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    How The Women’s Proteas Are Prepping For The T20 World Cup

    Finally! The Women’s T20 World Cup is almost upon us. After a much-anticipated wait, the women’s Proteas will be competing on home turf against the best in the world. The opening match will take place on February 10th 2023 (SA takes on Sri Lanka for the first game) and tickets will be going for as low as R60.
    “Since I made my debut to now, I think the game has become a lot more competitive within the women’s space,” says Protea right-hander Faye Tunnicliffe. “It’s a great place to be to wear the green and gold, especially now we’re gonna have women wearing it in front of the home crowds.”
    READ MORE: It’s Time To Stop Watching The Kids Play Cricket And Get In The Game
    Women’s Proteas: prepping for the game
    The team have a rigorous training programme leading up to the event, with tons of running (sprints and distance runs) involved. There’s running four times a week, with strength training four times a week. There’s stability work involved, too, especially for batters and bowlers, says Faye. “You have to have that core strength and stability in order to perform at your best and avoid injury,” she says. “Also, I think fielding is becoming a lot more demanding within the women’s game. That is becoming a skill within itself. So that you have to be conditioned in order to like take a knock and to dive around and stuff and to recover quickly.”
    For Suné Luus, fitness is a continual journey. “I’ve been on a health journey for a very long time, just trying to be the healthiest I can be,” she says. “So I’m trying to eat very well. I’m trying to condition my body to, you know, sustain me for four weeks of training.” When she’s not on the field, Suné likes to let loose on the bicycle. “I just like take my cycle and I just go wherever… and I live in a beautiful place,” she says.
    READ MORE: Sport Really Can Empower Women — Just Look At Banyana Banyana’s Thembi Kgatlana
    Taking care of their mental health
    The players are also congiscent of how good mental health is and how it impacts every aspect of the game. For Suné, reading and hanging out with her friends is a clutch way to unwind.
    “A lot of the time within professional sport, you need something that takes you away from the game,” says Faye. “Otherwise, if you’re constantly on high alert like you are within a game or within a competition, then you’re just gonna get burnt out.” For Faye, it’s all about taking care of herself – to make herself better for the game. “If you look after the human, you can look after the cricketer,” says Faye. Her method of unwinding? Music. ” I love music. I play guitar. So a lot of the time I’ll sort of just pick up my guitar and play or I’ll read or I’ll call up a loved one.”
    Players will be competing at Newlands, Paarl and Gqeberha. Support your Proteas and grab your tickets here.
    READ MORE: Creating Endless Possibilities For Women In Sport More

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    9 Breakfast Ideas That’ll Give You A Better Boost Than Coffee

    We all need a healthy breakfast to give us the energy to start the day. But not all breakfasts are created equally, and coming up with breakfast ideas can seem impossible when you’re already starving and a million things on your to-do list are threatening your day. The trick is to max out your veggie and fruit intake in the morning, so you’ll have an extra fibre – and nutritional – boost to your day. Plus, adding fruits and vegetables to your usual egg or cereal bulks up the meal, keeping you fuller for longer.
    If you’re so bored of cornflakes that you’re about to scream, try these quick and easy breakfast ideas for size.
    Pimped Cereal
    Top a bowl of whole-grain cereal with sliced berries or any favourite fruit. Pour on your milk or yoghurt of choice.
    Spice up your oats
    Make cooked high-fibre oats, mix in a handful of raisins or dried cranberries and top with a few chopped nuts.
    Breakfast Pita
    Fill a medium whole-wheat pita with a sliced, boiled egg, sliced fresh tomato and freshly torn basil leaves.
    READ MORE: These Are The Best, Healthiest Cereals To Eat For Breakfast Right Now
    DIY Parfait
    Layer low-fat or fat-free yoghurt with crunchy bran flakes and sliced fruit or berries.
    Breakfast Smoothie
    Mix up a breakfast smoothie made with fat-free milk, frozen mixed berries and a banana.

    Morning Tortilla
    Spread a medium flour tortilla with peanut butter, add a whole banana and roll it up.
    READ MORE: “I Tried Eating Greek Yogurt For Breakfast Every Day For A Week”
    Anchovy Toast
    Spread anchovy paste on a 100% rye bread and top with cottage cheese and fresh tomato slices.

    English Muffin
    Add 1 slice lean ham and 1 slice cheese to a toasted whole-grain English muffin.
    READ MORE: Exactly How To Include Fibre In Your Diet To Reduce Bloating
    Berry-Fibre Combo
    Mix ½ cup raw traditional high-fibre oats, ½ cup of bran flakes, 2 tsp each of sunflower seeds and sliced almonds in a medium bowl. Add 1 Tbsp raisins, ½ cup sliced bananas and ½ cup fruit of your choice. Gently stir in 1 cup fat-free berry yoghurt and divide between two bowls. Top with ½ cup of fruit of your choice, shared between the 2 bowls and enjoy! More

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    19 Slider Exercises That Will Make Your Abs And Glutes WORK

    Slider exercises are a killer. The discs, also known as gliders, can be replaced with any household object, like a towel or paper plate. What’s key is that you use a smooth surface.
    Sliders are what’s called an “instability surface,” which “forces you to engage your muscles the entire time” to do the move correctly, says Janeil Mason, head trainer at Brrrn in New York, who also has a Masters in exercise physiology. Whether you’re doing the concentric or eccentric part of an exercise (flexing vs releasing), you’re always working. And slider exercises especially work your core and glute muscles during every move, but you can expect to tone your arms and legs, depending on which limb is making contact with the discs. “It’s challenging for everyone—even an elite athlete,” says Mason.
    Another benefit: They’re super-convenient. You can carry them around with you, and use them anywhere—all you need is a floor. “Sliders are also a great way to up the intensity of a bodyweight workout, without adding weights,” says Mason. And, last but not least, they’re cost-effective (you can score a set for less than R100 from MRP Sport.)
    Try out some of Mason’s favourite slider exercises below.
    Time: 10 minutes
    Equipment: Sliders
    Good for: Total body
    Instructions: Choose five moves below. For each move, complete 50 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat the entire five-move circuit twice.
    Slider Exercises #1: Alternating Leg Curl

    How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor 12 to 16 inches from your butt. Brace your core, then press into your heels and squeeze your glutes to raise your hips toward the ceiling, with your feet placed on sliders. From this position, slide your right leg out until it’s nearly straight, then return to start. Repeat with your left leg. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    READ MORE: 11 Lat Exercises That Will Totally Sculpt Your Back
    2 Bear Shoulder Tap With Tuck

    How to: Start in tabletop position, with sliders under your feet. Your wrists should be under your shoulders and your neck aligned with your spine, then raise your hips slightly to lift your knees off the floor, with your toes tucked. Keeping your core tight and hips level, lift your left hand up to touch your right shoulder. Return to start. Then repeat on the right side. While bracing your core, extend your legs behind you, until your body forms a straight line from head to feet. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    3 Burpee

    How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet. Drop your body down into a low squat position, with your hands touching the ground. Then slide your feet back, landing in the pushup position. Lower into a pushup, then press back up. Now, repeat the motion backwards: Jump your feet forward to the outside of your hands so you’re in a low squat position, then stand back up. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    4 Cross-Body Mountain Climber

    How to: Get into a pushup position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Bring your right knee toward the left side of your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    READ MORE: Here’s Exactly How To Start Working Out Again, After A Winter Hibernating
    5 Curtsy Lunge

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet. Slide back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square as possible. Keeping your feet in the same position, raise to stand. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    6 Knee Tuck To Pike

    How to: Get into a plank position, with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, and sliders underneath your feet. Squeezing your core, bend your knees as you slide your feet forward until your thighs hit your chest. Return to start. Then, keeping your knees straight, bring your feet toward your arms, ending in a pike position. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    READ MORE: The 10-Minute Abs Workout That Will Totally Transform Your Abs
    7 Knee Tuck To Pushup

    How to: Get into a plank position, with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, and sliders underneath your feet. Squeezing your core, bend your knees as you slide your feet forward until your thighs hit your chest. Return to start. Complete a pushup, then return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    8 Lateral Lunge

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips, with sliders under your feet. Slide to the side with your right leg, then push your hips back, bend your right knee, and lower your body until your right knee is bent nearly 90 degrees. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    9 Lateral Lunge With Pulse

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet. Slide to the side with your right leg, then push your hips back, bend your right knee, and lower your body until your right knee is bent nearly 90 degrees. Lift up an inch, then lower back down. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    READ MORE: ‘Hold’ These Moves For An Isometric Workout That’ll Torch Kilojoules
    10 Lying Leg Curl

    How to: Lie flat on your back, with your arms at your sides, and heels on top of sliders. Engage your hamstrings, bend your knees, and bring your feet toward your butt. Slowly return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    11 Plank Jack

    How to: Start in a plank position, with your shoulders stacked above wrists, and sliders under your toes. Slide your feet out to the sides, making sure your upper body doesn’t move. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    READ MORE: The 11 Best Lower Abs Exercises To Add To Your Routine ASAP
    12 Plank Up-Down

    How to: Get in a plank position, with your shoulders stacked over wrists, and feet placed on sliders. Lower one elbow down to the ground, followed by the other. Then, press your right arm into the ground, followed by your left, to lift your body back to a high plank position. Be sure to keep your torso as still as possible the whole time. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    13 Pushup With Plank Jack

    How to: Start in a plank position, with your shoulders stacked above wrists, and sliders under your toes. Slide your feet out to the sides, and lower your body down into a pushup at the same time. Push back to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    14 Bear Crawl Tuck

    How to: Start in tabletop position, with sliders under your feet. Your wrists should be under your shoulders and your neck aligned with your spine, then raise your hips slightly to lift your knees off the floor, with your toes tucked. Keeping your core tight and hips level, reach your right hand out, followed by your left until you’re in a full plank position. Then, bend your legs and slide your feet forward, until your knees nearly touch your chest. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    15 Sliding Pushup

    How to: Place your hands about shoulder-width apart on the floor, with sliders underneath. Then extend your legs behind you, so your body should form a straight line from head to heels. Keeping your core tight, slide your hands to the side, and immediately lower your body toward the floor. Press back to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
    16 Lateral Lunge

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet. Slide to the side with your right leg, as you push your hips back, bend your right knee, and lower your body until your right knee is bent nearly 90 degrees. Keeping your knee bent, slide your right leg back to meet your left. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    17 Reverse Lunge

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet. Slide back with your right leg and lower until your left knee is bent 90 degrees. Keeping your left knee bent, bring your right leg to meet it. Slide back, until your knees are 90-degree angles. Push through your left foot to stand. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    18 Twisted Lunge With Tuck

    How to: Get into a lunge position, with sliders under your feet. Then, press your right hand into the ground next to your leg, and twist your body open to the left, with your left hand in the air. Maintaining this position, bring your right leg in to meet the left, then return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    19 Reverse Lunge With Twist

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet, and hands behind your head. Slide back with your right leg and lower until your left knee is bent 90 degrees. Keeping your hands behind your head, twist your body to the left. Return to centre, then push through your left foot to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
    This article was originally published on  More

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    Here’s Exactly How To Start Working Out Again, After A Winter Hibernating

    How to start working out again: a thing I very nearly actually googled after a looong winter spent eating my frustration at colder weather and cuddled up with my loveable pup.
    And if squeezing your butt into suspiciously tight jeans has you staring guiltily at your gym tights, know that you’re not alone.
    Head of Marketing at Ignite Fitness, Kerry-Anne Mathieson, says that they see a big influx of current and new members visiting their gyms around Spring. “There is a general downward trend of gym access during the colder months, with people opting to stay indoors rather than sweat it out at the gym – it’s human nature,” she says. “With the warmer weather and longer days around the corner, people are more likely to hit the gym again!” she says.
    Phew. But where to start?
    How To Start Working Out Again
    Eduan James, a Fitness Specialist for Ignite Fitness, says we should take things slow. Nothing is more demotivating than having these lavish ideas of the perfect body and daily Green Goddess smoothies and then falling off the wagon. Rather start with a few benchmarks: how many squats can you do before you’re winded? How many skips on your skipping rope? Use it as a benchmark to improve – an exciting new challenge!
    When you’re measuring yourself and your progress, try getting an assessment at the gym, says James. They’re free, and can help you get on the right track and accurately pinpoint areas to work on. Maybe you’d like to get more flexible, or stronger? Maybe you’d like to be faster. Getting an assessment can help with narrowing that down. “You can also take some progress photos of yourself, sometimes progress is best seen comparing 2 photos,” says James.
    READ MORE: These Heart-Pumping Cardio Circuit Workouts Are Perfect For When You’re Short On Time
    Also, James reckons we should try more things: boxing, spinning, or even a rebounding class. “We recommend trying it all and deciding which type of training makes you and your body happy (and wanting more). Mental, as well as physical strength, is key, and both can be achieved in the gym!” he says.
    When it comes to a regular workout, Melissa van den Berg, Arena coach at Somerset West’s Ignite Fitness gym and performance sports graduate, has put together an easily achievable workout to do for even the newest of newbies. It’s simple: start small and work your way up, adding more reps or heavier weights as you begin to feel stronger and more confident.
    The Body Refresh Workout
    You’ll need: 
    One mat
    A set of dummbells
    A can-do attitude

    READ MORE: ‘Hold’ These Moves For An Isometric Workout That’ll Torch Kilojoules

    The Workout
    Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Rest as you need to throughout and inbetween sets.

    Kettelbell Goblet squats
    Romanian Deadlifts into bent over row
    Backwards lunge & bicep curl
    Sumo deadlift high pull
    Push up

    The Core Workout
    Do 3 sets of 20 reps for each:

    Russian twist
    Mountain climbers More

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    These Banana Muffins Actually Alleviate PMS And Cramping

    Banana muffins: not totally at the top of the list of items you’re grasping for when you’re in the throes of PMS. But, while chocolate is your bestie, try pairing it with this recipe.
    Here’s why: Bananas provide cramp-busting potassium and vitamin B6, a hormone regulator that may help reduce water retention, depression, and other PMS symptoms. And buy yoghurt that delivers calcium and vitamin D: the dynamic duo has been shown to slash PMS symptoms by up to 40 percent. Add magnesium-rich walnuts to the mix – the mineral, which may reduce irritability and stabilise blood sugar, can help you control PMS-fueled “I want to devour everything” urges.
    READ MORE: 4 Delicious Desk Lunches That Don’t Involve Bread
    Banana, Yoghurt And Walnut Muffins
    Prep: 10 min Cook: 22 min
    Ingredients1 1/4 cups oatmeal1/2 cup rice flour1/4 cup ground flaxseed1 tsp baking powder1 tsp bicarbonate of soda2 eggs, beaten1/4 cup plain yogurt3 medium ripe bananas, mashed1/2 cup honey1/3 cup grapeseed oil1/4 cup walnut pieces
    READ MORE: 6 Milk Alternatives You Should Consider If Dairy Is No Longer Your Friend
    Method1. Preheat oven to 190°C.2. In a large bowl, whisk together oatmeal, flour, flaxseed, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.3. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, yoghurt, bananas, honey and oil. Add flour mixture and fold in the walnuts.4. Spoon the batter into paper-lined muffin trays. Bake for 20 to 22 minutes or until the tops spring back when lightly touched. Cool on a wire rack.
    Makes 12. Per 83g muffin: 921kJ, 10g fat (1g sat), 160mg sodium, 31g carbs, 3g fibre, 16g sugars, 4g protein
    Here are 5 easy detox dinners that taste exactly like comfort food. Plus: 6 wintry oat recipes that’ll kick-start your day. More

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    All The Things To Braai This Public Holiday If You’re Vegan

    Vegan braai ideas: a concept so wild that your meat-eating friend, who’s hosting the shindig, is already shvitzing thinking about it. And with all the public holidays on the SA calendar, a braai is going to be hard to skip.
    Never fear: braaiing as a vegan just takes a bit of lateral thinking. Sure, you aren’t hankering after a smokey lamb chop, but you could definitely murder a crispy potato, some mielies, a plant-based burger or two and some smokey baba ganoush.
    Here are a few vegan braai ideas for your next foray:
    Burger With All The Trimmings
    For the burger:
    1 Fry Family Food Co Chicken-Style burger
    2 slices tomato
    2 slices gherkin (sliced lengthways)
    A few rings of red onion
    2 lettuce leaves
    1 burger roll (sesame rolls are amazing here)
    For the spicy mayo:
    1 tsp B-Well Canola mayo (it’s vegan)
    1 tsp Sriracha
    1 tsp tomato sauce
    1 tbsp finely grated onion
    Salt and freshly ground pepper

    READ MORE: 11 Things You Didn’t Know Were Totally Vegan
    1/ Place the burger patty onto the fire over a medium heat. Let it cook for a few minutes each side until the crumbing is crispy and the patty is heated through.
    2/ In the meantime, prep the burger bun. To make the spicy mayo, mix the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper to taste. Spread the sauce onto the inside top and bottom of the bun, then place the lettuce and cooked burger patty onto the bottom of the bun.
    3/ Layer the remaining ingredients and finish with a small sprinkling of salt and pepper.
    Note: you can replace the burger patty with a giant mushroom. Just cook on the braai wrapped in tinfoil with a glug of olive oil, salt and pepper and a sprinkling of thyme (or your favourite herb).
    READ MORE: “I Turned Vegan And Was Finally Able To Lose Weight”
    The Ultimate Potato Salad
    6 potatoes
    Finely chopped red onion
    8 gherkins, finely chopped
    Vegan mayo
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Boil the potatoes in salted water until a skewer pierces the flesh easily, but the potato still has a bit of give (you don’t want the salad to be mush).
    2/ Once cooked, remove from the pot and allow to cool completely (chopping and mixing the potato with the rest of the ingredients while hot will turn it to mush). Once cool, chop into decent-sized chunks.
    3/ Place the potato in a bowl and add the onion, gherkin and enough mayonnaise to cover the potato pieces. Mix together well, being careful not to smash the potato pieces too much, and season to taste.
    Braai-style Baba Ganoush
    2 large eggplants
    3 cloves garlic
    Olive oil
    2 tbsp tahini (get the good stuff at Faithful To Nature)
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Place the eggplants directly onto the braai grid, a bit to the side so they aren’t over the hottest coals. Let them cook, turning often, until they begin to collapse in on themselves. Meanwhile, wrap the garlic in some tin foil with a splash of olive oil and place on the grill. Let them cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until soft and sweet.
    2/ Once the eggplants have cooled down enough to handle, cut them in half lengthways and scoop out the flesh into a bowl.
    3/ Add the garlic cloves, a good glug of olive oil and the rest of the ingredients before seasoning. Adjust the seasoning to taste, adding more lemon juice, olive oil and tahini if you prefer.
    4/ Using a hand-blender, blitz the mixture to your desired consistency (if you like chunks of eggplant, only do a few blitzes. If you prefer it smooth and creamy, give it a good go with the blender).
    5/ Pour into a serving dish and serve with crudités and slices of fresh bread.
    READ MORE: 3 Common Mistakes Newbie Vegans Make That Lead To Weight Gain
    Wanita’s Braaied Hummus
    Deputy editor Wanita made this hummus for the office and it was an instant hit. The braai flavour adds an amazing dimension to this classic dip.
    1 can chickpeasPaprika1 tsp crushed garlicOlive oilLemon juice
    Method1/ Make a braai.
    2/ When the coals are ready, drain the chickpeas, keeping the aquafaba aside, and pour them into a veggie braai pan, basted with olive oil.
    3/ Liberally sprinkle paprika over the chickpeas, shake the pan once, then sprinkle on some more so the chickpeas are coated on all sides.
    4/ Add some wood chips or shavings to the coals to produce smoke and braai the chickpeas until they become darker and start smelling like bacon (about 5 to 10 minutes). You’ll need to shake the pan every now and then so they don’t burn.
    5/ Once cooked, remove from the heat, pour into a deep container and blitz together with the garlic, a dash of olive oil, four squeezes lemon juice and a little aquafaba until it reaches your desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    6/ Serve with crudités, veggie chips and slices of fresh bread.
    Braaied Potatoes
    An oldie, but it’s definitely a goodie – and a great side with nearly anything.
    1/ Wrap the potatoes in tinfoil and place in the coals of your braai. Cook until crispy and cooked through.
    2/ That’s it.
    READ MORE: 8 Vegan Food Swaps That Are Total Game-Changers

    Grilled Falafel Pita Breads
    4 Fry’s Family Food Co falafels
    1 pita bread
    2 tbsp hummus
    Grated carrot
    Cucumber slices
    Tomato slices
    Thinly sliced red onion
    2 tbsp tahini (get the good stuff at Faithful To Nature)
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Place the falafels onto the braai over coals that aren’t too hot. Let them cook, turning occasionally, until heated through and crispy. Remove and set aside.
    2/ Meanwhile, place the pita bread onto the braai over coals that aren’t too hot. Cook a few minutes each side until lightly crispy – watch them carefully in case they begin to burn. Remove from the braai and cut in half lengthways.
    3/ To assemble, spread the hummus inside of the pita halves. Next, layer the carrot, cucumber, tomato and onion along one side of the pita (so you have space for the falafels and get a bit of everything with each bite). Place the falafels inside the pita.
    4/ Finish with a generous drizzle of tahini over the top and a sprinkling of salt and freshly ground black pepper. More

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    How Strong Are You, Really?

    Fact: your skeleton renews itself every seven to ten years, modelling and remodelling to increase bone mass, remove damaged bone and reshape itself. By upping your body’s supply of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium, you can create a top-notch structure that’ll support you through pregnancy, Ironmans and heavy grocery bag runs.
    Avoid Injury
    If you’re not taking in the right nutrients, you might find yourself struggling with decreasing bone density – a one-way street to osteoporosis and Injury Town. A little self-care now will go a long way towards helping stay strong, right down to the bone. 
     Meet The Heroes

    Ca: Calcium strengthens bones and teeth and gives them structure.
    Vitamin K2: regulates bone remodelling, assists with calcium absorption and prevents the accumulation of calcium in blood vessels.
    Vitamin D3: inhibits bone resorption, increases the effect of vitamin K and helps with the absorption and urinary loss of calcium.
    Get Them In
    While you can get K Vitamins in cheese, egg yolk and dark, leafy greens, our efficient bodies use them quite quickly and we run low when not taking them in regularly. Our calcium supply is often lacking, too. Menacal’s got all these in one simple supplement that maintains your body’s optimal levels, so you’re good to go in CrossFit class and beyond. 
    To invest in stronger bones, click HERE
    *In Partnership With MenaCal7 More

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    Run In Comfort Over Any Distance With The New Under Armour HOVR Infinite 4

    Spring is a great season to start upping your running game and we’ve been testing for the perfect pair to make you excited to get out and run, while covering all your running needs at the same time. 
    The great thing about the UA HOVR Infinite 4 is the versatility of the shoe like this covers all the bases. Whether you’re going for a short run or taking on those long-distances, the new HOVR Infinite 4 is the queen of comfort. Much like its predecessor, Under Armour’s game changing HOVR Infinite range is a go to running shoe for all types of runners across the globe.
    What’s New? 
    Unboxing the new addition to the UA HOVR family you will immediately notice the exciting new look from this extensive makeover, and the new changes do not disappoint. The most important part of any road shoe is the midsole and its ability to keep you in comfort for the duration of your run so that the energy you put in is channeled into your pace, rather than worrying about any troubles with your feet. UA have kept the reliable, smooth, secure feel of the infinite by changing the cushioning midsole system, rethinking the outsole and simplifying the upper, resulting in a lighter, softer and more durable every day running shoe.
    High Impact
    The change of the midsole has been a significant technical mashup to deliver more efficient cushioning. By unwrapping and flipping the UA HOVR cushioning you now get a smoother sensation as the foot moves through the natural gait cycle, which for most runners starts with a heel strike. From here, most of the impact is absorbed in the midsole with a smooth transition to the toe off. A new upper has simplified the amount of fabric used to result in just one-piece of airy mesh, which means a lighter ride, and together with the 3D moulded insole, cradles your foot to help keep it securely in place. 
    Miles of Comfort 
    Coming back to the gait, we approve of the outsole makeover, which reveals anatomically placed deep flex grooves to provide flexibility in key areas to work with the natural forces in your stride and smoothly take you through each cycle to build up a smooth rhythm of running. This means you save energy. Unless you burn it on going even faster – recommended!
    New carbon rubber lugs under the heel offer improved traction and durability in high-impact strike zones to help propel you forward with greater confidence – another reason to up the tempo!

    At A Glance 

    Engineered mesh upper is extremely lightweight & breathable, with strategic support where you need it
    3D-molded sock liner cradles your foot for enhanced step-in comfort
    Responsive UA HOVR cushioning reduces impact, returns energy & helps propel you forward
    Anatomically placed, deep flex grooves offer flexibility in key areas
    Carbon rubber pods under the heel deliver greater traction and durability for those high-impact strike zones

    Stay Connected
    What we love about the whole Under Armour running range is the standard inclusion of Bluetooth in every pair of shoes. The insert in the heel records the data of your running gait, step count, ground contact time, strike angle and a whole lot more insight to analyse post run on the, free to download, MapMyRun app for your phone. It’s a simple matter of pairing your app with your shoe and then you don’t even need to run with your phone as the shoe itself is recording all the metrics. If you do run with your phone you can get the added benefits of having a real-time virtual coach advising you while you’re running. Bring on a spring full of running. 
    The new HOVR Infinite 4 is available in multiple colourways at Under Armour Brand House stores nationwide as well as online for R2899:
    *In Partnership with Under Armour More