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    Chew Slowly, Don’t Skip Breakfast And Eat 30 Plants A Week: 15 Easy Food Changes For 2024

    It’s a new year, and before you rush to set your resolutions and decide 2024 will finally be the year you completely overhaul your diet and fitness (for good, this time), we’re here to remind you that making small, sustainable changes over time is often more effective than attempting drastic alterations (which, often, can’t be sustained).

    With stats showing that 92 percent of people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions and 80 percent of us will have already failed by the second week of February, we’ve come up with a series of easy food changes – or micro changes, if you will – to help you make 2024 your healthiest yet. Because, if you can figure out how to make your goals easier, you’re more likely to succeed.

    These tiny tweaks are brought to you by a whole host of nutrition experts and doctors, who show that while there’s nothing wrong with aiming big, we can help ourselves by starting small.

    Easy food changes for 2024

    1. Build your meals with plants first

    At the risk of preaching to the choir (aka, WH readers), you don’t need us to tell you that to optimise your diet, you need to hit your five fruit and veg a day target. But how many of us actually do? According to the UK’s NHS, only 55.4% of adults aged 16 and over eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables on the regular.

    An easy food change for 2024? Make sure you’re eating at least one plant with every meal.

    “Plants include whole grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices,” says Dr Federica Amati, nutrition topic lead at Imperial College School of Medicine.

    “It’s important that we get a variety of these in our diet to maximise our intake of nutrients, plant protein, polyphenols, and fibre, which support our gut microbiome and overall health and wellbeing.”

    READ MORE: 10 Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Seeds And Juice, According To Dietitians

    2. Aim to eat 30 different plants a week

    In fact, if your New Year’s resolution is to eat more veg, why stop at five-a-day, when many experts now believe that adding a variety of fruits and vegetables to our diet is just as important?

    Orla Stone, nutritionist and gut health specialist, says the best way to fight the January blues is by eating various plant fibre.

    “We now know that your gut bacteria need a variety of fibre to thrive so you can’t just rely on the same foods day in and day out,” she says.

    “Given how important healthy gut bacteria are for supporting your mood and mental wellbeing, try to eat 30 different plants per week. Easy ways to support this include adding frozen mixed vegetables or a can of mixed pulses to your regular dinner.”

    3. Try to eat more fermented foods

    With recent studies looking at how fermented foods can affect everything from our gut health and immune system to our cholesterol levels and risk of type 2 diabetes, fermented foods are back in vogue. And making this easy food change is so simple.

    “Eating three to five portions of fermented foods regularly is linked to improved health outcomes,” says Professor Tim Spector, co-founder of ZOE, the personalised nutrition company and author of Sunday Times best-selling Food for Life and Spoon Fed.

    “Different fermented foods contain different types and strains of beneficial bacteria, which contribute to a more diverse and healthy microbiome. Some examples include live yoghurt (unsweetened), kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha.”

    4. Don’t skip breakfast

    Breakfast is often cited as ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. Added to the list of easy food changes? Eat your breakfast.

    “Most people know that a good, hearty breakfast is important for managing your glucose levels and providing essential nutrients to set you up for an energised day. However, what is often overlooked are the psychological benefits of a healthy breakfast,” says Pilates teacher Sarah Emblow.

    “Breakfast seems to influence our metabolism more so than lunch or dinner, and so by starting your day with a nutritionally balanced breakfast, you are more likely to make healthy choices for the rest of the day, encouraging strong, and improved habits.

    “When that 3pm crash happens, your body is programmed to crave the type of food you ate first in the day, so if you had eggs and avocado for breakfast, you are going to crave something savoury later in the day when your body needs to refuel.”

    READ MORE: 12 Of The Best Vegan Protein Powders You Can Buy Right Now

    5. Add seeds to your breakfast

    One of the easiest food changes you can make for your gut is to add fibre-rich seeds to your breakfast each morning.

    Jessica Sepel, clinical nutritionist and founder of JSHealth Vitamins says her favourite way to do this is by prepping a batch of her mum’s famous seed mix.

    “Simply combine 1 cup of each of the following: chia seeds, sunflower seeds, ground flaxseed or LSA mix, pumpkin seeds, plus 2 tbsp cinnamon, which is then ready to go for the week,” she says. “I enjoy it most mornings with berries and Greek yoghurt. Delicious and satisfying. I also take it with me when I am travelling.”

    6. Focus on the quality and timing of your snacking

    Ever found yourself *accidentally* devouring an entire ‘family sized’ bag of chocolates or ‘to share’ bag of crisps simply because? That would be, er, all of us, then.

    Dr Sarah Berry, a reader in Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London and chief scientist at ZOE, says if there’s one thing you can focus on in 2024, it’s the quality – and timing – of your snacks.

    “The type of snacks you eat are really important for maintaining your energy levels, avoiding blood sugar dips and improving your health,” she says.

    “Try to eat good-quality snacks based on whole foods, such as nuts, whole fruit, and vegetable sticks with hummus. Avoid snacking late into the evening after 9pm, as our ZOE research has shown that this is linked with poorer cardiometabolic health.”

    7. Snack on nuts once per day

    And, actually, if you fancy a snack, Dr Sophie Medlin, consultant colorectal dietician, recommends reaching for nuts above all else.

    “Nuts contain micronutrients such as selenium, zinc and magnesium which are harder to find elsewhere in the diet,” she says.

    “They are also full of fibre and protein so are great for keeping you full between meals. I recommend to my patients to set an alarm for a 3-4pm snack, so they have something before they get too hungry and can’t resist the biscuits in the office.

    “Having an afternoon snack also helps you to make better decisions at your evening meal. So you’re more likely to prepare a balanced evening meal rather than reaching for food delivery apps,” she adds.

    READ MORE: How To Add More Vegetables To Your Diet, Even If You’re Busy

    8. Chew slowly

    “So many of us are fixated on which foods to include or exclude to support our health, and in return, we often overlook just how important the way we eat is for our health,” says Harley St. London-based nutritionist Clarissa Lenherr.

    “Digestion begins with our senses and in our mouth. When we miss this crucial stage of digestion – whether it is because we are shovelling in our food quickly between meetings, distracted by our phones, or eating whilst we work – we might be left with bloating and indigestion.”

    It takes 10-20 minutes for signals from our gut to tell our brain we are full and satiated, she adds. “So when we don’t focus on our food and eating habits, we can miss this signal and end up over-eating and feeling dissatisfied”.

    Brea Lofton, nutritionist and registered dietitian at Lumen, agrees. “Eating slowly and savouring your food instead of eating too quickly can help you recognize when you’re full and satisfied, and help prevent unintended overeating.”

    Some sources have suggested 32 bites per mouthful as a magic number, but this isn’t backed by science. So instead, Lenherr suggests simply putting your fork and knife down in between each bite. “This will help you slow down your eating,” she says. “Take a meeting with your food, dedicate 10 minutes to a meal to eat slowly.”

    9. Drink more water

    So we’re not exactly reinventing the wheel with this tip. But a survey from The State of Nutrition in South Africa 2021 suggests that 41 percent of South African people don’t drink enough water a day. The daily recommended amount? Six to eight glasses of H2O every day. So perhaps 2024 is the year you finally commit to drinking more water…

    “Try to limit sugary drinks and excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, as these can contribute to dehydration,” says nutritionist Brea Lofton.

    And, remember, when your activity is higher, you are losing water through your sweat. “This means that on days your exercise sessions are more intense, it is a good idea to drink more water,” says Lofton.

    If you struggle to drink enough water, Meghan Foulsham, nutritionist, suggests adding a straw. “Switching to using a bottle with a built-in straw allows you to drink more water without thinking about it. We can take more liquid through a straw, as we don’t need to “gulp”, and it makes the drinking process more pleasant and smooth overall.”

    10. Choose wholemeal for a fibre boost

    The current recommended WHO guidelines say adults should eat 25g of fibre a day. Yet, according to one source, most women are only eating an average of about 16g a day.

    “Most people get 60% less fibre than they should,” says Dr Macarena Staudenmaier, chief medical officer at JERMS. “Fibre is crucial for a healthy diet. It prevents constipation but also diabetes, heart issues, and bowel cancer. Fibre is also a power food for the good bacteria in your gut.”

    Her top tip to up your fibre game? “Choose whole grain options like bulgur wheat, spelt bread, wholemeal pasta, or rye crackers over white versions.”

    READ MORE: Healthy Alternatives To Fried Chips

    11. Watch out for ultra-processed foods

    The terms ‘processed’ and ‘ultra-processed’ have been thrown around a lot over the past year. New research links diets high in ultra-processed foods to increased risks of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression.

    To identify ultra-processed foods, nutritionists say it’s best to check the label. “For 2024, try to cut back on foods and beverages high in added sugars,” says Brea Lofton. “You can make a plan to learn to read food labels to help you identify hidden sources of sugar and make positive changes to your nutrition.”

    12. Avoid large gaps in between meals

    When it comes to eating a healthy diet, it’s not just what and how much you eat that plays a role. When you eat can make a difference, too. Especially if you’re trying to balance your blood sugar levels.

    Jodie Relf, registered dietician says that when we don’t eat for hours on end we end up feeling ravenous. From there, we’re more inclined to reach for larger portions of foods to satisfy that hunger. “Or foods that are high in sugar and energy to quickly satisfy our hunger. This can cause large spikes in blood glucose levels”.

    “Blood sugar crashes can leave you feeling tired, irritable, hungry and anxious,” she adds. “Eating regularly, including protein and healthy fats with your meals/snacks, and prioritising sleep and reducing stress can all contribute to maintaining balanced blood sugar levels.”

    13. Cook double for easy meal prep

    We’ve all experienced that sinking feeling after a long day at work. You’ve come home to an empty fridge and then ended up ordering a takeaway instead of going to the shops and cooking something healthy from scratch. The answer? Double up on portion sizes when cooking your dinner.

    “Save the leftovers for an easy lunch or a quick and healthy dinner option for evenings you’re more on the go,” says nutritionist Meghan Foulsham. “It doesn’t require any extra work, but it saves you time and likely money further down the line, as you don’t have to opt for convenience foods.”

    An easy 2024 goal? Allocate a couple of hours at the weekend or on a quiet evening to fill your fridge with delicious, healthy meals. This will help eliminate the temptation of a takeaway.

    14. Eat your kiwis

    When you think about boosting vitamin C, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Eating more oranges? Adding a supplement to your diet? What about kiwis?

    Kiwis are powerhouses when it comes to vitamin C – and new research, published in Foods, found that eating two kiwis a day for six weeks increased vitamin C intake by 150 mg per day.

    “Vitamin C is an essential vitamin to support proper immune function, and isn’t made or stored in our bodies,” explains Meleni Aldridge, nutrition consultant.

    “More importantly, it’s absorbed and used up 30-90 mins after ingestion. This means we need to replenish our levels regularly through the day with vitamin C-rich foods that don’t spike your blood sugar, supplements or functional drinks.”

    Other than kiwis, Aldridge suggests eating bioflavonoid-rich foods like peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and spinach. These enhance the absorption of your vitamin C. “Bioflavonoids pack a super antioxidant punch too and are often called ‘vitamin P’ for their multiple health benefits,” she adds.

    15. Cycle sync your diet

    According to 2024 wellness trend forecasts, there’s going to be (finally) an increased conversation around the female cycle – with hormone-balancing foods at the forefront.

    “Eating essential fats from foods like olive oil, avocado, nuts, and oily fish is key for female hormone production, as essentially our hormones are made from cholesterol,” explains Rachel Butcher, head of nutrition at Third Space.

    “Likewise, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our bodies and therefore not getting an adequate amount of carbohydrates because of a low- or no-carbohydrate diet will likely lead to fatigue, changes in mood and changes in your female sex hormones, which can disrupt your menstrual cycle.”

    Her tip for 2024? “Focus on getting good-quality, complex carbohydrates into your diet from foods such as rice, oats and potato, as well as beans and lentils,” says Butcher.

    But remember, some research highlights that our nutrient needs change across the cycle. “Becoming aware of your cycle, and the physiology at that point, will enable you to understand how you might adjust your nutrition accordingly,” she adds.

    This story was first published by Alice Barraclough on More

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    10 Best Kettlebell Core Exercises For Strong, Sculpted Abs, From A Trainer

    No offence to sit-ups, planks and hollow holds, but basic core exercises can feel drab day after day. They work the abdominals, but if you’re looking for stronger, sculpted abs, let me introduce you to a secret weapon: the kettlebell. I’m talking about kettlebell core exercises, specifically.

    First things first: “A kettlebell is a cast-iron ball with a handle attached to the top and due to its offset load and centre of gravity, the kettlebell is used to train power, endurance, speed and strength,” says Lauren Kanski, CPT, creator of the Body & Bell program on the Ladder app and a WH advisor. “It’s a very ballistic style of training, but in my opinion, it’s elite if you’re strapped for time and/or financial investment.”

    The kettlebell also adds a fresh spin on core workouts because it uses your entire body, says Kanski. “Many people don’t understand that full-body complex movements are the best options to train the core compared to core-centric exercises,” she explains. And based on the pure versatility of a kettlebell, they allow for a well-rounded workout to build power, strength and endurance in the various movement patterns, all while sculpting your core, she adds.

    Meet the expert: Lauren Kanski, CPT, is the creator of the Body & Bell program on the Ladder app and a WH advisor.

    Another perk? Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or beginner, kettlebell exercises are effective for anyone and everyone, stresses Kanski. These moves are easy to adapt to your goals and level by changing up the load, speed, time under tension, isolation and tempo.

    As for how often you should do kettlebell exercises, Kanski recommends four to five days a week for optimal results. “The best part about the kettlebells is all the goals go hand in hand,” she explains. “You get leaner, stronger and more athletic as you spend time learning the skills.” (Here! For! It!)

    For a killer total-body workout, keep scrolling for Kanski’s picks for kettlebell core exercises.

    10 Best Kettlebell Core Exercises

    Instructions: Pick one lower-body move, one upper-body move and either a windmill or Turkish get-up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each of the upper and lower body exercises and 2 sets of 3 reps for the windmill or Turkish get-up.

    Pro tip: Focus on your breath. “Inhale as you move the load toward the floor or brace to lift and exhale as you move the load away from the floor,” Kanski says. “It applies to all main lifts, swings, cleans and snatches because breathing controls the core engagement.”

    1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat

    Why it rocks: Get ready for a total-body torcher because this move works your upper body, lower body and abs, says Kanski. Your core also works extra hard to stabilize your trunk as you squat up and down.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and hold a kettlebell at chest height with both hands, elbows bent and pointing toward the floor.

    Inhale as you sit hips back and bend knees to lower body until thighs are parallel to the floor, elbows brushing the inside of knees.

    Pause, then exhale as you explosively press through heels and scoop hips forward to return to standing. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    2. Kettlebell Renegade Row

    Why it rocks: This an awesome full-body exercise with an upper-body focus, says Kanski. You’ll also work your anti-rotational core which is key for stabilizing your lower back and preventing your hips from rocking side to side, she adds.

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position with kettlebells in each hand, hands directly under shoulders, feet behind you about hip-distance apart (or wider for more stability). Your body should form a straight line from head to toe.

    Inhale and engage core as you slowly draw kettlebell in right hand up to right hip as if you were putting in pocket. Keep elbow close to body and pointing upward.

    Exhale, keep core engaged and body still, as you continue to push through left hand and slowly return weight to the starting position.

    Repeat with the left side. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.

    3. Kettlebell Deadlift

    Why it rocks: Not only is this an awesome move for better balance, but you’ll feel it in your hamstrings and glutes, says Kanski. It’s also a functional movement for walking and running gait strength, she adds.

    How to:

    Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of you, near thighs.

    Engage core, keep back and legs straight, hinge at hips and send butt back as you inhale and lower kettlebell toward the ground. Keep weight in heels.

    Maintain position and lower as far as your flexibility allows, ideally the kettlebell level with the middle of your shins.

    Squeeze glutes, contract hips, engage core and exhale as you drive back to the starting position. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    4. Kettlebell Seated Overhead Press

    Why it rocks: This move takes your legs out of the equation and forces you to work your hips, core and upper body, says Kanski. You’ll also notice your triceps engage as you extend the kettlebell overhead, she adds.

    How to:

    Start seated with legs extended, butt on ground, back straight, with a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward and weights resting against upper arms.

    Inhale and in one motion, rotate palms away from body and press the kettlebells overhead until arms are straight and biceps are by ears. Squeeze kettlebells tightly so there is no bend in the wrists.

    Exhale as you reverse motion to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    5. Kettlebell Lateral Lunge

    Why it rocks: This move works your frontal plane, which is key for injury prevention, says Kanski. It also targets your inner thighs which are necessary for stabilizing your core.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet under hips holding a kettlebell at chest.

    Inhale and engage core as you take a large step out with the right leg and sit hips back, bending right knee until right thigh is parallel to floor while left leg remains straight, toes of both feet facing forward. Stay tall in the chest and keep kettlebell close to body.

    Exhale and push through the right heel to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    6. Kettlebell Windmill

    Why it rocks: This is a hip-dominant movement that works your rotational core, says Kanski. You’ll also engage your obliques as you rotate and stabilize the kettlebell overhead.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing toward left at a 45-degree angle, with a kettlebell in right hand, right arm extended straight overhead and left arm by side. Keep eyes on the kettlebell.

    Inhale as you rotate chest to the right, look up at the kettlebell and slowly hinge at waist to lower torso toward floor and touch left foot with left fingers, pushing hips back to the right corner of the room. You can bend left knee as much as needed to rotate but keep standing leg straight.

    Pause, then exhale as you reverse motion to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 slow reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    7. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

    Why it rocks: This advanced move packs a punch and works your rotational core, hip strength, grip strength and upper and lower body, says Kanski. It’s also great for promoting overhead mobility and stability, she adds.

    How to:

    Start lying faceup with right leg straight on mat, left leg bent, foot flat on floor, right arm out at the side on floor at 45-degree angle and left arm holding kettlebell above shoulder, triceps on floor and elbow at 45-degree angle from body.

    Raise the weight up above the chest, keeping your gaze on it, until arm is straight but not locked at the elbow.

    Push into the right forearm to sit up.

    Rise onto the right palm, lift hips off floor and slide right leg behind body until kneeling on right knee with shin parallel to top of mat.

    Sweep right foot back behind body to come into kneeling lunge with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Push through feet to stand bringing feet together under hips.

    Reverse entire movement step-by-step to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    8. Kettlebell Squat To Overhead Press

    Why it rocks: Not only will you feel a burn in your upper and lower body, but this is an “elite” core move since it works your anti-rotational core and builds power in your legs, says Kanski. It’s a win-win.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward and weights resting against upper arms.

    Inhale and lower body down into a squat.

    Engage core and in one motion, exhale as you push through heels to stand, rotate palms to face away from body and explosively press the kettlebell overhead until arms are straight.

    Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    9. Kettlebell Halo

    Why it rocks: This move is key for stabilizing your abs and promoting 360-degree core strength, as well as improving the range of motion in your shoulder joints, says Kanski. Hello, shoulder mobility!

    How to:

    Start standing with feet hip-width apart holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands in front of face, elbows bent and wide at sides. Engage core with belly button pulled in toward tailbone.

    Keeping both elbows bent and the rest of the body still, slowly circle the kettlebell around head once, keeping the weight at eye level. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps in each direction.

    10. Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry

    Why it rocks: It might look simple, but this move is a full-body exercise that hits the upper and lower body, in addition to your core, says Kanski. It’ll also target the smaller stabilizing muscles as you stay tall and fight the urge to rotate toward the side holding the kettlebell, she adds.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet together, a kettlebell in left hand, arm by side and right hand on hip.

    Engage abs and take a small step forward. Continue stepping one foot in front of the other for a total of 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side.

    Benefits Of Kettlebell Exercises For Core And More

    1. Build muscle

    If you’re looking to build major muscle, Kanski says kettlebells are your go-to. Because most kettlebell exercises recruit your *entire* body (hello, Turkish get-ups and squat to overhead press), you get more bang for your buck in less time, she adds. You’ll also notice a lot of kettlebell moves promote time under tension which is extremely effective for muscle hypertrophy (AKA an increase in muscle size).

    2. Produce power

    When training with kettlebells, you’re using compensatory acceleration (for example, swinging the bells as quickly as possible) which torches calories and generates extremely high neuromuscular engagement, says Kanski. “The unique shape and offset load also act as an extended lever, which allows you to produce more torque and power,” she explains. As a result, you build explosive power which is key for overall sports performance and muscular endurance.

    3. Train grip strength

    Kettlebells are phenomenal for grip strength and wrist flexion, in turn, supporting shoulder and elbow health and longevity, says Kanski. After all, you have to use your wrists, elbows and shoulders to control the bell while moving through various planes of motion.

    4. Experiment with training variety

    Based on the 10 moves above, it’s clear there’s a wide variety of exercises you can train with a kettlebell, says Kanski. Whether you’re training lower body, upper body, or core, you’ll see major gains with only one kettlebell. They’re also portable and take little space in your home or gym.

    5. Boost cardiovascular activity

    Not only are kettlebells killer for strength gains, but research shows they also increase aerobic capacity. In fact, one study found that kettlebell exercises could significantly improve aerobic capacity to boost cardiovascular fitness.

    This article by Andi Breitowich was first published on Women’s Health US. More

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    The 2 Best Office Lunches You Can Prepare Ahead Of Time

    Working towards financial year-end deadlines and lacking lunch inspiration? Try these three delicious, nutritious, easy-to-pack meals.

    Bowl Them Over

    If you’d rather eat takeaways than brave the mystery splatters inside the shared office microwave, this hearty, best-served-cold bowl is your answer. Toss with dressing the night before and the flavours should achieve perfection just in time for your afternoon meal.

    Serves 1: Per serving: 1 504kJ, 7g fat (1g sat), 50g carbs, 490mg sodium, 3g fibre, 23g protein

    Asian-Style Salad Bowl

    Calories 359 kcal

    1 cup shredded Chinese cabbage1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil1 cup cooked rice noodles85g cooked chicken breast2 tsp low-sodium soy saucePinch chilli flakesToasted sesame seeds1 squeeze lime juice1 tbsp finely chopped spring onions
    Sauté cabbage in olive oil over medium heat for one minute and set aside.Top rice noodles with chicken. Add in the cabbage and the rest of the ingredients. Toss to combine and refrigerate overnight.

    Mepal Bento Lunch Box Large Nordic White

    Bento boxes are all the rage at the moment and what could be a cooler way to pack your new lunches than with this stylish choice from Mepal? Plus, if you’re snacking on a few extra fruits or eggs, just pop them into the separate containers.

    Glass container with bamboo lid & spoon

    These glass jars make for a fantastic storage fix for your Asian-inspired salad. Whether you’re in a hurry between meetings and opting for jar-eating convenience or taking a leisurely break, simply flip it into a bowl and indulge!

    Carb Free Lunch

    Collard greens, flat-leaf kale and chard all make for great carb-free tortillas. Remove their stiff backbones and they become pliable, while still holding up to travel (no tearing or sogginess). Add flavour by filling them with crumbly cheeses mixed with crisp vegetables and bright herbs.

    Serves 1: Per serving: 1 212kJ, 17g fat (6g sat), 14g carbs, 510mg sodium, 4g fibre, 21g protein

    Carb-Free Kale Wrap

    Servings 1Calories 289 kcal

    2 large kale leaves or collard green leaves4 tbsp hummus2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced2 tbsp grated carrots1 radish, finely sliced2 tbsp chopped roasted red peppers2 tsp finely chopped Italian parsley2 tsp crumbled feta
    With a paring knife, shave the thick spine from the two leaves, being careful not to cut into the leaves.Flip the leaves over and spread hummus on each “wrap”.Divide the rest of the ingredients among the two wraps, then fold them like burritos.

    Try these 3 high-protein breakfast recipes every active girl needs in her life. Plus: 20 of the best healthy snacks for weight loss. More

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    The 3 Stretches You Should Be Doing Daily

    Wanna feel more balanced, have fewer aches and pains and stand taller? Here, expert Aaron Smith shares the three stretches you’ll need to add to your repertoire: the laughing baby stretch to release tension, lunge stretch to unlock flexibility and cobra stretch to boost your posture. Get ready to move with newfound ease and grace!

    Pro Tip: To maximise your stretching routine, think about adopting general good habits which will help change your life and feeling of well-being. Include setting your office chair to a height where your feet touch the floor but your knees are not higher than your hips, pelvic floor contractions when driving or brushing your teeth and/or using your legs whilst bracing your abdominals to lift heavy objects and smiling with your collar bones.

    1. Laughing Baby Stretch

    Imagine a baby, laying on its back, holding its feet and laughing whilst it rocks from side to side. This stretch is amazing for helping to stretch the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Try laying on your back, hold the outer edge of your feet with your hands and bend your knees towards your armpits positioning your elbows inside your knees. Then hold your feet wide apart from each other and lengthen your lower back along the floor. To advance the stretch and target the hamstrings more, you can gently straighten your legs too.

    RELATED: The 14 Yoga Stretches To Do Daily If You Want To Become More Flexible

    2. Lunge Stretch

    The lunge stretch targets your hip flexors (psoas major) and medial quadriceps. Tight hips and quadriceps can contribute to aching backs and slouched postures as they pull your pelvis into a forward, anterior tilt. Lengthening them will help the pelvis sit in a more neutral position reducing tension in the lower back and enabling you to stand taller and prouder.

    Getting down on one knee (as if you were going to propose to your partner!) lean your body weight forward into your front leg, keeping your torso upright and knee at a 90-degree angle over the ankle (move your foot forward if the knee goes past the toes). At this point, you should be feeling a stretch through the front and top of the back leg and to make it a bit juicier, reach your arms above your head and slightly arch your torso back and take long inhalations and exhalations.

    READ MORE: The 8 Best Groin Stretches For Anyone Who Sits All Day Long

    3. The Cobra Stretch

    The cobra stretch lengthens the front of the body and strengthens the many long stabiliser muscles of the spine. This will improve spinal mobility and also help us stand taller and prouder with fewer aches and pains in the back and shoulders.

    Lay on your stomach on the floor, legs out straight, front of the feet flat on the floor (plantar flexion), forehead to the floor hands on the floor under the chest and elbows pinned up to the ribs. Inhale, press the lower body and front of the pelvis to the floor and push the upper body up from the floor, making a gentle backbend and letting the head tilt so that you can see the ceiling. Keep the arms active as they hold you up and keep pressing the lower body to the floor. Exhale, then gently release to the floor and repeat again.

    The article by Nikolina Ilic appeared first on Women’s Health Australia. More

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    LISS: A Complete Guide, From What It Actually Is, To Why And When To Do It

    You’re likely well-versed in HIIT, but how much do you know about LISS, a.k.a. ‘Low Intensity Steady State’ training? Also known as LISS cardio, the low-intensity training includes workouts such as walking, hiking or cycling. And it’s packed full of rewards that you’ll not want to be missing out on.

    So, we’re diving into a full explainer on what LISS is really about, from what LISS cardio is good for, to how to do a LISS workout properly and when to add it to your weekly schedule. Ready?

    1. What is LISS?

    ‘LISS’ stands for Low-Intensity Steady State training, so instead of pushing yourself to breaking point for short bursts, you aim for a lower level of exertion for a long, continuous period of time.

    For many years, LISS was the go-to exercise for burning exercise cals (think long runs and endurance cardio) but when its younger and speedier cousin HIIT (high-intensity interval training) came along, it was quickly relegated to the B-team. The main difference between the two is that in HIIT, you’ll get your heart rate close to max for a matter of seconds before resting and repeating, whereas in LISS your heart rate will rise to a much lower intensity but will be kept there for minutes or even hours. You can see why some people swung to team HIIT – with shorter bursts of exercise needed for health benefits.

    However, those of you that were quick to hang up your walking shoes may have jumped too soon – LISS has a myriad of benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked.

    In fact, a weekly routine that contains both LISS and HIIT workouts might help you hit your goals more quickly than if you were to commit to just one – more on this later.

    2. Benefits of LISS training

    There are myriad benefits to LISS cardio, including:

    Pain elimination

    Posture improvement

    Fat burn

    Improving your body’s cardiovascular capacity

    It’s accessible and scalable to all fitness levels

    Research shows that LISS can be just as beneficial for cardio health as HIIT and that there’s no difference in fat loss between groups who did continuous training and interval workouts.

    3. What are some example LISS workouts?

    LISS training is any low-endurance workout, all at a relaxed level. These can include:

    To be precise, LISS training or LISS cardio is any low-endurance workout that’s around 50-65% of your max heart rate, depending on your fitness level. In other words, you should still be able to hold a conversation whilst performing LISS, so it’s a good form of exercise to do with a friend or the family.

    ‘LISS is important because it breaks up your week,’ WH cover star and PT Kayla Itsines previously explained at Women’s Health‘s Live Virtual event.

    ‘Going for LISS [exercise] is so great for your overall fitness and also for your mind as well,’ she continued. ‘Set a 15-minute timer or a 20-minute timer and go for a walk and when it goes off, come back. It’s a really good way to break up your week and still stay active and motivated to do more.’

    But, for those who strongly dislike walking, cycling or hiking – don’t worry, you’re not alone! – there are some other options to get your LISS-fix:

    ‘A semi-fast yoga class you can do at home,’ is one option according to Itsines. Or, ‘you could even march on the spot while watching TV,’ she suggests.

    Try these LISS workouts:

    A two to five-kilometre walk, aiming for a pace between 8 and 10 minutes per kilometre depending on fitness levels.

    Hopping on a treadmill, cross-trainer or stationary exercise bike for 30-60 minutes at a moderate pace.

    A Vinyasa or ‘flow’ yoga class that keeps your heart rate between 40% and 60% of your maximum.

    Asoka Core Lite Yoga Mat

    Yogi Eco-Friendly Non-Slip Double Sided Yoga Mat

    5. LISS vs. HIIT

    Unlike HIIT – where you go balls-to-the-wall switching between max-effort bursts and short recovery periods – LISS is all about exercising at a slow and steady pace that burns fat over other energy sources, such as carbohydrates or food.

    ‘HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) alternates between powerful, limit-pushing bursts and slowed-down recovery periods, while LISS helps you achieve longevity in your training,’ explains Michelle Morrey.

    6. Why is LISS good for fat burning?

    Itsines frequently recommends LISS as part of her training programmes – citing the fact that LISS exercises such as walking burn the most fat per calorie when compared to jogging, running and sprinting.

    ‘In order to metabolise fat the body needs oxygen and the lower the intensity, the more oxygen is available to be used by the body to break down fat,’ Itsines explains. When you’re jogging or sprinting, less oxygen is available meaning that your body will use other energy sources, such as carbohydrates, for energy instead of fat.’

    Bear in mind, however, HIIT does still burn fat, as well as helping with muscle adaptations – plus it burns more calories in a shorter space of time, so if you can’t find the time for a full LISS workout, then HIIT is a great alternative.

    7. How much LISS should I do a week?

    At WH, we encourage you to experiment with your exercises and try out new workouts that will get your heart rate going – do make sure you see your GP if you have a condition, are pregnant, or are feeling under the weather – but working out is also about balance and finding out what’s good for you.

    ‘Ideally, only 20% of your workouts should be high-intensity,’ says Morrey. ‘Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a mum, it’s the same. Say you work out five times a week, only two sessions should be HIIT. If HIIT is not carefully controlled, it can lead to injury.’

    The good thing about LISS is that it’s an easy, accessible and family-friendly way to keep fit and healthy.

    Garmin Instinct® 2S Deep Orchid

    Huawei Watch GT4

    8. Who is LISS good for?

    Luke Worthington, PT, Nike trainer and sports scientist, breaks down exactly why LISS isn’t just ‘the easy option out’:

    ‘TypicallyHIIT sessions have appealed to those who are time-poor people who need to fit in a short and effective workout. But, HIIT can actually cause more pressure as it’s a high-stress mode of exercise for the body but also for the mind and the nervous system.”

    So from this perspective, LISS may actually be best for those with stressful lives and could benefit more from a low octane, long duration exercise session that is more calming for the parasympathetic nervous system as well as causing less damage to the body,’ says Worthington.

    Morrey agrees with LISS being something that could benefit the vast majority of people but also something that’s gaining in popularity traction too:

    ‘There’s been a pendulum shift, which I’ve seen all over the world. Sport science is changing, and we’re realising that over-stressing the body is not beneficial and can lead to injury and sickness,’ she says.

    9. So, is LISS cardio good?

    It’s a resounding yes from all experts. In fact, Worthington tells us that he prescribes LISS workouts to almost all of his celebrity clients, including Dakota Johnson. They’ll do ‘LISS cardio, like a 60-minute walk, on non-workout days, around three times a week,’ he tells WH.

    This article by Bridie Wilkins and Morgan Fargo was originally published on Women’s Health UK. More

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    10 Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Seeds And Juice, According To Dietitians

    On our long list of summer-favourite foods, pomegranate is pretty high up there. Not only is this fruit a stunner with its gorgeous deep red hue, but it also packs a punch of flavour and sweetness into its tiny seeds (a.k.a. arils). Another pomegranate benefit? It adds the perfect pop of fun to salads and parfaits. And as if that wasn’t enough…it’s healthy, too.

    Pomegranates are celebrated for being low in calories but high in fibre, antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. It’s a win-win-win in the aesthetic-flavour-nutrition department, which has us swooning over these stunners all season long.

    Meet the experts: Abigail Collen, RD, a registered dietitian. Rebecca Sarac, RD, is a registered dietitian who works to connect leading grocery retailers to their consumers through culinary-developed and inspired meals.

    Let’s dive deeper into the nutrition numbers, shall we?

    Here’s how the nutrients shake out for a half-cup of pomegranate seeds, according to USDA data:

    Calories: 72

    Fat: 1 g

    Saturated Fat: 0.1 g

    Carbohydrates: 16 g

    Sodium 2.6 mg

    Sugar: 11.9 g

    Fibre: 3.48 g

    Protein: 45 g

    Potassium: 205 mg

    To address the elephant in the room, yes, pomegranates *are* higher in sugar than other fruits (for comparison, a half-cup of raspberries has only 3 grams, compared to around 12 grams in pomegranates). But—and this is important—fruits like pomegranate also have fibre that helps slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.

    “Over the past few decades, diet culture has taught us to fear sugar in all its forms. However, the wide variety of vitamins and minerals as well as the fibre you get with fruits far outweighs the perceived cost of the slightly higher sugar content.”
    Abigail Collen

    Speaking of those vitamins and minerals, let’s dive into all those health benefits of pomegranates:

    1. They’re antioxidant-rich

    Pomegranates are chock-full of polyphenols (anthocyanins, punicalagins and hydrolyzable tannins) containing potent antioxidant properties.

    These antioxidants, in turn, help protect against “free radicals” which, in science-speak, are “molecules which have had a breakage in their chemical bond, making them unstable, highly reactive and capable of causing cell damage that manifests as ageing and disease,” explains Rebecca Sarac, RD.

    By working to eliminate free radicals, pomegranates help decrease cellular damage and fight off disease. And get this: pomegranates boast more antioxidant potential than red wine or green tea…not too shabby, right?

    2. They may help protect heart health

    Certain studies have shown that pomegranate extract may help lower blood pressure by reducing LDL (the “bad cholesterol”) and boosting HDL (the “good cholesterol).

    As Collen explains, LDL is labelled “bad” because of the “elevated levels of lipoprotein, which can build up in arteries and increase our risk for heart attacks or strokes. HDL, on the other hand, helps the body eliminate excess cholesterol in the blood by bringing it to the liver for excretion.”

    By helping reduce LDL and boost HDL, pomegranates may help protect against cardiovascular disease, a.k.a. heart disease.

    3. And they may have some anti-cancer properties, too

    While no food can definitively prevent or cure cancer (if only!), there has been promising research conducted on the effects of pomegranate juice, fruit, and/or extract on prostate cancer cells, as well as breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer.

    4. They may help boost exercise endurance

    Remember those polyphenols we talked about earlier? Well, there are studies showing that pomegranate in extract form may help increase exercise endurance by increasing “total time to exhaustion” as well as time to reach “ventilatory threshold.”

    “The research is still early,” caveats Collen, “but early evidence points to the fact that pomegranate in certain forms may help with exercise endurance and muscle recovery (similar to the effects of beets).”

    5. They help support urinary health

    Oxidative stress is a risk factor for kidney stones. Pomegranate juice, with its antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects, has been shown to possibly help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

    READ MORE: Make These 4 Low-Calorie Cocktails If You’re Watching Your Weight

    6. They’re packed with potassium

    205 mg per half cup, to be exact. “Potassium serves many functions in the body,” says Collen, “including facilitating nerve signalling muscle contraction and helping maintain blood pressure.”

    7. They may help boost brain function

    Inside the peel and seeds of the pomegranate is an anti-inflammatory polyphenol called ellagitannins, which influence our gut-brain axis. Specifically, pomegranates are being studied for their protective effects against common forms of dementia like Alzheimer’s disease.

    8. They’re gut-friendly

    Pomegranates boast some seriously impressive benefits when it comes to digestive health as well…shout-out to all that fibre to keep things, ahem, moving along. It also helps that pomegranates have some prebiotic properties (as a reminder, prebiotics feed probiotics, the good bacteria in the gut).

    “The good microbes in our gut benefit from the fibre and polyphenols in pomegranates as a source of prebiotics,” explains Sarac. “As a result, the good microbes flourish, decreasing inflammation and improving intestinal health.”

    READ MORE: Spinach, Beetroot & Pomegranate Salad

    9. They help support immunity

    Prebiotics aren’t just gut-friendly: “By keeping our gut bacteria fed, we can help improve digestion and even immunity,” points out Collen.

    The high vitamin C count doesn’t hurt either. In a half-cup of pomegranate seeds, you’ll rake in 8.87 mg, which is 11.8 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adult women.

    10. And they may help ease joint pain (arthritis included)

    Feeling a little achy and stiff? Pomegranates may help. “In extract form, pomegranate has been shown to help inhibit inflammatory cytokines (or small proteins) which can contribute to osteoarthritis and joint disease,” says Collen.

    Wait, what about weight loss?

    Pomegranates aren’t typically touted for their effects on weight loss because TBH, the jury’s still out on this one.

    That said, because they’re naturally low in calories and high in fibre, they will help you to feel fuller, longer while contributing to a caloric deficit.

    The fact that they’re gut-friendly may also play a role in the weight loss department. “Our gut microbiomes are a huge contributor to having a balanced weight,” says Sarac, “because they take care of our digestive health and help keep our blood sugar under control.”

    Ultimately, what’s most important in any weight loss or weight management protocol is swapping ultra-processed foods for whole, natural, nutrient-dense fruits (pomegranates included!) and vegetables, which “will nearly always lead to improved health functioning,” Sarac adds.

    Collen agrees. “Unfortunately, there’s no one magic food that is going to cause weight loss; however, a diet high in fibre-rich, whole foods will certainly improve your health and could lead to some weight loss.”

    Soooo…can I eat pomegranates all day every day?

    Not so fast. While the potential health benefits of pomegranates are impressive, there *is* such a thing as too much of a good thing—especially given the fruit’s higher sugar content. Plus, you should be cautious if you’re taking medications. As Collen explains, certain compounds in fruits like pomegranate (or grapefruit) could interact with other drugs or impact their potency, so be sure to check with your doctor, especially if you’re on ACE inhibitors, statins, or blood thinners.

    Do I get the same health benefits with fresh pomegranate seeds and pomegranate juice?

    You’ll get more fibre with the whole pomegranate seed. And more fibre = better digestion and satiety, plus more stable blood sugar. But that doesn’t mean we need to shun fruit juice entirely. In fact, in juice form you’ll get a higher concentration of antioxidants and a whole lot of vitamin C and vitamin K.

    If you’re going to drink pomegranate juice, Sarac recommends pairing it with foods that contain fibre to balance out the sugar intake (smoothie, anyone?). Alternatively, try cutting the pomegranate juice with sparkling water to add a pop of flavour while minimizing sugar.

    Real talk: How in the WORLD do I get pomegranate seeds out?

    There’s no shortage of internet debate on the best way to remove arils from the pomegranate without staining your countertops or clothing. So, we asked the WH Test Kitchen to break down the best way:

    Fill up a large bowl of water. Cut the pomegranate in half, then submerge it in water. From there, carefully peel out the seeds using your fingers. While the seeds should sink to the bottom, the white part of the flesh should rise to the top. Once done, skim off the white flesh and toss out, then drain—and voilà, you’re left with bright red gems to sprinkle on salads, yoghurt, dips and more. Once de-seeded, the arils will stay fresh in an airtight container for up to a week.

    This article written by Jacqueline Parisi was originally published on Women’s Health. More

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    This Salmon Sandwich Is The Health-Boosting Desk Lunch You Need

    This salmon sandwich, which channels the Swedish way of eating, is here to boost your desk lunch – and your health. Fact: Sweden boasts low obesity and high life expectancy, which has a lot to do with lifestyle. They eat a lot of this type of salmon, a cured version called gravlax. And it’s got a ton of benefits: it’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and B vitamins and contains naturally healthy bacteria that fuel your immunity.

    Here’s a salmon sandwich to ensure you eat like a Swede and reap the benefits. Prepare all these, then layer on rye bread – or whichever loaf you fancy. You’ll be making the salmon, a cucumber salad and a mustard sauce. Layer them all on your loaf of choice and enjoy over and over again.

    Salmon Gravlax

    You’ll need to cure the salmon before placing it on your chosen bread. These easy steps take you there.

    Prep Time 2 days d

    Course Lunch, Main Course, Side DishCuisine French, Healthy, Sandwich

    Servings 8Calories 99 kcal

    400 g Norwegian salmon, deboned, skin on1 tbsp rock salt heaped1 tbsp sugar heaped0.5 lemon, zested0.5 tsp peppercorns white or black1 tbsp dill finely chopped
    Spread clingfilm on a work surface and place one piece of salmon on it, skin-side down.Spread the salt mixture (rest of the ingredients) on top and cover with the second piece of fish, skin-side up.Wrap tightly, place on a baking sheet, cover with foil and top with another baking sheet.Place tins on top to weigh it down and refrigerate for two days, turning every 12 hours. To serve, gently rinse off the salt mixture with water, pat the salmon dry with paper towel and slice it wafer thin. Arrange on thin slices of rye bread and top with cucumber salad.

    Keyword Easy Meals, fish, Salmon, Sandwich

    READ MORE: You Won’t Even Miss The Chicken In This Chickpea Salad Sandwich

    Cucumber salad

    Pair this delicious cucumber salad with your salmon on your ‘wich.

    Prep Time 15 minutes minsResting Time 30 minutes mins

    Course Appetizer, Salad, Side DishCuisine Healthy

    ½ English CucumberSalt2 tbsp White wine vinegar2 tbsp Water½ tsp sugarBlack pepper freshly ground1 tbsp dill finely chopped
    Slice the cucumber wafer-thin, spread out in a colander, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes.Rinse and drain.Add the remaining ingredients to the cucumber and toss well.

    Keyword cucumber salad

    READ MORE: 6 Health Benefits Of Kombucha You Should Know About, According To Dieticians

    Mustard Sauce

    This zingy mustard sauce complements the salty fish perfectly and you’ll want to use it in other dishes, too.

    Cook Time 20 minutes mins

    Course Side DishCuisine Healthy, Sandwich

    1 tbsp English mustard1 tbsp Lemon juice½ tsp White wine vinegar1 tbsp sugar¼ to ⅓ cup cream
    Add all the ingredients except the cream to the pot, heat over medium heat and stir to dissolve the sugar.Add the cream, bring to a simmer and cook until slightly reduced and thickened.

    Keyword mustard, sauce More

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    This Hot-Honey Broiled Pineapple Toast Recipe Will Crush Your Hunger

    Ready to start your day with a protein-packed punch that’s as quick to make as it is delicious? This hot-honey broiled pineapple toast recipe is about to become your morning ritual in just 10 minutes!

    Bursting with immune-boosting nutrients, this a.m. delight showcases the creamy richness of cottage cheese, providing a substantial protein boost for enhanced muscle health and overall well-being. The tropical sweetness of pineapple complements the toast, infusing it with a wealth of vitamins (vitamin C, manganese, zinc and B vitamins), antioxidants and digestive enzymes.

    READ MORE: 9 Of The Best Post-Workout Snacks That Actually Taste Amazing Too

    Quick And Easy Hot-Honey Broiled Pineapple Toast

    Hot-Honey Broiled Pineapple Toast

    The sweet heat of this toast topper will give your morning some zing!

    Total Time 10 minutes mins

    Course Breakfast, Snack

    Servings 1Calories 264 kcal

    1 tsp olive oil⅓ cup fresh pineapple chunks1 tsp hot honey, plus more for serving1 slice whole-grain bread, toasted3 tbsp cottage cheeseAleppo pepper, for sprinkling
    Place oven rack on highest level and heat broiler.Meanwhile, grease a small-rimmed baking sheet with oil. Place pineapple chunks on prepared baking sheet, drizzle with hot honey and toss to combine. Arrange in a single layer and broil for 2 minutes. Toss; broil until golden brown for additional 2 minutes.Top toast with cottage cheese and spoon pineapple on top. Drizzle with additional hot honey and sprinkle with Aleppo pepper if desired.

    Keyword breakfast, Fruits, Pineapple

    Per serving: 264 cal, 7.5 g fat (1.5 g sat), 10 g protein, 275 mg sodium, 41 g carb, 20 g sugars (12.5 g added sugars), 4 g fibre

    For more breakfast inspiration and meal planning, try these Low-Calorie Smoothie Recipes.

    This recipe originally appeared in the March 2023 issue of Women’s Health US. More