She adds, “When one is out of whack, all of them get scattered!”
    Here are Bonnie’s go-to yoga moves. Get ready to feel calm, strong, and bendy.
    Downward Dog

    Bonnie’s Take: “It’s a superb hamstring stretcher – and mine are always tight! There’s also something about this position that forces me to fully face myself.” 
    Master It: Start in a high plank. Lift hips up and back, sinking heels toward floor, until body forms an upside down “V” shape. Press shoulders away from ears and relax neck. Spread fingers wide on mat, with palms pressed against the floor. Hold for five slow breaths.


    Bonnie: “It improves circulation and challenges my fears. I used to pull off headstands effortlessly as a child. Now, I can only master them against a wall! I think it’s fear though.”
    Master It: Begin by interlacing your fingers and placing your forearms on the mat, parallel, palms facing each other. Cup the back of your head in your hands, the top of your head on the floor. Take five breaths here. Then, pushing down through shoulders and forearms, lift one foot up into the air, knee bent. Using your core, lift the other to meet it. Brace abs and squeeze glutes and leg muscles, as you slowly straighten legs upwards, pointing toes. Your body should feel like a solid, secure cylinder, with minimal weight on head and neck. Hold for three breaths, then slowly lower legs back down.

    Humble Warrior 

    Bonnie’s Take: “It reminds me to strike a balance between being strong and vulnerable.”
    Master It: Start with legs almost as wide as mat, right foot forward, toes facing straight ahead, left foot back, outside of foot parallel to back of mat (right heel lined up with middle of left inner arch), torse facing left side, and arms at sides. Keep left leg straight while deeply bending right knee until thigh is parallel to mat, then extend arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Gaze should be over front fingers. Hold for three to five breaths.

    Any Hip Openers 
    Bonnie’s Take: “Hips are where we house our trapped emotions and trauma. Hip stretchers remind me to keep my heart open.”
    Master It: Happy baby is a beginner-friendly pose. Start lying on back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at sides. Draw knees toward chest outside of ribs with legs bent and soles facing ceiling. Bring arms inside of legs and grab big toes with first two fingers and thumb of same hand. Gently pull knees toward floor. Hold for five to eight breaths.

    READ MORE ON: Bonnie Mbuli Downward Dog Headstand Humble Warrior Yoga Yoga Workouts More