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    Exactly How To Train For A Handstand Or Pull-Up, Per Experts

    We reckon there’s been a time when you envied the women nailing handstands on your feed, or you’ve oggled at someone effortlessly bashing out pull-ups at the gym. The good news: these gymnastics-based movements not only deliver body benefits but are totally doable! Here, how to train for a handstand or pull-up, step by step.

    Why is training for a handstand or pull-up good for you?

    From increased flexibility to all-over body conditioning and beyond, gymnastics training – like tackling a handstand – delivers it all in bucket loads. And you don’t need to master a full twisting layout to reap the benefits. We’re talking the absolute basics: hanging from bars, getting inverted against a wall and increasing that arm strength will, over time, reap rewards. Think: being able to do a handstand, a pull-up or go toes-to-bar at the gym. Yes, these are gymnastics moves! And they build strength, flexibility, balance and a rock-solid core. A 2018 study found that bone mass increased after doing adult gymnastics, something that otherwise decreases with age.

    Train for a handstand

    Safety first: Eva Thornton, gymnast and coach at CrossFit Algoa in Gqeberha, warns that gymnastics can be tricky if you work unassisted. Always get a pro to watch your back as you tackle new skills, then work on them yourself when you’re more confident. Also, remember that when you train for a handstand, progress may be slow. Don’t give up – every workout brings you closer to that goal.

    How long does it take to nail a handstand?

    Well… it takes a while. “I think the biggest difficulty many people have is not understanding that gymnastics skills take time and require consistent practice,” explains Thornton. Most of the time, it can take months or years, depending how much time and effort you put in. So go get it!

    Nail The Basics

    You’ll have to start with the absolute basics first. Practise the hollow hold position where you lie on the floor with legs and shoulders lifted, says National Gymnastics Coach Luitha Roux. This builds core strength to be able to balance when upside down. Do it as often as you can and aim to complete 30 seconds at a time, building up to longer holds.

    READ MORE: 8 Ways To Build Stronger Thighs

    Build Shoulder Mobility

    In order to support your weight upside down, get your shoulders mobile, says Thornton. Good shoulder mobility allows for that straight line from hands to toes and it also is crucial to prevent injury in this position.

    To train for a handstand, stand facing a wall with your arms held out in front of you. Practise pushing against the wall with your hands while moving your shoulder blades backwards.

    Get Upside Down

    Next, do drills against the wall. This specific drill, with your face to the wall, allows you to properly mimic the position of an unassisted handstand while building shoulder, arm and core strength.

    With your back facing the wall, walk your hands down to the floor. Now, walk your legs up against the wall. Walk in and out on your hands, repeating as long as you can.

    Try It Unassisted

    Now for the challenge – trying to hold your handstand without the wall. Try pushing up and hold your handstand against a wall, then remove one foot and then the other, seeing how long you can hold it without the wall.

    READ MORE: Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    Train for a pull-up

    Build Arm Strength

    Per Thornton, start building upper arm strength with ring rows. You can do these with suspension cables or rings hanging from a bar, feet on the floor, pulling yourself up. “That’s your first step to developing pulling strength,” says Thornton. The lower down your body, the harder the pull. Focus on keeping your core tight throughout and go slow – you want every muscle to take the time to grow.

    Get the hang of it

    Next, graduate to the bar, doing pull-ups using a thick resistance band. The thicker the band, the easier the lift. Loop the resistance band around the bar and slip your one knee into the other end of the band. You’ll feel supported throughout and the pull-up will become much easier to execute. Keep going, and the easier it gets, the lighter you can make the resistance band, says Thornton. Another option? The assisted pull-up machine at the gym.

    READ MORE: This Scalable HIIT Workout Will Be Your New Go-To For All-Over Gains

    Pull Through!

    Once you’re strong enough (after months of practice), you can try your hand at an unassisted pull-up. Remember this is all core and upper body strength, so if you can’t nail it the first time around, keep practising the foundational moves. More

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    This Scalable HIIT Workout Will Be Your New Go-To For All-Over Gains

    Looking for a low-intensity scalable HIIT workout that works for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts? Look no further than this workout, which prioritises speed over power for all-over toning and of course, hitting those heart rate goals.

    What exactly is HIIT?

    Essentially interval training on speed, HIIT involves bursts of flat-out exertion alternating with rest periods. The best part: a workout can last anything from 30 minutes to just four.

    Added to that, a flurry of studies has shown that you get all the benefits (and more) of an hour-long steady-state workout in a fraction of the time. The catch? You have to be prepared to push yourself close to your drenched-in-sweat, heart-pounding max for the high-intensity periods. But it’s doable since your time in all-out effort lasts just 30 seconds.

    How to do this scalable HIIT workout

    Do this scalable HIIT workout two or three days a week in place of your usual cardio days (don’t skip strength training). Starting with the first exercise, complete as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Continue until you’ve finished all the exercises. That’s one circuit. Repeat three more times. Good news: you can tailor high-intensity interval training to your fitness level. Use these guidelines from trainer and group exercise instructor Rachel Vaziralli.

    Beginner:  Ratio: 1:3 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 90 seconds)

    Intermediate: Ratio: 1:2 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 60 seconds)

    Fit: Ratio: 1:1 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds)

    Super-Fit: Ratio: 2:1 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 15 seconds)

    You’ll need: Floor space; a kettlebell (challenging, but not so heavy that you struggle to lift it).

    1. Squat Thrust

    Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Squat down to the floor and place your hands in front of your feet (A). Jump your legs back into push-up position (B), then quickly reverse the movement and stand to return to start. That’s one rep.

    READ MORE: Food, Fitness & Family: How Zinhle Masango Juggles It All

    2. Prisoner Squat

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind your head, elbows out (A). Keeping your chest up and back flat, push your hips back and bend your knees until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor (B). Push through your heels to return to start. That’s one rep.

    READ MORE: Get A Full-Body Workout In Just 15 Minutes With Only 2 Household Items

    3. Prone Hand Touch

    Get into push-up position, your hands shoulder-width apart and your body forming a straight line from head to heels (A). Keeping your body stable and hips parallel to the floor, lift your left hand and touch your right hand (B), then return to start. Repeat with the right hand. That’s one rep. Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    4. Alternating Kettlebell Clean

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a kettlebell (or dumbbell) sitting between your feet. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower and grab the weight with your right hand (A). With your back flat and core tight, stand and raise the weight to shoulder height (B). Reverse the move to return to start. Repeat with your left hand. That’s one rep. Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: 30 Plank Variations That Will Transform Your Core From A Trainer

    5. Alternating Reverse Lunge

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips, chest up and shoulders back (A). Keeping your upper body still and core tight, take a large step back with your right foot, then bend both knees to lower into a lunge (B). Press through your left heel to return to standing. Repeat, stepping back with your left foot. That’s one rep. Continue alternating. More

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    5 High-Carb Fruits—And How Adding Protein Or Fat Helps Blood Sugar

    There are *so* many reasons to love fruits. These nutrient-rich foods pack in plenty of vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytonutrients—necessary for keeping your body functioning at an optimal level. And, many contain antioxidants like polyphenols, also, that help ward off cancer and keep your body healthy.

    But here’s the thing: Eating endless fruit isn’t a zero-sum game. That’s because all fruit contains natural sugar, and as a result, is naturally higher in carbohydrate content than vegetables, says registered dietitian Bonnie Taub-Dix.

    Some low-carb diets, including the ketogenic diet, actually suggest avoiding most fruits because of their carb content. (FWIW there isn’t an “official” definition of what low-carb truly means, but most of these diets range between 50 to 150 grams of carbs per day, with the keto diet at no more than 50 grams of carbs per day.)

    “I’ve never met a patient in my practice that was overweight because they ate too much produce. I have, however, had patients eating too much fruit and think that it doesn’t matter because it’s fruit. But it does matter,” she says, especially if you are managing diabetes or need to control your blood sugar levels.

    Quick tip to help stabilise blood sugar levels when having fruit: Pair ’em with protein and or fat. Try adding some almond butter to your apple.

    Meet the Expert: Bonnie Taub-Dix is a registered dietitian, nutrition consultant and author of Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You From Label to Table.

    But the carbs in fruit are just one part of the picture, Taub-Dix says. Fruit isn’t something to avoid! Keep the fruit’s carbohydrate content in mind along with its overall nutritional profile and don’t jump to eliminating high-carb fruits. Women should be eating about one and a half to two cups of fruit a day, according to the NIH. (BTW, most people aren’t eating enough of it in the first place.)

    High-carb fruits might be a great way to stay fuelled before a workout and they make for a sweet (all natural!) treat to end your day.

    So whether you’re navigating a low-carb diet or you’re just curious, here are five fruits that have particularly high carb counts.

    READ MORE: What Is The 30 Plants Per Week Challenge?

    1. Banana

    If a banana comes to mind when you’re thinking of high-carb fruit, there’s a good reason why: A medium banana (about 18cm long) is loaded with 27 grams of carbs. There are a few other reasons to throw this fruit into your a.m. smoothie, though—from containing prebiotics and fibre to packing in electrolytes, including potassium.

    2. Raisins

    Fuelling up for a hike? Chances are you will find a decent amount of raisins in trail mix, likely because of their high carb count. With 22 grams of carbs in a little box of raisins, you only need a handful of these sweet nuggets to get a quick energy boost when you’re out on the trail or on a long run. But you’ll also get 2 grams of fibre, which can help balance your blood sugar levels and minerals like potassium and iron.

    3. Mango

    Many tropical fruits tend to have higher sugar content, and therefore, higher carb counts. And mangoes are no exception. According to the USDA, one cup of cut mango yields 25 grams of carbs. That said, there are many reasons to eat this “king of fruits.” It’s a solid source of vitamin C, vitamin A and folate.

    READ MORE: 10 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Give You A Sugar Crash In 20 Minutes

    4. Pineapple

    Each cup of chopped pineapple contains almost 22 grams of carbohydrates (per the USDA) and offers tons of nutritional benefits. This tasty tropical fruit packs in 85 percent of your daily manganese needs, an essential nutrient that helps your body function properly, and plenty of vitamin C, fibre and H2O. (With 86% water, it’s also a great source of hydration.)

    5. Apple

    One medium apple—measuring about 7cm in diameter—has about 25 grams of carbs (that number varies only slightly depending on the type of apple). Surprised? That’s probably partly because it is a high-fibre fruit. Apples also are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, which help keep your immune system humming.

    This article by Christine Yu & Trish Clasen Marsanico was first published on Women’s Health US. More

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    This One-Dumbbell Workout Is Perfect For Home Or A Packed Gym

    Whether you’re in a packed gym and could only find one lonely dumbbell or if you’re working with a sparsely-stocked home gym, there’s a lot you can accomplish with this one-dumbbell workout.

    Using just one piece of equipment doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout. In fact, when you’re short on time, stuck at home, or navigating a packed gym, scaling back can make you more efficient. Added to that, using one weight allows for unilateral moves that challenge your balance, firing up your core and stabiliser muscles in your legs and elsewhere. Simplify your routine without sacrificing results with this one-dumbbell workout from trainer Craig Ballantyne.

    How to do this one-dumbbell workout

    Using the heaviest weight you can handle (while maintaining proper form), perform the prescribed number of reps for each exercise in order, resting 30 seconds between moves. (If needed, you can rest up to a minute, or make it tougher by dropping that break altogether.) That’s one circuit.

    Rest for two minutes, then finish as many circuits as you can in 15 minutes. Beginner? Start with two circuits and build from there.You’ll need: a bench; one heavy dumbbell

    1. Narrow-stance goblet squat

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest, both hands cupping the dumbbell head (A). Keeping your chest up and your core tight, sit your hips back and squat as low as you can (B). Press through your heels to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15.

    READ MORE: 30 Plank Variations That Will Transform Your Core From A Trainer

    2. Single-arm bent-over row

    Place your left knee and hand on a bench and hold a weight in your right hand at arm’s length (A). Pull the dumbbell up to your ribcage (B), then lower back to start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: Get A Full-Body Workout In Just 15 Minutes With Only 2 Household Items

    3. Single-arm chest press

    Lie face-up on a bench, holding a dumbbell in your left hand at your chest (A). Press the weight directly upward (B). Slowly lower back to start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then switch arms and repeat.

    READ MORE: 8 Ways To Build Stronger Thighs

    4. Dumbbell swing

    Hold a dumbbell with both hands using an overhand grip and stand with feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back, knees slightly bent, and lower your chest to bring the dumbbell between your legs (A). Keeping your core tight, push your hips forward and swing the dumbbell up to shoulder height (B). Reverse the movement, swinging the weight back between your legs. That’s one rep. Do 15. More

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    Why Trojan Is The Perfect Fit For Cover Search

    Cover Search 2024 is officially underway and the entries are streaming in (and may we add how downright stunning each entrant is!). We’re on the hunt for that perfect blend of health, fitness and inspiration to grace the November/December 2024 cover of Women’s Health. And to make this campaign (#WHCoverStar) truly special, we’ve partnered with Trojan as our presenting sponsor.

    What makes this collaboration truly special?

    Partnering with both Men’s Health and Women’s Health on the Cover Search campaign comes as a natural fit for Trojan. Our brands aligns perfectly, especially with their mission to inspire individuals to move better, feel better and perform better.

    Cover Search Is For Every Body

    Just like Trojan’s motto suggests, the Cover Search campaign is built on the belief that health and fitness are for everyone – regardless of shape, size or background.

    “We’re inspired by individuals who want to move better, feel better and perform better. Whether you like to move fast, go far, stretch deeply or lift heavy things, we have everything you need to work out in your own space and on your own terms. The cover search winners will be at their personal best and the best, train with Trojan,” shares the Trojan team.

    READ MORE: Makin’ Gains With Trojan

    Versatility Is At The Forefront

    Much like our diverse pool of entrants and their fitness preferences, Trojan’s equipment caters to a wide array of workouts and sports. From cardio to strength training, there’s something for everybody in Trojan’s repertoire, ensuring that each individual can pursue their fitness goals with passion and purpose.

    Advanced Tools And Insights

    With their cutting-edge fitness equipment and insightful resources, Trojan provides the Cover Search entrants with the tools they need to push their limits and soar to newer fitness heights.

    READ MORE: Bring Your Run Indoors With The Trojan TR510 Treadmill

    About Trojan

    Since launching in 1981, Trojan has been a cornerstone of South African home fitness. Their mission? To create a home gym experience that’s both robust and rewarding.

    Trojan’s product line-up speaks volumes about their dedication to fitness. From morning runs on their state-of-the-art treadmills to strength training with their free weights and rowers, Trojan provides everything you need to achieve your fitness goals in the comfort of your home.

    What sets Trojan apart is their commitment to quality. They partner with top-tier manufacturers to produce not just fitness equipment, but tools that support a healthier lifestyle.

    Trojan is exclusively available in Makro and Game stores countrywide, or on their websites.Visit for more product information. More

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    6 Delicious Winter Soup Recipes – Plus Sides!

    Temperatures are dropping, socks are getting thicker and you’re suddenly finding you need an extra blanket on your bed at night. Winter is here, and it brings with it more time snuggled up indoors, endless cups of tea and, of course, bowls of steaming soup. There’s no better side for soup than fresh bread, so here’s a round-up of six super winter soup recipes and sides to go with them.

    Note: Stick to low-GI wholewheat bread whenever possible, or leave it out completely. These soups are filling enough to go without the side!

    READ MORE: 3 Comforting Soups That’ll Boost Your Immune System

    Want More Winter Soup Recipes? We’ve Just Launched The Ultimate Soup Cookbook!

    In this book, you’ll find light broths, bold bisques and scrumptious stews so satisfying, you’ll be craving them all year long. It’s time to simmer, stir and slurp your way to better meals with:

    45 Easy, Healthy Homemade Soup Recipes

    Energy Boosting Foods

    The Best Blenders That Do It All

    Ingredients That’ll Help Curb Cravings

    6 Winter Soup Recipes That’ll Warm You Up, Stat!

    1. Cheeky Broccoli And Cheese Soup

    Broccoli and cheese are a heavenly match, and this is a good way to disguise healthy green vegetables if your family members aren’t mad about them.

    Broccoli And Cheese Soup

    Broccoli and cheese are a heavenly match, and this is a good way to disguise healthy green vegetables if your family members aren’t mad about them.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 15 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine American

    ½ OnionOlive Oil2 Cups Broccoli1 Litre Chicken or vegetable stock1 Tin Evaporated milk1 Cup Cheddar cheese, gratedFor The SideButter, softenedLemon zest, gratedLow-GI brown bread, toasted
    Fry the onion in a little oil until soft. Add broccoli, stock and evaporated milk. Boil until the broccoli is soft.Add cheddar cheese. Blend until smooth.For the side: Mix softened butter with grated lemon zest, then spread onto toasted low-GI brown bread. Serve with the broccoli soup and enjoy.

    Keyword Healthy Recipes, soup

    READ MORE: Make This Cold-Fighting Lettuce, Fennel & Pea Soup If You’re Feeling Under The Weather

    2. Smoky Bacon And Bean Soup

    The best thing about this soup is that you can make it with items from your kitchen cupboard or freezer.

    Smoky Bacon And Bean Soup

    The best thing about this soup is that you can make it with items from your kitchen cupboard or freezer.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 10 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine Spanish

    Few Rashers Bacon, chopped 1 Tin Italian tomato and onion mix1 Tin Butter beansFor The SideSoft butter1 Clove Garlic, choppedDried herbsLow-GI white bread
    Fry a few rashers of chopped bacon until crispy. Add tomato and onion mix and butter beans.For the side: Make herbed garlic butter by mixing together butter, garlic and dried herbs. Spread this mixture onto slices of low-GI white bread then grill until crispy and golden.Dunk the garlic bread into the soup for a hearty meal that’ll warm anyone up from the inside.

    Keyword bacon, dinner, Easy Meals, soup

    3. Tummy-Filling Sweetcorn & Chicken Soup

    This soup is a great way to use up leftover roast chicken pieces.

    Cosy Chicken & Corn Chowder Soup

    Cosy up with a hearty bowl of this chicken and corn chowder. This soup is a great way to use up leftover roast chicken pieces.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 15 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine American

    2 Potatoes, chopped1 OnionButter1 Tin Creamed sweetcorn1 Tin Whole kernel corn, drained1 Can Cream of chicken soupDash MilkLeftover chicken, chopped into small piecesFor The SideLow-GI brown bread, toastedParmesan, grated
    Fry the potatoes and onion in butter, then add sweetcorn and corn. Add chicken soup, a dash of milk and leftover chicken.For the side: While the soup bubbles away, toast a few slices of low-GI brown bread, top with Parmesan and grill until the cheese has melted into the bread. Serve the soup when the potatoes are completely soft, with a healthy portion of Parmesan toast.

    Keyword chicken, Easy Meals, Healthy Recipes, soup

    READ MORE: Give Your Salad A Winter Makeover With This Butternut And Beetroot Recipe

    4. Hearty Veggie Noodle Soup

    If you have odds and ends of vegetables in your fridge, you can whip up this soup for almost nothing.

    Hearty Vegetable Noodle Soup

    If you have odds and ends of vegetables in your fridge, you can whip up this soup for almost nothing.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 20 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine Vegetarian

    1 OnionOil3 Carrots, chopped2 Stalks Celery, chopped2 Zucchinis, chopped2 Tbsp Tomato paste2 Cups Vegetable stock2 Cups Short pasta (macaroni, penne, fusilli or shells)For The SideBreadOlive oilSalt
    Fry one onion in a little oil, then add carrots, celery and zucchini.Add tomato paste and stock to the mixture. Bring to the boil, then add short pasta (macaroni, penne, fusilli or shells) and cook until the pasta is al dente.For The Side: To serve with the soup, make homemade croutons by cutting bread into cubes. Sprinkle with olive oil and salt, then roast in the oven until crispy. Sprinkle the homemade croutons into noodle soup just before serving – scrumptious.

    Keyword dinner, Easy Meals, soup, vegetarian

    5. Creamy Mushroom Soup

    This soup couldn’t be simpler and it works for a laid-back dinner party starter.

    Creamy Mushroom Soup

    This soup couldn’t be simpler and it works for a laid-back dinner party starter.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 15 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine Vegetarian

    2 Punnets Mushrooms, sliced1 Onion, chopped3 Cloves Garlic, choppedButter2 Cups Fresh cream1 Cup Vegetable or chicken stockDollop Sour cream (optional), for servingFor The SideBreadOlive oilBrown onion soup powder
    Fry mushrooms, onion and garlic in melted butter until all the mushrooms are brown and tender.Add fresh cream and stock, simmer for five minutes, then turn off the heat.For The Side: Cut slices of bread into “soldiers”, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with brown onion soup powder, then bake until completely crispy. The brown onion soup gives them a salty, savoury flavour.Serve bread with the hot mushroom soup and top with sour cream, if you have some.

    Keyword 15-Minute Recipes, dinner, Easy Meals, vegetarian

    READ MORE: 15-Minute One-Pan Chicken With Green Beans In Tomato Sauce

    6. Meaty Lasagne Soup

    If your family loves lasagne, they’ll adore this twist on the classic pasta dish.

    Meaty Lasagne Soup

    If your family loves lasagne, they’ll adore this twist on the classic pasta dish.

    Prep Time 5 minutes minsCook Time 25 minutes mins

    Course SoupCuisine Italian

    1 Onion, chopped2 Carrots, chopped500 Grams Mince2 Tins Chopped tomatoes2 Cups Beef stock1 Cup Elbow macaroni or lasagne sheets, broken upFor The Side3 Slices BreadOlive oilDried herbs
    Fry onion and carrot until golden brown, then add the mince until browned.Add tomatoes and simmer.Add beef stock and elbow macaroni (or broken lasagne sheets). Cook until the pasta is soft.For The Side: Toast bread, then whizz in a blender until a chunky crumb is formed. Fry the crumbs in olive oil with dried herbs, until crispy. Use these crunchy breadcrumbs to top the lasagne soup.

    Keyword beef, dinner, Easy Meals, Healthy Recipes, soup More

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    5 Hacks To Boost Your Running Performance With Reebok’s FloatZig 1

    Running isn’t just about endurance and speed. It’s about joy, creativity, and sometimes, a little bit of mischief. In celebration of the joy of the run, Reebok launched its Running Hacks global campaign for the new FloatZig 1.

    “The FloatZig 1 running shoes offer industry-leading performance and energy return, suited for even the most elite runners, but built to be accessible and enjoyable for all runners. With both our product and within our irreverent Running Hacks global marketing campaign, we focused on the joy and excitement running can bring to all.”
    Todd Krinsky, Reebok President and CEO

    Reebok dares you to lace up and embrace running like you never have before. Forget those tired old tips your marathon-obsessed uncle swears by. Reebok’s Running Hacks are about tossing the rulebook out the window and making every run an adventure.

    So strap in, lace up, and prepare to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

    Running Hack #1: Make it Home Before Load Shedding

    It’s almost like racing against the sunset. Except instead of a romantic sky, you’re dodging sitting in the dark, unable to charge your phone, boil water, or see the end of that episode. Consider this the ultimate interval training—sprint in bursts whenever you think of the food defrosting in your freezer. And hey, if you get home after the lights have gone out, just keep running to your nearest bar. After all, you didn’t run all this way not to get a reward.

    READ MORE: Beginners 5K Running Training Plan And How To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks

    Running Hack #2: Tell Everyone You’re Training for the Comrades

    Short of actually winning it, telling everyone you’re training for this epic ultramarathon is the next best thing. Start casually dropping it into conversations, social media posts and even put it in your LinkedIn bio. The key here is confidence. A lot of it. And if by some miracle you actually find yourself at the starting line, that’s a problem for Future You.

    Running Hack #3: Run Past Your Ex’s House

    Ah, the sweet, sweet revenge run. There’s no fuel quite like a broken heart, and no audience quite like the one that thought they’d seen the last of you. Bonus points if you manage a nonchalant wave to their neighbours, just to prove how utterly unaffected you are by the breakup. This isn’t about them, though (okay, it’s a little about them)—it’s about you, looking and feeling your absolute best, powered by a blend of spite, endorphins, and the sheer joy of moving on.

    Running Hack #4: The FloatZig 1

    Forget about the conventional running hacks you know (and the ones you wish you didn’t).

    The FloatZig 1 is here to revolutionise your run with features designed to push the boundaries of what a running shoe can be.

    Highlights of the FloatZig 1 include:

    Floatride Energy Foam & Zig Tech Technology: Offers a lightweight, responsive energy return, transforming every step into a leap towards your personal best.

    Engineered Mesh Upper with Reflective Overlays: Maximises breathability and ensures visibility, keeping you safe and comfortable, day or night.

    Targeted Foam Panels: Strategically placed for added comfort and a secure fit, enabling you to focus on the joy of the run.

    READ MORE: The Ultimate Accessory To Your Active Lifestyle —Reebok Cool Your Body

    Running Hack #5: If You Look Awesome, You Run Awesome!

    Let’s face it, when you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you run like a champion! Snag these essentials for your next run:

    Reebok Floatzig 1 Shoes

    Running Quarter-Zip Jacket

    Running Vector Leggings

    ID Train High-Support Bra

    RBK-FRESH Athlete T-Shirt 2.0

    Reebok Running Shorts

    Ready to outrun your shadows, outlast the gossip and outpace the past? The FloatZig 1 is your ticket to discovering the New Shape of Running. Shop the FloatZig 1 on

    **WH Partnership More

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    What Is The 30 Plants Per Week Challenge?

    Forget five a day, scientists have said getting 30 portions of fruit and vegetables a week is even better for your health – and that eating a large variety of plants is just as key. Yep, it looks like there’s a new mantra in town: 30 plants a week, also known as the ’30 plant challenge’ or ‘plant points’.

    What is the 30 plant challenge?

    The challenge comes from the likes of expert dietician and NHS Clinical Lead, Catherine Rabess (author of the book, The 30 Plan) who quotes a 2018 study that found people who ate a variety of plant foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, boasted better gut health. Led by the British and American Gut Project, and run by the University of California San Diego in the US alongside Dr Tim Spector of King’s College London in the UK, the study offered a new message: instead of “eat five a day”, they started saying “eat 30 plants a week.”

    The Results

    The advice to eat 30 plants a week is based on the project’s study of thousands of people (well, more specifically, their poop) and found those who ate a wider variety of plant foods – fruits and vegetables, but also seeds, nuts, whole grains and spices – had a more diverse gut microbiome. A wider variety of gut bacteria provides a basis for better overall health and well-being: greater resilience to withstand pathogens, better digestion and better brain function.

    “Don’t fall into the trap of eating the same meal every day, even though that makes life easy. At least have three different breakfasts, three different lunches and three different dinners and rotate them across the week. However ideally try the 30 plant foods per week challenge,” says Nutritionist Edwina Ekins. “Research shows that those that eat 30 different plant foods (compared to those that only eat 10) have a much more diverse and therefore healthier gut microbiota. A diverse gut microbiota is linked to a lower risk of many diseases including bowel cancer and diabetes.”

    Now, that’s not to say getting your five servings of fruit and veggies per day is a goal to discard; eating those foods still have incredible health benefits, helps to keep our bodies topped up with vital nutrients and much, much more. But the idea behind the 30 plants a week – also known as the ‘diversity diet’ – focuses more on gut health.

    How does the 30 plants challenge work?

    It works by assigning every individual plant you eat one “plant point”, even if you only eat a small amount of that plant, like a couple of carrot sticks or one strawberry. Herbs, spices and garlic also count, but only for quarter of a point.

    Then you have colours to consider: different coloured versions of plants, like red and yellow capsicums, count separately as a point each, since different coloured plants contain slightly different amounts of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. But some items don’t count at all – like white rice and potatoes (they spike your blood sugar too much, according to Spector, and contain less fibre and nutrients than other plants).

    “Eating 30 plants a week means eating 30 different varieties of plants, but this doesn’t prescribe serving sizes,” says Rabess. “It can seem tougher to achieve this if you are cooking for one, but remember that foods do not always need to be fresh. Tinned and frozen foods are my go-to, and they are extremely cost-effective and a great way to limit waste.”

    “Each different variety of plant that you eat counts as one plant point. Even herbs and spices are a quarter of a point each,” she adds. “So, if you eat a banana, an apple and a carrot, you would have earned three plant points. If you had porridge and sprinkled on cinnamon and nutmeg, the added spices would total half a plant point.”

    The more plant points you earn = the more diverse your diet is.

    What counts as a plant point?

    Vegetables such as:








    tomato (okay, yes it’s technically a fruit but…)

    Fruit such as:







    Some legumes such as:



    broad beans

    pinto beans

    soybeans or edamame

    Some grains such as:



    brown rice

    Some nuts and seeds such as:



    brazil nuts

    chia seeds

    pumpkin seeds



    Herbs and spices (whether they’re fresh or dried out) such as:










    Do supplements count?

    According to Nutritionist, Edwina Ekins: not really. She says that many of the marketing claims around these products are exaggerated and that most supplements are best suited to people with deficiencies – not as part of an overall diet.

    “Greens powders are a hot topic at the moment: There are several on the market all claiming to have benefits for immune, energy, gut health and blood pressure, but the research is in its infancy, and we cannot support these claims yet,” explains Ekins. “In saying that, greens powders are packed with approximately 75 different nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, prebiotic fibres, probiotics and digestive enzymes. A greens powder may act as a “stop gap” when our diets are insufficient.”

    “These powders are certainly no substitute for real foods and we should continue to strive for two serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables per day, however, they make sense if someone doesn’t like vegetables, is travelling with limited access to fruit and vegetables and is suffering from energy issues despite having good sleep, drinking enough water and doing exercise,” she adds.

    “There is huge cost range in greens powders, and this is not necessarily reflected in the content so read the back of the pack of at least two and makes a comparison before you purchase. Again, greens powders are not suitable for everyone, especially those on medication or pregnant or breastfeeding. Many also contain inulin or other prebiotic fibres which for some people can upset your gut. So, in summary, you don’t need a greens powder but there may be certain times when taking a greens powder would improve energy levels.”


    The article by Nikolina Ilic appeared first on Women’s Health Australia. More