
The Best Products for Keeping Your Hair in Check

I put highlights in my hair for the first time when I was 16. It gave my mousy brown hair a little dimension and life, and from the start, I was hooked. That was eight years ago, and since then, I’ve gradually been going blonder and blonder and blonder—besides one quarter-life-crisis stint of going dark–and am now just blonde. And now my hair requires more maintenance than the rest of me combined.

I frequent my lovely colorist every three months for touch-ups and approximately every six weeks for a toner. Right now, that obviously isn’t possible, so I am resorting to every product I have to keep my month-old color in check until I can sit in my salon chair again.

Even if your locks aren’t quite as maintenance as mine, keeping dyed hair looking fresh and vibrant isn’t always easy without a professional, but with the right products, it can be done. The last thing on your list of worries right now should be your exposed roots or brassy blonde—these products will keep you in check until isolation is over.

For Blondes

For Brunettes

For Redheads



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