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    Secrets to Personal Growth: 7 Strategies That Helped Me Become My Best Self

    For years I felt like I was going through my life on autopilot. I would wake up early, immediately start work, and then wouldn’t stop until night, leaving me too exhausted to do anything but watch Netflix for the rest of my day. I spent my weekends doing activities I didn’t enjoy which would leave me feeling drained because I felt like I would let people down if I said “no.” Finally, after one particularly stressful week, I realized I hadn’t created the life I truly wanted. I had financial security, an amazing husband, a sweet dog, a fantastic family, and a lovely apartment, but still, I wasn’t happy. 
    If I wanted to feel my best and show up for the people I love, I needed to make some serious lifestyle changes. So over the course of a few months, I implemented habits that transformed my mood and my life. Not only did these habits make me happier, but they also improved my health and relationships. Curious how you can get more joy from life? Keep reading to learn the seven simple strategies I used to help me become my best self. 

    1. I pursued activities with no end goal
    We live in a society so focused on optimizing every activity that we often forget it’s OK to do things simply because we find them fun. Studies show that people with hobbies have fewer negative emotions and are less stressed than those without hobbies. Making time in your week for a little leisure not only makes you feel more zen, but it can also help you rediscover parts of yourself you’d forgotten or discover new aspects of yourself you didn’t know existed. 
    I studied English in college, devouring 3-5 books a week. But after starting a demanding career, I barely got through a handful of books each year. Younger me was eager to get lost in stories and passionate about dissecting the themes of novels. I felt like I had lost this part of myself in my 20s and I wanted to get her back. So I set myself a reading goal of one book per month. The best part of this goal for me was that it wasn’t time-consuming. Rather than scrolling Instagram in the morning, I curled up on the couch with my dog and spent 15 minutes reading a book. This simple habit helped me start my day with joy, which positively impacted my attitude for the rest of the day. 

    2. I started saying “no”
    When was the last time you said “no” to a coworker, friend, or family member? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. 65% of American women report that they struggle to say “no” to others. But it’s a word you should get in the habit of saying more. Setting boundaries can significantly reduce stress and make room for what matters most to you. I used to be a “yes” girl. I said “yes” to extra projects at work even if I was already drowning with projects. I said “yes” to late night drinks with friends even if I really wanted to save money and hit the sheets. I tried to be as accommodating as possible because I wanted people to like me. What I learned was that being a “yes” girl didn’t make me more likable. It made me tired and stressed. 
    So I started saying “no” and setting boundaries to protect my mental health. This meant not taking on more work than I could tackle in an eight-hour workday and telling my friends that I’d be happy to meet up for a walk in the park Saturday morning, but I wasn’t going to make it out for happy hour (which, let’s face it, never just lasts just an hour). Saying “no” was incredibly uncomfortable at first, but every time I said “no” to something that didn’t align with my values, I was saying “yes” to something that did. Saying “no” to more work than I could handle meant I could say “yes” to Wednesday date nights with my husband. Saying “no” to drinks with my friends meant I could say “yes” to a hangover-free walk with my dog. 

    3. I stopped comparing myself to others on social media
    Raise your hand if you’ve ever fallen into the social media comparison trap. I know I have. Having access to other peoples’ lives is captivating, but it can also be incredibly damaging to your mental health. Studies have found a link between using multiple social media platforms and higher rates of anxiety and depression. Experts believe this is likely due to many reasons including increased social comparison. For me, social comparison manifested in how I felt about my body. As a wellness fanatic, I tend to follow mostly women in the health and fitness space. However, this space is dominated by people with a very specific physique. Seeing these images of primarily one type of body made me begin to dislike my own.
    I started to notice that every time I scrolled through social media, a series of hateful thoughts about my appearance followed. So, I did a social media cleanup, unfollowing accounts that consistently made me feel like crap and following others that celebrated women with a variety of ages, ethnicities, and body types. Changing the type of content I was exposed to slowly began to change how I thought about myself. Seeing images honoring women in all our forms helped me realize my own beauty and released the pressure to have a leaner body and chiseled six pack. 

    4. I spoke kindly to myself 
    We all have a little voice in our heads that pushes us to be better. However, that voice can quickly turn from a motivational speaker to a bully. Most people experience 12,000- 60,000 thoughts each day, and on average, 80% of them are negative. Experts agree that this type of self-talk can lead to a multitude of harmful repercussions like low confidence and depression. 
    In an interview with Jay Shetty, Kendall Jenner confessed that she keeps an image of her childhood self on her bathroom mirror to remind her that whenever she says something unkind about herself, she’s also saying it to the little girl in the photo. I’ve adopted this practice into my own life, with an image of a toddler me holding a puppy as my lock screen. I’ve found that I have a harder time saying hurtful things to myself when I’m looking at that smiling little girl, and now spend my energy telling her she’s smart, successful, and loved. 

    5. I did workouts I actually enjoy
    For years, the fitness industry told women that we need to punish ourselves with grueling workouts every day in order to have the body of our dreams. While the new wave of female fitness focuses on balance and honoring our bodies, many women still hang onto the mentality that exercise must be intense to be effective. However, pushing yourself through a HIIT class you hate could actually do your mind and body more harm than good. 
    According to research, the top predictor of whether or not you’ll stick to an exercise plan is how much you enjoy it. Participating in workouts you love encourages you to move more frequently, which will ultimately help you stay consistent with your workouts. 
    I used to be guilty of forcing myself to get through workouts I hated for a month only to lose motivation and not exercise again for another two weeks. I knew that if I truly wanted to reap the benefits of exercise, I needed to create a routine I could do consistently. So I ditched the workouts that didn’t bring me joy and swapped them out for activities I love doing daily, like outdoor walks, yoga classes, slow trail runs, and occasional weight lifting. By creating a routine that catered to what I enjoy, it’s been easier to stick to an exercise plan, helping me feel more energized throughout the week. 

    6. I ditched the diets
    Nearly every woman has felt the societal pressure to diet at some point in her life. This exhausting pursuit of thinness starts young, with 80% of 10-year-olds reporting that they have been on a diet, according to recent data released by the Keep It Real campaign. This food mentality often doesn’t lead to a healthier body. Instead, women frequently report feelings of deprivation, guilt, and anxiety. Like so many other women, I’ve fallen into the trap of yo-yo dieting. I would follow a strict eating protocol that left me tired, unsatisfied, and inevitably binging when my body and mind couldn’t take it anymore. This created extreme anxiety around food, making it challenging to go to social events, on vacations, or on date nights without panicking about what would be on the menu. 
    I was tired of making my life smaller and avoiding activities I loved in pursuit of an unattainable body. So I ditched the diet mentality. Now, I ask myself what I can add to my plate to make my meals as enjoyable and nourishing as possible. I try to include protein, whole grains, healthy fats, and my favorite fruit or veggies with every meal so that my body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive. But if I want to eat a slice of pizza or go out for ice cream with my sister, I do so without guilt, knowing that the experience will nourish my soul. It took a lot of practice, but eventually, I eliminated food guilt and now have an amazing relationship with nutrition. 

    7. I gave myself more grace
    I used to struggle with an all-or-nothing mentality. If I couldn’t do something perfectly, I would be overly critical and wonder why I even bothered setting new goals. This would cascade into feelings of failure that killed my motivation and kept me stuck in self-destructive habits. Letting go of perfectionism and giving myself some grace gave me the ability to tackle the above strategies and stick with them. Reframing mistakes as learning moments instead of failures helped me see the progress in any slip-ups that occurred, which helped maintain a growth mindset. 

    6 Green Flags You’re Becoming Your Best Self More

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    The Detailed Morning Routine of the Internet’s Supplement Queen, Siff Haider

    Welcome to The Everygirl Podcast. Whether you’re looking for insider secrets from successful women that have your dream job, are interested in expert advice to transform your health and feel your best, or just want to be entertained and laugh along with us on your commute, we’ve got you covered.

    As someone who falls squarely into the forgets-to-take-her-vitamins-every-morning camp, there’s no morning routine that I aspire to more than that of the supplement queen herself. By supplement queen I am (of course) referring to Siff Haider, co-founder of Arrae and host of The Dream Bigger Podcast. This week on The Everygirl Podcast, we’re sitting down with Siff to learn everything there is to know about supplements, entrepreneurship, and her personal wellness hacks.
    After struggling with her immune system and digestion, Siff turned to holistic medicine and quickly found that small changes made a huge difference for her well-being. She co-founded Arrae with her husband in 2020, and has been sharing her wellness journey online for years. Read on for Siff Haider’s super-detailed morning routine, and check out this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast for more.

    Coffee and journaling
    After she wakes up, scrapes her tongue, brushes her teeth, and chugs a bottle of water, Siff likes to sit down with a cup of coffee and her journal. Her go-to coffee is a cinnamon Americano, and she sips it for twenty minutes while she does nothing but write. According to Siff, her journaling routine is the most important, sacred ritual of her day. “I take so much joy from it,” she said on The Everygirl Podcast.
    Siff’s favorite kind of journaling is “Future You” journaling, which is a kind of manifestation journaling where you imagine your future self and write down every little detail you can imagine about her life. It’s an aspirational ritual that is so rewarding (and easy) to work into your own morning routine.

    Get outside and walk
    Siff prioritizes getting outside first thing in the morning and taking a quick walk. “My non-negotiables are getting outside in the morning for my walk, journaling, and movement whenever I can get it in,” she said on The Everygirl Podcast. Learning the benefits of walking as an exercise was a game-changer for her, because when she was younger, she thought she needed intense HIIT workouts and cardio to feel her best. But now she knows it’s the little things like walking that have made the biggest difference in her health journey.

    Resistance training or Pilates
    Movement is another non-negotiable in Siff’s morning routine, and for her, the best ways to get active are weightlifting at the gym or taking a Pilates class. “Building muscle is what protects you from degeneration when you’re older,” she said. “It allows you to stay more vibrant for a longer period of time. I’m really interested in the longevity play.” However, Siff emphasizes that there’s no need to follow the exact workout that anyone else is doing in order to discover a morning movement that is effective for you. To her, it’s all about finding and doing what your body loves. More

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    The Happiest and Healthiest Women in the World Prioritize This Over Everything Else

    Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what defines a happy and healthy life. Maybe it’s one made up of a morning routine, workouts you love, and a job that you’re passionate about. Or maybe it’s filled with travel and adventure, the ability to make meals that nourish you, and living in your dream home. I’m fortunate to be able to say that I’ve experienced many of the above, and they’ve all brought joy to my life in one way or another. But when reflecting on when I was truly the happiest and healthiest version of myself, it wasn’t about any of that. Rather, it was when I was spending time with the people I love and who love me—AKA experiencing social connection. 
    While factors such as exercise and eating balanced meals are still vital to living a healthy and happy life, the healthiest women aren’t healthy because they’re prioritizing a strict schedule of workouts, salads, and supplements. Instead, they’re treating their bodies well, but first and foremost prioritizing a life that includes date nights with their S.O., walks with friends, hosting dinner parties, etc. Read on for why social connection is so essential to happiness, and how to get a daily dose of it yourself.

    Why you should prioritize social connection
    Researchers define social connection as a core psychological need embedded in our biology and evolutionary history. When we experience social connection, we lower our risk of anxiety and depression, experience greater self-esteem, and have more empathy for others. Positive social relationships can impact our physical health too, lowering inflammation and aiding immune health. One study even showed that lack of social connection is a greater detriment to our health than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure.
    When we experience intimate social connections, our body releases a hormone called oxytocin (also known as the love hormone). Oxytocin–which the body releases when cuddling, laughing, having sex, talking with a loved one, holding a baby, etc.–can reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels and promote growth and healing. From mental to physical health, prioritizing social connection and human connection is essential to our entire wellbeing. 

    How to prioritize social connection

    1. Say “yes” more often
    It’s easy to live in our comfort zones and avoid the things that scare us or opportunities that may be challenging, but when I look at the happiest and healthiest women I know, they are the ones who take chances and say “yes” to change. In one of my favorite books, The Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes chronicles her year of saying “yes” to everything in order to get outside of her comfort zone more, which included giving a commencement speech to spending more time with the people she loves. Try taking an audit of your life and looking into areas where you are currently saying “no,” but could be saying “yes.” Maybe it’s plans with your friends, going to a workout class, eating lunch with colleagues, or visiting your family. If you change your mindset to be more open to opportunities for social connection, it may just lead to greater happiness.  

    2. Schedule more social outings
    Yes, you should allow for ample you-time to recharge alone, but genuine connection with people you love is another important way you should regularly be relieving stress. After a long day at work, maybe the last thing you want to is call to your mom, meet up with a new friend for dinner, or actually talk to your partner over dinner instead of eating on the couch with Netflix playing. While some time alone can be incredibly important, make sure you’re intentional about that alone time, rather than because it’s a habit or in your comfort zone. Scheduling phone calls with loved ones or plans with friends in advance can ensure you keep up with regular social connection.
    If scheduling a dinner with friends or family every week still sounds exhausting, I feel you. Scheduling a social outing doesn’t have to be something that involves a large group of friends or costs a lot of money. It can be as simple as going for a walk with your mom, FaceTiming a friend who lives far away, volunteering, joining a group fitness class, or taking a class to improve your skills where you can connect with other people with the same hobbies that you have.

    3. Try socializing more at work
    Hate to break it to you, but we spend most of our lives at work. Sometimes we see our colleagues more often than we do our friends and family. That’s why the happiest women are doing everything they can to make their jobs more fulfilling, including forming genuine connections with the people they work with. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve shied away from making friendships at work. I’ve too often been the girl with her head down at her computer, avoiding the awkward water cooler chitchat. But when I moved positions in my company a couple of years ago, I looked at it as a fresh start, a chance to socialize more with coworkers, and as a manager, set an example of what a team environment could look like.
    It turns out, socializing with co-workers makes going to work ten times more enjoyable (surprise, surprise). Making connections at work doesn’t have to just be amongst your team or during lunch. It can also be done through company events or by seeking out those who have similar interests (i.e. try starting a book club, fitness club, or after-work happy hour). If you prefer keeping your social life and work life separate, simply giving a compliment to or checking in with a colleague can go a long way. Self-employed and work by yourself? Networking with other people in your industry can not only provide more work opportunities, but help you feel a little bit of human connection every time you catch up with them them at an event, reach out to ask for advice, or bounce ideas off of each other. 

    4. Sign up for group activities
    While prioritizing social connections is vital for our health, forcing social connections definitely isn’t. If you’re struggling to connect with the people in your life, expanding your social circle may be the key to becoming happier. And signing up for group activities is an easy way to meet new people in a natural environment. If you love to cook, sign up for a cooking class. If you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter. If you love fitness, sign up for a workout class. There are so many group activities out there for any interest, and by joining a group with people who have similar passions, you’ll be well on your way to forming new connections. 

    5. Get outside 
    It may seem simple, but half the battle of being more social is getting outside your home. The happiest and healthiest women make a consistent effort to foster connections, whether it’s chatting it up with the baristas at their local coffee shop or getting to know their neighbors when taking the dog for a walk. If we’re open to it, social connections can be made anywhere. While it may feel uncomfortable or awkward at times to make new ones, putting yourself in situations where they are possible means you’re already halfway there. So the next time you see the opportunity to start a conversation at the dog park or while sitting next to someone in a coffee shop, don’t pass it up.

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    I’m Getting Married in Six Months–Here’s How I’m Preparing My Body and Mind

    Planning a wedding can be stressful AF regardless of how large or small your big day may be. From multiple dress fittings to coordinating with vendors to organizing every detail down to napkin colors, you may feel like you barely have a moment to breathe. On top of that, you want to look and feel your best for your wedding day. I’m six months out, and I’ve begun to dial in on managing my stress, anxiety, and physical health so I can feel my best in six months, but also so I can actually enjoy the process now. Keep reading for what I’m doing to feel my best at my wedding and health tips you can try today.

    Start a daily meditation practice
    All eyes are on you on your wedding day, which can be nerve-wracking to say the least. Aside from my tried-and-true self-care activities like yoga, journaling, and spending time in nature, I’m turning to meditation most often to help ease my anxiety. Prioritizing a daily meditation practice now will help manage the stress of wedding planning, but building up your practice will help you feel centered before all the big moments, from engagement parties to the wedding day, and everything in between. I prefer guided meditations that help me envision how the day will go. Consider it a manifestation meditation, if you will. I also find it helpful to repeat affirmations such as, “I choose calm” or “Peace begins with me” whenever I am feeling high anxiety. You can actually manifest your wedding day turning out exactly how you envisioned it. 

    Delegate tasks (no, but actually!)
    I’d like to think that I’m a cool-and-collected bride (not the stereotypical “bridezilla”), so when I realized that making the most of the major decisions and checking off all the to-dos were starting to feel a little too overwhelming, I looked for ways to delegate tasks to my friends and family. It may seem obvious, but when it comes to planning your big day it can feel challenging to hand over responsibilities to other people–even your loved ones (Will they do it “right?” What if they mess up? Will it just create more work for me?).
    So how do you decide what tasks to outsource and what ones to keep for yourself? My unsolicited advice is to make a list of the tasks that are the most important to you to complete on your own, and be realistic when determining how much time you’d actually have to spend on them and the skills and resources you have available. For example, I really wanted to design and print my own invites, but I don’t own a printer (and wasn’t going to buy one), nor did I feel like I really had the time to spend hours designing. So I decided that was a task I could outsource to my friend who works in graphic design, and I still felt like the invitations came out personal, despite not being hand designed by me. Delegating tasks has made the biggest difference in my stress levels and having more time. 

    Consistently remind yourself of what’s important
    Whether you’ve had a Pinterest wedding board for years or you obsessively started scouring the internet for inspiration after your engagement, social media makes it very easy to fall into the comparison trap. When I find myself spiraling into thoughts of, “I have to do this” or “Everything needs to be perfect,” I take a step back and remind myself of what’s actually important and realistic for my wedding. At the end of the day, your wedding is about celebrating your relationship with your partner, not throwing an Insta-worthy party. Keeping what’s special between the two of you at the forefront of your decision making will ensure you have a day that you’ll cherish forever. 

    Make an exercise plan 
    I’m a big believer that you shouldn’t have to change your appearance for your wedding day (your partner already loves you for who you are). But I also believe that there is nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best on your big day, especially since you’ll be reliving it through photos for a lifetime. Consistency has always been an issue for me when it comes to working out, and having a big event (read: my wedding) to look forward to was just what I needed to make a plan and stick to it.
    My goal with exercise has always been to take care of my body and feel stronger and more confident. I prefer low-impact movement such as walking, biking, Pilates, and yoga. To hold myself accountable to a workout routine, I sit down each Sunday and look at my schedule for the week ahead. Much like making a to-do list, I write down what workouts I plan to do each day and what time of day I will do them (what can I say, I’m Virgo rising). I find that physically writing my workouts down and seeing them every day holds me more accountable than inputting them in Google calendar. The key for me is not holding myself to rigid standards, but rather embracing that life happens and knowing that some movement in my day is better than no movement at all. By scheduling workouts I enjoy, I know that I’m not only going to feel my best on my big day ,but also keep up my workout routine well beyond the wedding. 

    Upgrade your skincare regimen for optimal glow
    I have struggled with breakouts since I was a teenager, so skincare is a huge part of caring for myself and feeling my best. I’m working with my dermatologist and have found a treatment plan that works great for me: to keep my skin looking clear and bright leading up to the wedding, I’m making sure to incorporate skin-enhancing foods, such as healthy fats (found in avocados, nuts, and fish), vitamin C, and antioxidants. And while I love a glass of red wine, I find that drinking alcohol can make my skin look dull and dry the next day. So for now, I’m sticking to enjoying an occasional drink on the weekends, rather than having a drink with dinner on the weekdays. Instead, I reach for some of my other favorites such as kombucha and try to keep up with my daily hydration goals. 
    As for what I am using on my skin, I swear by this mask from Origins. I use it 1-2 times per week at night, and it always makes my skin look bright and firm the next day. I’m very prone to sunburn due to my fair complexion and a prescription retinoid I currently use, so I always wear SPF (this one is my go-to under makeup) because the last thing you want to worry about on your wedding day is a sun burn or hyperpigmentation.

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    6 Green Flags You’re Becoming Your Best Self

    You’ve probably read all about green flags to look for in a partner and in relationships, but what about green flags to identify in yourself? Often, we’re our own worst critics and we’re quick to nitpick our own flaws, but chances are you’ve grown so much and are closer to all your life goals than you think. There’s way more to growth than visualizing the future you want (that doesn’t hurt, of course): it takes serious action. If you’ve been working toward the highest version of yourself–whether that’s bettering your relationships, health, career, or all the above–there are some signs you can look toward to know you’re on the right track (just keep in mind these aren’t the only signs; remember everyone’s journey is going to look different!). Ahead, the green flags you’re becoming the highest, most authentic, and (most importantly) happiest version of yourself. 
    1. You set boundaries (and follow through on them)
    Whether it’s saying “no” to taking on another work project when you’re already spread too thin, creating a safe word in the bedroom, or declining a family dinner to take care of your needs, you establish boundaries to build a solid foundation for healthy relationships with yourself and others. You take the time to reflect on your needs in your friendships, romantic relationship, work, etc. and why each boundary you’ve introduced or would like to introduce is important to you. Setting a few in motion at a time, keeping it simple, and being clear is how you operate. While it may be uncomfortable at first and take practice following through on your boundaries, you’re a better friend, partner, and employee when you show up for yourself. Your end goal? To feel safe, valued, and respected, no matter what context a boundary is set in. 
    2. You keep promises you make to yourself
    We all make sacrifices for other people (remember: boundaries, ladies), but you’ve learned that if you don’t fill your own cup first, your career, relationships, and goals can pay the price. Maybe you promised yourself you would turn off Netflix instead of bingeing the next episode for the sake of quality Zzzs, meditate for at least 15 minutes first thing in the morning instead of stopping at Starbucks, and (finally) create a budget (because of said Starbucks addiction). No matter what you tell yourself, you keep your word and see each promise through. The best part? You’ve gained confidence and self-trust.
    The secret to ensuring you make good on your promises? First and foremost, you’re realistic and specific with the commitments you set forth. In other words, you set yourself up for success instead of overcommitting. For example, if there’s any doubt you can carry out 15 minutes of meditation, start with five minutes instead. Then, put pen to paper, lay out a game plan, and track your progress (don’t forget to celebrate your wins!), and voila!—promises fulfilled.  

    3. You let go of self-limiting beliefs
    We all have false preconceived thoughts, notions, and narratives we’ve told ourselves that hold us back from becoming our best selves: “I’m not pretty enough,” “I shouldn’t apply for that job because I won’t get it,” “I’ll never find the right partner.” But you’re aware you have your life experiences, fear, and imposter syndrome to thank for those unconscious biases.
    So you take a step back and pinpoint your limiting beliefs by journaling about them and the possible reasons behind them (“Does this fear protect me from rejection and failure?”), question and challenge them (“Is this belief actually true?”), and reframe them into an inspiring and motivating idea (“I’ll never find the right partner” becomes “I haven’t found the right partner yet, but I’m going to work on putting myself and my needs first”). But you don’t stop there. You exercise self-love with affirmations, like “I’m enough,” “I have a lot to offer the world,” and “I’m worthy of love” (thank you, next, false perceptions). 

    4. You show yourself compassion
    You treat your BFFs with kindness without giving it a second thought, especially when they’re hard on themselves. But when you made a mistake or failed to reach a goal, treating yourself with kindness didn’t come as easily—your inclination in the past would have been to beat yourself up and let self-limiting beliefs take over. But now you show yourself the same grace you show your friends (only kindness, understanding, and encouragement are welcome!). You also practice self-compassion by holding others accountable for their actions, say when a boundary you’ve clearly set with a friend was crossed, and asking for help when you need it, like a trusted family member or co-worker. 
    Showing yourself compassion didn’t happen with a snap of a finger, but you’ve mastered the skill by practicing self-kindness, adopting a mindfulness-based approach, honoring your authenticity, and taking note of when negative self-talk comes into play. The result? You’ve built resilience, made progress on your goals, and reduced stress (get it, queen!). 

    5. You allow yourself to feel all emotions without judgment
    PSA: Even our “best selves” feel negative feelings sometimes. You don’t know you’re becoming your best self when you stop feeling sad, anxious, or stressed; you know you’re becoming your best self when you acknowledge those feelings and know how to process them. You don’t sweep negative feelings under the rug or bury them in work or bottles of wine until you can’t contain them any longer. All emotions are for feeling: happiness, gratitude, and excitement, but also sadness, anger, anxiety, envy, and loneliness. You feel all your feels because they’re each valid. 
    Sometimes naming the emotion, accepting it, and recognizing where it’s manifesting in your body is your go-to means of processing. Other times, you take to journaling, hot girl walks, talking to a friend, or therapy sessions to uncover where your feelings are stemming from (maybe your social media habit is triggering your anxiety and sadness?) and what they may be trying to communicate to you (perhaps you could use a social media break?). Bottom line: You’ll cry if you want (or need) to. After all, experiencing all of our selves—the good, the bad, the ugly—is what makes us human and enhances our relationships;  especially (and most importantly) the one we have with ourselves.   

    6. You’re comfortable with being uncomfortable 
    Sure, you could hit snooze, skip every workout, and stay small at work, but stepping out of your comfort zone is a must if growth—personally, professionally, and romantically—is what you’re after. It’s not easy, but you identified the things that bring you discomfort and went after them anyway. You faced them head on, knowing you may not get instant gratification and may risk failing or getting rejected. But here’s the “best-self” part: you did it anyway, because you know it’s what you really want.
    Maybe you tried the 3-2-8 method despite never lifting weights, took yourself out on a solo dinner date when you felt self-conscious being alone, made connections at an alumni networking event which you typically avoid, and spoke up when you disagreed with a point your boss made and suggested a different approach. You hit repeat on diving into new experiences and pushing your limits because practice makes perfect (although you’re not after perfection, but I don’t have to tell you that). 

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    I Asked Kourtney Kardashian’s Ayurveda Guru How To Update Our Routines for Better Health

    Whether or not you consider yourself a Kardashian stan, it’s no secret that the eldest of the siblings (Kourtney, of course) has carved her own domain as the health and wellness buff of the high-profile family. While Kourtney Kardashian is a wellness authority in her own right, she has a team of experts around her to optimize her well-being. Enter Martha Soffer, Kourt’s personal go-to and also one of the most sought-after Ayurvedic experts in Los Angeles. ICYWW, Ayurveda, which translates to “the science of life,” is an ancient natural system of medicine (dating back more than 5,000 years) that creates a balance of body, mind, and consciousness (consider it the OG of wellness practices).
    An internationally-acclaimed Ayurvedic doctor, chef, herbalist, and Founder of Surya Spa in Southern California, Soffer knows a thing or two about achieving optimal health. I may have first heard about her through a reality TV show, but Soffer’s work (and Ayurveda as a whole) is so much deeper and more important that trending headlines or celebrity faces. Known as the western leader of modern Ayurveda, Soffer aims to translate 10,000-year-old ancient practices of Ayurveda into a modern language, making it accessible and adaptable to every routine. She shared with me a few key pieces of advice for improving your wellness and optimizing your wellbeing for a more balanced life. 

    Meet the expert
    Martha Soffer
    Ayurvedic Guru and Founder of Surya Spa
    Martha, considered a preeminent leader of modern Ayurveda, remains ardently focused on bringing Ayurveda to the center of modern wellness. With her beloved line of premiere, natural skincare and wellness products, Martha, Surya, and her all-female team are putting the goodness, simplicity, and practicality of Ayurveda in everyone’s hands.

    Minimize processed foods
    To Soffer, wellness is being able to wake up in the morning and know that even on days with a packed schedule, she feels good and clear. Her #1 non-negotiable wellness habit? Maintaining a healthy, wholesome diet. “I want to emphasize the value of eating well, which means minimizing processed foods,” Soffer expressed. “Even though I said never eat junk food, it doesn’t mean if you eat a Twinkie, your life is over—Ayurveda is about favoring what’s good and, you know, avoiding the rest. Lean into what’s good.”
    In Ayurveda, each person has their own particular pattern and balance of the three principal energies of the body, known as doshas: vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth). And if one element is out of balance, they all have the potential to be affected, and symptoms manifest in our minds and bodies (read: sicknesses and diseases). The good news is whether you feel stressed or drained, you can calm and energize yourself through what you eat. For example, if you’re feeling worked up, skip the spicy foods and, instead, reach for cooling foods like cucumber, zucchini, greens, berries, coconut, and watermelon. Take one quick peruse of Surya’s Ayurvedic recipes and you’ll see that organic fruits and vegetables, mung beans, basmati rice, ghee, and cilantro are recurring themes. In other words, add those to your grocery list stat! 

    Carefully choose your beauty products
    PSA: Not compromising your health goes beyond what you put on your plate. It also means being mindful of the skincare products you use. “What you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body,” Soffer echoed. “We absorb it all.” Translation: Replace products that contain ingredients linked to hormone disruption and skin irritation. While Ayurveda’s MO is “beauty comes from within,” the Ayurvedic tradition is also abundant with beauty and self-care rituals (more to come on that) that pull double duty, focusing on both the exterior of the body and improving overall wellness. 
    Case in point: Soffer’s skincare routine. She starts with Surya’s Balancing Face Oil, which she massages into her face and neck, followed by stimulating marma points, AKA anatomical locations in your body where a concentration of life energy exists. According to Surya’s Instagram, “Proper activation opens the body’s energy channels and produces benefits unique to each marma, including deep relaxation, hormonal balance, and expanded consciousness.”
    Then, Soffer applies their Balancing Collagen Cream that she combined Ayurvedic wisdom with a generations-old family recipe to create. Spoiler: It’s said to lock in moisture, increase elasticity, and stimulate collagen production (hello, supple skin!). Lastly, she rounds out her beauty regimen by applying whichever Surya Abhyanga Oil—Calming, Cooling, or Energizing—is appropriate for the day, depending on what she feels she needs. Bottom line: Taking care of your skin is a form of self-care, so stick with non-toxic skincare products made with all-natural ingredients to give your body the TLC it deserves. 

    Meditate every day 
    Soffer typically wakes up “feel[ing] happy that I can give love to my family, to our guests at Surya, and that I can conquer the world,” she shared with me (now if that doesn’t convince you to heed Soffer’s wellness advice, I don’t know what will). But before she gets busy devoting her time to her family and clients, she starts her day with meditation. More specifically, she practices 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation® (TM), which she’s been doing twice a day, every day for 34 years (#goals). 
    What exactly is Transcendental Meditation®? “TM® technique allows your active mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness; pure consciousness,” says the organization’s website. In another interview, Soffer shared why she’s drawn to the method: “It’s completely effortless, and always works,” she affirmed. “It also speaks to the core of Ayurveda, in that this easy practice brings us effortlessly to a state of balance where our three doshas return to exactly where they should be: at peace with ourselves.” If you’re not sure which type of meditation style is right for you, start by trying different ones: mindfulness, movement, mantra, etc. to see which clicks with you.

    Prioritize a thorough morning routine
    Along with her daily meditation practice, Soffer can’t live without her basic Ayurvedic routine known in Ayurveda as Dinacharya: tongue scraping, dry brushing, oil pulling, and Abhyanga or self-massage. “All of us already have things we do each morning: brush your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face, etc.,” she said. “But if we can just add a few more simple things, we’ll get so much more benefit. Maybe we go to bed a little earlier to get up a little earlier, get a little meditation in, do a little abyhanga (or scrape your tongue). Once it’s a habit, the idea of not scraping your tongue will seem as gross as not brushing your teeth! And the health benefits will make themselves apparent when you just start to feel better. That’s what really counts.”
    Scraping your tongue helps rid bad bacteria, toxins, food debris, and dead cells that accumulate on the surface overnight. Try a a copper tongue scraper, as it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. As for dry brushing, the practice not only exfoliates the skin, but also increases circulation and assists with the body’s natural detoxification process (see: lymphatic drainage). Oil pulling is another ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil, such as coconut or sesame, around your mouth for 20 minutes each day, which helps to draw out toxins and bacteria that cause discoloration. Bonus: the natural remedy is said to whiten teeth.
    Lastly, implementing self-massage can help to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, clear any bodily obstructions, including stagnation, heaviness, and blockages, not to mention decrease stress levels and improve quality of sleep. “It’s easy to think that because it’s so simple it doesn’t make much difference but it really does,” Soffer voiced. “I’ve stopped doing Abhyanga to see what happens, and I absolutely feel the difference in my body and my mental state. The Abhyanga oils move the toxins out and calm the nervous system.” To get a better idea of Soffer’s full Dinacharya, she gave us a glimpse in this Reel. 

    Try a Panchakarma treatment
    Panchakarma is a bespoke program for the body, mind, and spirit that cleanses and rejuvenates. “This is the most important thing we do at Surya,” Soffer conveyed. “It’s so simple—just diet, massage, oils, and herbal blends—yet so powerful. It removes the toxins that build up, and it puts your body back in balance with itself so you can feel your best.” Panchakarma typically involves a five-step process overseen by a trained Ayurvedic practitioner and can last anywhere from 3-28 days. During that time, a series of individually-customized treatments are carried out to address core imbalances, eliminate toxins, and promote balance.
    Don’t have access to (or $$$ for) an Ayurvedic practitioner? You can recreate Panchakarma at home by adopting simple self-care practices and herbal remedies based on what feels best for you. Start by becoming more intentional about your morning routine and pick up the essential habits: oil pulling, tongue scraping, dry brushing, self-massage, a shower, and warm lemon water, and fit in meditation, gentle yoga, and walking throughout the day. As far as what to eat during the program, it’s recommended to follow a three-day menu consisting of predominantly kitchari (a dish made of rice and lentils that is said to strengthen your Agni (AKA digestive fire) and nourish your body without weighing down your digestive system), cooked vegetables, soups, and teas. 
    But first, take this quick questionnaire to determine your individual Vikruti, or current state, and breakdown of doshas (FYI, most people will have one dominant dosha). For example, if your Vikruti shows you’re Vata-dominant, you’ll want to try taking a Vata-balancing approach to your self-care, eating, and fitness that will counterbalance Vata’s cold and dry energy. Prioritize more grounding and warming activities like self-massage, meditation, and getting plenty of quality sleep, foods like cooked vegetables and soups made with ghee, and activities like yoga, Pilates, or brisk walking. The main takeaway? Practice self-care, eat, and exercise based on what is best for your body and dosha.

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    The Internet Is Raving About the 75 Hard Challenge, So Is It As Effective as It Seems?

    We have TikTok to thank for putting us up to countless workout trends (hello, 3-2-8 method or Wall Pilates) and challenges (think: plank, dragon flag, barbell), but it has yet to test more than just our fitness prowess—that is unless you’ve taken part in the #75Hard challenge. Yes, it sounds vague and intimidating, but enough to leave you wanting more. So, what is 75 Hard? “If you’re looking for a new fitness program or challenge, this is not it,” says the program’s website. Rather, it’s a “transformative mental toughness program” that combines fitness, nutrition, self-improvement, and physical and mental discipline. Although not new to the scene, with 1.5 billion views to date (yes, billion), the 75 Hard regimen is still going strong—and the before and after photos of participants alone can be alluring enough to make just about anyone consider doing it. But is it all that it’s cracked up to be? I turned to experts to find out.   

    What is 75 Hard?
    75 Hard was born out of an interview creator Andy Frisella, a podcaster and CEO of the supplement company 1st Phorm, had with “Iron Cowboy” James Lawrence (he completed 50 Ironman races in 50 consecutive days across all 50 states), who told him that you must  put yourself in uncomfortable places in order to develop mental fortitude. The 75-day program is based on the following daily criteria:

    Follow a diet, which can be your choice, but it must be a structured eating plan with the goal of physical improvement. No alcohol allowed.
    Complete two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be done outdoors.
    Take a progress picture.
    Drink one gallon of water. 
    Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book (audiobooks excluded).

    If you don’t follow through on any of the set guidelines, the challenge resets at day one. And no modifications are allowed–yeah, it’s intense. 
    On 75 Hard’s website, Frisella claims that his program will show you how to boost your confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-belief, fortitude, and grittiness—making a positive impact on yourself, your career, relationships, time management, thinking, and physical shape. “75 HARD is the only program that can permanently change your life…from your way of thinking, to the level of discipline you approach every single task in front of you with,” he states. 

    #75hard #fyp
    ♬ original sound – Rylee Jade

    What experts are saying
    While 75 Hard may sound good on paper, I’m skeptic of anything too rigorous or restrictive, so of course I had to dig deeper by grilling doctors, dietitians, and fitness trainers to break down the pros and cons of the program.

    “75 Hard is a great way to develop discipline and mental toughness,” said Dr. Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT, an OBGYN physician and NASM certified personal trainer. “By committing to 75 days of strict adherence to the program, you’ll be training your mind to push through discomfort, which is the biggest factor in achieving long-term goals. Additionally, 75 Hard can help you develop healthy habits, such as regular exercise, proper hydration, and mindful eating.” Erica Baty, RDN, CDE, a registered dietitian and fitness instructor, agreed that most of the “rules” of 75 Hard are generally healthy habits: “Reading, exercising, being active outside, consuming a healthful diet, and drinking lots of water have all been shown to provide numerous health benefits such as more energy, weight maintenance or weight loss, improved body composition and lower risk of chronic diseases.”

    Dr. Shoaib Malik, MD, a board-certified family medicine doctor, warned that it’s important to understand the full picture (read: the good, the bad, and the ugly) of the challenge before deciding whether it’s right for you. He cited that the strict requirements of the challenge can be intense, leading to burnout, injury, or negative impact on mental health for some individuals, as well as the potential pitfalls related to negative body image. Catherine Karnatz, RD, creator of Nutrition Education RD, echoed the same concern that 75 Hard can give rise to: “Taking a progress picture daily may spark an obsession with your physical appearance, frequent body checking, and body dysmorphia. In the most severe cases, poor body image and restrictive eating habits may contribute to disordered eating and eating disorders.”
    Alayna Curry, a NASM certified women’s fitness specialist, also pointed out that while 75 Hard is meant to be challenging with the goal of achieving radical change, it’s not sustainable. “The average person can’t commit to exercise 7 days a week, let alone 2 workouts a day,” she asserted. “As soon as people give up the strict routine and go back to ‘normal,’ it will be hard to maintain the changes they’ve experienced.”
    There may be even more potential cons based on what “diet” you choose, including restricting alcohol. to mention the repercussions of adhering to an overly restrictive diet “While I encourage following an eating plan that will be personally sustainable for your lifestyle, I do not recommend completely cutting out entire food groups that you enjoy,” Karnatz voiced. “Categorizing different foods that you eat as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ can create disordered behaviors and fear around food.” 

    The Everygirl verdict
    We encourage doing what feels right for you, first and foremost. While we provide expert opinions and possible factors for your consideration, only you know what is right for you. But as for whether or not we think 75 Hard is worth it? Factors like getting outside, reading 10 pages of a book, and being conscious of fitting in movement and nutrient-dense foods are undoubtedly beneficial, and perhaps the structure might help you find motivation or stick to goals that otherwise feel difficult. 
    That said, the challenge can be especially triggering for anyone with a disordered relationship with food or exercise, particularly the progression photos that give more focus on appearance than more important factors like how you feel and your well-being. The restrictions (no alcohol, going outside of your eating plan, exercising every day) leave little to no room for flexibility and can lead to detrimental and obsessive behaviors.
    Plus, the truth is that our minds and bodies feel and need different things every day: you may feel ready to conquer the world after a 45-minute morning workout and afternoon walk on one day, but on other days, your body will let you know it needs rest, which isn’t a part of the 75 Hard plan (FYI, rest days are just as important as your workouts). Word to the wise: The program isn’t backed by science or guided by a trained expert, so it should be taken with a grain of salt. What’s more, for a plan to be effective and attainable—be it a fitness, eating, or career—it needs to be sustainable and enjoyable, and 75 Hard doesn’t fit the bill for most people. 
    Alternatives to 75 Hard
    If you’re looking for some structure in your workout and diet without the hardcore measures of 75 Hard, consider it’s less stringent, more accessible cousin 75 Soft. Created by TikTok fitness influencer Stephen Gallagher, this alternative challenge to 75 Hard calls for one rest day, limits drinking rather than cutting it out entirely, and doesn’t require any pictures, making it a more flexible and realistic option—with one caveat: it only includes one day of recovery (hot tip: If you need more than one day of recovery, always listen to your body). The four rules of the 75 Soft challenge are as follows:

    Eat nutritious foods and only drink on social occasions.
    Train 45 minutes a day, with one day designated for active recovery per week.
    Drink 3 liters of water a day.
    Read 10 pages of any book (audiobooks are allowed).

    PSA: You can achieve mental toughness without committing to fitness trends and putting yourself through extreme practices. Instead, stick with movement that brings you joy and create your own little challenges. If you do Pilates two times a week, try adding one more sweat sesh a week. Maybe you’ve just discovered lifting weights makes you feel like a badass and you can’t get enough; make it a goal to add more reps to your back squat every two weeks (think: 8-10 squats week 1, then 10-12 squats week 3, and so on). Whatever your health and fitness goal—attaining mental toughness, eating healthy, working out more—it’s not all or nothing, and taking the what-makes-you-feel-good approach wins—TikTok trend or not. 

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    Alix Earle Just Dropped Her Full Wellness Routine, and Her Self-Care Advice Is Amazing

    My senior year of college consisted of applying for jobs, finishing out my internship, and relishing in the last moments before going out in the real world and #adulting. For Alix Earle, University of Miami senior and TikTok superstar who quickly reached elite status on the social media platform in the last year (with 4.8 million followers to date), college life looks a bit different.
    Sure, she lives in an apartment she shares with five roommates, bounces between classes, tailgating, and frat parties, and struggles through assignments like the rest of us, but she’s also hobnobbing with the likes of Miley Cyrus, securing business collabs, and sharing makeup looks with her millions of fans in her trademark “Get Ready with Me” (GRWM) videos. I have to wonder how she juggles it all and finds balance with her recent social media fame. Thanks to Earle’s media interviews and in-demand TikTok videos, she let us in on her wellness routine. Read on to get the inside scoop on her go-to workout routine, eating habits, and self-care practices, and then try them for yourself (I know I will!).  

    Her workout
    When’s she not slaying it in front of the camera or jet setting, you’ll likely find Earle fitting in a solid workout sesh. As for the exact breakdown of her typical WOD (workout of the day, ICYMI), she relies on a few tried-and-true routines. “My routine often depends on what I’m feeling that day, but I usually start off with 12-3-30 on the treadmill and then go from there,” Earle explained to E! News. After 30 minutes on the treadmill, she strength trains with weights targeting whatever area of her body she feels like she should prioritize, and then finishes off with an ab routine from Youtube, as she told Hollywood Life. But her sweat sessions aren’t reserved just for the gym: “I also love Pilates classes or even following a few YouTube videos to target certain areas, my favorite being booty and abs!” she said. Her must-have YouTube workouts? Daisy Keech’s ab routines and Alexis Ren’s butt burners. 
    “It often feels like there’s not enough time in the day, but I never regret getting some physical activity in,” Earle conveyed to E! News. “I tell myself all I have to do is get myself to the gym and then once I’m there I feel more motivated to workout.” And when she isn’t able to get to the gym or a class, hot girl walks it is. 

    Replying to @samhorvath btw AminoLean is on sale today if you want to get it for the low 🫶🏼 @RSP Nutrition #RSPartner
    ♬ smiles & sunsets – ultmt.

    Her diet
    Courtesy of Earle’s “What I Eat in a Day” TikToks, we don’t have to guess how she fuels her sweat sessions. In one such video, she starts her day with a veggie egg scramble she whips up with spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms, topped off with hot sauce, followed by what she calls a “lunch snack,” consisting of a chia parfait and an immunity shot. Later in the day, she reaches for chips and salsa and hearts of palm for a mid-day nibble. Before hitting the gym, Earle sips on pre-workout from AminoLean, a pre-workout and energy drink brand she teamed up with to create a new flavor—aptly named Berry Alixir. And to round out her day of meals, she whips up a chicken bowl made up of chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli with a side of mac n’ cheese for dinner, then drinks a cup of tea before getting her beauty sleep. Earle’s MO when it comes to her diet? “Balance is key. Do not restrict yourself.” For that, she gets the Everygirl stamp of approval.
    And if you’re wondering if she’s coffee-obsessed like the rest of us, this TikTok gives us the confirmation we need. Her Starbucks order? Grande shaken espresso with almond milk, two to three pumps of vanilla syrup (no classic syrup), and cinnamon powder. You’re welcome. 

    Replying to @newphonewhodiisssss every day is different but this is a general idea!! #whatieatinaday
    ♬ Au Revoir – Sweet After Tears

    Her self-care
    Most of Earle’s TikToks and IG posts may be a highlight reel of her life, but she’s also been real about her struggles with mental health, namely anxiety and panic attacks, on TikTok. In a recent “Un-GRWM” video, she recalled her long journey with anxiety, not to mention being ashamed of it and not wanting to leave the house because of it. “I’ve shared the good, the bad, and the ugly because that’s just life and what makes us human–no matter what age you are,” Earle told Hollywood Life. 
    So what does a social media celeb do to decompress and take care of her well-being? “No matter what I have going on I need to move my body so I always find a way to incorporate that,” Earle expressed to E! News. Other than getting movement in, she revealed to E! News that she leans on journaling to clear her mind, as well as taking time off social media (yes, shocking!) and spending time with besties: “Having time to myself where I can collect my thoughts and journal really helps me get in a good headspace… ” Earle stated. “As someone who is always on social media, sometimes it’s good to put your phone down and relax. I’m fortunate to live with my five best friends, so if I’m ever feeling down there is always someone there to talk me through it and comfort me.” Bottom line: Earle stressed the importance of setting aside time for self-reflection throughout the day and not getting consumed by what you see and read on social media. 
    As for “the haters [who are] gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate” (to quote Taylor Swift), Earle left us with this final piece of advice in her interview with E! News: “No matter what you do, not everyone is going to agree with you, or people may have something negative to say. You just have to stay true to yourself and not let little comments get to you.” Now that’s a self-care tip we’re going to copy. 

    Everybody is different and needs to find what works for them 🫶🏼 this is what worked for me 🙂
    ♬ original sound – alix earle

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