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    Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    This killer tone-up workout ticks a few convenient boxes. It requires zero equipment, fires up your muscles, tones and gets up your heart rate. The best part? It takes just 15 minutes of your time.

    This tone-up workout was designed with the help of exercise physiologist and fitness trainer Amy Dixon. It’s perfect for when you’re stuck somewhere with no gym access, or just want to get a workout in with little time to spare.

    How to do this tone-up workout:

    Do these moves one after another with no rest between them. When you’ve finished the last move, pause for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat the circuit twice more.

    The Tone-Up Workout

    One-Leg Squat, Floor Reach And Press

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.

    Bend your left knee, lifting your foot behind you.

    Squat and raise your right arm out to the side to shoulder height, then reach your left hand down across your body, touching the floor outside your right toes.

    Stand up as you lift your left hand toward the ceiling, lower your right arm to your side, and raise your left thigh to hip level in front of you.

    Lower your left leg and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: The 15 Minute Bodyweight Home Workout You Can Do On Your Couch

    Push-up Crawl

    Get in a high plank position (top of a push-up) with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.

    Lower your chest as close to the floor as you can. Holding that position, lift your right knee to the outside of your right elbow.

    Return to a high plank, then push back up to the starting position; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: 18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood, Stat

    Front Lunge Floor Reach And Reverse Twist

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.

    Lunge forward with your left leg so your right knee is nearly touching the floor and your left thigh is parallel to the floor.

    Bending forward, try to touch the floor on either side of your left foot.

    Push off your left foot; using that momentum, step forward with your right foot, shifting your weight to that foot, and swing your left leg behind you.

    As you sink backwards into a lunge, rotate your torso 45 degrees to the right. Return to standing. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: 9 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Improve Your Mobility

    Grand Plié Squat, Reach And Jump

    Stand with your legs wide apart, toes turned out, and arms at your sides.

    Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor and you’re low enough to touch it with your fingertips.

    Immediately jump as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves:

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    Get Moving The Fun Way With This High-Energy Dance Workout

    The gym isn’t for everyone and if that includes you, it’s totally fine. There are many ways to get a good workout in. And right up there, is dancing. You might not think of shaking your booty as exercise, but spend a Friday night burning up the floor at the klurb and don’t be surprised if you struggle to get out of bed the next day. This dance workout from Toka Lintsa is perfect for women who love to move on the dance floor, not so much on the gym floor.

    Work Out Without Even Realising It

    So how do you turn your love of dancing into a workout? It’s easier than you think! “Dancing comes from the inside,” says Toka. “What you see inside a club, try to see which muscle groups it targets – like if you get down low, this is a squat and it benefits your thighs.” Similarly, moving your arms works your shoulders and the muscles of your upper back. You may not be holding any weights, but do it for long enough and you’ll feel the burn, don’t you worry!

    READ MORE: 6 Dance Fitness Lessons From The Fitness Marshall

    Toka’s 15-Minute Dance Workout

    Ready to give this whole dance workout thing a try? Try this routine from Toka. Spend five minutes learning the moves, then when you’re feeling confident, dance along with Toka in real time. Got it down? Repeat the dance, feeling free to improvise as you go along and feel the beat. Just like any dancing, a dance workout should be free and fun.

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

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    Your Moves

    1. ‘Roll It Dance’

    Walking squats: 8 steps to the front

    Spin punches to a dynamic shoulder roll: alternative sides x4

    Reversed walking squats: 8 steps/counts to the back

    Spin punches to a dynamic shoulder roll: alternative sides x4

    2. ‘Kick and side-tap’

    Kick and side-tap: alternating sides x8 times

    3. ‘Upper body roll-tap’

    Upper-body roll and toe-dip: alternating sides

    Report To The Dance Floor!

    The WH editors have dropped their go-to dance workout jams and trust us, resistance is futile! Try not to groove along as you add these tracks to your playlist. Feel free to throw in your own signature moves and make it a dance party workout. More

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    18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood, Stat

    When it comes to exercise, one rule is paramount: you’ve got to enjoy what you do, whether that’s hitting balls playing padel, swimming or dancing. Whatever your movement, study after study confirms that the more you enjoy exercising, the more likely you are to continue. These six trainers champion feel-good workouts and will inspire you to move more in a way you truly enjoy.

    Kirsten Johnson

    Everything about Kirsten Johnson’s workouts screams joy. Her dance-inspired workouts are all about rejoicing in the way your body can move.

    An ex-dancer and founder of the Find Balance Kindly workout app, a series of dance-inspired functional workouts, she muses: “Growing up in the harsh dance industry, I was very aware of how words, comments or corrections could either encourage or deflate me as an artist. The classes on my app are all real-time, follow-along workouts so that I can encourage and motivate through positive affirmation.”

    Why Does Kirsten Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “I believe that movement is medicine,” says Johnson. “Being able to move your body every day is such a huge blessing and showing up for yourself, even on the hard days, is an act of self-love and gratitude, which is something I think we should practise daily.”

    Try Kirsten’s Workouts

    READ MORE: 20 Fitness Apps To Kickstart Your Wellness Journey

    Teal Hogg

    Teal Hogg’s workouts are all centred around lifting heavy while treating your body kindly. That also means tailoring your workouts around your menstrual cycle to accommodate your body’s ups and downs. Find her workouts on her Hustle Fit app. How’s that for feeling good?

    “Learning to understand and work with, and not against, the natural hormonal fluctuations as a woman has been the most empowering thing I’ve ever done for myself – and for other women as well. Instead of shying away from the stigma of periods, we’re starting to honour the beauty of the female body.”

    Why Does Teal Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “Not only is it nice to feel good from working out but it’s actually essential for women to train according to how they feel, because of our continuous hormonal fluctuations,” says Hogg.

    Try Teal’s Workout

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    Nomvula Khuzwayo

    Nomvula exploded on our Insta feeds some time ago with her always-happy dance moves. She also champions tough-as-nails workouts, while doing it with a smile. Who doesn’t love a challenge?

    “I dance – a lot! I don’t have to preach anything to my followers, they can see from the joy I exude in my videos that the lifestyle I live has a positive impact on my life. They love that and they too want to have that kind of energy.”

    Why Feel-Good Workouts Work For Nomvula

    “The more people feel good, the more motivated they are to live, work and be present members of society,” says Khuzwayo. “Most of the workouts I post are full body, which allows those with busy lives to get a workout in without having to focus on one muscle group at a time.”

    Try Nomvula’s Workouts

    READ MORE: The Best Back Stretches To Tackle Upper And Lower Back Pain, From A Yoga Instructor

    The Movement Lab

    Pilates is having a hot moment. But Pilates with upbeat music? Now that’s even hotter. The Movement Lab, with trainer Jessica Mandel at the helm, offers this in buckets: fun, feel-good Pilates set to thumping good tunes. We’re sold – and we’ve been for a while!

    “Feel good movement is at the heart of each of our classes. Our repertoires are designed around functional movement patterns – ensuring we can move through life confidently, pain-free and efficiently. We want people to find joy and fun in their workouts,” she explains.

    Why Jess Loves Feel-Good Workouts

    “For years, I didn’t consider myself sporty or fit because I hadn’t found an exercise routine that I loved,” reflects Mandel. “It wasn’t until I did my Pilates Instructor Training that I fell in love with movement. I leave every class feeling better than when I walked in and I look forward to moving my body.”

    A Peek At The Movement Lab’s Classes

    READ MORE: Step Into Your Best Shape With The WH Walking Challenge


    Cover star Takkies stole our hearts when she entered the WH Next Fitness Star competition back in 2016. Years on, her dance classes, centred on self-love and body positivity, continue encouraging women to love their bodies in all shapes and forms.

    Find her workouts at a Rockingnheels studio in Joburg, with a team holding down the fort while she runs the London classes. “I create a safe space where women can come, let go and just be. There’s so much power in being in a space where you feel comfortable enough to be yourself, accept yourself or even to be able to find out things you love about yourself,” she says.

    Why Does Takkies Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “I feel that you have a more positive approach to life, people and all that you do when you feel good,” says Takkies. How you feel contributes so much to what you pour out into the world. I also believe that we can tackle anything that life throws at us a little better when we feel good.”

    Try Takkies’ Workouts

    READ MORE: Here’s How To Make Weight Loss Goals That Will Actually Stick in 2024

    Lisa Raleigh

    Lisa Raleigh literally bounces for joy. Her workouts, called bounti, which take place on the rebounder, will have you feeling like a kid again – while working all the major muscle groups on one tiny feel-good tramp.

    Find her classes in Joburg.“bounti rebounding takes you right from the absolute basics of, not just rebounding, but fitness as a whole. Rebounding is a low-impact, totally enjoyable way of becoming fitter, stronger and happier! We’re literally guiding our clients towards jumping for joy,” she enthuses.

    Why Lisa Loves Feel-Good Workouts

    “Movement that heals, not harms is our business mantra when it comes to downloadable workouts, programmes and classes,” Raleigh explains. “The goal is restorative exercise that gives you an effective workout, while also being kind to your body. Who said no pain means no gain?”

    See Lisa’s Workouts More

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    Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    If you’re in search of a workout that’s both efficient and effective, look no further than high-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short. HIIT helps you build strength and get a cardio workout at the same time, plus it actually burns 25 to 30 percent more calories than resistance training, cycling and treadmill running, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

    HIIT also comes with all kinds of other perks, like how it can strengthen your heart, help lower blood pressure and even increase your metabolism and calorie burn post-exercise (also known as EPOC). Not to mention, you don’t need any equipment for a challenging HIIT workout and you can do it just about anywhere (granted you have space to crank out a burpee, of course).

    If you’re ready to reap all of the above benefits, try this 30-minute HIIT workout at home, which is good for all fitness levels.

    Time: 30 minutes | Equipment: None | Good for: Total Body

    How To Do The HIIT Workout

    Go through each exercise below in order (some of the moves will repeat throughout the workout). Complete the indicated reps and then continue to the next move, taking rest as noted. Once you’ve completed all 29 exercises, rest for one minute, then repeat the entire circuit one more time.

    1. Walkout

    How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    2. Butt Kicks

    How to: Start standing with feet under hips and hands at sides. Bend left leg and raise heel to glute, then quickly return it to start and repeat on the right side. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps.

    3. Knee Hugs

    How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides. Bring arms out wide. Then lift left knee toward chest while wrapping arms around shin. Hug leg toward body, then place it down and re-extend arms wide. Now, lift right knee and repeat. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    4. Alternating Low Lunge With Rotation

    How to: To start, from a high plank, bend left knee and bring foot forward to rest outside of left hand. Lift left arm into the air and twist torso toward left leg. Replace hand on floor and step back to high plank, then repeat on right side. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    5. Mountain Climber

    How to: Start in a high plank position. Keep hips level while driving right knee toward chest, return to a plank and quickly repeat with left knee. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    6. Jumping Jacks

    How to: To start, stand in the center of mat with feet together and arms at sides. Then, simultaneously raise arms out and overhead while jumping feet out past shoulders. Without pausing, quickly reverse the movement. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    7. Plank Jacks

    How to: Start in a forearm plank position. Jump feet out past shoulders to a wide “V” shape, then jump them back in again. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    8. Side Forearm Plank To Forearm Plank

    How to: Start in a side forearm plank position, with right forearm on floor, parallel to top of mat, elbow under shoulder, left arm extended straight in air at shoulder height, feet staggered and flexed. Rotate body forward toward mat and place left forearm down on floor behind and parallel to right coming into a forearm plank. Then, drop heels to left side and rotate body toward right side coming into a side forearm plank of opposite side. That’s one rep. Complete 5.Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.

    9. Jump Squat

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, arms at sides. Bend knees, stick butt back and lower down into a squat, bringing hands together in front of chest. Then explosively jump up as high as possible off floor, swinging arms straight behind body for momentum. Land softly on the balls of feet and immediately lower into next squat. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    10. Star Jump

    How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    READ MORE: The Top Beginner’s Weightlifting Gear To Elevate Your Training

    11. Step Touch

    How to: Start facing sideways at back of mat with feet together, right heel high, knees bent, torso tilted slightly forward, right arm extended straight behind body and left arm bent across chest. Lift right foot and take a wide step to the right, then bring left foot to meet it, balanced on ball of foot, switching arm positions. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    12. Split Jump

    How to: Start in a lunge with right leg forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, right arm straight at side and left arm bent, hand in line with chin. Jump up quickly off floor, switching legs in midair to land in lunge with left left forward. That’s one rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.

    13. Star Jump

    How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    14. Step Touch

    How to: Start facing sideways at back of mat with feet together, right heel high, knees bent, torso tilted slightly forward, right arm extended straight behind body and left arm bent across chest. Lift right foot and take a wide step to the right, then bring left foot to meet it, balanced on ball of foot, switching arm positions. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10. Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.

    15. Jump Squat

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, arms at sides. Bend knees, stick butt back and lower down into a squat, bringing hands together in front of chest. Then explosively jump up as high as possible off floor, swinging arms straight behind body for momentum. Land softly on the balls of feet and immediately lower into next squat. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    16. Star Jump

    How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    17. Split Jump

    How to: Start in a lunge with right leg forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, right arm straight at side and left arm bent, hand in line with chin. Jump up quickly off floor, switching legs in midair to land in lunge with left left forward. That’s one rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.

    18. Star Jump

    How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.

    19. High Knees

    How to: Start standing with feet under hips and arms at sides. Drive left knee up to chest, return foot to floor and repeat with right, switching feet as fast as possible and pumping arms similar to running motion. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    20. Pop Squat

    How to: Start in a squat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of chest. Bend over to place hands on the ground in front of toes, then jump feet back into a high plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    TRY THIS RECIPE AFTER YOUR WORKOUT: These Banana Protein Pancakes Will Keep You Going All Day

    21. Walkout

    How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    21. Walkout

    How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    22. Burpee

    How to: To start, stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides at back of mat. Hop up off floor, land softly, then jump body forward into plank position, quickly lowering stomach all the way to the mat. Push back up and reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    23. Mountain Climber Lunges

    How to: Start in a low lunge position with shoulders stacked over wrists and left foot next to left hand. Jump up and quickly switch legs, so the right foot is in front. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    24. Walkout

    How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    25. High Knees

    How to: Start standing with feet under hips and arms at sides. Drive left knee up to chest, return foot to floor and repeat with right, switching feet as fast as possible and pumping arms similar to running motion. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    26. Pop Squat

    How to: Start in a squat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of chest. Bend over to place hands on the ground in front of toes, then jump feet back into a high plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 20.

    27. Walkout

    How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    28. Burpee

    How to: To start, stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides at back of mat. Hop up off floor, land softly, then jump body forward into plank position, quickly lowering stomach all the way to the mat. Push back up and reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    29. Mountain Climber Lunge

    How to: Start in a low lunge position with shoulders stacked over wrists and left foot next to left hand. Jump up and quickly switch legs, so the right foot is in front. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    This article was originally published on  More

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    This Totally Explosive Workout Will Help You Burn Fat In No Time At All

    Want a shortcut to fat burning? Two words: progressive plyometrics. This total-body explosive workout from Shaun T, Insanity creator and author of T Is For Transformation, includes lots of jumping (the plyometric part) and builds in intensity (the progressive part) to give you great results fast.

    The routine gets harder as your body “wakes up” on a neuromuscular level. In other words, as you warm up and become more coordinated, you’re better prepared for the next move. Plyos (any explosive workout) spike your heart rate to burn serious kilojoules while activating your fast-twitch muscle fibres to improve strength. Because your upper- and lower-body muscles are working in tandem, your deep core muscles fire over time.

    The Workout

    Time: 15 MinutesEquipment: None

    Instructions: Do this circuit in order, performing each exercise for one minute before moving on without resting. After you’ve completed all four moves, rest for up to one minute, then repeat twice for three total sets. Let the fat-burning begin…

    READ MORE: Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    1. Back fly with alternating knee-up

    Stand, then jump your feet out slightly wider than your shoulders as you bring your arms out to the side to form 90-degree angles, squeezing your shoulder blades together (A). Hop on your left leg as you lift your right knee up to your torso; bring your elbows toward your thigh (B). Lower your leg; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    2. Lunge with core rotation

    Start in a lunge, with your right leg bent at 90 degrees and left leg extended behind you, and place both hands next to the inside of your right foot (A). Lift your torso as you bring your hands to shoulder height and twist to the right (B). Lower your hands to return to start; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    READ MORE: These Strength And Cross-Training Workouts Will Improve Your Running

    3. Sumo squat jump with alternating punch

    Start in a sumo squat with your feet wider than your shoulders and your toes pointed out, elbows bent and palms facing you just below your chin (A). Jump off the floor as you push your left arm directly in front of you (B), then bring your hand back toward your face to return to start. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    4. Jump lunge to squat

    Start in a lunge with your left leg in front and knees bent at 90 degrees, elbows bent (A). Jump as you switch your arms and legs, landing in a lunge with your right foot forward (B). Jump to bring your feet parallel as you lower into a squat; touch the floor (C). Step your left foot back; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    READ MORE: A Quick Resistance Band Arm Workout You Can Do At Home

    Excerpted from the Women’s Health Little Book of 15-Minute Workouts. More

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    Try This Shy Girl Upper Body Workout If You Lack Confidence At Gym

    For strong, sculpted arms, biceps and triceps exercises are great — but don’t forget to work those shoulders too. Toning the tops of your arms is also a surefire way to build a strong, powerful upper body. And if you always find yourself feeling intimidated at the gym, let us introduce you to #ShyGirlWorkouts and more specifically, our Shy Girl upper body workout.

    What’s A Shy Girl Workout?

    @the.healthqueen dumbbell only! (IG: @ the.healthqueen) #fitgirls #beginnerworkout #shygirlworkout #selflove #fitness #dumbbellworkout #legday ♬ original sound – Ashley Ward

    No surprises here, it’s a trend that originated on TikTok. And it’s for all of us who don’t feel super confident in the gym and feel intimidated by the weight section. These are the main features of Shy Girl Workouts:

    They require zero or minor gym equipment 

    They can be done in one, small area of the gym 

    They include simple, easy-to-remember exercises 

    They’re a great way for you to build confidence so that you’re eventually able to venture into the sections of the gym that usually get your heart racing. So just take a look on TikTok and you’ll find a Shy Girl Workout for just about every body part. This is one trend we can seriously get behind!

    READ MORE: The 15-Minute Full-Body Weighted Workout That Tones Every Inch

    Why Do A Shoulder Workout?

    Unfortunately, most people have super weak shoulders, thanks to years of sitting hunched over at a desk and cell phone (womp, womp). But the good news is, all it takes is some strength exercises to pull them back into the proper position, helping to improve your posture and ditch neck pain.

    Not to mention, almost all upper body movement — both when you’re performing exercises or during everyday activities — involves your shoulder in some way. That means working those muscles will allow you to perform tasks and exercises with heavier weights, without injury.

    The Shy Girl Upper Body Workout

    So, to give you an assist, personal trainer Kelly Cole put together some of her favourite dumbbell shoulder workouts you can do anywhere. All you need is a set of dumbbells (note: choose a weight that feels like a major challenge during the last two reps) to give this workout a go. Kelly recommends adding two to three of these exercises to your upper body workout, or put them together for a focused shoulder workout. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced exerciser, this Shy Girl upper body workout is perfect to do at home or in the gym.

    Time: 15 Mins | Equipment: Dumbbells | Good For: Shoulders

    Instructions: Choose six exercises below. Then for each move, do three sets of 10 to 12 reps each, resting as needed between sets. Then continue to the next move.

    READ MORE: One Dumbbell, Six Moves: This Full-Body Workout Is So Beginner-Friendly

    1. Overhead Press

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms bent at 90-degree angles, elbows wide and in line with shoulders, palms facing forward. Then press the weights up until arms are straight overhead. Hold for one second, then take three seconds to lower the dumbbells back to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    2. Hammer Shoulder Press

    How to: Start standing with feet under shoulders, soft bend in knees, holding a pair of dumbbells at chin height, arms narrow in front of body and bent, palms facing inward. Press weights up overhead until biceps frame face. Hold for one second, then take three seconds to lower the dumbbells back to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    3. Front Raise Palms Down

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight, palms facing body, weights resting on quads. Keeping elbows straight, lift arms until they reach shoulder height. Then, slowly lower back down. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    4. Front Raise Palms Up

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight, palms facing up, weights resting on quads. Lift arms until they reach shoulder level. Then slowly lower back down. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    5. Cuban Rotations

    How to: Start by standing with dumbbells in each hand, elbows bent 90 degrees, in line with shoulders, and dumbbells raised to head height. With moving upper arms, rotate forearms down until they’re parallel to the floor. Then raise dumbbells back up to the starting point. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    READ MORE: So Little Space? You Can Do This Arms & Abs Bodyweight Workout Anywhere

    6. Lateral Raise

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing body, arms at sides. Raise arms outward until they’re parallel to the floor. Then return slowly to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    7. Arnold Press

    How to: Start standing with feet under shoulders, soft bend in knees, holding a pair of dumbbells at chin height, arms narrow in front of body and bent, palms facing body. Open elbows out wide to sides until inner arms face forward and then press the weights overhead, rotating palms away from body. Then return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    8. Upright Row

    How to: Start with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing toward body, and weights touching quads. Pull elbows up and out wide to lift the dumbbells to chest. Then reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    9. Shoulder Shrugs

    How to: Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, and hands at sides. Lift shoulders up toward ears, then slowly lower back down to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

    10. Arm Circles

    How to: Start standing with legs shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended out to sides at shoulder height, palms facing floor. Then make small, clockwise circles with arms, initiating the movement from the upper arm/shoulder joint not the wrist. One rotation is one rep. Complete 10.

    *Words: Kelly Cole

    This article was originally published on More

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    This 15-Minute Full-Body Weighted Workout Tones Every Inch

    Wanna work out but no idea what to do? We’re here to the rescue! Get in on this full-body weighted workout by trainer Bazini Ngcongo.

    This full-body weighted workout requires just the dumbbells you have sitting in your living room, waiting to be used. Or, you could hit the gym and do it there. It doesn’t really matter. What does? Getting your strength training session done, so you can have healthier bones and muscles, which aid in longevity. No more niggly knees when you’re 80.

    Per Ngcongo, this workout will tone your legs, shoulders, arms, upper back and core. It’s also moderate in intensity, so you can do it if you’re recovering from a cold or just plain can’t stand the idea of jumping around right now. Plus, all you need are two dumbbells and any weight that’ll get you through the workout will do.

    To do this workout, work in 30-second intervals, rest for 15 seconds and then power through the next 30 seconds. Keep going until you’ve covered all the moves, for a total of 15 minutes. That’s all it takes!

    The 15-Minute Full-Body Weighted Workout

    Weighted Squats

    Standing with feet hip-width apart hinge at the knees to come into a squat position – making sure your knees track over your toes and don’t extend past. With the weight in your heels push back up to standing, squeezing your glutes at the top. That’s one rep. Keep going until the timer sounds.

    Back lunges

    Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand. Step backwards into a lunge on your left leg. Hold for a beat. Push off your left leg to return to the starting position and repeat.

    Curtsey lunges

    These’ll work your inner thighs and quads. Start in standing, with one dumbbell balanced on your shoulder, holding it with one arm. With the other, hold it out at your side for balance. Step into a curtsey, making sure your balance holds and weight is distributed evenly throughout. Step back to standing. That’s one rep.

    Romanian deadlifts

    Start in standing, holding the dumbbells at your knees, slightly bent. Hinge down, keeping your core engaged and lower the weights until they reach your shins. Hinge back up to standing.

    Bent-over rows

    Start in standing, then hinge forward from the hips and lower your back until it’s at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Now lift one arm and perform a row, weight in hand. You’ll feel it in your core and arms. That’s one rep. Alternate your arms until the 30-second timer is up.

    Front raises

    Start in a standing position and brace your core. Take one dumbbell and raise it, holding the weight with both arms. Raise until the weight is at chest level, then lower back down.

    Bicep curl

    Hold the weight in one hand. Curl your arm up until the weight touches your shoulder, then lower all the way back. That’s one rep. Keep your core engaged throughout.


    Get into a plank position, elbows stacked under shoulders, toes tucked and hips raised so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet. Engage your core (it should feel as though you are tensing) and hold for 30 secs. Remember to keep your hips raised, breathe and try not to arch your back.

    Watch trainer Bazini demo the moves here:

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    This Quick Workout Works Your Entire Body

    If you’re a beginner to working out and are not sure where to start, this quick all-over body burner is for you. Pressed for time? Try this. Got excuses? This is the workout! If you’re sensing a theme here, it’s one that Johannesburg-based personal trainer Sherneal Joseph wants you to pick out. No excuses – just get your workout done in 15 minutes, and you’ll be better for it. “I’ve chosen this workout because it invalidates the most common excuses I hear for people skipping a workout or not training at all,” says Sherneal.

    And you’ll work all your most important muscles, from the core to your quads and back. “Apart from challenging you, torching calories and getting those endorphins flowing,” says Sherneal, “This quick workout will promote strength and muscular endurance in all major muscle groups while elevating the heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.”

    Want in? Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Rest for 1 minute at the end of each complete round. Repeat for 3 rounds. Try it again the following week and see how long it takes you. You’ll up your endurance the more you go.

    15-minute quick workout

    Lunge to overhead press

    Start in a standing position, with your weights held at shoulder length. Lunge backwards, then step forward, simultaneously lifting the weights overhead. That’s one rep.

    Gorilla renegade rows

    Get onto all fours, with weight evenly distributed throughout. Now raise your knees off the ground and feel your core engage. Grip your dumbbells and lift one into a row. Switch hands and lift the other weight. That’s one rep.

    Push-up to burpee

    With your weights in your hands, get into a push-up position, legs hip-width apart. Bend into a push-up, then straighten all the way up to standing, holding your weights as you do. That’s one rep.

    Dumbbell snatch

    Let your weights be at your feet and start in the standing position. Bend down and snatch and grab one weight, then, in one fluid motion, raise the weight overhead, being sure to brace your core and keeping feet on the ground. Lower the weight back to the floor. That’s one rep.

    Overhead Russian twist

    Start in a seated position, with your legs in front of you and knees slightly bent. Pick up one weight and lift it overhead to lower on your opposite side, like a rainbow. That’s one rep.

    Watch Sherneal perform the moves here:

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