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    This week’s Horoscope for each zodiac sign: Your stars say it’s go time

    Lifeby Ruman Baig3 hours ago Feeling lost in the cosmic chaos? Curious what the universe has in store for you this week? Look no further, unveil the mysteries of the cosmos with our horoscope predictions.From fiery career moves to heart-fluttering encounters, we’ve got the insider horoscope scoop on what the planets have aligned for your zodiac sign.So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy,and dive into your personalized astrological horoscope forecast for the week ahead!Planetary Posse: A Week of Action Under Mars in Gemini!This week brings a powerful energy shift as Mars, the planet of action and assertion, charges into the realm of the communicative Gemini. Buckle up, because things are about to get lively! Here’s how this dynamic duo will impact your horoscope reading:Aries (March 21 – April 19)The Ram gets a double dose of fiery energy! Channel your competitive spirit into creative pursuits or physical activities. Communication is key, so be mindful of your words, but don’t be afraid to speak your truth.Taurus (April 20 – May 20)The Bull craves stability, but this week might feel a little restless. Focus on decluttering your physical and mental space. Short trips or reconnecting with old friends can be refreshing. Embrace new ideas, but don’t rush into impulsive decisions.Gemini (May 21 – June 20)It’s your time to shine, Gemini! Mars in your sign fuels your charisma and quick wit. Network, collaborate, and express yourself with passion. Be mindful of spreading yourself too thin, prioritize tasks, and remember to breathe!Cancer (June 21 – July 22)The Crab might feel emotionally charged this week. Focus on self-care and nurturing activities. Reconnect with loved ones or indulge in hobbies that bring you joy. Clear communication with partners is important to avoid misunderstandings.Leo (July 23 – August 22)The Lion’s confidence soars with Mars’ influence! Embrace your leadership qualities, but avoid being bossy. Channel your energy into creative projects or taking charge at work. Be open to constructive criticism and remember, teamwork makes the dream work.Virgo (August 23 – September 22)The analytical Virgo thrives with a plan. This week, embrace flexibility! Unexpected opportunities may arise. Be open to new ideas and don’t be afraid to adapt your routine. Patience and clear communication will be your best allies.Libra (September 23 – October 22)The Scales are all about balance, and this week might test your equilibrium. Focus on diplomacy and be willing to compromise. Avoid being overly critical or indecisive. Creative collaborations with partners can be fruitful.Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)The passionate Scorpio may feel a surge of intensity. Channel this energy into physical activities or creative pursuits. Be mindful of controlling tendencies and embrace vulnerability. Open communication will strengthen your relationships.Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)The optimistic Archer’s adventurous spirit is ignited! Travel opportunities or exploring new ideas are on the horizon. Be mindful of overindulging or spreading yourself too thin. Focus your energy and enjoy the journey.Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)The ambitious Capricorn thrives with a plan. This week, be open to unexpected detours. Embrace flexibility and prioritize tasks that align with your long-term goals. Communication with authority figures can be productive.Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)The innovative Aquarius is brimming with fresh ideas! Collaborate with friends and colleagues to bring your visions to life. Be open to feedback and don’t get discouraged by setbacks. Perseverance is key!Pisces (February 19 – March 20)The intuitive Pisces might feel overwhelmed by emotions. Focus on creative outlets and self-care rituals. Connect with loved ones for support and grounding. Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to express your inner voice.Remember, astrology is a guide, not a rulebook. Take this horoscope reading with a pinch of salt and embrace the positive influences and navigate the challenges with grace. Have a fantastic week!In case you need a moral boost (with a side of beauty advice), here’s a zodiac pairing of red lipstick with each zodiac sign:– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Illustrations by Ana-Ruxandra Nastase, sourced from Pinterest, Feature Image: @sarashakeel  More

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    Curious about the Mercury Retrograde? Here’s how it will impact you


    by Ruman Baig
    2 hours ago

    Embracing the Cosmic Dance: Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Aries.
    As the cosmos align in their intricate dance, we find ourselves amidst the energetic whirlwind of Mercury retrograde in Aries.
    Far from a mere astrological phenomenon, this period invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, renewal, and transformation.
    In the larger scheme of things, Mercury’s retrograde motion serves as a cosmic pause button, urging us to slow down, reflect, and realign with our inner truth. While popular culture often paints Mercury retrograde as a time of chaos and miscommunication, its true essence lies in the opportunity for introspection and growth.

    In the fiery realm of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, we are called to embrace the bold and courageous aspects of our being. This transit encourages us to reassess our approach to communication, assertiveness, and self-expression. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we have the chance to shed old patterns and emerge stronger and more authentic than ever before.
    At the heart of Mercury retrograde lies the invitation to ask better questions. Rather than accepting things at face value, we are encouraged to delve deeper into our beliefs, perceptions, and motivations. This period serves as a catalyst for personal evolution, challenging us to examine the stories we tell ourselves and the narratives that shape our reality.
    As Mercury journeys through the sign of the Ram, we are reminded of the importance of balance between impulsivity and introspection. While Aries energy inspires us to take bold leaps forward, it also calls for moments of pause and reflection. By harnessing the power of our intuition and intellect, we can navigate this retrograde with clarity and grace.

    In the midst of cosmic chaos, we are guided by the wisdom of Blue Sapphire, a crystal ally that supports mental clarity and spiritual expansion. With its soothing energy, we can find solace amidst the storm, tapping into our inner wisdom and embracing the transformative potential of this celestial dance.
    As we navigate the twists and turns of Mercury retrograde in Aries, let us remember that we are not merely passive observers, but active participants in the cosmic symphony.
    In the end, Mercury retrograde is not a time to fear, but a time to embrace the magic of the universe and the infinite possibilities that lie within. So let us dance with the stars, embrace the chaos, and emerge reborn, ready to embrace our truest selves and manifest our deepest desires.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram: @sarashakeel More

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    Curious about the Mercury Retrograde in Aries? Here’s how it will impact you


    by Ruman Baig
    2 hours ago

    Embracing the Cosmic Dance: Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Aries.
    As the cosmos align in their intricate dance, we find ourselves amidst the energetic whirlwind of Mercury retrograde in Aries.
    Far from a mere astrological phenomenon, this period invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, renewal, and transformation.
    In the larger scheme of things, Mercury’s retrograde motion serves as a cosmic pause button, urging us to slow down, reflect, and realign with our inner truth. While popular culture often paints Mercury retrograde as a time of chaos and miscommunication, its true essence lies in the opportunity for introspection and growth.

    In the fiery realm of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, we are called to embrace the bold and courageous aspects of our being. This transit encourages us to reassess our approach to communication, assertiveness, and self-expression. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we have the chance to shed old patterns and emerge stronger and more authentic than ever before.
    At the heart of Mercury retrograde lies the invitation to ask better questions. Rather than accepting things at face value, we are encouraged to delve deeper into our beliefs, perceptions, and motivations. This period serves as a catalyst for personal evolution, challenging us to examine the stories we tell ourselves and the narratives that shape our reality.
    As Mercury journeys through the sign of the Ram, we are reminded of the importance of balance between impulsivity and introspection. While Aries energy inspires us to take bold leaps forward, it also calls for moments of pause and reflection. By harnessing the power of our intuition and intellect, we can navigate this retrograde with clarity and grace.

    In the midst of cosmic chaos, we are guided by the wisdom of Blue Sapphire, a crystal ally that supports mental clarity and spiritual expansion. With its soothing energy, we can find solace amidst the storm, tapping into our inner wisdom and embracing the transformative potential of this celestial dance.
    As we navigate the twists and turns of Mercury retrograde in Aries, let us remember that we are not merely passive observers, but active participants in the cosmic symphony.
    In the end, Mercury retrograde is not a time to fear, but a time to embrace the magic of the universe and the infinite possibilities that lie within. So let us dance with the stars, embrace the chaos, and emerge reborn, ready to embrace our truest selves and manifest our deepest desires.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram: @sarashakeel More

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    Mercury is in retrograde: Buckle up, here’s how to protect your mental health


    by Ruman Baig
    25 mins ago

    Navigating the Annual Phase of Mercury Retrograde.
    This frequently memed celestial phenomenon alludes to a series of disruptions that tend to crop up during specific periods annually.
    Proponents of astrology believe that when Mercury is in retrograde, a vulnerable window opens up for communication breakdowns, relationship hiccups, and misunderstandings with those close to us. It’s as if cosmic interference temporarily disturbs our usual patterns of interaction.
    But what exactly does “Mercury in retrograde” signify? Beyond its meme-worthy reputation, this expression refers to an astrological event where Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, appears to move slower than the Earth as they both orbit around the sun.

    Normally, Mercury completes its orbit in 88 days, while Earth takes 365 days. However, during retrograde, Mercury’s slower pace creates an optical illusion that it’s moving backward. This phenomenon holds significance in astrology as Mercury is said to govern areas such as communication, technology, travel, news, and information. Therefore, when retrograde occurs, a series of mishaps—missed connections, miscommunications—can be expected.
    Wondering why people react strongly to Mercury retrograde? It’s because Mercury’s influence over communication is believed to take on negative undertones during retrograde motion. This can manifest in lost emails, disrupted travel plans, and even shifts in relationships and misunderstandings. Some effects attributed to this period include brain fog, anxiety, headaches, and uncertainties in work and personal projects.

    What can one do—or not do—during Mercury retrograde to navigate these challenges?

    If you’re concerned about its potential impact, consider prioritizing self-care and a more deliberate pace.
    Refrain from making significant decisions or starting new projects until after the retrograde has passed.
    Avoid engaging in conflicts, as misunderstandings could be amplified during this time.
    If emotions are running high, practice deep breathing or meditation to alleviate stress. It’s worth noting that even if you don’t personally subscribe to the phenomenon’s effects, those around you might. Thus, offering support and understanding is crucial.
    Maintain perspective and avoid taking things personally

    Remember, Mercury retrograde might be a celestial event with varying beliefs, but its impact on people’s lives is undeniable. Whether you’re a steadfast believer or a skeptic, embracing mindfulness and empathy during this phase is a universally valuable approach.
    For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram @sarashakeel More

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    It’s time to prepare for deep transformation amid Mercury Retrograde


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 hour ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of The Karmic Soul
    Let’s once again pay attention to some big changes that are around us all as we are in the middle of not only a Mercury Retrograde cycle but also in the middle of an Eclipse series.
    The Universe asks you to focus on your thoughts, feelings, and conversations around your future. The lunar Eclipse on 5 May forces you to let go of what is no longer useful around topics in your Scorpio house.
    During Mercury Retrograde, the stars see intolerant, vengeful or secretive conversations with friends, groups, and companies. If you feel your current situation is not right, it’s not. It could signal a ‘no going back’ energy around what is said. You will soon be ready to move forward with things you have always wanted to do and, excitingly, with a better team around you. Have you already started talking about a different future? Being true to your spiritual self and your journey will be important.
    Remember, mighty Pluto has moved into Aquarius, where he intends to stay until January 2044. However, this small but powerful misfit still needs to do something in Capricorn. On 12 June, he will saunter back to try to finish a chapter in your life that kept you inhibited, stuck, or plodding along. This is the time to tie up any loose ends relating to long-term commitments, especially if you don’t want a ball and chain around your ankle. Do it before Pluto stations back into Aquarius on 22 January 2024. If the risk-averse miss this opportunity, they will have one last chance in September 2023, waiting until November 2024 to taste freedom. Do you want to be ahead of the pack or fight for a position?

    Pluto insists you move into a new way of thinking, so he has given you a sneak peek of his abstract, compulsive influences that will affect you for the next 20 years. Pluto always represents the end of an era. The curtain is coming down on a significant part of your life over the next 18 months.
    Obsessive and addictive Pluto ultimately pushes you into uncomfortable situations. Look at the house topics Pluto rules for you in your natal chart. Don’t forget to check Pluto’s natural ruling position in the chart, the 8th House of sex, death, other people’s money, addictions, secrets, tax, government, and your partner’s finances. They all point to deeply transformative and hidden messages that shape the quality of our life. What are the themes you will need to contend with? This is the time to prepare for the inevitable so that you can buffer any shock. Remember, life determines your character when things aren’t going well.
    Pluto’s reforming and destroying urges shake up the status quo. It will be heartening to know that if anyone close to you passes, they will ‘return’ to lend a helping hand to guide you through any difficulties. Be assured that you will be very spiritually aware of their presence.
    Although doubling down on the painfully slow-moving and highly regulated Pluto-Capricorn energy, the Pluto-Aquarius transit represents progress and independence, suggesting you may be more ‘in it alone’ than you imagine. We have prepared you with ample guidance for this reason.
    Reflect upon the past six weeks. What events or thought processes changed that led you in a new direction? Since Mercury Retrograded on 21 April, you have been making serious decisions with respect to your future. Saturn will station retrograde in Pisces in mid-June, giving you extra time to toil for your dreams by giving you more time to consider the structure around what is still not clear.
    It may seem an age away, but 2025 is when you feel you are finally moving forward, know the Capricorn lessons that haunted you are finished, and for the next 30 years, you will embark on the next significant cycle that defines your legacy.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram @sarashakeel More

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    2022’s third Mercury Retrograde is fast approaching – here’s everything to know


    by Team Emirates Woman
    4 mins ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic SoulYou’ve probably just hit your groove. But wait, what? Again? Not another Retrograde? Yes, that’s right. Mercury is once again going into Retrograde on September 11, 2022. However, don’t panic, unless, of course, you don’t like to get things done.
    September will be giving us a bigger than usual workload. Don’t be surprised if you start to feel overwhelmed with too many things on your plate.  You can turn this situation into a positive by showcasing your skills, popularity or leadership qualities because it’s going to ultimately favour your career.
    Unfortunately, you will need to push through, and the reality will start to bite. It will be too late to catch up later, so make sure you don’t get left behind, or be surprised if you find yourself working longer hours!
    This third of the 2022 Mercury Retrogrades asks you to go back over any formalities involving higher education.  Also, cast another eye over any legal documents or contracts relating to foreign places and look closely at upcoming events where you are responsible for someone else’s money.
    Do you want to be kicking goals and stay ahead of the pack? Initially, a Retrograding Mercury in Libra is diplomatic in expecting a little more effort, but he is moving back into his home sign of a conscientious Virgo by September 24 where he will be wanting more detail around communication, it may cause some anxiety if you’re not organised.
    Your reputation is paramount, so don’t be surprised if you feel your confidence waning or feel like an imposter syndrome is closing in on you and you need to hide your insecurities.
    The secret is to write everything down! By the end of October, when Mercury enters Scorpio, he will want to know everything all over again. Help is also there if you ask for it.
    The good news is the Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 will be acknowledging how you have been an inspiration to other people and reminding you to say a big thanks to those who helped you along the way.
    The stars appear to be preparing you for Sagittarius season because a discriminating and fastidious Venus in Virgo has reminded Mercury that it’s also time to focus on you! Venus wants you to pay more attention to your lifestyle choices and know you can feel, think, and look better than you already do.
    Pay attention to any hormonal changes or digestive issues bothering you, luckily Virgo helps you do your homework from September 6. Schedule any aesthetic procedures for the hospital, but don’t operate five days on either side of the Full Moon. Pick a date after 15 September if you can; the New Moon in Libra will be wanting to unveil something beautiful after September 25.
    It’s evident 2022 has continued to be a rollercoaster. Those who have done the work and paid attention to our ancient star guidance are seeing results; we often hear well-deserved and long-awaited success stories despite the difficulties.
    You’ve become more reliant on yourself, so in this retrograde, just trust the process. With the big five planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also in retrograde during the entire month of September, put your head down and get on with things.
    Don’t forget to back up your wonderfully creative, fluid ideas with critical examples from online media, technology, and communications. You will be wanting to appear intellectually versatile after all.
    Mercury Retrograde is here to help put your dreams into action; all the planets are guiding you gently and systematically toward your next chapter. Make sure you let your beauty, brawn and brains shine!
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    Mercury Retrograde is officially over – here’s what to expect next


    by Team Emirates Woman
    1 minute ago

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis – Founder of the Karmic Soul
    So, did you make it through Mercury Retrograde? Are you in one piece?
    Mercury on June  3, 2022, has moved forward again through Taurus and will be back where it started, in Gemini by  June 14. Give him the weekend off so he can move out of his retrograde shadow. He needs time to hit his strides again, he’s mentally exhausted, as we all are. You will be pleased to know you have passed another celestial test.
    Think back to the first three weeks of May, although your energy will be far from sluggish as Mars, the planet ruling your energy, is now in Aries giving you the impetus to do things. You are no longer indecisive. Forget any ambiguity for the next two years or so, you’re on a mission, or at least your spirit is. There’s no point in trying to outsmart the powers that be, but you’ll try I’m sure.
    Are you still contemplating the choices you made in and around work and health? The stars want to say thank you for listening to your intuition. It was the right thing to do. I hear you saying “did I really make the right decision?” Stop. You’re overthinking things and second-guessing things you needn’t.

    What you want is coming your way, don’t stress. June is easing on the breaks, giving you time to regroup.
    The Pisces, Aries and Taurus houses of our birth charts are particularly busy so pay attention to the topics they activate for you until mid-June or connect with your favourite astrologer for personal guidance.
    Gemini season typically means we spend an innate amount of time contemplating or talking about everything going on in and around our lives. Hot topics will be our career, work, health or our love life – if it remains unfulfilled or confusing. Are you trying to sleep through the problem? Or are you writing about it? Perhaps dreaming of one-upmanship? Are you happy at work? Probably not. You’re daydreaming. Perhaps you’d rather not be there! The days are long.
    Perhaps you’re not valued. You are really good at what you do but I’m sure you are simply being held back. It may be time to rewatch the Jane Fonda/Dolly Parton/Lily Tomlin film for inspiration. You’re also tired of know-it-all types. Work things out yourself, with the help of the internet if you can. Stay fluid and open and focused on what would you really love to do.
    You’re more organised than usual and prepared for anything that comes your way. Are you working on something secretive? It has long-term implications. Your mother or someone who represents maternal energy will be the most understanding of what you’re about to spring upon the family by the end of the month.
    With the full moon in Sagittarius on 14 June, it’s going to be action-packed. What’s going on? Get the popcorn ready.
    Listen out between June 17 to 25 for surprise news. It’s ‘fly on the wall’, heart over head, life-changing or even a last-minute decision that is more thought-through than others think.
    Venus, ruling love, romance and yes, money, will be switching things up by June 24 with the usual trickery Gemini loves to bring to the table.
    The New Moon in Cancer at the end of June will be quiet and soulful. Book a spa treatment, organise dinner with mum, or simply order in and watch your favourite rom-com. You’ll be thankful on the New Moon night you did.
    Quick glimpse ahead: August is looking a bit messy, as a lot will be demanded of you, (probably self-inflicted). Watch for unwavering family opinions. They want to call the cards on a long-term commitment you are ready to make (including any potential partners). Okay, so you may be able to blag your way through, but you’d be better to have a full-proof strategy; they’ll run out of steam soon enough. More on that closer to the time but you have the heads up now so you can navigate your way through with less stress by planning ahead.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature image: Instagram More