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    10 Best Kettlebell Core Exercises For Strong, Sculpted Abs, From A Trainer

    No offence to sit-ups, planks and hollow holds, but basic core exercises can feel drab day after day. They work the abdominals, but if you’re looking for stronger, sculpted abs, let me introduce you to a secret weapon: the kettlebell. I’m talking about kettlebell core exercises, specifically.

    First things first: “A kettlebell is a cast-iron ball with a handle attached to the top and due to its offset load and centre of gravity, the kettlebell is used to train power, endurance, speed and strength,” says Lauren Kanski, CPT, creator of the Body & Bell program on the Ladder app and a WH advisor. “It’s a very ballistic style of training, but in my opinion, it’s elite if you’re strapped for time and/or financial investment.”

    The kettlebell also adds a fresh spin on core workouts because it uses your entire body, says Kanski. “Many people don’t understand that full-body complex movements are the best options to train the core compared to core-centric exercises,” she explains. And based on the pure versatility of a kettlebell, they allow for a well-rounded workout to build power, strength and endurance in the various movement patterns, all while sculpting your core, she adds.

    Meet the expert: Lauren Kanski, CPT, is the creator of the Body & Bell program on the Ladder app and a WH advisor.

    Another perk? Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or beginner, kettlebell exercises are effective for anyone and everyone, stresses Kanski. These moves are easy to adapt to your goals and level by changing up the load, speed, time under tension, isolation and tempo.

    As for how often you should do kettlebell exercises, Kanski recommends four to five days a week for optimal results. “The best part about the kettlebells is all the goals go hand in hand,” she explains. “You get leaner, stronger and more athletic as you spend time learning the skills.” (Here! For! It!)

    For a killer total-body workout, keep scrolling for Kanski’s picks for kettlebell core exercises.

    10 Best Kettlebell Core Exercises

    Instructions: Pick one lower-body move, one upper-body move and either a windmill or Turkish get-up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each of the upper and lower body exercises and 2 sets of 3 reps for the windmill or Turkish get-up.

    Pro tip: Focus on your breath. “Inhale as you move the load toward the floor or brace to lift and exhale as you move the load away from the floor,” Kanski says. “It applies to all main lifts, swings, cleans and snatches because breathing controls the core engagement.”

    1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat

    Why it rocks: Get ready for a total-body torcher because this move works your upper body, lower body and abs, says Kanski. Your core also works extra hard to stabilize your trunk as you squat up and down.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and hold a kettlebell at chest height with both hands, elbows bent and pointing toward the floor.

    Inhale as you sit hips back and bend knees to lower body until thighs are parallel to the floor, elbows brushing the inside of knees.

    Pause, then exhale as you explosively press through heels and scoop hips forward to return to standing. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    2. Kettlebell Renegade Row

    Why it rocks: This an awesome full-body exercise with an upper-body focus, says Kanski. You’ll also work your anti-rotational core which is key for stabilizing your lower back and preventing your hips from rocking side to side, she adds.

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position with kettlebells in each hand, hands directly under shoulders, feet behind you about hip-distance apart (or wider for more stability). Your body should form a straight line from head to toe.

    Inhale and engage core as you slowly draw kettlebell in right hand up to right hip as if you were putting in pocket. Keep elbow close to body and pointing upward.

    Exhale, keep core engaged and body still, as you continue to push through left hand and slowly return weight to the starting position.

    Repeat with the left side. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.

    3. Kettlebell Deadlift

    Why it rocks: Not only is this an awesome move for better balance, but you’ll feel it in your hamstrings and glutes, says Kanski. It’s also a functional movement for walking and running gait strength, she adds.

    How to:

    Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of you, near thighs.

    Engage core, keep back and legs straight, hinge at hips and send butt back as you inhale and lower kettlebell toward the ground. Keep weight in heels.

    Maintain position and lower as far as your flexibility allows, ideally the kettlebell level with the middle of your shins.

    Squeeze glutes, contract hips, engage core and exhale as you drive back to the starting position. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    4. Kettlebell Seated Overhead Press

    Why it rocks: This move takes your legs out of the equation and forces you to work your hips, core and upper body, says Kanski. You’ll also notice your triceps engage as you extend the kettlebell overhead, she adds.

    How to:

    Start seated with legs extended, butt on ground, back straight, with a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward and weights resting against upper arms.

    Inhale and in one motion, rotate palms away from body and press the kettlebells overhead until arms are straight and biceps are by ears. Squeeze kettlebells tightly so there is no bend in the wrists.

    Exhale as you reverse motion to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    5. Kettlebell Lateral Lunge

    Why it rocks: This move works your frontal plane, which is key for injury prevention, says Kanski. It also targets your inner thighs which are necessary for stabilizing your core.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet under hips holding a kettlebell at chest.

    Inhale and engage core as you take a large step out with the right leg and sit hips back, bending right knee until right thigh is parallel to floor while left leg remains straight, toes of both feet facing forward. Stay tall in the chest and keep kettlebell close to body.

    Exhale and push through the right heel to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    6. Kettlebell Windmill

    Why it rocks: This is a hip-dominant movement that works your rotational core, says Kanski. You’ll also engage your obliques as you rotate and stabilize the kettlebell overhead.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing toward left at a 45-degree angle, with a kettlebell in right hand, right arm extended straight overhead and left arm by side. Keep eyes on the kettlebell.

    Inhale as you rotate chest to the right, look up at the kettlebell and slowly hinge at waist to lower torso toward floor and touch left foot with left fingers, pushing hips back to the right corner of the room. You can bend left knee as much as needed to rotate but keep standing leg straight.

    Pause, then exhale as you reverse motion to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 slow reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    7. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

    Why it rocks: This advanced move packs a punch and works your rotational core, hip strength, grip strength and upper and lower body, says Kanski. It’s also great for promoting overhead mobility and stability, she adds.

    How to:

    Start lying faceup with right leg straight on mat, left leg bent, foot flat on floor, right arm out at the side on floor at 45-degree angle and left arm holding kettlebell above shoulder, triceps on floor and elbow at 45-degree angle from body.

    Raise the weight up above the chest, keeping your gaze on it, until arm is straight but not locked at the elbow.

    Push into the right forearm to sit up.

    Rise onto the right palm, lift hips off floor and slide right leg behind body until kneeling on right knee with shin parallel to top of mat.

    Sweep right foot back behind body to come into kneeling lunge with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Push through feet to stand bringing feet together under hips.

    Reverse entire movement step-by-step to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    8. Kettlebell Squat To Overhead Press

    Why it rocks: Not only will you feel a burn in your upper and lower body, but this is an “elite” core move since it works your anti-rotational core and builds power in your legs, says Kanski. It’s a win-win.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward and weights resting against upper arms.

    Inhale and lower body down into a squat.

    Engage core and in one motion, exhale as you push through heels to stand, rotate palms to face away from body and explosively press the kettlebell overhead until arms are straight.

    Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

    9. Kettlebell Halo

    Why it rocks: This move is key for stabilizing your abs and promoting 360-degree core strength, as well as improving the range of motion in your shoulder joints, says Kanski. Hello, shoulder mobility!

    How to:

    Start standing with feet hip-width apart holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands in front of face, elbows bent and wide at sides. Engage core with belly button pulled in toward tailbone.

    Keeping both elbows bent and the rest of the body still, slowly circle the kettlebell around head once, keeping the weight at eye level. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps in each direction.

    10. Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry

    Why it rocks: It might look simple, but this move is a full-body exercise that hits the upper and lower body, in addition to your core, says Kanski. It’ll also target the smaller stabilizing muscles as you stay tall and fight the urge to rotate toward the side holding the kettlebell, she adds.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet together, a kettlebell in left hand, arm by side and right hand on hip.

    Engage abs and take a small step forward. Continue stepping one foot in front of the other for a total of 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side.

    Benefits Of Kettlebell Exercises For Core And More

    1. Build muscle

    If you’re looking to build major muscle, Kanski says kettlebells are your go-to. Because most kettlebell exercises recruit your *entire* body (hello, Turkish get-ups and squat to overhead press), you get more bang for your buck in less time, she adds. You’ll also notice a lot of kettlebell moves promote time under tension which is extremely effective for muscle hypertrophy (AKA an increase in muscle size).

    2. Produce power

    When training with kettlebells, you’re using compensatory acceleration (for example, swinging the bells as quickly as possible) which torches calories and generates extremely high neuromuscular engagement, says Kanski. “The unique shape and offset load also act as an extended lever, which allows you to produce more torque and power,” she explains. As a result, you build explosive power which is key for overall sports performance and muscular endurance.

    3. Train grip strength

    Kettlebells are phenomenal for grip strength and wrist flexion, in turn, supporting shoulder and elbow health and longevity, says Kanski. After all, you have to use your wrists, elbows and shoulders to control the bell while moving through various planes of motion.

    4. Experiment with training variety

    Based on the 10 moves above, it’s clear there’s a wide variety of exercises you can train with a kettlebell, says Kanski. Whether you’re training lower body, upper body, or core, you’ll see major gains with only one kettlebell. They’re also portable and take little space in your home or gym.

    5. Boost cardiovascular activity

    Not only are kettlebells killer for strength gains, but research shows they also increase aerobic capacity. In fact, one study found that kettlebell exercises could significantly improve aerobic capacity to boost cardiovascular fitness.

    This article by Andi Breitowich was first published on Women’s Health US. More

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    You Can Do This Arms & Abs Bodyweight Workout Anywhere

    Whether you’re pressed for space or can’t find weights at the gym, this abs and arms bodyweight workout does the job and then some. Created by trainer and instructor Kirsten Johnson, these moves sculpt long, lean muscles. “This workout is designed as a compound bodyweight workout,” says Johnson. “Each move incorporates multiple muscle groups and therefore aims to create long, lean muscle throughout the body while targeting and firing up both arms and abs.”

    The Abs & Arms Bodyweight Workout

    To get started, set your timer for 30 seconds and work for that time, doing each circuit twice before moving on to the next circuit. Rest for 30 seconds between moves, then move on.

    Circuit One

    Pushup to high plank twist

    Start in a push-up position on your knees and lower down into a push-up. Now, raise yourself up into a high plank position and rotate one arm to stretch upwards. Bring it back down and rotate the other arm upward to twist. That’s one rep. Keep it going for 30 seconds, then move on to the next move.

    Tricep dip alternating march

    Get into a reverse bridge position, with your hands and feet on the floor. Dip your triceps down, then extend upwards. Gently lift one leg off the floor and perform a marching motion. Repeat with the other leg. That’s one rep; keep going for 30 seconds.

    Single leg jackknife

    Start lying down, with your left knee bent and the right straight down. Extend your left arm backwards, hands pointing behind you. Pike up and raise your right leg and left arm at the same time to touch. That’s one rep. Keep going for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

    Double-pulse scissors, on your back

    Start lying down with both legs outstretched. Keep your core engaged and your arms at your sides for stability. Raise one leg up and the other only slightly off the floor. Pulse for two beats, then switch legs. Keep it going for 30 seconds.

    Circuit Two

    Small lateral circles

    Get onto your knees with your weight evenly distributed. Stretch out your arms on either side. Make small circles with your arms for 30 seconds. Fair warning: this one is going to burn.

    Scapula contraction

    Get on your knees with your weight evenly distributed. Stretch out your arms on either side. Now bend them into a 90º angle and contract your scapula, pretending there’s a bar between them that you’re trying to squeeze. Release back to outstretched arms. That’s one rep.

    Side plank hip dip – knee to elbow

    Start in a side plank position with your legs stacked on top of one another and weight distributed evenly throughout. Balance on your forearm. Now dip gently down and dip back up. Pick one leg up and contract your knee to touch your elbow. That’s one rep.

    Sprinter situps  – alternating

    Start lying on your back with your arms outstretched in front of you. Contract your abs and lift one knee toward you, lifting your torso as you do so. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.

    Circuit Three

    Double-leg jack knives on arms

    Start lying on your back, legs outstretched in front of you. Now, hoist yourself up with your arms until they’re perpendicular to the floor. Jack your legs into your chest, contracting your abdominals as you do. Relax and stretch your legs back out. That’s one rep.

    High plank – alternating knee to chest & shoulder

    Get into a high plank position, weight evenly distributed. Lift one leg to tap the inside of your elbow, then rotate your leg outwards to tap the outside of your shoulder. Return to start. That’s one rep. Alternate your legs as you go.

    Single-leg ab bikes

    Come into a lying down position, back on the floor. Keep your hands under your head to protect your neck and keep your knees bent at 90º. Now stretch out your right leg and bring it into your chest, twisting your left side to touch your knee. That’s one re. Repeat on the other side, alternating.

    Plank pike up – knee to chest – commando

    Start in a plank position with your weight balanced on your arms. Pike up your abs and bring one leg into a crunch. Return your leg to start and bring your alternating leg into crunch. Now lower one arm down onto your forearm, then the other. Raise both arms up so you’re back in high plank. That’s one rep; keep going for 30 seconds.

    Watch as Kirsten performs the moves below:

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    8 Easy Core Yoga Poses That’ll Fire Up Your Abs

    Amy Dixon, an exercise physiologist and group fitness manager, has created this workout that builds muscle, improves flexibility, and melts away stress. Big bonus: these core yoga poses will fire up your abs.

    These moves roll yoga and strength into one neat package. They’re so effective because each exercise calls on your entire core and requires balance (thanks to the yoga moves), so your whole body, not just the targeted muscle, works through its full range of motion. Tackle the moves two non-consecutive days a week and you’ll notice sleeker definition – and a calmer mindset – within four weeks.

    Lateral Bend And Reach

    This core yoga pose works the core, shoulders, hamstrings and inner thighs.

    Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet about 1.2 metres apart. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees. Raise your right arm straight up above your shoulder, palm facing in (A). Brace your abs and bend to the left, lowering the left dumbbell to your left ankle (B). Rise back up, keeping your right arm overhead. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. Do three sets, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    READ MORE: These Pilates-Fusion Moves Strengthen, Lengthen And Tone

    Dog Press

    This core yoga pose works the core, shoulders, pecs, lats, back and hamstrings.

    Stand a bit behind a Bosu. Bend into down­ward dog, placing your palms about 12 centimetres apart on the dome and lifting your hips towards the ceiling (A). Place your right hand a metre in front of the Bosu and place your right knee on it. Follow with your left hand and left knee (B). Do a push-up (C). Step back into downward dog. That’s one rep. Do two sets of 8 to 10, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

    Rock The Boat

    Works entire core.

    Draw your knees towards your chest, lift your head and grab your legs below the knees (A). Rock up and balance on your glutes (B). Keeping your back long and chest lifted, straighten your legs and extend your arms (C). Hold for three seconds, then tuck in and roll back to start. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    READ MORE: Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    Dive & Roll

    Works back and glutes.

    Place a weighted bar half a metre in front of a Bosu. Lie face down with your hips and belly on the Bosu, feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place your palms on the bar and lift your legs as high as possible (A). Slowly roll the bar towards the Bosu as you lower your legs towards the floor (B). Roll back to start. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    Trainer TipKeep your neck in line with your spine throughout the move.

    Crescent Lunge and Row

    Works back, glutes, hamstrings and quads.

    Grab a three-to-five kilogram dumbbell in your right hand and stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Lunge forwards with your left leg until your left knee is bent at 90 degrees. Lower your torso as close as possible to your left knee, as you raise your left arm out to the side to shoulder height, palm down. Allow the dumbbell to hang naturally (A). Row the dumbbell straight up until your right elbow passes your torso (B). That’s one rep. Continue rowing, without standing up, for 12 to 15 reps. Return to start and repeat on the other side. That’s one set. Do three sets, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    Trainer TipKeep your rowing arm close to your side.

    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan

    Tricep Warrior

    Works core, triceps, glutes, hamstrings and quads.

    Grab a pair of two-to-four kilogram dumbbells and stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Rest your right toe on the floor about half a metre behind you (A). Bend forwards from the hips and raise your right leg until your body forms a T. Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells directly under your shoulders, palms facing in (B). Keeping your upper arms still, extend the dumbbells straight back (C). Curl them back to your shoulders. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20 without lowering your leg. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

    Bicep Warrior

    Works shoulders, biceps, glutes, hamstrings, and inner and outer thighs.

    Grab a pair of two-to-four kilogram dumbbells and stand with your feet about a metre apart. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees and, hips and shoulders facing forward, bend your left knee at 90 degrees. Extend your arms to shoulder height (A). With your upper arms parallel to the floor, do a bicep curl, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulders (B). Slowly re-extend your arms. Do 15 to 20 reps; rest for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. More