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    Everything to know about the full moon eclipse in Taurus

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    Do you know where you’re going to?
    Do you like the things life is showing you?
    Where are you going to?
    Do you know?
    Do you get what you’re hoping for?
    When you look behind you there’s no open doors.
    What are you hoping for?
    Do you know?
    -Lyrics from the Theme from Mahogany (Lyrics by Michael Masser & Gerry Goffin and sang by Diana Ross)
    If ever there was a song to eloquently describe the upcoming Eclipse and the meaning behind it, it’s this one. In a quiet moment alone, take the time carefully to the lyrics and reflect on them.
    It’s crazy, but when the song was released back in September 1975, the Moon was actually transiting through Taurus who rules not only the throat but things of value. The lunation had something powerful to say as it sped through its cycle to quickly be back in time for the FULL MOON ECLIPSE again in Taurus on 18 November 1975. That song was also hot on the heels of the astrologically inspired song, “Venus And Mars Rock Show” by Paul McCartney & Wings.
    Or how about the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in May 1994? Ace of Base sang the No. 1 hit song “The Sign” (and it opened up my eyes … no one is going to drag you up to get into the light where you belong). As we look back at astrological cycles and patterns we see the same messages repeating again and again in the strangest ways if you reflect carefully.
    For those who want to delve deeper astrologically, on November 8, the last eclipse of the year will be upon us. You will be moving out of the darkness and into the light as the Sun and Moon oppose one another. You can now put more structure in your life and see things for what they are.
    Saturn, the zodiac’s timekeeper, is out of retrograde and moving forward again in Aquarius lending you more inventive and original approaches to getting things done. He is also helping anyone who needs stability at work in publishing, politics, public speaking and foreign countries.
    Another manifestation is you may be either travelling too much or avoiding it altogether – through no fault of your own (someone else may be calling the cards as to where you can and can’t go). You are being manipulated to keep you stuck in a thought process. Saturn lends you a deeper, more reflective approach to the situation, but with challenging aspects, some may have to deal with intolerance, fundamentalism, chauvinism or those possessing dogmatism to punch their way through.
    The problem is we all have the emotional water, intellectual air and more practical earth energies wanting to change everyone to their way of things, and fighting to be heard. It’s not ideal because it’s all happening in fixed signs, all of which are ‘not negotiable’ characters.
    The recent eclipse in Scorpio still has you polarised and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in Pisces and still retrograding. He is going back over plans you have for the future, causing you to be less forgiving than you have been in the past to anyone who stands in your way of success.
    What did Scorpio and his ruling planets, Pluto and Mars, ask you to let go of in the recent Solar Eclipse? Pluto, the planet of transformation is still in bossy Capricorn, (his natural 8th house) and topics of hidden secrets and desires, death and other people’s money are highlighted. Mars is questioning your moral values around society and thinks, “your fear of acceptance is definitely holding you back?” Given the 8th house loves to shock and surprise, Pluto is sending Mars to do his dirty work. His first stop will be to get to the bottom of things with a talkative and curious Gemini. He’s demanding to know what you really value. Gemini doesn’t always give a clear answer. Pluto is sick of your preaching and pontificating. Oh dear, please make a decision.
    We need you to go into 2023 with a clearer view of the future. Pluto won’t be waiting too much longer as he reveals his plans for 2024 by April next year. It’s best you accept a burden of spiritual maturity and do what is being asked of you.
    Try to remain independent in your thoughts and avoid listening to the masses. If you do, there is a good chance you can easily fall victim to injustice or vilification.

    Spiritual Neptune in Pisces is looking upon us and dares to doubt the written belief system as currently scribed by men or crafty tyrants. Was it for the good of all or simply in the interest of a hidden few? Wow! Powerful words for a planet that is usually rather reserved.
    On the flip side, the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is ruled by Venus, who wants to show you real love and the money you deserve – not just what you believe to be currently true, but it looks like greed, manipulation or false promises have taken their toll on you.
    The Taurus Moon asks, “what made you wiser this year, and how can you recover from any failure, disaster, job loss, or betrayal?” Change may feel slow in coming. If you don’t have your answer, spend time alone, in nature, with music and breath, honour your animal friends and surround yourself with that which you find beautiful.
    Venus is still sitting with her Scorpio friends. They like competency and people who can act more like grown-ups, they don’t think you are ready to hear the brutal truth. Have you been taken for granted? Venus wants to say what Scorpio wants to hear, she feels trapped as she knows Scorpio is doing her a favour and telling the truth. For those looking for a new partnership, you need to be with those who are more humble, unpretentious and supportive of you. Before you commit, what does your intuition say? Trust it. The right people will be naturally drawn towards you. For those seeking financial rewards, you will need to rely on big business.
    Be assured, you are finally finding your tribe, it will feel good. Creative types fair best, particularly gifted writers, journalists or scholars, Pisces and Cancer types especially; hats off to Taurus and Capricorn for seeing the light and moving in the right direction. Scorpio, put your energy into writing down your goals – look to Aries to help if you’re stuck. Gemini will be questioning value systems in even more detail but they may miss the power of fate and fortune, the Universe doesn’t always give straight answers or divulge his ultimate game plan, that would be too easy! Leo’s, however, will be ready to lead the charge, and for the rest of you? Just keep a low profile for now.
    I’m sure in six weeks you will all look back and wonder how you survived another surprising year!
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    What does the upcoming eclipse season have in store for us this Halloween?


    by Team Emirates Woman
    3 hours ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    Get ready, everyone! On October 19, we start to move into our next Scorpio-Taurus Eclipse energy. The most important dates will be October 25 for the New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse and November 8 for the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse.
    The Moon, as we know, relates to how we feel, our unconscious self and the feminine divine. An Eclipse is defined by how close the Sun is to the karmic North and South Nodes in your natal chart. It is easier to remember that an Eclipse is a sign that a significant personal change is about to happen in your life, pulling you closer to your true life path.
    This will be an intense Eclipse season with some major planetary movements. Saturn oversees our security and safety and is moving out of a reflective retrograde period to station direct in Aquarius on October 23. He has been very focused on restructuring your future, and given that he’s been in retrograde since June, he didn’t want you to miss a big opportunity. If you haven’t knowingly made a change this year, he’s asking why you gave your power away. Mars in Gemini is also weighing into the debate, probing and questioning everything, wanting to know what affects your mental well-being.
    The mystical Scorpio season starts on October 24, so the planets will all be perfectly aligned and ready for the New Moon Eclipse on October 25. It will have you thinking about who you are, where you want to go, or why you’ve been blocked until now. Has someone tried to dim your light? They may be jealous of your spiritual energy. It looks like someone changed the rules as they went along to stay in power. Look inwards; could you be your own worst enemy?

    There is a Yod, or Finger of God, pointing to the answer, but will you accept your spiritual assignment? If you’ve been unable to stand up for what you want, you have a unique chance to change the situation. The Scorpio Eclipse can rescue you by helping detox, purge, or declutter your life. She will move you away from the emotional confusion, chaos, and blocking behaviours. We all know that Scorpio can lend itself to being disruptive and assertive when the case arises.
    Trust your instincts. Now is the time to ask deeply probing questions and let go of what holds you back. You won’t be able to move forward or even begin to meet another (more wonderful and loving) partner until this happens. Pay attention to the house topics every Eclipse touches and what is happening around those dates because the changes only occur once in every zodiac sign and the corresponding house every 18 years.
    Is your head spinning yet? We’re still painting the picture! Expansive Jupiter makes his once-a-year sign change into Pisces on October 23, two days before Halloween. You may find yourself yearning for some sense of altered reality. Jupiter will remind you to think back to March through mid-May when he asked you to gamble on something you would be successful in and, more importantly, enjoy. If you missed that opportunity, you are now given one more chance until December 21. But will you take it? Jupiter is at the tail end of his full zodiac transit in Pisces, so he is rather tired. His energy suggests you are without direction, possibly rudderless or drowning in work.
    And then, just before Halloween arrives, Mars Retrogrades in Gemini on 30 October. Mars is heavily activated, but regardless of all the irritations, uncertainty, and chaos, you can improve your situation; it just requires a little effort from you.
    By October 31, you will be able to let go of any intensely felt emotions, deeply rooted sexual desires, behaviours, or manipulation by another holding you back. Scorpionic energy can sometimes leave us feeling quite insecure, as it tends to bring out our selfish side. You needn’t turn love into hatred or continue to invest in another’s drama. Try instead to celebrate the annual passing of souls more artistically. Create an outfit inspired by the object of your revenge. Scorpio rules surgery, so create cuts, burns, scolds, and weapons, and incorporate them into your Halloween outfit with generous lashings of fake blood. Get in touch with your Inner Child and have some long overdue, cackling good fun.
    You can look forward to the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8, illuminating your destined path. She wants to shine a light on your natural genius and your perfect vocation. Taurus in this lunation will rarely settle for second best. Whatever is revealed, be assured you will excel. This is not the time to rest on your laurels, so guard against pride, laziness and being too set in your ways. Try to be humble.
    The Taurus Eclipse may attract a loyal partner in work or love; it appears you have several opportunities. You may initially find them challenging, but they accept you for who you are and encourage your ambition. Be prepared to open yourself to the unexpected; it could be just what you’ve been searching for, but you don’t know it yet.
    The stars will guide you, follow the lunar light, and all will be revealed.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    2022’s third Mercury Retrograde is fast approaching – here’s everything to know


    by Team Emirates Woman
    4 mins ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic SoulYou’ve probably just hit your groove. But wait, what? Again? Not another Retrograde? Yes, that’s right. Mercury is once again going into Retrograde on September 11, 2022. However, don’t panic, unless, of course, you don’t like to get things done.
    September will be giving us a bigger than usual workload. Don’t be surprised if you start to feel overwhelmed with too many things on your plate.  You can turn this situation into a positive by showcasing your skills, popularity or leadership qualities because it’s going to ultimately favour your career.
    Unfortunately, you will need to push through, and the reality will start to bite. It will be too late to catch up later, so make sure you don’t get left behind, or be surprised if you find yourself working longer hours!
    This third of the 2022 Mercury Retrogrades asks you to go back over any formalities involving higher education.  Also, cast another eye over any legal documents or contracts relating to foreign places and look closely at upcoming events where you are responsible for someone else’s money.
    Do you want to be kicking goals and stay ahead of the pack? Initially, a Retrograding Mercury in Libra is diplomatic in expecting a little more effort, but he is moving back into his home sign of a conscientious Virgo by September 24 where he will be wanting more detail around communication, it may cause some anxiety if you’re not organised.
    Your reputation is paramount, so don’t be surprised if you feel your confidence waning or feel like an imposter syndrome is closing in on you and you need to hide your insecurities.
    The secret is to write everything down! By the end of October, when Mercury enters Scorpio, he will want to know everything all over again. Help is also there if you ask for it.
    The good news is the Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 will be acknowledging how you have been an inspiration to other people and reminding you to say a big thanks to those who helped you along the way.
    The stars appear to be preparing you for Sagittarius season because a discriminating and fastidious Venus in Virgo has reminded Mercury that it’s also time to focus on you! Venus wants you to pay more attention to your lifestyle choices and know you can feel, think, and look better than you already do.
    Pay attention to any hormonal changes or digestive issues bothering you, luckily Virgo helps you do your homework from September 6. Schedule any aesthetic procedures for the hospital, but don’t operate five days on either side of the Full Moon. Pick a date after 15 September if you can; the New Moon in Libra will be wanting to unveil something beautiful after September 25.
    It’s evident 2022 has continued to be a rollercoaster. Those who have done the work and paid attention to our ancient star guidance are seeing results; we often hear well-deserved and long-awaited success stories despite the difficulties.
    You’ve become more reliant on yourself, so in this retrograde, just trust the process. With the big five planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also in retrograde during the entire month of September, put your head down and get on with things.
    Don’t forget to back up your wonderfully creative, fluid ideas with critical examples from online media, technology, and communications. You will be wanting to appear intellectually versatile after all.
    Mercury Retrograde is here to help put your dreams into action; all the planets are guiding you gently and systematically toward your next chapter. Make sure you let your beauty, brawn and brains shine!
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    ‘The universe has your back’: Everything to know about August’s full moon


    by Team Emirates Woman
    2 hours ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    The song almost has it right, this is the dawning of the Full Moon in Aquarius.
    Our Sturgeon Moon is wonderfully and spiritually connected, it is also very potent. It will be exact just before sunrise in Dubai at 5:35 am, on August 12 although you will notice it appears nearly full the evening before and after its peak.
    The Moon has sidled up to Saturn who means business. He wants you to structure your thoughts and practice patience around your emotions.
    Have you been working on a career change? A result is near but is still hidden from others. It’s been slow so expect this Moon cycle to reflect more on your expectations around work and what you can bring to the table. She is more instinctive and perspicacious than usual as she is on the precipice of moving into Pisces.
    A visionary sense of optimism abounds, but be careful not to miss essential details related to your next move—plan for unexpected glitches. Double-check your emails, text and social or business media accounts who said what and when. Who is making a mistake?

    This Aquarian moon is exceptionally intense as Venus also moves into Leo on August 12. Venus confirms you may be thinking or in the process of changing your physical environment. This is the time to experiment with a different lifestyle if you are. Do you want to explore new perspectives? Especially on a global scale? You can inspire others with your unique viewpoint; those living far away from you will be particularly interested in hearing about what you have to say. The horizon is no longer fixed, so remain open and progressive in your approach.
    You’re very motivated as Mars is making a lovely aspect to Venus in Pisces, so if you are starting something new, it will be a dream partnership. This pairing will enlighten you. It will be important to be savvy with communications and technology before you start any new venture.
    Venus in Leo is opposite a transformative Pluto. This will bring up power dynamics, and this is not only in love and romance. The stars suggest potential financial mismanagement closely related to foreigners or foreign places shores. Watch out for trickery and manipulation around money; you won’t want to be taken advantage of. Be mindful of international fraud and any payments made overseas on or around the full moon; a criminal element potentially lurks. Luckily Pluto in Capricorn will make sure you’re protected, as you seem to be keeping track of spending more diligently than usual.
    A quiet, classy woman who oozes sex appeal can quickly fire up jealous or protective partners. Are you enjoying an overseas vacation and having too much fun? It’s all harmless in the scheme of things, although someone more controlling may not see it that way.
    Although the Aquarius Moon aspect suggests anxiety and oversensitivity, know you have a right to feel safe and not threatened by another’s insecurities. Love can take on a soulful or dreamy quality despite the possible drama, so expect to compromise. You may like to point out that you are in an ideal position to make some precious career contacts for one of you (which is why you have a stranger’s number on your phone).
    If you experience conflicting pressures, you may need to juggle more than usual; pay attention to the mental clarity you are blessed with on or before the Full Moon.
    All these noticeable changes will ultimately favour you, so remain positive; the universe has your back.
    For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Everything you need to know about Jupiter Retrograde and the New Moon in Leo


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 minute ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    The New Moon in Leo is joining the Sun in Leo on July 28. These two mighty luminaries usually shine bright, but this year they have Jupiter and Saturn taking the lustre out of things who are now retrograde until November 23. They are putting a more serious light on things for you.
    During Leo season, most of us are happy, enthusiastic, and looking forward to some fun but planetary aspects this time show you will be more introspective and suspicious than usual. You could also be more opinionated and argumentative. Or are you just nervous or in a bad mood? You may be more likely to find fault with others; I’m sure you will blame the often powerful and authoritative energies Leo can sometimes unleash. Until July 30 expect to feel more sensitive than usual, you can put that down to ego.
    Over the past two weeks, expansive Jupiter has already weighed in on your situation. He is concerned. Has someone been talking behind your back and putting you down at work? Try to let things slide. They’re simply struggling to find a deeper connection with themselves or feeling jealous you’re more loved. Their ideas seem to be lacking compared to yours, or they don’t do the work to warrant the limelight or position they hold.
    By Monday, August 1, you will hardly care, although you may feel a deep need to be treated fairly and justly. Exhibit caution or hesitation around what you have heard. Can you trust the grapevine? If you challenge the situation, they will appear dismissive or in denial. Soon enough, you will realise those talking down about you are too risk-averse to get to where they think they should be. Keep your counsel and worry about yourself.

    A democratic Saturn has been somewhat inhibited since going into retrograde in early June. He is also asking you to rein things in a little. Can you strike a balance?
    The New Moon in Leo wants you to go back over your thoughts, plans and behaviours. What are you planning to do in the future? It needs to be robust and stand the test of time, considering every situation. I bet you’d rather be focused on a vacation.
    To add to the mix, watch for legal matters that might take an unexpected and unpleasant turn as another attacks your reputation or questions your arrogance. You’d be wise to choose your battles carefully. Spend time in solitude to understand how to navigate a current situation; you must be ingenious; tried and true ways will not work.
    You must have a system in place for nurturing yourself when navigating and negating the inevitable and unexpected. There is no point in dissing, disagreeing or staying stuck in a situation. Do you get your way based on control and manipulation? Tsk. Tsk.
    Saturn returns to his old self when he goes direct on October 23. Any past mistakes will have been carefully reviewed and analysed; you won’t be making them again. Expect things to move swiftly ahead for you once Jupiter joins him in direct motion on November 23.
    Check your birth chart; what house Saturn and Jupiter are retrograding for you? They will be the big topics that affect you personally. The Moon is moving swiftly through the zodiac every 2.5 days, so don’t be surprised if your emotions are all over the place whilst the bigger picture is being worked out.
    By the Full Moon on August 11, you remain wary of the more ruthless, but how about turning the spotlight on yourself for a change? The challenge is to honour yourself. By then, expect the wisened to be counting their blessings.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Yana Potter Art Instagram More

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    In pics: The most spectacular photos of the biggest supermoon of 2022 in the UAE


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 minute ago

    A spectacular supermoon lit up the skies across the UAE, and the globe, on the night of July 13.
    Known as the ‘Buck Moon’, this supermoon is the biggest and brightest of 2022, being approximately just 357,000km from Earth during its orbit. That’s 200,000km closer than the last supermoon in June, the Strawberry Moon.
    If you didn’t manage to catch the supermoon in the skies last night, not to worry. Many residents across the UAE captured some spectacular photographs of the moon illuminating the sky, appearing much larger and brighter than can usually be seen to the naked eye.
    Here’s some of the best photos captured of the Buck Moon in the UAE.
    Peeking through
    Image: Getty
    Picture perfect

    The #supermoon of #Dubai…. What’s your favorite song for moon ?
    — Varun (@Ambarseriya) July 13, 2022

    Red hue


    Shining bright

    If you weren’t lucky enough to witness this supermoon, the next one set to light up the skies isn’t far off. The next supermoon, known as the ‘Sturgeon Moon’, is slated to appear around August 12, 2022, according to NASA, so mark your calendars.
    For those who are keen astrologers, the recent full moon was also known as the ‘Full Moon in Capricorn’, which may have pointed to a big decision that needed to be made. Read all about it here.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    A ‘cold, unemotional’ full moon is coming – here’s everything you need to know


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 minute ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    A cold, unemotional Full Moon in Capricorn looks to be having second thoughts about an intimate relationship.
    It points to a decision that needs to be made. It looks like someone got a little too close for comfort. Perhaps the image they wanted to portray in a partnership wasn’t quite right. Someone wants to be recognised as more important than they may in fact be. What a mess. Emotional control is at play.
    If they want to change the game plan, let them. Why not get what you need to say out in the open? A cover will soon be blown and real feelings revealed. There is no need for the inevitable nastiness about the whole situation that may be simmering inside; keep to the facts. The stars say: act with wisdom, and patience, don’t be wiled into their game. Above all, be respectful.
    You may be feeling super sensitive because of your insecurities. That’s Capricorn for you, he hates tears, drama and weakness in another. Women appear to handle this particular Full Moon better than men. Why are they so broody? There is introspection and curiosity around the time you risked and possibly lost.
    What is your intuition telling you? If you value your health and your heart, this is nothing more than an uncomfortable move to a better place. Mars in Taurus in the 8th house suggests elimination issues – so listen. Your body may well be feeling the same. Doesn’t it feel better when a ‘blockage’ has cleared?

    Others will soon be around for you – are they picking up your broken heart? Comedy heals, so learn to laugh at yourself; others will love your self-deprecation. Who knew you had the funniest stories about how you missed the obvious clues that someone was stringing you along with their tall tales.
    You will like this one. Revenge looks to be sweet as the devil wants to strike once, hard and fast for you. Even he wants you to let go of any disheartenment and take a break. He is dying to show off what he can do. Remain at arm’s length. This time you can just sit back, watch and wait for his pièce de résistance! Mon Dieu!
    Step back from the drama and make peace with your life. End relationships that aren’t working by July 26 to 27.
    On a positive note, who is travelling to a foreign land? I bet you can’t wait. Is it for business or somewhere you can improve or build on your career? Your energy will need to be a little more contained for where you’re going or what you’re doing, but expect your light to shine. Pull back on what you already know and go with the flow; it’s not forever.
    The Full Moon in Capricorn asks you to put yourself, your work and your thoughts for the future, first. Others may think you’re a little conniving, but you are simply showing those who love you how you play the game of life and win. Who is following in your footsteps? What impression do you want them to have of you?
    Take control by using your head not your heart.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Yana Potter Art Instagram, Feature Image: Sara Shakeel Instagram More

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    What’s in the stars for Eid? Here’s everything you need to know


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 minute ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    My goodness! How does the universe know it’s Eid? Because he knows everything. The planets have been waiting to have some fun with you. The following two weeks see a lot of ‘love’ flying about here, there and everywhere. Whatever you want to say or do, make sure you do it, again, with those you love. One particular person appears to shine in your eyes. With Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, putting a spotlight on relationships and you this year, you are after the most desirable results, but aren’t we all?
    A fast-moving and talkative Mercury knows it’s holiday time because he is moving at the speed of a Bugatti. Mercury also knows he needs to give your brain a rest after leaving Gemini and all those animated, witty, exciting, and those charming tête-à-têtes behind. Then why are you experiencing some anxiety? There’s a lot going on.
    Mercury has now stopped into family-loving Cancer for the next two weeks from July 6. We all know there is nothing like a good home-cooked meal and a catch-up with mum and people you love to be around. Make sure you take the time to enjoy time around the kitchen preparing your favourite meals and laugh about happier times together. You’d also best to get those that count on your side for what’s to come next on your journey.
    Be quick, Mercury has places to be and people to see. On July 20 he will be roaring off to meet party-loving Leo.

    Mercury made a telephone call to Mars on July 6 when he moved house also. They hatched a plan to be on the guest list at the hottest parties in Ibiza. Are you warming up and making plans also? You should be! Leo season always equals fun in the sun.
    Not everything will seem smooth sailing just yet because Jupiter is still trying to create some drama by putting a relationship in the limelight. Someone is not happy with being ignored, but you are not happy being told what to do. Jupiter can be like a kid with too much raspberry cordial, he’s irritated for sure, so surround yourself with love and ignore any perceived manipulation or emotional imbalances for now. In a month, you will have forgotten any drama and you will all be happy campers again. Someone is learning what it’s like to either grow up a little or have more patience.
    Mars is changing energies on July 6 and moving out of a frenetic and demanding Aries into a more comfort-loving, luxurious Taurus. Your senses are so stimulated you will want to revel in the sensuous feelings he conjures up in you right through until 20 August; why not?
    Mars will also give you quality time with the people who matter most in your life. Is it someone dear to your heart? Keep a low profile with others, they don’t need to know your business. Your intentions look to be kind and pure but heaven forbid! It looks like some very lusty thoughts are flying about, but the stars say you’ve got nothing to lose by using your womanly wiles and having some fun.
    Even the internet is your friend, so dial-up and surprise them with a little something unexpected. See it for what it is, and don’t push for a commitment, particularly if you’re single. You don’t want to scare them off. The object of your fancy will enjoy the banter or fantasy of any instinctual urges you have leading up to July 12. After that, things will take on a serious, more emotionally reserved note on the eve of the Full Moon in Capricorn when you will need to cool things right down.

    Luckily Mars in Taurus until August 20 will help give you more introspection, so go with the flow. He will heighten your reasoning powers.
    Remember back to the beginning of 2022, what were you hoping to achieve this year? Where you are standing today, it looks like one foot is heading in the right direction, and the other is slightly off track. It’s a test, so be careful what you wish for. Luckily you are being given extra stamina which will get through the sticky bits. Someone may well be invested in your future at the moment, are they helping you emotionally or financially? They are an angel with the biggest halo and fluffiest of wings. Bless them.
    Lastly, we should mention that Mercury is very career conscious right now and is actively trying to help you climb the ladder of success. It would help if you played the game. Something is uncomfortable, it’s awkward, and not easy. Don’t overthink things. Take it one step at a time, know your parameters, and realise that if you stay where you are right now, it will only offer you some short-term comfort. Who wants to come back and repeat the process all over again, perhaps with less favourable results, when the opportunity to go for it is right there. This year your foot should be on the gas.
    Things are still playing out beyond your control and they may not necessarily be on your terms. Don’t be surprised if others think you appear rattled. In fact, even those who are generally in control may seem a little unsettled. What’s going on? Are you secretly fact-finding at the moment trying to sway a situation? Be careful; you may likely miss whatever information you are hunting for, whilst doing what you do in haste and obsession.
    Destress, let the Universe take care of you. Why age prematurely and unnecessarily? After all, love and laughter is the best beauty treatment we know right? You should be looking very fine and dandy by early August.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Yana Potter Art Instagram More