
6 simple interior hacks to help boost your mood at home

Personal sanctuary

One of the many consequences of spending more time at home is that you start to notice what your personal abode might be missing. Are the plants looking a bit sad? Is it finally time to get some colourful cushions. Small changes can instantly boost your mood, so flex those creative muscles and follow our six simple hacks to transforming you home into an interior masterpiece.

Go green

Introducing nature to your home not only helps lift the room and soothe your mood, but there are they also cleanse the air of toxins. For fuss-free greenery, choose Kimberly Queen Fern, Varigated Snake Plant, Bamboo Palm or Red-Edged Dracaena.

Light it up

Candles are the unsung heroes of the home. A different scent can instantly transform the vibe of the room, while the beautifully designed packaging elevates the space. Scatter them throughout the home, or place 3 candles with similar notes of various sizes in one corner. Once they burn out, you can repurpose the glass packaging as vases for wild flowers.

Table manners

dubai interior tips home

Even if it’s a simple meal or a quick takeaway, turn dinner into a special occasion by paying attention to the table decor. Choose a printed tablecloth, go for statement place mats, experiment with tableware and decadent glasses and don’t forget to add a centre piece. Stick with one colour theme, maybe pinks and greens for spring, or something a little more minimal but with various texture to bring another dimension to the set up.

Vintage living

dubai interior tips home

You’d be amazed at how a couple of colourful cushions or a statement throw can make your lounge look worthy of a magazine shoot. There are several hot spots across Dubai, including Zara Home that has plenty of affordable pieces that look luxe.

Picture this

dubai interior tips home

When was the last time you had some photos printed out? It seems like a nostalgic activity but framed pictures, or pieces of art, are an easy way to inject a little bit of personality to any room. We found mixing antique frames with contemporary art or family photographs makes for a refreshing twist.

In the details

Delicate ornaments, books, vases and decorative bookends may appear insignificant, but style them together or strategically place them in the parts of your home that don’t get a lot of attention, and everything comes together in harmony.



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