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    Creatine Guide: What It Is, How It Works, Proven Benefits And The Truth On Side Effects

    Fact of the day: creatine is one of the most-researched fitness supplements on the market. And practically all of that research is positive: after an analysis of several existing studies on creatine, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) declared that ‘creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes with the intent of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.’

    It’s not just athletes that reap the rewards, either. You and I can both benefit from taking it, particularly as females. Women have naturally lower creatine stores than men. We respond better to creatine supplementation and could experience double the performance improvement than males. Besides performance and muscle growth, creatine can also work wonders for PMS symptoms, and feeling your fittest and healthiest self during pregnancy, postpartum and menopause.

    All that said, there’s a little more to it than popping some powder into your protein shake or taking a pill as a pre-workout, and none of you should ever consider putting anything into your body without knowing exactly how and when to take it, and whether what you’re taking is legit. So, we turned to some of the smartest minds in sports supplementation to talk you through the key facts, while breaking down the myths. Spoiler: it won’t cause weight gain, and your kidneys won’t crumble.

    What is creatine?

    In layman’s terms, it’s an ‘amino acid stored in your muscles, brain and gut, and is required for all of the body’s fast, high-energy and demanding activity,’ Dr Stacy Sims, a female physiologist and nutrition scientist, explains.

    ‘It’s a naturally-occurring compound and your body produces under 1g per day in your liver, after you eat protein.’

    It can be obtained through your diet via animal protein, especially red meat and fish, but you’d need to eat inhuman amounts to hit the level available in most supplements available to buy.

    What foods are high in creatine?








    What does it do?

    If you’re considering trying creatine, it can help to know how it actually works. Your body has three main energy systems: the aerobic, anaerobic and the APT-phosphagen system. All of these systems use a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to carry and release energy.

    During intense bursts of activity, like HIIT workouts, the ATP-phosphagen system is activated and your body generates energy (in the form of ATP) from another molecule called phosphocreatine (PCr). ATP is broken down and energy is released. PCR is what your body needs to replenish ATP (i.e. energy) levels. But you only have a very small amount, which is where creatine supplementation comes in. Props to anyone who’s still with us; promise the next sections aren’t so science-based.

    What are the benefits?

    1. Creatine improves exercise performance

    In one study in 2016, female participants experienced a 15% increase in exercise performance after supplementing with creatine for 10 weeks, compared to just 6% in men – more than double the benefit. Dr Sims says various mechanisms are at play here:

    One is that you will have a greater energy availability through increased ATP turnover during exercise, but you’ll also have delayed neuromuscular fatigue.’

    You’ll get tired less quickly and be able to go for longer, basically.

    2. Creatine increases muscle mass and strength

    Another number for you: 95% of all creatine is stored in your skeletal muscles. So, it makes sense that supplementation can help you gain strength and increase muscle growth.

    How? As well as support for the ATP energy system mentioned above (meaning you’re capable of carrying out more intense workouts and lifting heavier), creatine has been shown to promote muscle gain by drawing water into the muscle, increasing levels of a hormone called IGF-1 (which increases muscle growth) and improving your performance ability and recovery. This has been so well proven that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) now recommends creatine supplementation alongside strength training for improving muscle growth in adults over the age of 55.

    3. Creatine improves mood and cognitive function

    Not only has creatine been shown to reduce mental fatigue, which could thereby help you to carry out more frequent/intense workouts, it has also been shown to aid with depressive disorders.

    ‘One review in 2021 on brain health in women found that women with a major depressive disorder who augmented their daily antidepressant with 5g of creatine responded twice as fast and experienced remission of depression at twice the rate of women who took only their antidepressant,’ Dr Sims tells WH.

    4. Creatine counteracts menopausal muscle, bone and strength loss

    For menopausal women, creatine supplementation in combination with resistance training has been shown to counterbalance muscle, bone and strength loss, by ‘reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and bone resorption, while increasing bone formation,’ Dr Sims explains.

    ‘The research suggests that menopausal women taking high doses of creatine (0.3g per kg a day for at least 7 days) may increase muscle mass and function,’ she adds.

    What are the side effects?

    The most common misconceptions around creatine are that you’ll gain weight, or experience bloating or gut issues. Newsflash: not true. ‘This stems from the original “bodybuilding” methods of loading creatine and taking 5g, four times per day, with 1g per kg of bodyweight with carbs,’ Dr Sims explains.

    ‘This combination creates an increase in cellular hydration (i.e. water retention), which can be associated with weight gain and bloating, but taking this amount (over the recommended dosage) is to blame, and the side effects are proven unfounded in women.’

    Strength and conditioning coach Andy Vincent agrees that how you take the supplement is what will determine whether or not you get on with it: ‘Creatine doesn’t dissolve in water, which can cause some women to get an upset stomach, but by starting on a low dose, splitting the dose throughout a day or trying buffered forms of creatine, you rule out the risks.

    ‘Other supposed issues are weight gain and water retention. Weight gain could be aligned with increased muscle tissue, which is one of the best reasons to take creatine, and water retention is intracellular, meaning that it occurs within your cells, and you will not visibly notice it.’

    The supposed kidney troubles you may have heard about are also nothing to panic about. ‘This is a common misconception based on the misunderstanding of creatine’s effects on creatinine and its role in kidney damage,’ says Vincent.

    ‘Creatine is the single most-researched supplement on the planet and no existing studies have reported an effect on kidneys, even when using dosages eight times higher than the recommended.’ Phew.

    Can it cause hair loss?

    If you’ve heard on the grapevine that creatine could cause hair loss, fret not. It’s BS. Vincent sets the record straight: ‘One study in 2009 documented hair loss due to an increase in the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which could cause hair loss, but this was a study on men and was only done on men who had a specific gene that made baldness more prevalent. It is not a concern for women and has never been observed in any other research.’

    Dr Sims concurs: ‘There is no existing literature to show that hair loss is a side effect of creatine supplementation.’

    Does it affect your sleep?

    Research has shown that supplementing with creatine monohydrate can slightly increase the number of high-energy phosphates in the brain. This can buffer the accumulation of adenosine and ATP between brain cells during wakefulness, which should reduce sleep hunger (i.e. how much you want to sleep), but may also shorten your sleep duration and reduce the time you spend in deep sleep. This is exactly what a study of rats showed. After the researchers added creatine monohydrate to the animals’ food for four weeks, the rats:

    Had an increase in the amount of phosphocreatine in the brain regions important to sleep

    Had less ATP in some brain areas

    Slept 32% less, which was driven by less deep sleep

    Had less “rebound” sleep after sleep deprivation

    Of course, we are not rats, and something to note is that creatine supplementation probably increases brain creatine more in them (about 30% in rats) than in us as humans (5 to 10%). In turn, creatine supplementation is likely to affect sleep more in rats than it is in us. As it stands, there is no published research into the effect of creatine on human sleep, but going on the above, it makes sense that creatine may reduce sleep duration, albeit reducing your sleep ‘hunger’.

    What form of creatine is best?

    It’s a resounding recommendation from Dr Sims and Vincent on creatine monohydrate. Both experts tout it for its bioavailability, meaning you’ll absorb more of the nutrients.

    Best creatine to shop now

    USN Pure Creatine

    The micronised form of pure creatine monohydrate supports muscle performance, growth and power.

    Tip: Avoid blends and products with a long list of ingredients. The purer the better.

    When should you take creatine?

    Both Dr Sims and Vincent are keen to clarify that creatine is neither a post nor pre-workout supplement.

    ‘The aim is to saturate all of your body’s creatine stores, so as long as you take it every day (at any time), you will reap the rewards,’ says Vincent.

    How much should you take per day?

    3-5g per day. ‘This will vary a little depending on your fitness level and body weight,’ Vincent says. ‘Start on the lower end of the scale if you’re petite and go higher if you’re an advanced trainer. It’s also recommended that vegans and vegetarians start at the higher end of the dosage range to get the most performance benefits.’

    ‘This is the ideal dosage proven to improve performance, brain health, bioenergetics and gut health, without any risk of bloating or gut issues,’ Dr Sims reassures us.

    How often should you take creatine?

    Providing your body is A-OK with it, take your creatine supplementation daily. As mentioned, you can split your dosage across each day, if preferable.

    Is creatine bad for you?

    Providing you stick to the recommended dosages advised by Sims and Vincent above and steer clear of blended products or products with a big list of ingredients, it’s totally safe. Use sites such as or to check whether the creatine supplement you’re considering taking has been tested and cleared for consumption.

    One more thing: make sure you don’t overdo it. If you haven’t taken creatine before, try taking just one and giving yourself a few days to see how your body reacts. Then, if all is well, you can continue with your regular supplementation.

    This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK. More

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    22 Simple Tips To Help You Lose Weight Safely—They Actually Work

    Are you tired of constantly trying to lose weight and failing? This is often due to bad desperate decision-making. Yes, we are looking at you bread-hating diets and you torturous Cleanse diet. It’s time to break the cycle and make healthy habits that’ll stick.

    Losing weight by improving your diet and lifestyle is without a doubt the healthiest way to go. All you need is practical tips on how to incorporate simple, easy and healthy choices so that you can not only shed those extra kilos. They’ll help you transform your relationship with food and exercise and embrace a happier, healthier version of yourself!  These tips hold true for most across the board — and they’re theories that you can put into practice today. Let’s get started!

    1. Do Some Aerobic Moves

    Not the Jane Fonda kind, but aerobic exercise. It refers to the exercise you do ‘with oxygen’ (think: cardio), and it used to be considered the best exercise for burning fat, as you use a higher percentage of it for energy. But it’s the anaerobic kind (short bursts of intensity, like HIIT – more on that later) that burn more energy over time.

    2. Burn Brown Fat For Weight loss

    The fat in your body is made up of different colours. Surprised? We know! White fat is the standard fat that stores energy and gathers around your body. Too much of this white fat can cause obesity. Brown fat is a type of body fat that regulates your body temperature in cold conditions. Brown fat also burns calories and generates heat, as does the less potent but more plentiful beige. Regular prolonged cold exposure fires up both helping you to slim down. Turn your air conditioner down to 19 degrees.

    3. Work The Deficits To Slim down

    If you are looking to lose body fat, you’ll need to be in a calorie deficit, explains sports nutrition expert Dr Emilia Thompson. “That means, simply, that you’re burning off more calories through exercise than you’re taking in.” Not a fan of tracking every morsel? Thompson recommends ruling out post-dinner snacks as a low-effort way to stay within your caloric budget and, ultimately, maintain your deficit.

    4. Watch Your Environment

    By which we mean factors that influence you to eat more and move less. This covers everything from eating the leftovers straight out of the pot (portion size) to a commute that consists of walking to your dining room table (sedentary jobs) and medicating a bad mood with an entire box of Astros (stress).

    5. Choose Foods That Keep You Full

    Or satiated. The goal is to choose foods that keep you comfortably full, for a while – and not to the point where you need a nap. The protein-rich yoghurt, fibrous fruit and fatty flaxseed in this breakfast parfait from performance nutritionist Liam Holmes will reduce your levels of hunger hormone ghrelin and raise levels of satiating peptides.


    150g Greek yoghurt (or a vegan alternative)

    A handful of berries

    1⁄2 banana, sliced

    2 tbsp flaxseed

    METHOD: Dollop half the yoghurt in a jar or bowl. Add half the fruit and flaxseed. Repeat. Eat.

    6. Watch The Junk

    In a Stanford study, we cited subjects who lost significant amounts of weight without counting calories by eschewing processed foods for the whole, real and satisfying kind. Guess what? They ate fewer calories without number-crunching. Quantity and quality both have an impact.

    7. Check Your Intentions

    Ensure that you’re trying to lose weight for the right reasons. If you think you can reduce deep sadness by slimming down or control a scary situation by controlling the number on the scale, that’s anything but healthy and could tip you over into disordered eating territory. Address the emotional issue first.

    8. TRY A HIIT Workout

    Want to torch excess fat in an expeditious fashion? Welcome high-intensity intervals into your weekly workout schedule. Try this no-gear, no-excuses circuit. Warm up, then go hard on each move for 45 seconds, resting for 15 in between. Build up to three circuits, giving yourself a minute after each round to get your breath back.

    01 | Push-up

    02 | Squat jump

    03 | Bicycle crunch

    04 | Close-hand push-up

    05 | Jump lunge

    06 | Bicycle crunch

    07 | Staggered-hand push-up

    08 | Split squat jump

    09 | Bicycle crunch

    9. Drink More Water

    Animal studies indicate that H2O may facilitate fat breakdown, while human trials show that if you drink more, especially before meals, you’ll eat less, as it helps you distinguish thirst from hunger. Another reason to hit your 2L target.

    10. Go Slow And Steady

    Your metabolism slows as you lose weight, stalling progress – or even reversing it. Former contestants on the diet show The Biggest Loser came away burning up to 800 calories per day fewer than average. Why? Because their bodies had adapted by going into starvation mode, doing all they could to cling to fat stores. Go slow and steady: aim to lose no more than 1kg a week.

    11. Axe Keto

    Touted to being the queen of weight loss. Think again. If you’re unfamiliar with “Atkins on steroids”, it’s essentially forgoing carbs (and fun) to get your body into ketosis: a state in which it burns fat for fuel. But once calories are matched, other diets are as effective for weight loss and superior for exercise performance and retaining muscle. Is it really worth forgoing fruit, veg, fibrous grains and beer? Didn’t think so. Should you need more convincing, two words: keto breath.

    12. Say No To Stress

    Stress triggers cravings and may leave you too strung out to buy and prepare healthy foods. It can lead you to eat poorly, mindlessly and irregularly (by disrupting hunger signals) or emotionally. Plus, you lose out on sleep. Dial it down with meditation, yoga or this breathing exercise by Michael Townsend Williams, founder of Do Breathe (

    01 | Sit somewhere comfortable and, ideally, quiet (or wear headphones).

    02 | Breathe deeply from your belly and through your nose, feeling the air passing through you.

    03 | Count to five on each inhale and exhale. Repeat three to five times.

    13. Get Some Light

    We kid you not. Yes, we’re talking about the UV kind. The sun’s rays shrink white fat cells, while studies have linked bright morning sunlight exposure to lower BMI because it signals that it’s time for your metabolism to get moving. Meanwhile, vitamin D from sunlight, salmon and eggs stir the fullness hormone leptin. Go for an al fresco brunch, basically.

    14. Stop Overeating

    Just don’t do it. Only eat when you feel physical hunger (gradual and in your stomach), not emotional (sudden and for a specific food). Ask yourself if you’re thirsty or bored. And be sure to stop before you’re full – as opposed to 10 minutes after.

    15. Work Your Quads

    Write this down: One of the two prime movers in a squat, a move that burns the most calories of all the common lifts. Read again, ‘burns THE MOST calories of all the common lifts’. Strength training while losing weight retains and even adds muscle, which raises your metabolic rate.

    16. Be Pro Probiotic

    Yes, the gut. You’ve been there, done that and brewed the kombucha. But did you know that gut bacteria also affect calorie extraction? Grow your own probiotics in your gut by eating plenty of garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, cabbage and oats. All contain prebiotic fibres that “good” bacteria go crazy for.

    17. Try Tracking

    Pretty self-explanatory, this. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a useful way of monitoring your dietary intake. Whether you use an app or pen and paper, give as much detail as you can about where key health markers – sleep, digestion, mood – are that day. It’ll help you see how lifestyle tweaks are affecting you.

    18. Reward Yourself

    The odd treat (not “cheat”) doesn’t affect your metabolism substantially but can refuel your staying power. But if weight loss is your goal, keep within your deficit, or all that discipline will be in vain.

    19. Eat More Consciously

    You eat more when you’re distracted by screens or music. So, contemplate what’s on your plate with mindful eating: bring your awareness to what you’re consuming, slow down and savour the smells, colours, textures and flavours. Om (nom nom).

    20. Eat More Veggies

    Eating less is hard – so eat more. According to a Penn State study, subjects trained to monitor portion sizes still ate however much was in front of them, but they consumed fewer calories by filling up on low-calorie, high-fibre veg. Devote half your plate to a variety of vegetables and you’re good.

    21. Add Yoga To Your Regime

    Regular practice can support weight loss for reasons beyond a raised heart rate. In a 2016 study, yogis who had lost weight credited the discipline with reducing cravings and stress eating. It’s also been proven to aid sleep.

    22. Get More Zzz’s

    Insufficient shut-eye causes you to sleepwalk towards a bunch of weight loss-sabotaging behaviours: eating bigger portions, selecting food impulsively, consuming more calories and expending less energy overall. It disturbs your hormones and gut bacteria to boot. So, remember: if you don’t adequately snooze, you don’t lose. More

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    Beginners 5K Running Training Plan And How To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks

    If the thought of participating in a full-fledged running race seems daunting, starting with a five-kay run can be an excellent way to build confidence and ease into the world of racing. Not only does the shorter distance sound more achievable than a 10km or longer race, but 5km runs also tend to attract a fun-loving crowd of runners who value camaraderie over competition. Follow this training plan to go from couch potato to 5km runner in 6 weeks!

    5k Training Plan

    This plan, designed by fitness guru Amy Dixon, will help you build from a walk to running 30 minutes without stopping. Do all walking and running at an intensity level that feels challenging, but comfortable. Feel free to switch the rest day, but make sure you have one full rest day each week. And don’t forget to stretch.

    Getting Started

    Now that you have the plan, let’s look at starting out with a few basic items. Choosing the right gear can help you prevent running-related injuries and ensures the support and comfort you need on your 6-week journey. On your rest days, you can browse through the WH Tech and Gear section which is packed with expert advice, reviews, products and helpful tips.

    Adidas Supernova+

    Nike Dri-FIT Fitness Swift

    Nike Women’s Dri Fit Race Run Vest

    Puma Run High Impact Ultraform Bra

    Aonijie Funky Running Hat

    Salomon 250ml/8oz 28 Soft Flask More

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    This Strength Leg Workout Will Build Strong, Sexy Legs

    By Rachel CosgroveThe easy exercises in this strength leg workout will reward you with a flat stomach, tight butt and slim thighs so you can rock a skirt with total confidence.

    Carrying extra weight on your thighs? That could point to a dependence on steady-state cardio. To lean out your legs, you need to supplement your slow-and-steady routine with fast-and-furious interval strength training. Along with burning kilojoules, you’ll also be building lean muscle, which sets off a chain reaction that boosts your metabolism, fires up your fat burners and sculpts the lean, toned legs you long for.

    For this strength leg workout, perform 10 reps of each move without resting between exercises. Do as many rounds as you can in two minutes. Then rest for two minutes. Repeat two or three times.

    Time: 30 Minutes | Equipment: A pair of dumbbells (start with four to six kilos and increase the weight as that becomes too easy) | Good For: Legs

    The Strength Leg Workout

    1/ Dumbbell squat to overhead press

    Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with your elbows bent and feet hip-width apart. Keeping your chest upright, bend your knees and lower until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor (A). As you stand, press the weights overhead until your arms are straight (B). Return to start. That’s one rep.

    2/ Alternating lateral lunge

    Holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides (A), step out to the left with your left leg; bend your knee and sit back to lower into a side lunge, keeping your back flat as you lower the right dumbbell to the inside of the left foot (B). Press through the left foot to return to start. That’s one rep. Repeat on the other side and continue alternating for five reps on each side.

    3/ Straight-leg deadlift with row

    Hold a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs and stand with your feet hip-width apart (A). Bend forward and lower the weights until your back is parallel to the ground, keeping your back flat and the weights close to your body (B), then bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells up towards your chest (C). Return to start. That’s one rep.

    4/ Dumbbell squat jump

    Holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides, sit your hips back and lower into a squat (A), then push through your heels and jump as high as you can (B). That’s one rep.


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    23 *Stunning* Activewear Sets To Cop Now To Give Your Workout An Oomph

    Fact: losing the impetus to go workout when your gear doesn’t match or feel good is a *thing*. Enter activewear sets, matching bras and tights that’ll have you feeling your best self while training. Not only will you look good, but you’ll also feel good when moving in high-tech fabrics that look cute and get the job done. We’ve rounded up 23 of our favourite activewear sets, just because.

    But First, Why Is It Important To Invest In Good-Quality Activewear?

    According to adidas, 92% of women find it difficult to focus on their workout when their apparel is uncomfortable. adidas partnered with Associate Professor in Exercise Science and Elite Athlete Physiological Consultant Jason White and Professor Joanna Wakefield-Scurr, head of the Research Group in Breast Health at the University of Portsmouth. Further supported by a global consumer survey, they uncovered the extent of the impact of inadequate apparel. 

    A shocking 58% of women said that they frequently have to stop to pull up their leggings during a workout, whilst almost half (49%) have had marks left on their skin due to tight-fitting apparel. Plus, up to 94% of women are reported to have asymmetrical breasts, which reinforces the critical importance of the correct and supportive fit, as well as adequate performance wear (check out our 19 best sports bras of 2023, if that’s you).

    “From distractions to performance implications, the research and surveys have shown that a large majority of women face issues due to poorly fitting leggings. Whether the leggings are too tight or loose, comfort is a key element to performance, which is why unearthing this research is an important step to support a woman’s participation and enjoyment in all kinds of sport,“ explained Associate Professor Jason White.

    So yeah, choosing the right activewear is pretty darn important, but of course, you still want to be sweating in style. Never fear, our hand-picked selection of activewear sets is here to ensure you’re sorted for 2023 and beyond.

    Activewear Sets For HIIT

    adidas Tailored HIIT Training Set 

    This is one of the workout sets that was created based on the research above, so you’re getting expert-backed gear (on sale right now!).

    Designed with the sporadic movements of HIIT in mind, an integrated internal gripper on the high-rise waistband of these leggings helps minimise your tights rolling down as you jump and run. Meanwhile, the four-way stretch material aims to reduce the feeling of material digging in (don’t you hate it when that happens?) and provides all-round comfort. Plus, this bra’s HEAT.RDY tech and mesh detailing across the front and the open back design maximise airflow, so you’ll feel cool across those high heat and sweat zones.  

    Koko Active Kickstart Set

    Who knew houndstooth could look so chic as workout gear? The shorts feature pockets for storing your keys or phone and the racerback detail on the bra is stunning and shows off your back.

    Burnt Essential Sports Bra And Tights

    A black set is a staple in any workout gear wardrobe and this one will be a fast fave. The sports bra is designed with a long line fit for more coverage so you can feel comfortable wearing it without a shirt. The back of the bra is the real star though; with wide straps and adjustable fasteners so you can customise the fit you’ll get some serious high-impact support.

    The tights, on the other hand, have a thick reinforced waistband so you never have to worry about them slipping while you squat jump or doing a burpee. They’re also 100% squat-proof and designed to flatter all body types. BTW, Burnt is a proudly South African brand, too!

    Under Armour Infinity High Sports Bra and Merdian Print Leggings

    Under Armour nixed the traditional sports bra rules and injected the padding into this bra in a figure 8 pattern. The result? A more aerodynamic fit and a much lighter feel.

    The ankle leggings (perfect for those who are shorter or enjoy a shorter legging) have specially engineered fabric that is super-soft and stretchy. But it’s not that low-support stretch you might first think of, this delivers support and lasting comfort while still being lightweight and breathable. Get ready to smash your push-up PB next time you hit the gym in this kit.

    Activewear Sets For Running

    New Balance Impact Run AT set

    The bra has pockets at the rear for secure storage plus, reflective detailing for those early-morning runs. The tights have pockets too and a beautifully sculpted high waist detail.

    Women’s UA Run Trail Set

    With the winter fast approaching, a crop outer layer and shorts duo is the perfect pick. Both of these pieces are light, ultra-durable, stretchy (thanks to the 4-way stretch fabric) and built to dry fast so you can tackle any trail with confidence.

    The crop is made of super-soft fleece material and has water-resistant woven panels for added durability. Best part? The slouchy funnel neck with drawcord adjust.

    The shorts are made from UA’s updated HeatGear® fabric and have an expandable Speedpocket on the waistband, as well as side bungee lacing for extra storage. You can pack anything you need (even snacks)!

    PUMA Run Ultraform Set

    PUMA is another brand that focuses on developing workout gear with the female form in mind. This set was created for everyday runners. Both the tights and tank feature PUMA’s signature dryCELL moisture-wicking technology for enhanced temperature control to help you remain sweat-free. Plus, these pieces are made with at least 70% recycled material.

    And if you’re wanting to upgrade your kicks, they’ve recently launched the Deviate NITRO 2 Electrocharged running shoe in the pic (matchy-matchy!) It’s super responsive and has a layer of premium NITRO Elite foam for extra cushioning. You can check them out here.

    ASICS Papaya Bra and Tights

    ASICS’ new Gel-Nimbus™ 25 shoe has been one of the hottest releases of 2023 (you can read our review here). But they didn’t just release a gorgeous papaya shoe, we got a stunning matching set, too!

    The Accelerate Bra is a high-support running bra (goodbye movement!) that has a soft lower band (goodbye squished back skin!) and a cross-back design with adjustable straps so you can tailor your fit (goodbye awkward uni-boob!).

    The high-waisted tights are supportive, soft and stretchy in the best way and they’re quick-drying so you don’t have to stress about sweat marks. They also have a phone pocket at the back that’s sweat-resistant and bounce-limiting.

    Activewear Sets For Strength Training

    Under Armour Crossback Low Sports Bra and HeatGear® Leggings

    Under Armour asked real women how they could make UA bras even better, and then they made it happen! This one is built for light-support activity and has removable cups with perforations for better shape and breathability. And the tights have ergonomic flatlock seams to give you a comfortable, chafe-free fit. Both pieces are made with anti-odour tech which prevents the growth of odour-causing microbes. Cheers, stinky workout gear!

    Oh, and those trainers you can see in this pic, those are Under Armour’s new Flow Dynamic trainers and the WH team tested them out. We absolutely loved them and you can read our review here.

    2XU Racerback Crop and Compression Tights

    This set gives major Legally Blonde vibes and we’re here for it. We’re also here for the quality fabric and tech in these pieces. The medium-impact crop has been designed to prevent bounce and is perfect for your gym training sessions and even short runs and spin classes.

    Meanwhile, the compression tights are all about body-sculpting magic with no side seam construction, an extra high waistband and ultra-matte, anti-pill SLX fabric. The real star though? These tights have a mild graduated compression fit for increased circulation for improved recovery and reduced muscle stiffness post-exercise. We love when our workout gear works hard!

    Burnt Milan Sports Bra and Istanbul Tights

    Burnt is a local brand that has taken SA by storm and we can’t get enough of them! The Milan sports bra is their best-selling bra of all time and for good reason, too; it’s supportive, moisture-wicking and breathable. As if that’s not enough, it’s also double-lined and has removable cups.

    And the tights live up to the high praise of this sports bra as well. Burnt promises they are 100% squat-proof with zero transparency which means you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing your underwear through your tights (we’ve all been there). They’re also engineered to sculpt your legs and have a pocket for your keys or gym card.

    N3YH Sage Blossom set

    We love an understated yet bold item and these pieces do just that. With just enough colour to give you a sense of style while you deadlift, this pairing wants you to mix and match items for mimosas, farmer’s markets and downward dogs.

    Livv Activewear Snakeskin print set

    Gold-flecked snakeskin just screams luxe while being as hardworking as you are in the gym. Scrunch detail in the rear accentuates that butt you’ve been working so hard on and the high waist is just *chef’s kiss*.

    The Lot Outline Active Set

    Um, at R440, you can’t really get a better deal than this activewear set. The outline detail sculpts and creates shape.

    Activewear Sets For Yoga And Pilates

    Puma Studio Trend Set

    The soft materials will have you lounging around all day and supports through sweaty sessions with moisture-wicking tech. And just look at how beautiful it is?

    Motherkind Cross-Over Active Wear set

    Flattering halter neck detail? Check. High-waisted pants with drawstring so nothing comes undone? Check. Feeling like you can take on the world? Check, check, check.

    Bacon Bikinis Activewear set

    Think: soft, lush fabric that sits high at the waist and supports the bust. What’s not to love?

    DailyFriday Seamless yoga set

    If you’re working hard during your yoga sesh, you can’t go wrong with a pair of shorts. This detailed set includes flattering criss-cross shapes across the torso, so you’ll just feel your hottest self, while pivoting from horse to skandasana.

    Me and the Sea Earthy Twig set

    Find your flow with this gorgeous set of flowers that crawl up the legs. These pieces are individually cut, so your pair will be totally unique, plus the tights are double-lined (nothing showing when you bend down, woohoo!).

    adidas Collective Power TLRD Impact Luxe

    This bra, which was specifically created to flatter and support women of different sizes, is still available! Plus, it comes with gorgeous pink yoga leggings.

    Nike Zenvy and Indy

    The Nike collection creates pieces that seamlessly coordinate and match each other. Plus, Nike’s gone sustainable, with at least 50% of the product made with recycled nylon fibres. Big win.

    H&M softmove™ set

    Functional fabric helps to wick away moisture from your skin and SoftMove™, a supersoft, functional fabric that is lightweight and provides extra freedom of movement. Plus, that buttery fabric… *swoon*.

    Mr P Checked set

    This cropped bra with eyehole detail is good to go for coffee dates or the gym. The checked pattern is different without screaming you’re about to throw down at the weights.

    Kelleigh Korevaar

    Kelleigh is the Managing Editor of Women’s Health. When she’s not convincing her colleagues to try the latest TikTok trends, you can find her planning a holiday that never leaves the group chat, binge-reading or eating her way through Cape Town.

    Michelle October

    Michelle is a freelance writer at WH, passionate about all things health, fitness and mental wellness. She’s also an avid surfer and recently discovered skateboarding as a viable means of transport. Skate dates, anyone? More

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    Easy No-Bake Oat Protein Balls To Fuel You Up For Your Next Race

    Sometimes, the hardest time to stay on track with healthy eating is in-between meals. Make snack time healthy with this oat protein balls snack recipe. They’re easy to make and can be prepared during loadshedding. Grab one for your lunchbox or before race day for a little oomph.

    Oat Protein Balls


    1 cup whole rolled oats

    2/3 cup coconut flakes

    ½ cup peanut butter

    ½ cup chia seeds

    ½ cup cocoa nibs

    1/3 cup honey or maple syrup

    3 tablespoons coconut oil

    ½ teaspoon vanilla powder


    Mix everything together in a medium bowl.

    Chill for 45 minutes.

    Roll the mixture into balls and enjoy.

    Store in the fridge.

    Looking for more protein recipes?

    Loadshedding? Try this no-bake Caramel Cream Cheese Balls recipe

    Supercharge your morning with this Protein Berry Porridge recipe

    A breakfast staple, try one of the 26 Protein Pancakes recipes

    Add To Cart

    Lifestyle Food Oats Rolled

    R49 at Dis-chem

    Coconut Flakes 250 g

    R59 at Woolworths

    ButtaNutt Peanut Butter

    R34 at Faithful to Nature

    Nature’s Choice Maple Syrup

    R185 at Faithful to Nature

    Vanilla Powder

    R78 at Woolworths

    Faithful to Nature Chia Seeds

    R79 at Faithful to Nature

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    Ultraboost Light Unveiled As The Latest Innovation From adidas Running

    The South African Marathon season is approaching fast. With the Two Oceans Ultra and Half Marathon scheduled for Saturday, 15 April and Sunday, 16 April 2023 respectively.

    Running is booming in our country, and, along with a huge increase in runners – by more than 10% since the 2020 lockdown, the tech in running shoes is forging ahead.

    One of the heroes of the new evolution of running-specific shoes is the BOOST cushioning from adidas. This month adidas unveiled the latest member of its most iconic running shoe franchise – the Ultraboost Light. Testament to their constant strive to take innovation to the next level, and in response to consumer feedback, the new Ultraboost Light has a ground-breaking new material at its core – Light BOOST.

    Marking a decade since the introduction of BOOST technology, the new and improved Ultraboost Light benefits from 30% lighter BOOST material. Resulting in a performance running shoe designed to offer epic energy, plush cushioning, comfort and responsiveness.

    Taking runners’ experiences to the next level, the all-new Ultraboost Light also includes:  

    A redesigned Linear Energy Point (LEP) found on the sole of the shoe reworked to optimise responsiveness and work in harmony with the new Light BOOST material. 

    PRIMEKNIT+ upper for an adapted fit that provides breathability and comfort.

    Continental™ natural performance rubber instils confidence in traction for all weather conditions.  

    A 10% lower carbon footprint* compared to previous versions.

    The new Ultraboost Light launches in a white colourway, featuring solar red and core black detailing. It is now available from adidas concept stores countrywide, online at and on the adidas app.

    To celebrate the 10th anniversary of BOOST technology, adidas is also revealing a special edition version of the adidas Ultraboost Light with a dedicated colourway. The 10th-anniversary edition comes in a primarily black colourway, with black and yellow detailing. The same design that was found on the first-ever adidas silhouette with BOOST technology, the Energy Boost.

    Follow the @adidasZA #ULTRABOOST conversation on Instagram for more information. More

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    8 Foods With High Water Content, For Maximum Hydration

    Hydration is key, so it stands to reason that you chug tons of water all day, right? Wrong. While maximising your water intake is important, you can also take in foods with high water content. Per one study, it’s not just hydration that’s a boon when eating your water. “In the last years, several investigations have suggested that water intake and retention could have important implications for both weight management and body composition,” the authors note. The study found that there’s a positive correlation between having a healthy body composition and adequate water intake. “The improvement of water intake and water balance could be useful for overweight and obesity prevention,” the study says.

    If you’re looking at upping your water intake, look to foods with high water content. Not only do these deliver an extra dose of nutrients and electrolytes, they’ll go a long way toward getting more water in your system. Plus, chugging bottle upon bottle of water isn’t for all of us. Here, the foods with high water content.


    Ok, this one is obvious. Cucumber is so great in green juices because it’s mostly water and contains only 8 calories in a 52g serving. They’re also high in nutrients like vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. Cucumber sandwich, anyone?


    91% of the weight of a strawberry is made of water. Plus, they’re incredibly high in vitamin C, folate and manganese. Eat them as they are, or blend them up and add to smoothies (even more water).


    These juicy red dudes are far more than just tart goodness. Not only are they high in vitamin C and lycopene (key for good oral health, bone health, and blood pressure), but they’re over 90% water. Eat cherry tomatoes as they are, or add them to your meals, roasted and flavoured with garlic. Yum.


    100 grams of cauliflower gets you more than 59 ml of water (that’s more than half!), as well as 3 grams of fibre. Not only is cauliflower the new low-carb darling (clutch for low-carb pizza bases, cauli rice and more), but it’s also home to a variety of nutrients.

    Cottage cheese

    Surprise, surprise! Not only is cottage cheese an amazing source of protein and healthy fats, but about 80% of its weight is also water. Stock up on this and spread over crackers, sandwiches or eat it with cucumber as a snack.

    Plain yoghurt

    Standing at 75% water, plain yoghurt also delivers important nutrients like calcium, potassium and protein. It’s also clutch at reducing your hunger pangs, because of its high water and protein content.


    Since broths are just savoury bowls of water, it’s about 92% water, but depending on what you put in it, a broth can become a super-hydrating and healing meal. Consider boosting your broth with chilli, ginger and garlic for its anti-inflammatory properties. Also, drinking broth regularly won’t only fill you up but could also help your weight loss since it’s so low in calories.


    Not only is this a low-calorie summer staple, but it’s also nutrient-dense, containing vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium and lycopene. It’s also about 92% water, so blend it up and drink fresh watermelon juice to stay hydrated. More