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    A 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    A home workout plan hits hard, if you know what you’re doing. While you’ll probs pick up a few tips from watching others in the gym/asking staff for help (when you’re not catching your breath/wiping sweat from your eyes, obvs), you’re kinda going it alone in your living room.
    Would WH let you do that, though? To hell we would. We’re here to steer you to success with this four-week home workout plan designed to deliver a fitter, stronger you in just 28 days. You don’t need any fancy kit, just some fitness motivation, a good sports bra, a refillable water bottle and, perhaps closing blinds to spare your neighbours the front row seat to your sweaty endeavours.
    Can you see results from a 4-week home workout plan?
    Yup. You sure can. From improvements to your stamina and endurance to body composition changes (if that’s your goal), it is most definitely possible to see and feel changes after a month-long fitness plan.
    The key is to stick with the exercise plan. If, after workout one, you’re not feeling any fitter – don’t despair. It’s like learning how to paint, you’re not going to be Bob Ross after a single brush stroke. However, if you put the effort in each day, each week, improvements will come.
    What you’ll need to start your home workout plan
    Should you be one of those eternally motivated people, with a regular home workout routine inked into the diary, power to you. Like, serious props. It’s not easy but we see you getting after it. If, however, you’re part of the other 98% of living humans, a kick up the bum in the form of a brand new, snazzy, well-thought-out home workout plan is usually most welcome.
    Herein lies the magic: we’ve put together a special four-week exercise plan that’ll get you fit and sculpt lean muscle, guiding you through 28 days of strengthening moves and routines.
    Your at-home fitness plan overhaul starts here.
    Equipment you’ll need:
    – Dumbbells
    – A skipping rope
    – A medicine ball

    Your 4-week home workout plan
    Four days a week, you’ll do a warm-up followed by circuits or an AMRAP workout (that’s ‘as many rounds as possible’ within a set amount of time). Wednesdays and Sundays are your cardio days – choose between HIIT training or a steady-pace session.
    ‘Wait, what?’ we hear you protest – Sunday is for bingeing Disney+, no?
    Not for the foreseeable, it’s about to become a productive training day. Saturdays are for resting now, so get with the fitness program, people! Scroll down for your weekly workout plan.
    Read through the entire plan before starting. If there are any moves you’re unfamiliar with, scroll to the bottom for our full step-by-step how-to on every single exercise.
    Week One
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins
    1. Burpees (10 reps)
    2. Crunches (20 reps)
    3. Plank (30 secs)
    4. Kneeling press-ups (40 reps)
    5. Lunges (50 reps)
    6. Running on the spot (60 secs)
    Warm-up: 10-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 15 mins
    1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)
    2. Bicycle crunches (80 secs)
    3. Supermans (60 reps)
    4. Sumo squats (40 reps)
    5. Lying leg raises (20 reps)
    Warm-up: 5-min light jog
    Cardio: Run as far as you can in 24 mins, alternating between a 1-min sprint and a 2-min jog.
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times:
    1. Lying leg raises (1 min)
    2. Lunges (1 min)
    3. Sumo squats (1 min)
    4. Running on the spot with bum kicks (1 min)
    5. Rest (1 min)
    Warm-up: 8-min light jog
    Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times
    1. Glute bridges (50 reps)
    2. Sumo squats (50 reps)
    3. Kneeling press-ups (50 reps)
    4. 200m run
    Rest day
    Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping or yoga.

    Week Two
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:
    1. Jump squats (10 reps)
    2. Twisting sit-ups (20 reps)
    3. Press-ups (30 reps)
    4. 400m run
    Warm-up: 15-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins
    1. Running on the spot with bum kicks (100 reps)
    2. Sumo squats (80 reps)
    3. Hollow rocks (60 reps)
    4. Curtsy lunges (40 reps)
    5. Plank builders (20 reps)
    Warm-up: 5-min light jog
    Cardio: Run as far as you can in 24 mins, alternating between a 1-min sprint and a 1-min jog
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: AMRAP in 25 mins:
    1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)
    2. Sumo squats (80 reps)
    3. Mountain climbers (60 reps)
    4. Woodchops (40 reps)
    Warm-up: 12-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:
    1. Glute bridges (50 reps)
    2. Sumo squats (50 reps)
    3. Press-ups (50 reps)
    4. 200m run
    Rest day
    Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

    Week Three
    Warm-up: 5-min jog
    Workout: Complete the following circuit 3 times with a 1-min rest between exercises:
    1. Burpees (30 secs)
    2. Butterfly crunches (30 secs)
    3. Triceps press-ups (30 secs)
    4. Skipping (30 secs)
    Warm-up: 12-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:
    1. Step-ups (30 reps each leg)
    2. Standing dumbbell shoulder presses (10 reps)
    3. Medicine ball twists (30 reps)
    4. Lying leg raises (10 reps)
    5. Lunges (30 reps)
    6. Dumbbell rows (10 reps)
    Warm-up: 5-min jog
    Cardio: Run for 28 mins, alternating between a 2-min sprint and a 2-min jog
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:
    1. 200m run
    2. Walkouts (10 reps)
    3. Medicine ball twists (20 reps)
    4. Pike press-ups (30 reps)
    5. Overhead step-ups (30 reps per leg)
    6. Plank (50 secs)
    Warm-up: 10-min light jog
    Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times:
    1. Squat hold (60 secs)
    2. Jump squats (15 reps)
    3. Crunches (30 reps)
    4. Burpees (15 reps)
    5. Butterfly crunches (15 reps)
    6. Dumbbell thrusters (15 reps)
    Rest day
    Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

    Week Four
    Warm-up: 15-min jog
    Workout: Take as long as you need to complete the following:
    1. Sumo squats (150 reps)
    2. Overhead split squats (100 reps)
    3. Press-ups (50 reps)
    4. Crunches (25 reps)
    Warm-up: 10-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:
    1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)
    2. Bicycle crunches (80 reps)
    3. Sumo squats (40 reps)
    4. Lying leg raises (20 reps)
    Warm-up: 5-min light jog
    Cardio: Do these exercises one after the other:
    1. Run 1km; then 50 skips with a skipping rope
    2. Run 800m, then do 30 burpees
    3. Run 600m; then 25 mountain climbers
    4. Run 400m; then 20 sumo squats
    5. Run 200m; then 10 jump squats
    Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping
    Workout: Complete the following circuit 4 times:
    1. Walkouts (60 secs)
    2. Overhead split squats (60 secs)
    3. Running on the spot with bum kicks (60 secs)
    4. Rest (60 secs)
    Warm-up: 12-min light jog
    Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:
    1. Jump squats (60 reps)
    2. Bicycle crunches (60 reps)
    3. Lying leg raises (60 reps)
    4. Plank builders (20 reps)
    5. Burpees (15 reps)
    6. Dumbbell thrusters (15 reps)
    Rest day
    Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

    Fitness plan step-by-step guide to every exercise
    Okay, most of the exercises you’ll know already – but for the ones you may be less familiar with, we’ve got you covered…
    Butterfly Crunch
    Targets: Core
    a) Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together so your knees are bent out to the sides. Straighten your arms overhead, with your biceps touching your ears.

    b) Use your abs to lift your upper body, bringing your arms over your head and in between your knees. Then roll back down, slowly and with control.

    Dumbbell Thruster
    Targets: Glutes, legs, shoulders
    a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells next to your shoulders, then lower into a squat.

    b) Straighten back up to standing as you press the weights overhead.

    Dumbbell Row
    Targets: Biceps, upper back, shoulders
    a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells. Hinge at the hips until your back is almost parallel to the floor. Your palms should be facing your legs. This is your starting position.

    b) From here, slowly draw the weights up toward the sides of your chest. Pause, then slowly lower the weights and repeat.

    Hollow Back
    Targets: Core
    a) Lie on your back with your arms and legs fully extended.

    b) Raise your arms and legs off the floor at the same time, creating a hollow basin shape. Then slowly lower back down to the ground.

    Overhead Split Squat
    Targets: Core, glutes, hamstrings, quads
    a) Stand with your left foot a big step in front of the right, holding dumbbells overhead.

    b) Bend both legs until your back knee is just off the ground. Then repeat. Swap sides halfway through your reps.

    Overhead Step-up
    Targets: Core, glutes, hamstrings, quads, shoulders
    a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing a bench or step that’s about knee height. Hold dumbbells straight above your head.

    b) Lift your right knee to place your foot on the bench. Push down through your right foot to step up. Then step back down and repeat on the other leg.

    Pike Press-up
    Targets: Shoulders, chest, triceps
    a) In a press-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart, walk your feet forwards and stick your hips up in the air. With straight legs, bend your elbows until your head nearly touches the floor.

    b) Push back up to straighten your arms. Continue pushing up and down.

    Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    Targets: Core, shoulders
    a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells up by your shoulders.

    b) Straighten your arms to press the weights above your head – but don’t lock your elbows. Then slowly reverse the movement.

    Targets: Core, chest, shoulders, triceps
    a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend over and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet.

    b) Walk your hands away from your body until you’re in a plank position, then reverse the movement back up to standing.

    Targets: Lower back
    a) Lie on your front with your arms outstretched and hands on the floor.

    b) Lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor, hold for 2-3 secs, then lower your body back down to the floor.

    Triceps Press-up
    Targets: Core, chest, shoulders, triceps
    a) Get into a press-up position with your hands together beneath your chest. Bend your elbows to lower yourself to the floor.

    b) Straighten your elbows to push back up to the starting position.

    Sumo Squat
    Targets: Core, legs, glutes
    a) Stand with your feet wide and slightly angled outwards, hands clasped in front of your chest.

    b) Sit back into a squat. Pause when your thighs are parallel to the floor, then go deeper if it feels comfortable. Keep your back straight and knees in line with your feet. Then push back up to standing.

    Targets: Core, shoulders, chest
    a) Start in a forearm plank with your hands together. Your body should be in a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

    b) Lift your right arm and place your hand where your right elbow was, straighten your elbow, then do the same with your left arm so you’re in a plank. Go back down onto your elbows and repeat on the other side.

    Targets: Core, chest, shoulders
    a) Sit in a partial squat, holding a weight or medicine ball to the outside of your left knee.

    b) Straightening your legs, lift the ball across your body in an arc so it ends up above your head on the right. Then reverse back to the starting position. Swap sides halfway through your reps.

    How to make the home workout plan easier
    Fret not if you’re struggling. This fitness plan is easily scalable to suit your ability/energy levels. Here are a few ways you can take it down a notch:
    – Replace one workout day with an additional rest day
    – Reduce each prescribed AMRAP session by 5 or 10 mins
    – Reduce each prescribed cardio session by 10 mins
    – Reduce each circuit by one round (i.e. when you’re prescribed 4 rounds, do 3)

    This story was originally published in

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    Is When You Eat More Important Than What You Eat?

    Many people worry about gaining weight if they eat later than a certain time. But does it matter when you eat? Is this time really more important than what you eat?
    There’s been a ridiculous amount of research into whether you’ll gain weight if you eat (dinner) after 8pm. The results of the studies are not always consistent. In one study, there was no association between eating late and being overweight, while other researchers found that those who ate after 8 p.m. consumed more calories than previous eaters. Those extra kilojoules can actually lead to weight gain. In general, you do not seem to gain extra weight if you eat late at night, but then you should eat a healthy and varied diet during the day.
    READ MORE: Can Acupuncture Really Help You Lose Weight? We Asked The Experts
    Food Choices
    Don’t be blinded by the times. In reality, what you eat is much more important than when you eat. In addition, the problem is that late eaters often tend to eat more, and less healthily. Regardless of the timing, eating more kilojoules will automatically lead to weight gain. So eating in the evening can only lead to weight gain if you eat a surplus of ‘joules.
    Furthermore, eating late can affect certain food choices. Late at night, you are more likely to choose unhealthy foods. These foods often contain little nutritional value, such as chips, soda and ice cream. This is partly due to emotional eating and fatigue. In either case, you crave less healthy, high-kilojoule foods .
    READ MORE: 12 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight While Doing Intermittent Fasting, According To An RD
    Meal Timing
    While the total number of calories you eat ultimately affects your weight, research shows that there are ways to regulate your appetite through meal timing and frequency.
    Several studies indicate that eating a high-kilojoule breakfast can keep you feeling full for longer and potentially prevent overeating in the evening. In one study, people who ate a 2510kJ breakfast had less appetite and significantly less hunger throughout the day than people who ate half the kilojoules for breakfast. In particular, the appetite for sweets was reduced.
    Late night snack
    Also, eating several small meals can help control your appetite and reduce hunger pangs throughout the day. So experiment with the timing and size of your meals. If you still feel like a late night snack, it is best to go for these foods.
    This article was first published on
    READ MORE: 5 Obesity Causes That Prove It’s Way More Complicated Than Just Eating Too Much

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    9 Things a Celeb PT Wants You to Be Aware Of, If You Had a Baby Recently

    If exercise was a big part of your life before welcoming a little one into the world, then, in the months after giving birth, you might start to wonder about how to approach getting back into movement–if that feels right for you.
    Not every new mum will feel that a return to exercise is the best thing for them right now, and that is totally okay. Whether you had a vaginal birth or a C-section; or straightforward birth or a traumatic one, will all come into play. Listen to your body and speak to your midwife or doctor if there is anything you are not sure about.
    If so, however, it’s true that the world of postpartum workouts can be seriously overwhelming. Advice, often conflicting, can be found in every corner.
    It’s for this reason that WH has called upon Hollie Grant, founder of The Pilates PT Method and The Bump Plan, for some inside intel. As a mum, she has first-hand experience of slowly and gently returning to movement after birth, and has trained the likes of Jourdan Dunn and Ella Mills (a.k.a. Deliciously Ella).
    Here’s exactly what she wants women who have just had a baby to know.
    1. Gentle recovery can begin early
    According to the UK’s Standard NHS procedure, women should wait until their 6-week postnatal check before considering exercise, but Grant says this doesn’t necessarily mean you should be on bed-rest until then. (If you had a C-section or a difficult delivery, of course, recovery may take longer–check in with your midwife or doctor about this.)
    To caveat, she’s absolutely not suggesting you get yourself to the gym the day after giving birth, rather that the immediate post-labour timeframe can be crucial for super gentle recovery, as long as you feel ready.
    ‘Anyone who has attended a 6-week check-up knows that it’s more about your baby than it is about the birth parent, and often exercise isn’t even discussed,’ she tells us. But, interestingly, she affirms that ‘There is so much you can, and should, do in those first few weeks post-labour.’
    She pinpoints the following:

    READ MORE: Moms Applaud Meghan Markle For Showing What Women Actually Look Like After Giving Birth
    2. Focus on rehab, not weight loss
    It pains us to say it, but ‘snap-back culture’ is real, and Grant’s also passionate about getting rid. ‘There is so much pressure to lose weight after having a baby, and even well-meaning family and friends might mention it, too. I really urge you to focus on rehab, rather than weight loss. Aim for a strong, functional body, that can deal with the demands of anything parenting throws your way.
    ‘Placing the focus on how your body performs, rather than looks, will help keep any toxic diet noise at bay, and allow you a more positive outlook on your new body.’
    You’ve just grown a human inside of you for nine whole months – be proud and give both your body and mind the break they deserve.
    3. Making peace with changes to your body is vital
    In the same vein, whether it’s weight loss, aesthetics, fitness, strength or otherwise, your body will never be the same. That’s most definitely not a negative thing. Rather, it’s that recognising that your body has changed for life, and accepting, that will bring you a huge sense of peace.

    ‘It’s not a popular message, but we’re always postnatal,’ Grant adds. ‘I had my daughter three years ago, have taught over 1,000 live classes since then, am a postnatal expert, and still don’t have the body I had before. I never will. But neither do I need to. Every single aspect of my life has changed since, so why on earth do I expect my body not to have to?
    ‘I am, however, the strongest I have been in a long time, and I appreciate what my body has done for me. I have other markers of success for my body now.’
    Think about the amazing process your body has just been through, for starters.
    READ MORE: This Brave New Mom Shares Her Lockdown Birth Story
    4. Comparison is never helpful
    Pitting yourself against other new parents is, literally, pointless. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we’re all different. No woman will have the same birth as another, so there’s absolutely no use in making yourself feel some kind of way if they just so happen to be recovering sooner, for example.
    ‘One parent may have had an active pregnancy, a smooth vaginal birth, and lots of support at home. Another parent might have had a high-risk pregnancy, a traumatic birth, and little to no support at home,’ Grant explains.
    ‘These differences mean that you will never be at the same stage as anyone else. If Tracy from NCT is back to running 5k a week at 6 weeks postnatal, and you don’t even know where your trainers are at after 12, don’t feel bad.’
    As ever, you do you.
    5. Stop holding your breath
    Fact: the way you breathe scientifically changes during pregnancy. It’s for this reason that you might feel out of breath more easily, and it’s also why you need to pay even more attention to proper breathing.
    ‘By the time we give birth, our uterus is very high up by our diaphragm and our breath is much shallower,’ Grant says. ‘This can mean we feel quite breathless, have a more rapid breathing rate, don’t make much use of the whole of our lungs, and can feel quite alert or anxious. We can try to re-establish good breathing technique as soon as we’ve given birth.’
    Practice slow, deep breaths for 5-10 mins per day to reap these rewards:

    Core stimulation (including the pelvic floor)
    Reduced likelihood of subconsciously holding your breath while exercising (which could increase risk of prolapse)
    A calmer nervous system (efficient breathing stimulates the Vagus nerve and the ‘rest and digest’ system)

    In, and out.
    6. Go at your own pace
    An obvious one, but it’s vital you learn to walk, before attempting to run. ‘After you’ve had a baby, your body has changed in so many ways,’ says Grant. ‘It can take weeks (if not, months) to get back to some sort of “normal”.’
    ‘In the first couple of months, I ask clients to imagine they’re rebuilding the structure of a house. We want to get the scaffolding in place before we start messing about with the tough stuff inside. Bump Plan members do this through deep core engagement, breathwork, pelvic floor activation, and awareness of how their bodies work. Spend time building up the foundations, and you won’t risk a setback further down the line.’
    Don’t rush it, basically.
    READ MORE: This Mom’s Photos Reveal The Truth About ‘Bouncing Back’ After Giving Birth
    7. Take care of your pelvic floor
    There’s no two ways about it: your pelvic floor needs work post-birth. This is something Grant swears by for her clients. ‘Whether you had a caesarean or a vaginal birth, your pelvic floor needs some love. It not only controls the passage of urine, faeces, and wind, but it’s also responsible for enjoyment of sex, and literally supporting your internal organs.
    ‘Birthing people are understandably more at risk of prolapse (where the pelvic organs drop down into the vagina), but a functional pelvic floor can really help reduce the risk of a prolapse, and help you exercise safely with a prolapse. It can also help prevent the cliché “sneezing and weeing” that so many parents suffer with (and that has been normalised far too much).
    ‘Pelvic floor exercises should include both holds (holding up to 8 seconds, 10 times), and rapid pulses (aiming for 10 quick flicks). These should be performed daily, in different positions, and paying attention to “relax” the pelvic floor after each hold and pulse too (a tight pelvic floor is not good news).’
    You heard the woman.
    8. Know that moderate exercise is unlikely to impact milk supply
    Ask any new breastfeeding mum and chances are they’ll have concerns that too much exercise = lower milk supply, but Grant’s got good news: ‘There is no evidence to suggest that exercising at a “moderate intensity” affects your milk supply.’
    She adds, however, that there is some existing evidence suggesting exercising to maximum exhaustion may affect the quality of milk, but this research was from a very small sample size and doesn’t accurately represent breastfeeding parents.
    ‘The mental and physical health benefits of exercise far outweigh any possible risk of changes to your milk,’ she affirms. ‘If you are breastfeeding, ensure you stay hydrated, wear a supportive sports bra, and try to feed before exercise for more comfort.’ Easy.
    9. Be conscious of Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
    If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of DRA, but just in case a few of you aren’t, a quick re-cap. ‘Diastasis Rectus Abdominis is a widening and thinning of the linea alba (the connective tissue between your abdominal muscles) and is a perfectly functional part of pregnancy and allows our bumps to grow,’ says Grant. In other words, it’s when your abdominal muscles, essentially, separate.
    ‘In around two-thirds of women, DRA sorts itself out postnatally by 8-10 weeks,’ Grant explains. ‘That said, for around a third of women it won’t, and we don’t always know why.’
    There is something that can be done, too. ‘Avoiding core work however is not the answer,’ says Grant. ‘For DRA to change, and potentially heal, we need loading of the core. It’s not wise to avoid core work entirely, but if you do have DRA, it’s important you learn how to exercise with it.
    ‘A strong core is so important as a parent, and a little understanding of DRA, or using a programme that is designed for those with DRA, will be incredibly helpful.’

    READ MORE ON: Fitness Advice More

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    Meet The Firefighting Rugby Player Proving You Really Can Do It All

    Zinhle Ndawonde represents South Africa in both sevens and fifteens international women’s rugby. And if that isn’t heroic enough, she pays the bills working as a firefighter at King Shaka International Airport. Here are some nuggets of inspiration we can all use in our lives.
    Be True To Yourself
    Most teenagers do everything they can to fit in. Not Zinhle. In high school, with no girls’ rugby team to try out for, she played on the boys’ team – while other girls were “looking all cute in short skirts on the sidelines”. It paid off.

    READ MORE: “I Trained With The Blitzboks — And This Is What Happened”
    Have The Audacity To Dream Big
    “I grew up in Inanda township in KwaZulu-Natal and there was so much stuff going on,” says Zinhle. “Teenage pregnancies, gangs, drugs, alcohol. I didn’t want to be involved in any of that, I wanted something else for myself. But I knew that if I didn’t distract and distance myself, I might as well just accept that as my future. I used my passion, my rugby, to find my way out.” 
    Make Your Own Luck
    Zinhle had the opportunity to train with the Springbok squad leading up to the 2014 World Cup. But she didn’t make the cut into the final World Cup team. So she started training harder and removed distractions that she believed were holding her back. Two years later, she was called up to the SA team. 

    READ MORE: 6 Sportswomen Who Totally Changed The Game
    Share The Good
    As an adidas ambassador, Zinhle is on a mission to create opportunities for young women and girls. “adidas has inspired the legacy I want to leave, which is all about aiding young athletes from poor backgrounds. I’m living proof that it doesn’t matter where you come from, as long as you’re prepared to put in the hard work,” she says.
    Get inspired by Zinhle on Insta: @zinhlendawonde

    👏 Proud Fans Of Women’s Sport 👏
    The gender pay gap in sport is real. And massive. Sponsors will tell you it’s because fans watch men’s sport more than women’s. We say: challenge accepted. We’ve chosen to spotlight sportswomen who are killing it on the field, court, floor or track – because the world of sport is full of sheroes who deserve to be recognised and rewarded for being at the top of their game. #SAWomenInSport

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    Body20 Review: A Technology-Fuelled Fitness Experience Like No Other

    “To break down the finer details of Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS) in words would be to try to explain what a contraction is to someone who’s never given birth before,” I thought to myself as I reflected post-training. I know, not the cutest analogy [chuckles].
    Days leading up to my first-ever EMS training at Body20 Kyalami, I fought the urge to read up too much on what the session would entail. I wanted to arrive with no expectations, and leave enough room to be surprised. 
    The ExperienceThree things immediately stood out about Body20. The studio is intimate — perfect if, just like me, you find conventional gym settings intimidating. A personal trainer comes standard with every package, meaning there’ll be someone on hand to ‘gently’ nudge you when your body begs you to drop the ball. Lastly, each session takes up to 20 minutes — YAY to a full body workout in minimal time! 
    Following a quick tour of the cosy premises, and some standard paperwork, I changed out of my regular gym ’fit then stepped onto the InBody Assessment scale. It’s basically a biometric analysis of your weight, body composition, height and BMI that gives valuable insights into your health and wellness before each session. The results also help your trainer map out a workout plan that aligns perfectly with your fitness goals. 

    What To Expect
    Then came time to be strapped into a thoroughly sanitised, and wet EMS suit. The damper the skin, the stronger the connection to your muscles, shared my trainer. “Is this your first time? Don’t worry, you won’t get electrocuted,” offers a Body20 client who’d just wrapped up their session, perhaps reading the uncertainty on my face. Still, I proceeded with an open mind. 
    After the suit and straps had been connected to my body, then came time to plug into the booster machine and run a quick test. The impulse moves through whatever targeted muscles with an intensity that can be likened to being woken up with cold water on your face! Another silly analogy [chuckles]. As I carefully followed the trainer’s instructions, pushing against the strong impulse with each move, I couldn’t help but think: “I would still choose EMS training over treadmills and lifting weights.” 
    So, it’s no lie when they say: one EMS workout is the equivalent of four hours at the gym. Though the training is intense, it’s certainly not unbearable — even for someone with an inconsistent fitness regimen like myself. Lastly, a session of thorough stretching at home afterwards won’t leave you with week-long aches and pains. 

    More On Body20
    Below are some FAQs that will help make your Body20 experience easy-peasy! 
    Does EMS training hurt?In short, no. A certain level of intensity needs to be applied for conventional gym training to be effective, right? EMS is pretty much the same. While the 20-minute sessions can be described as gruelling or intense, they are by no means unbearable. Remember this: To reach your body goals, you have to push past that point of comfort!
    Is it a legitimate workout? Absolutely! EMS is by far the most time-efficient and effective workout out there. No other form of training (running, weightlifting, swimming, CrossFit etc.) can achieve the same results within, just, 20 to 40 minutes weekly. Whether you’re a time-strapped professional looking to save yourself some hours or a recreational/professional athlete looking to enhance your performance, Body20’s Progressive EMS training programmes are tailored to your fitness aspirations. 
    Should I supplement EMS with conventional exercise? It all depends on your fitness goals. It’s totally realistic to see good results from it. Many people sign up with Body20 because they are overwhelmed by conventional gym environments, or their lifestyle is just not conducive, time wise, for much exercise — hence the recommended one to two 20-minute sessions a week are ideal. 
    To reach your body goals, you have to push past that point of comfort!
    When can I expect to see results?Generally speaking, you will notice the effects within the first month. A Body20 trainer will track your body composition — muscle, fat, water and minerals — using state-of-the-art Inbody Assessments.  Regular fitness tests are implemented to highlight physical performance improvements, and all this info is kept in your personal file. As part of the membership perks, Body20 offers a Nutrition Doctor service run by registered dieticians, to help clients introduce the necessary nutritional changes to their lifestyles.
    Is EMS safe?Totally! EMS has been used in therapy for decades, and as a training method in Germany since 2007. There are over 3000 operational EMS studios in Germany alone, which has some of the strictest health and safety regulations in the world. There are no long-term identified side effects other than improved physical health and well-being, and all regulations are adhered to. Clients are required to complete a mandatory health and fitness profile at the start of their memberships. This helps Body20 trainers identify any possible contraindications and acquire medical approval if necessary. 
    Is EMS expensive?All memberships are inclusive of the EMS technology-driven training, tailored one-on-one personal training in each session, Nutrition Doctor services, Inbody body composition assessments, and ongoing results tracking and regular feedback. 
    For sign up details and more info, visit

    READ MORE ON: Body20 Electro Muscular Stimulation EMS Fitness More

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    The Ultimate Training Guide For Your Gut

    On a crisp autumn afternoon, my legs whisked me along the trail. It was blissful running perfection… until it wasn’t. I felt a telltale rumble in my stomach, but the bathrooms were locked for the season. I slowed to a walk, too late. Thankfully, nobody witnessed my re-enactment of that Bridesmaids scene before I hobbled home, hopped in the shower fully clothed and promptly trashed my leggings.
    The experience might be familiar if you tend to push through long, tough workouts. After all, discomfort and surprise urges can pop up at any time. “The intensity and duration of the workout are the two important variables associated with gastrointestinal symptoms,” says Manasi Agrawal, an assistant professor of gastroenterology and a marathon runner. “When we’re exercising, blood flow tends to get shunted toward the exercising muscles and the skin for temperature regulation, and away from the GI tract. When blood flow isn’t adequate, it affects GI tract movement and its capacity to absorb nutrients.”
    High-impact activities like running tend to elicit more severe gut symptoms due to their intensity. The good news? More seasoned exercisers deal with fewer GI emergencies, which means training your tum is possible – and being intentional with your nutrition and fluid intake during workouts helps optimise performance, per research in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. These tricks from the pros will have you chasing PBs (instead of public bathrooms).
    Finally, a comprehensive training guide that’s tailored to your gut. Relief, right this way.
     If You Feel Nauseous AF…
    Queasiness and/or vomiting can be traced to multiple issues, including dehydration, mid-workout intake of hypertonic fluids (anything with a higher concentration of salt and other electrolytes than is found in normal cells and blood), going overboard on chews or gels, ingesting too much caffeine, and stress or anxiety. Given the slew of possible causes, nausea and vomiting are complex symptoms to address, says Patrick Wilson, an associate professor of exercise science and author of The Athlete’s Gut. To calm those stormy seas, Wilson recommends getting a handle on stress, changing your pre-exercise food intake and using cooling tactics while working out. Zone out with a few minutes of box breathing (inhale for two secs, hold your breath for two, exhale for two, hold for two, repeat – working up to four- or eight-sec box breaths) before a sweat. To help keep your temp regulated, dip into a tub of icy water pre-workout and have a cold beverage on hand. As for food? Try eating something different beforehand to see if that makes an immediate difference. Once you’ve landed on a pre-workout eat that works, test and re-test your nutrition plan with different workouts until you feel confident in a food match. (Do this well in advance of a race or one-off fitness event – it usually takes a few weeks to figure out.)
    If symptoms continue or worsen, check in with your doc or a gastroenterologist.
    Proactive Planning
    No gut probs? Continue to nurture a healthy microbiome so you never experience them. That means sticking to a regular sleep, bathroom and eating routine so your system remains reliable. Also, eat a diet with enough fibre (guidelines recommend 25g daily) from whole-food sources to feed gut bacteria, says exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist Stacy T. Sims. The result is a healthier, consistent GI system, with less inflammation, to support your fitness goals.  
    If Heartburn Strikes…
    Feeling the fire in the wrong spots? Reflux during exercise can mimic breathlessness or chest constriction. Higher-intensity exertion can trigger heartburn for some people. For others, it may be a result of eating high-fat foods or excessive carbs right before or during a workout. If you regularly get reflux, skip acid-increasing eats like chocolate, citrus, chilli and coffee close to exercise time. And don’t stuff yourself pre-workout. A bellyful of food will slosh around until your body can focus on digestion, says dietitian Ryan Turner.
    READ MORE: The GAPS Diet Promises To Health-ify Your Gut And Your Brain 
    If Cramps and Bloating Slow You Down…
    Cramps can stop you in your tracks and are another side effect of paused digestion while exercising; certain foods or poorly absorbed nutrients can cause excess gas production in the gut. Midsection aches can also pop up if you regularly use NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) for pain relief and recovery. Avoid heavy foods a few days before a big workout as they can slow gut movement. Bacteria ferment these items in the intestines, producing gas and the uncomfortable balloon-feels. And cut back on pill popping for every little ache. When used frequently, NSAIDs can cause more serious issues, like ulcers. Reduce your use or switch your pain reliever of choice and modify your nutrition to allow cramps to cool off. 
    If it’s Bathroom Emergencies…
    Your GI tract can only handle so much activity when you’re, say, crushing a cycling day or in the midst of a long run. Don’t overdo it beforehand on carbs (especially complex ones like grains and starchy vegies), which your gut may not be able to properly break down. When it comes to workout fuel, “Gels or drinks that have 5 to 8 per cent max of simple sugars are well tolerated… anything more concentrated can lead to extraGI distress,” says Agrawal. Find your fuel sweet spot by testing combos of easily digestible simple sugars (like glucose and fructose) and recording your post-sweat reactions. After a few weeks, if you’ve had predictable bathroom trips, Turner says, then you’ve found a trustworthy energy source.
    READ MORE: Are You Lactose-Intolerant? Here’s How To Tell If You’ve Got Dairy Issues
    Stretch for Success
    The digestive system is nicknamed the second brain, so it should come as no surprise that the mind-body benefits of yoga can also soothe the GI tract. Practising yoga lowers cortisol levels, which contributes to smooth moves all around, says Jessica Moy, a yoga teacher and physical therapist. This flow goes a step further by manually stimulating the gut to keep you regular. Do poses on both sides.
    1/ Revolved Chair 
    Look above top elbow. Hold for three to five breaths.
    2/ Seated Twist 
    Gaze in direction of rotation. Hold about one minute.
    3/ Reclined Supine Twist 
    Let the leg fall across you, and hold for three to five minutes.
    4/ Savasana 
    Lie relaxed on back for a few minutes until completely still.
    This article was first published in
    READ MORE: Follow These Steps To Change Your Gut Bacteria And Lose Weight

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    Finally! Sports Bras That Don’t Feel Like Freaking Straitjackets

    Recently, it’s been great to see active-wear brands starting to release more plus-size sports bras. But the options haven’t always been a bra buffet.
    “One of my biggest frustrations with sports bras, especially for plus-size bodies, is that there’s a lot of structure to them,” says yoga teacher, author, influencer and body positivity advocate Jessamyn Stanley. “It’s always assumed that we have very large breasts and so there’ll be a lot of boning and structure… but for a yoga practitioner, it’s very nice to wear something that is soft and malleable and really just moves with your body.”
    Your Sports Bra Should Match Your Sport
    She’s on to something – and it’s not limited to the world of plus-size sports bras. Prof Joanna Wakefield-Scurr, a professor of Biomechanics and the biomechanics field leader and head of the Research Group in Breast Health at the University of Portsmouth, says there’s a reason why all sports bras aren’t created high impact. “In studio activities, for example, you might want more flexibility because of the activities that you’re performing. And lying on your back, you might not want a big hook-and-eye fastener – it might be uncomfortable. I really believe that there are different solutions for different activities and that hasn’t necessarily been articulated well in the sports bra market previously.”
    Sports Bras For Every Occasion
    Prof Wakefield-Scurr and her team worked with adidas on their new Bra Collection, which features a whopping 43 different styles that are globally available in a range of sizes (including plus-size sports bras) across four different categories: Run, Train, Studio and Everyday. It includes bras for breasts of all sizes – and even ones that can be adjusted to fit breasts of different sizes. “What I would encourage women to look for – and there’re lots of examples of this in the adidas range – is bras with adjustability,” she says. “Personally, I would always select a bra that has adjustment in it – in the shoulder straps and in the underband.” 
    Tried & Tested
    As an adidas ambassador, Jessamyn got to meet with the design team working on their latest bra collection. “It was really cool to share all my favourite pieces and also pieces that I do not like and explain why,” she says. She was also one of the first women to get her hands on the new range. Her verdict? “They heard me,” she says. “It’s nice to have a bra that’s not so structured and the range has options for everybody – not just for any one, particular activity and not just for any one, particular body type. It’s really inclusive for all.” For Jessamyn, having access to a range of plus-size sports bras is empowering. “We’re conquering the world,” she says. “We’re getting to a place where health and wellness are not sequestered to just one type of person; where it’s something that all human beings can and should prioritise in their lives and it feels really cool to be a part of that evolution.”
    Shop the adidas sports bra range online or book a free bra fitting at your nearest adidas concept store.
    For more information, follow the @adidasZA #SupportIsEverything conversation on Instagram.

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    So Many Of Us Get Knee Pain Running – Here Are 5 Possible Causes + What to Do About Them

    Get knee pain running? It’s not ideal, we know, but everything from sharp sensations to a little discomfort while you pavement pound are nothing new – they’re something that runners have experienced for yonks.
    In better news, though, there are lots that can be done about it, once you’ve determined the possible cause. Consider this your full guide to making knee pain while running a thing of the past, as well as a handy method to picking the right running shoes for you (a big step to combatting the issue).
    5 possible reasons you get knee pain running
    People experience knee pain running for a number of reasons, and not all of them are possible to self-diagnose. If in doubt, reach out to a physical therapy specialist, either an osteopath or physiotherapist for expert advice.
    If you’re looking for a bit more information about the most common causes and if your symptoms match up with any of them, keep reading. Osteopath Nadia Alibhai breaks down the five most common causes of knee pain when running.
    READ MORE:15 Best Running Shoes for Women + How to Pick The Right Trainers for You
    1. Runner’s knee (kneecap pain)
    ‘One of the most common causes of knee pain running is weakness in the thigh muscles (quadriceps). Your quadriceps hold the kneecap in place so that it tracks smoothly,’ says Alibhai. ‘If the quads are weak when running or if there is a muscle imbalance, the kneecap can move left to right as opposed to smoothly up and down which can cause friction and irritation.’
    How to tell: Runner’s knee shows up as pain under the kneecap that feels worse after running and when you walk up and down the stairs.
    2. Jumper’s knee (patellar tendinitis)
    ‘Running can lead to repeated stress on the patellar tendon which can lead to inflammation and, thus, knee pain running. This tendon connects the kneecap to the shinbone (tibia) which is responsible for extending the lower leg.’
    How to tell: Patellar tendinitis shows up as pain below the kneecap as well as the top of your shin. It hurts when going up and down the stairs but can also worsen when running.
    3. Meniscal tear
    ‘Runners are more likely to injure the medial meniscus (inside of the knee) rather than the lateral. Pain can be felt all over the knee with swelling over the knee, a popping sensation during the injury, knee stiffness (especially after sitting), the knee can feel locked and it can be difficult trying to bend or straighten the knee,’ explains Alibhai.
    4. Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome
    ‘The IT band is a band of tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh, from the tensor fasciae latae where it attaches at the top of the hip, to the outside of the knee. When the tensor fasciae latae becomes tight, it shortens and puts tension on the IT band. The outside knee area can become inflamed, or the band itself may become irritated causing knee pain running. Overtraining is the most common cause as well as an inadequate warm-up or cool-down may also lead to Iliotibial band syndrome.
    How to tell: This can display as sharp, stabbing pain on the outside of your knee. The pain comes on around 5 minutes into the run and gets better when the run finishes. Depending on severity pain can persist after runs and affect walking. The pain is usually on the outside of the knee.
    5. Osteoarthritis
    ‘The wearing out of hyaline cartilage (lining of the joint) causes bone to grind on bone whilst running and can cause friction and pain.’
    How to tell: The knee can look swollen, feel stiff and painful during running as well as day to day activities.
    READ MORE:10 Steps To Becoming A Runner, According To Running Coaches
    Why can running cause knee pain?
    Something that might come as a surprise – it might not be the running causing your knee pain but external factors outside, like weak muscles, the surface you run on or not wearing proper running shoes (tsk tsk). Here’s how each one can cause you to come unstuck.
    Muscles weakness / imbalances
    ‘When we run, we don’t just go forwards, we may have to nip around bends, dips in the pavements and quick stops especially in busy cities,’ explains Alibhai. ‘If the muscles around the knee aren’t strong enough to handle the quick stops and change of direction, they may not support the joint thus leading to knee pain when running. It is important to strengthen and stretch the surrounding muscles for support of the joint.’
    The body is both smart and full of imbalances, that’s why the more you run the more certain dominant muscles can take over. This can lead to any number of injury issues, not just in your knees. (Remember that strength training for runners thing we mentioned, this is why it’s so important. More on how to add more into your weekly workout routine later.)
    Surface type
    Harder surfaces (pavements and concrete, for example) absorb less impact as you run which can cause more pressure to travel back through the knee. Softer surfaces such as grass or sediment can lower the instance of knee pain from running.
    Poor running form
    There is a right way to run, y’know. Now, everyone’s bodies are different, we know that. But, there are a few ways to check your form isn’t exacerbating the chances of an injury.
    First, though, here’s how less than brilliant form can affect your knees:
    ‘Running with your knees slightly tilted inwards (possible flat feet or weak gluteus medius) or with tight hip flexors (due to a pelvic tilt/leg length discrepancy) can affect the way you run,’ says Alibhai. ‘Poor form may lead to putting excess pressure at the knee joint (which can cause knee pain).’
    Try to avoid:

    Over-striding (landing with your foot in front of you rather than beneath you)
    Letting your knee fall inward as described above
    Running with a narrow or overlapping footfall

    Incorrect running shoes
    Wearing the wrong running shoes (or the wrong running shoes for you) can cause all sorts of trouble when it comes to causing knee pain running. The span of running shoes available is wide (from cushioned to high-support) and knowing which ones suit you could be the key to happy, healthy knees.
    ‘Incorrect running shoes that have lost support and cushioning can mean more impact from the ankle, knee to the hip,’ explains Alibhai. ‘Plus, if you are a beginner, running too fast too soon can strain, muscles, joints and ligaments that aren’t strong enough to handle the workload.’ Not good.
    Alibhai suggests following the 9 guidelines below to find the best shoes for you:

    The shoe should fit properly from heel to toe. When putting your foot in, play the piano with your toes, meaning the fit should be roomy enough at the forefoot.
    Should feel comfortable with your regular running stride.
    Have your feet measured every time you buy and always try the shoes on for fit. Sizes differ between brands.
    The sole should be shaped like your foot and smooth wherever it touches, not binding or chafing anywhere.
    The back of the shoe, also known as the heel collar. Check to see whether the curve on the back irritates your Achilles tendon
    Look for a heel that allows comfortable ankle motion.
    The toe box is the part at the upper front of the shoe which is often capped with a reinforced toe bumper to protect from stubbing. Look for a toebox that allows the foot to flex and spread out naturally in both width and length without rubbing your toes.
    The outer sole (where the rubber meets the road) should provide durability and traction without adding excess weight or stiffness and should give you stability under the foot.
    Forefoot cushioning protects the structures of the foot. Look for a balance between cushioning comfort and a firm push off-platform.

    Once you’ve got to grips with how to pick the shoes for you, shop our edit of the best running shoes for women.
    READ MORE:How Many Calories Can I Burn While Walking Versus Running?
    Is running bad for your knees?
    It’s the age-old question and one people love to weigh in on with (usually) not much more expertise than their own experience. Plus, after that list of veritable knee pain causes, it can seem like running must be bad for your knee joints, right? Not if you’re strong enough. Alibhai explains:
    ‘Running can be amazing if you strengthen the right areas but if you don’t, it can be one of the most dangerous sports. Running is bad for your knees when the muscles surrounding the knee joint are weak as they can’t support the joint and more pressure goes through the joint. For new runners, it’s important to prepare your knees before running by strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee joint as well as working on your flexibility.’
    Strength training is one of the most important things to do as a runner – let’s get into why.
    Why strength training is so important for runners
    ‘Strength training provides muscle support and strength to the knee joints to protect them whilst running, as well as the surrounding muscles eg. the hips help control the knee and alignment, as well as supporting the lateral trunk movements,’ explains senior chartered physiotherapist and Pilates instructor Tracy Ward.
    For those not in the know, strength training is anything that forces you to work against resistance as you exercise. And yes, bodyweight training also counts as strength training. It’s a brilliant way to build lean muscle tissue, increase muscular strength and, something that’s crucial for runners, help with endurance, too.
    ‘Strength training also builds muscular endurance to accommodate for long runs or frequent runs,’ explains Ward. ‘It provides an additional and different stimulus compared to running, which is only linear. Strength training allows the muscles to continually progress, adapt and grow.’
    Helpful resources for runners who want to strength train

    How often should runners strength train?
    ‘Runners should strength train at least three times per week to maintain or increase muscle mass and muscle strength to support their knees and prevent knee pain running,’ says P.volve physiotherapist Dr Amy Hoover. ‘The knees are primarily a hinge joint and the lower body should absorb shock through the more mobile joints – the foot or ankle and the hip. This is why hip strength and mobility are so important for runners, as the hip muscles are the largest and most powerful of the lower body.’
    However, it’s not all about lower body exercises like deadlifts, squats and lunges (although these are very important). Also working on keeping your core strong is one of the most important parts of running with good form. Hoover explains:
    ‘Core strength is also very important to support the spine and pelvis during running and high impact activity. Running is done mostly in one plane of motion, so it develops those muscles the most, namely the quads and hamstrings. However, our bodies need to work in three planes of motion, and we need to work the muscles in all three planes to maintain balance and symmetry in the body.’
    Try these core exercises to build functional strength in your abdominals, lower back and glutes.
    READ MORE: Home Workouts That Will Improve Your Running
    What to do if you’ve just experienced knee pain running
    This is what senior chartered physiotherapist Ward says to do immediately after you’ve experienced knee pain whilst running and what to do if the pain doesn’t subside after a couple of days.
    ‘If knee pain occurs, take a day or two to rest with ice applied to the knee. Then, try to identify the cause – did you fall, twist it, new trainers, new route, uneven ground, longer distance, or do too many runs close together?’
    ‘If the pain continues or is unidentifiable, see a physiotherapist for assessment. They can diagnose the injury and provide a rehab plan, as well as advising on footwear, pacing, and scheduling of runs and strength training sessions. Kinesiology tape can also be helpful to relieve pain whilst you complete your rehab, as well as allowing you to return to running earlier.’
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

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